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Billy Shears

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Everything posted by Billy Shears

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Since my last post didn't really justify much... My mom's side is Irish, dad's side is Polish. I kinda have the Polish look; dark-ish hair, the longer nose. Both my parents have brown eyes, so I dunno where my blue eyes came from. Heh, after I think about it, when it comes to the history of my heritages, they both don't have many positive sides. Because, you know, the Polish were tourtered for years and millions of them died in the Holoucaust, and then Ireland has the potatoe famine and the Catholic/Protestant battle, too. I really like Polish sausage. It's good, for those who haven't tried it. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Dunno if this was done before, but I don't care. I think this is a good oppurtunity to meet other OB members if you discuss your heritages. I know several people have multiple heritages, but just name the most prominent ones in your life. Me: Polish/ Irish: So, after polka-ing for 10 hours and shoving multiple links of Polish sausage down my gullet, I go home sloppy drunk and beat the piss out of my wife. Yay for the Polish and Irish. -the one and only [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]My maturity depends on the presence of females and teachers. When I'm with a girlfriend, I don't make stupid sex jokes or make weird noises. Thats reserved for my male friends. I make fun of people to get a rise out of my female companion. I don't talk much when a teacher is around. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Any thing related to the Beatles I want. From records to clothing, if I have enough money, I'll buy it. I collect Hot Wheels. Unopened, opened, scratched to hell or in mint condition, there on a shelf in my basement. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE=Panda] [B]Monty Python's Flying Circus:[/B](VHS) Ask me about any Python skit and I can probably quote it to you. For fellow Python fans you can understand the great joy a marathon of episodes can do for you. Absolutely great comedy, I never get tired of it. "Dinsdale?!" [/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]How about "The Ministry of Silly Walks"? I got off my duff and bought Family Guy Vol. 2. I am now allowed to die happily. Family Guy has to be the most re-watchable show ever, 'except for Python. I just don't get how every Family Guy episode is as fesh and good smelling as the first time I saw it. :love: Band of Brothers...wow...holy s**t.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]The video for "Chop Seuy" by System of a Down was cool. They, like, totally, like, melted into each other. It was so rad. There is a promo ad for an abandoned TV show in Britian which featured The Who doing sketch comedy . The show never got aired, but the advert for it was the song "Happy Jack". It resurfaced on The Who's documentary "The Kids Are Alright". It's funny. You should see it and laugh. :laugh: Any Beatles video will do as well. Just 'cause.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Metal Gear Solid 2: The Sons of Liberty. What a blast I had... for 12 goddamn hours, minus about 2 hours for cutscenes...hmm...10 hours of Metal Gear bliss? [U][b]NO! I needed more! [/b] [/U] The story isn't THAT bad, people. It won't appeal to a 12-year old, thats for sure, but it got convuluted(sp?) like crazy towards the end. Maybe it seemed convuluted because I was up at 4:30 in the morning with aboout 5 hours of sleep the night before. Oh well, MGS2:TSOL is pretty good, but way too short and way too screwy in the story department. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]After months and months of procrastinating, I finally picked up the Street Fighter Anneversary Collection. What a well-spent 25$. I'm trying for 100% on GTA: San Andreas, and every once in a while, I pick up a little time to get some Front Mission 4 in, as wel. . Most of my gaming is devoted to GTA:SA and Street Fighter (and SF: Alpha 3 for GBA). -the one and only And I cannot f*n beat Contra: Shattered Soldier. My god, that game is so difficult.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [quote name='chobit']Thrift-store glam.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I, too, have an extensive wardrobe of previously owned clothing. My mom makes me buy my own clothes because I have a job now :D . A waiter-in-training doesn't have the greatest paycheck (or one to begin with!). I love button-ups. I have one on every single day, unless it's god-awful hot. Underneath the button ups are Beatle shirts. I wear button-ups open if a Beatles shirt matches it. If it's cold, I have my four hoodies to choose from. Then, I usually wear Dickies, or my pair of freaking drainpipes. They rule all your pants. Bow to the drainpipes. Or, I have have really tight jeans on, with multiple holes just 'cuz I'm cool like dat. And, those tight jeans make my orange, enormus (size 14) shoes stick out . My shoes are flourescent orange. I could do a headstand and direct air traffic. Thats how brigth they are. -the one and only P.S. Kudos to the person who resurrected this thread. :) [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Though not as far as I'd like to be, this has overthrown OOT as my favorite Zelda game The whole Minish Cap-srhinky-dink ability is really cool ([spoiler]running around in hollowed out books made me feel really...cool?