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Everything posted by Tsurigane

  1. [CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=Navy]GOD DAMMIT!!!!!!! SORRY GUYS I SUCK +_+[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Motoko came up to the office " Ms. Tsurigane come in please.... " said the consuler She took a seat next to a class mate of hers [I]' Uh-oh now I know why he rang me up '[/I] she thoguht. The consuler closed the door and leaned back in his chair " Apologize to this young lady immdieatly " he said " Then I'll let you go...I have already informed your Aunt about the situation " Motoko looked at the other girl " Who IS she I cant see her face it's covered up by all that RED hai-" Motoko was cut off short a glare from the consuler. She sighed. "RHH! Fine I'm sorry [URL=http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d45/Domo_Panda/tamakifd.jpg]Yuri[/URL] okay! THERE I SAID SORRY!!!! " Motoko got up and stormed off out of the office. The consuler leaned towards Yuri. " If your feeling okay now sweety you can go back to class." He handed Yuri a pass " Thank you daddy. " She said politley and walked out of the office.[I] ' That damn Motoko putting red dye in my shampoo! '[/I] she clenched the slip of paper as she made her way down to the Computer lab.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  2. OMG! I love you! but can you make the text more readable?
  3. [SIZE=1][CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed]Hello! ^_^ I would like two banners! The first banner should say: [B]Avi Art by Nashwa! Get one Now![/B] Picture: [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d45/Domo_Panda/Girl6.jpg[/IMG] Extra info: Can you make it in Cursive and make it fancy! ^_^[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][CENTER][COLOR=Navy]The Other banner.... Could you make the banner switch pictures? YOU WILL BE FOREVER LOVED!!!!! Text 1: Come to Tsurigane's profile! With picture: [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d45/Domo_Panda/468b13ce2a9602.png[/IMG] and a blue background. Text 2: Or else you'll die!!!! Picture: Make it seem scary! [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d45/Domo_Panda/Osaka.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] The creator will be will be forever loved and sponsored!!!!
  4. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]That was it, this was home for him now. He had never said that til now, he had never considerd any place home til now. He felt like he belonged here. " Move yer ass Kota! " said a once again bitchy Motoko. [I]It's been two months since that day.... - - - [B]" MS. TSURIGANE!!!! REPORT TO MY OFFICE RIGHT NOW!!! "[/B] boomed the Principal over the intercome. Everyone looked at Motoko. Motoko just got up and picked up her pass from the teachers desk " :p " Her 3rd period teacher just pointed at the door. Motoko ran down and bumped into Tokito who was delvering another package...she guessed. " Hey! Tokito! " Motoko waved at him. " Oh! Good Mornin- " he collided into a wall. Motoko snickered at him " See ya.... " Motoko continued running " Hey Motoko! What'cha do this time!!! " Haruko said from the second floor. She shrugged. " Dunno. I have to go! Bye! " " See Ya!!! " Haruko replied Motoko was almost there [I]' I'll drop by kota's room on the way back... '[/I] she thought.[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  5. [COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=1][CENTER]Ino: STFU Sakura! He's mine!!! Sakura: Get your damn hand out of my face!!!! (( +-+ I suck..... ))[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Motoko got down from the bed and hugged Haruko " I forgive you. Will you forgive me? " " Nope.... " " [B]O_O[/B]...wha? " " ^_^ Just kidding! " Haruko smiled Motoko smirked " Haha.... " Motoko looked around. " Where's Kota? " Haruko pointed at the door. " I have to go....I'll see you tomorrow? " she yelled as she headed down to Tokito's room. " Alright.... " Haruko sighed Motoko ran down to Tokito's room and knocked on the door. " Tokito? " she whispered. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  7. [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Motoko and Haruko stood there while Kota walked out of the room. Haruko flinched and smiled " You [B]did[/B] sleep with him! " Haruko yelled completly forgetting about that apology. Motoko snapped back to her bitchy self, " Alright Haruko! " she decided to lie to Haruko to get rid of the question [B]" YES! YES! I SLEPT WITH HIM! I TOOK HIM AROUND FRIKKIN' WORLD!!! "[/B] Motoko got up and laughed then noticed her auntie at the door. " ....0_o...here's your clothes >_0 " she said trying not to laugh as she made her way back to the parking lot. Motoko just stood there blushing. Haruko just laughed at her.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  8. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Motoko stared at him still shocked [I]' he almost like... '[/I] she walked over and took off the handcuffs. " I'm sorry " she said. " I feel kinda better though now I can get on with my life. " she said trying to bring life back into the room. " Whatever... " he said as he buttoned his shirt. Motoko walked over to the phone. " Alright you can get out of my face now.... " she said to Kota. " Auntie? Could ya drop my clothes off? I'm not feeling that well...Thank you...bye. " she hung up. Kota just looked at her. Motoko blushed " W-would ya stop lookin' at me that way! "[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Motoko looked at him, " I'll Alpologize...after you tell me what's on your back!!! " she said. Kota glared at her " She's your friend! Your not suppose to do tha- " " We're friends Kota! " She threw her hands in the air " We do this atleast once a week!!! Don't you have friends?! " Kota remained silent. Motoko looked down for a second [I]' I forgot he just moved here...poor guy'[/I] Motoko glared at him then turned around and brought handcuffs. Kota flinched " What the hell is that fo- " He was cut off when Motoko tackled down on his bed. " GET OFF ME!!! " Motoko pressed his face down into the bed " I'm doing this for both our sakes! " She sat on his back and got a hold of one of his hands and managed to hook it to the rail on the bed. She got off him and fell down on her bed holding the key. " Now tell me! If you don't I won't be able to get on with my frikin' life! I know everybody in this school except you... " her voice lowered " please tell me...."