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About Momiji

  • Birthday 05/27/1989

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    I have been in many countries traveling and translating for myself anime mangas and comics. I have played all FF games and kingdom hearts
  • Occupation
    High School Student

Momiji's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. [QUOTE=SephirothX][COLOR=SeaGreen] I'd have to say I'm most like Ghost from Enter The Matrix. A cool demeanor, a deep belief of things, and the shades, gotta love the shades... He's also very Zen, I guess you could say. He accepts the flow of things and goes with it. I do to. I never have any regrets, because to have regrets are to doubt yourself, and if you doubt youself, who do you lean on? Besides, his fave guns are two pistols and so are mine. Sure, you could have a shotgun, but why not have TWO guns?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] What exactly is an OB family?
  2. [quote name='Okibi Masurao']Over in japan, there making a sailor moon show, where real people play in it. its not a cartoon. My friend found it in a french gaming magazine. If you've got any other info on this, please tell me![/quote] What kind of info you got? I think the show will totally suck because it's just crazy, Sailor Moon as it is was just surreal now a show. How are they gonna make the attacks and transformations?
  3. Momiji

    Fahrenheit 9/11

    [quote name='anime-nikki']i'm starting to think that thi movie is just trying to change the voter's choice, i'm not seeing this movie for many reason, it's painful to me to remeber what happened that day on 9/11.[/quote] I know how sad it was, I was watching everything from the New Jersey port, I have an uncle that was lucky enough to get out of WTC before the second crash. In my opinion Bush hasn't done anything right during his government he was suppossed to catch Osama not Hussein
  4. [QUOTE=DragonessFei]I was just wondering do you have dreams when you go to sleep about anime? If you do, what are they about? I think if you really like a show or a certain anime character you are bound to dream about them once in a while. Now I can't ask you guys to tell me about your anime dreams without telling you about some of my own. The most memorable one for me was the one where I was an Avon lady :confused: delivering Christmas presents to Wufei. (from Gundam Wing) If you don't think that's weird enough, last night I had a dream where I was one of the Sailor Scouts... :confused: I was Sailor Earth, I think... The bad thing is, I don't even like Sailor Moon...That much... ;) "In the name of the Earth, I will punish you!" Crazy, huh?[/QUOTE] Don't worry about your sailor moon dream. Mine have been worse than that, I was Kikyo from Inuyasha and I was actually having a cat fight with Kagome over him. Now that is wacked because I think Kikyo should not even be left alive in Inuyasha. :flaming: . But it was just a dream :sleep: . So you were sailor Earth did you have short or long hair?
  5. [QUOTE=Ryoko T.D.C.][COLOR=Blue] I can't tell my friends. If I do, they'll say "Oh Olivia, you should go out with him, I mean your both short." Or, "Olivia, you both like the same things, so go out with him." My friends are annoying. I'm probably the smartest one in the group. The teachers at what used to be my middle school are [U][B][I]USELESS!!!!!!![/I][/B][/U] I told my parents and the told me to use them as my "way out". An' boyfriend? Hah! I don't have one yet. (Boys are just blinded by my beauty that they don't date me. LOL :laugh: ) The only people that really help are my parents.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I just read about your little problem. Don't go out with a guy you find creepy. You'll get a boyfriend that will like you and not follow you around like a silly dog, Don't listen to your friends on this one
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