[/spoiler] I dunno, lol.). The game is just...great. It's classic, great Zelda. The characters are all so cute looking, adding about a million points to their personalities, which is already at 5 million. I don't wanna say anything important, so the fellow OBer's don't stone me. :sweat: Ouch! I didn't say anything, dammit! -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Varial kickflips make me so mad. The problem I have is that no matter how close and over the board, I always land with 2 feet on the tail. :flaming: I think the biggest thing I've done is a half-Cab over a 2-flat-4 (very hard). I also broke my hand after landing it the fourth time. Then there is the heelflip across a 3-ft grass gap. I needed so much speed. That was hard as well, because heelflips aren't my strongest flip trick. -the one and only [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Hellsing. The ending posed so many questions: [spoiler] Do they find the makes of the freak chips? What about Integra? Does Alucard change her to a first -gen. vampire? Does Celes Victoria battle her urges to live the life of a vampire?[/spoiler] Thanks to the budget being cut short. -the one and only [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I've been skating for a while now, but lately it's been prohibited by snow. I can pretty much do all basic tricks (kickflips, heelflips, 50-50, boardslide, etc.), but I struggle with varial kickflips. My favorite skater: Mark Appleyard. So technical, but still smooth. Favorite team: Flip. Bastien, Appleyard, and Rowley. Yep, they are good. Current deck: Element Bam (blah, no pop :( ), Grind Kings, Spitfire Wheels, Black Panther ABEC 7 bearings, uhh... thats about it. -the one and only [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Ugh, I'm so goddamn poor it makes me sick. *denotres completeion S-cry-ED*: Got this for X-mas. I watched 3 episodes, and liked what I saw. The art style is cool, the dub is quite nice, and action a-plenty. Hellsing*: I love this anime soo much. So gory, yet...satisfying (but not the end! No I need to by the manga now, huh?! Freaking money...). Has the #2 spot of my favorite dubs ever. They really sound Britsh. Cowboy Bebop*: Fist series I bough from eBay for 18$. What a steal, eh folks? Saiyuki Pt.1: It's a nice series, great artwork, but falls kinda short in the dub/story department. Noir*: Christmas gift as well. Have not watched any yet :( Black Jack*: Tezuka Osamu's surgeon/thriller is like 6 semi-realistic episode of E.R. I love the artstyle. The Vision of Escaflowne*: NOT THE MOVIE. The series. Also, have not watched it yet :( :( Odds & Ends: FLCL vol.1 (why?), Wolf's Rainvol.1 (ok, slow pace is a bummer) Initial D vol.1 and 2 (great racing, enjoyable characters contrast bad artwork and thin plot)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Heh, everybody loves Flogging Molly .I've only heard "Drunken Lullabies" on THPS 4. So I have to go with Dropkick Murphys. Their last CD,[I] Blackout[/I], puts me in a good, fightin' mood. Wanna 'rassle? -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I kept looking for the name of the cat from Trigun. I stumbled on [url]www.theotaku.com[/url] (the Trigun shrine) and found it. I wasn't a member on TheOtaku long, I just mainly looked at the fan art. :p I wasn't too interested in this site until I was bored really late at night. I was looking around and just said what the hell, it's free,and joined. I really haven't been here long, I think I joined July 7th. First post: the Case Closed thread in the A.L. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Wow. This sounded like a ChibiHorsewoman thread, but to my dismay... Unlimited wishes. Dur. Genies don't have rulebooks like in the Fairly Oddparents. Silly pootzes. :) The [B]first[/B] 3 wishes I'd make: 1.)A yummy turkey sammich with pickles and all that good jazz. 2.)A way home with a warm cup of cocoa (big marshmallows, you!) 3.)How about the Beatles get back together? Oh, John Lennon and George Harrison woud come back to life. Not as zombies, but they'd look the way they did before they died. Then play my family and me a private show. After that, I'd do all that sentmental stuff, like peace, you know, for John's sake. *starts humming "Give Peace A Chance"* I'd aslo give Henry Rollins a chill pill. [/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]-the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [QUOTE=Kazuko][size=1] Please tell me why no one has: [b]That 70's Show Season 1[/b] [/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]There is That 70's Show on DVD? If their is, I'l be first in line to pick it up. The show is so funny. But what are they gonna do to continue it?! This season is 1979! :eek: And I can't believe I forgot I had Band of Brothers. Now, I've only seen 2 episodes at my friends. He got the boxset for Christmas and he burnt it for me. I have'nt got around to watching it yet, but when the day comes... -the one and only [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Robert Cormier has become my favorite novelist , and it only took 4 books to do it ("The Chocolate War", "Beyond the Chocolate War", "Heroes", and "After the First Death" are the four I've read). I abosolutly love all his work. My favorite book of his is "The Chocolate War" and its sequel. They are the tales of how human kind are so ruthless towards each other, and those who don't follow the path of the rest of the world are punished severly. The original Chocolate War is about a new student named Jerry Renault who has moved to a new town and is going to an all-boys preparatory Christian school. Every year they have a fundraiser by selling chocolates to the townspeople. Jerry is given an "assignment", a little job, by the secret society of boys called the Vigils, to refuse selling the chocolates (The Vigils basically run the school, with only a few teachers knowing of their prescense). Jerry is supposed to do this for three weeks, then he is to take the chocolates. But, he doesn't. This leads to a bag full of suspense and plot twists that you wont expect. For those who have seen "As the Bumblebee Flies Away", the movie is based off of Cormier's novel. He has won several awards for writing book pretaining mostly for older teenagers such as me. Does anyone else appreciate this man's brilliant work? -the one and only [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Actually, these are the lyrics to a Beatles song: [QUOTE=George Harrison: "All Too Much"] The whole wide world Is birthday cake So take a piece But not too much[/QUOTE] Don't overindulge on the good things you have in life. Taking too much cake may result in a stomach ache, such as overspending may lead to debt, heavy drug use may result in harmful injuries or death, etc., just take any "good" situation and turn it into a bad one. -the one and only P.S.: ChibiHorsewoman, I like your threads. At first, they seem utterly pointless, but then can create a really great discussion. For that, you deserve a smile[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER] :) [/CENTER]
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I have: [B]The Twilight Zone[/B] :I don't recall which boxset part it is, it has discs in the 20-30 range of volumes. [B]Are You Being Served[/B][B]?[/B]: A great British comedy that I've have always watched on the PBS Chicago network since I was really young. [B]The Beatles: Anthology[/B]: They aired about 5 hours of it on TV once, but it's not all mine, my dad shares it with me. [B]Chappelle's Show Vol. 1[/B]: I love Dave Chappelle. I'm rich, beaytch! [B]Family Guy Vol. 1[/B]:They are making new episodes! Soil yourselves in anticipation! [B]The Groucho Marx Show Game Show Thing[/B]: My friend burned a copy of my dad's, and he only wrote "Groucho Marx" on it, so this is what I call it. The anime boxsets I own are: S-cry-ED, Saiyuki, Noir, Black Jack, Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, and GTO -the one and only [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I'm sixteen, but I still post in the anime threads because I just got into anime around the same time I joined the OtakuBoards, which was about 7-8 months ago. I hope I'll still be into anime, on the count of I've spent too much time watching and spending. 30 years old is NOTHING compared to the man that runs my local anime shop. He looks to be 40-50 years old, suprisingly. The old fart has to be an anime fan after reccomending Black Jack and Noir to me. And that old fart has alot of my hard earned money as well. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [QUOTE=Sword Breaker] My favourite musician of all time has to be Niel Pert, the drummer for Rush(My fav band) who is one of the best drummers of all time, and really combines well with Geddy Lee and Alex, and, frankly, makes Rush one of the greatest bands of all time. I'm not sure who writes most of there songs, but they are some of the deepest songs I've ever heard, and they really sound great. The Trees is an extremly metephorical song, that sounds great, and has a strang, yet deep, message that really makes you think. It's really hard for me to classify Rush, since they rock like a rockband, but their songs sound like... welll, they sound like nothing I've ever herrd before. Well, I can't really describe it anymore... For all ye P2P people out there, download it and check it out! [/QUOTE] Ugh, I'm so jealous of Neal Peart. When I saw Rush in 2002, it made me so angry that the entire drumset goes around him. And he's a double-bass pedal great But, do you honestly need that many drums?! And Sword Breaker, Neal writes most of Rush's songs. I love Geddy Lee's bass. But... he's not as good as... [U][B]THE OX! THUNDERFINGERS! JOHN ENTWISTLE OF THE WHO![/B][/U] Oh my sweet, sweet lord, John Entwistle is the bass player's god. He has some of the most complex lines in bassplaying ever. The man's fingers move so fast. For anybody who owns the special edition of the Who's movie, "The Kids Are Alright", pop in the second disc and click on John's indivdual bass feeds of "Baba O'Reily" and "Won't Get Fooled Again". You'll see what I mean.
  24. It really sucks how their budget got cut short, and the series as well. The ending posed a bunch of questions that I need to know. All thought the series isn't perfect when it comes to story and character development, it is still one of my favorites. It has my favorite dub (they actually DO sound English), and my favorite VO, Crispin Freeman. He does really good dubs on Wolf's Rain and Witch Hunter Robin. The animations are really good, too, but of course, its Studio GONZO.
  25. All I know is I have 2 or 3 freinds obsessed with Dream Theatre because they have "the double-bass pedal god" Mike Portnoy on the drums (and they play percussion). There is another band called Liquid Tension that has Mike Portnoy on the drums, and thats one of my friends favorite bands.
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