[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  10. [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Motoko just laid there in her bath thinking about that scar or whatever it was on Kota's back.[I] ' A tatoo? No... Accident? '[/I] she thought. She sat there for a second. [I]" Freak accident....Uh! Dammit! "[/I] she splashed water all over her face. " Stop! thinking about it like I give a sh it anymore! " she was lying out loud. She got up and dried off. She cracked the door open and glanced around for Kota. " Okay he's gone... " she walked out and quickly locked the door. " Dammit! My clothes... " She looked around and the only solution was Kota's wardrobe. She blushed " NO! NEVER!!! " A few minutes later she walked out with the white T-shirt and shorts from last night and ran over to Haruko's room [I]' Haruko...Haruko..'[/I] She thought. [I]' You'd better be awake.... '[/I] She came up to her room and banged on the door. " HARUKO! OPEN UP! " Haruko just flinched and placed her pillow over her head. " HHnrr...later..." she groaned. Motoko slumped down her knee's " Uh...Haruko.... " she moped :animecry: Motoko ran back to her room passing some of her class mates. Motoko went to fast for them to see her face. " WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!? " one of them said. Motoko came back to Haruko's room with an baseball bat and whammed the door about three times. Haruko fell out of her bed and grabbed her guitar " What the- " She opened the door and swung her guitar right when Motoko swung her bat. [B]DOOSH.[/B] They had hit each other's faces. They just stood there in silent pain. Harukos guitar on Motokos face and Motoko bat on Harukos. A good long minute passed and they finally reacted. " OW! OW! OW! OWW!!!! " Motoko wailed " I THINK I CAN THINK! " Haruko said rubbing her face " You just did idiot.... " Motoko pointed out the obvious " What? " Haruko asked " Nevermind. I'm borrowing your clothes " " Why what's wrong with the one's you- " Haruko eyed her. " Who's shirt is that? " " Kota's " Motoko answered bluntly Haruko's eyes shimmered " You...." " Don't say it! " Motoko warned her " You. " " Don't! " " Slept with him huh? " Haruko finally said. Motoko picked up her bat and belted her in the face with it.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  11. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Motoko came out 20 minutes later in black short pants and the white shirt Kota let her borrow with some of her clevage showing. " So... " Motoko said going to her bed. She snacthed the covers and pulled it over her. " Tell me.... " Kota flinched. " Tell you what? "[IMG]http://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/template/smiles/icon_stare.gif[/IMG] he said. Motoko sent a bolt of annoyance at him. " What the hell's on your back, stupid. " Kota sat down on his bed. " I'm tired maybe tomorrow... " he said Motoko sat up " I'm not letting you sleep until you tell me! "[IMG]http://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/template/smiles/icon_scream.gif[/IMG] Kota huffed " I don't care I'll ingnore you "[IMG]http://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/template/smiles/icon_stare.gif[/IMG] She glared at the back of his head. " Tell me... " [IMG]http://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/template/smiles/icon_stare.gif[/IMG] " No... "[IMG]http://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/template/smiles/icon_stare.gif[/IMG] Motoko grabbed her pillow. Kota was stilling lying there. " Tell me... " [IMG]http://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/template/smiles/icon_stare.gif[/IMG] " I told you....No... "[IMG]http://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/template/smiles/icon_stare.gif[/IMG] Motoko laid back down. " UH! " she huffed and pulled the sheets over her head again. Kota sighed [I]' just keep avoiding it and she'll forget '[/I] he thought as he dozed off. Next morning he woke up at around at around 12 in the afternoon and looked over at [URL=http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d45/Domo_Panda/thsleep2.jpg]Motoko[/URL] remembering last night. [I]' Nosy girl '[/I] he thought.[IMG]http://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/template/smiles/icon_stare.gif[/IMG] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/CENTER]
  12. [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]" Bye Haruko! Tell your mom I said Hi! " She called back. Haruko answered with a salute. Motoko picked up her things " You guys ready? " she asked Kota and Tokito. They nodded. " We'll drop you off by your room okay Tokito? " Tokito blushed and nodded. They began walking back to the school. Motoko thought about how Kota reacted when she tried to help him. [I]' What was that thing on his back? A scar? '[/I] Motoko shook her head.[I] ' Rhh! why isn't he telling me! If we're gonna share a room together he'd better tell me.... ' [/I] They stopped at Tokito's room. " Bye! " They both said and continued their way up to D-building. " So Kota, what'cha hiding? " Motoko asked Kota eyes widened " Nothing....why are you asking? " Motoko went in front of the door and took out the room key. The air-con left the room cold. The brisk air bit both of them. " Yikes! " Motoko said rubbing her legs " You can use the shower first Kota...I have to do something real quick! " she ran out the room. Kota just stood their dumbfounded[I] ' If this is what happens in a day over here... '[/I] he thought as he made his way to the shower [I]' I don't think I'll survive her...'[/I] Motoko ran down the corridor to Haruko's room and picked at her lock. " DAMMIT I FORGOT TO GET MY CLOTHES TODAY!!!! " she said. She opened the door and ran to the cloest. " She won't mind...." she said. She borrows Harukos clothes all the time. She opened up the closet. " Oh no... " it was empty.... [I]' That's why she went home.....S hit! ' She closed the door and went back to her room. " Uh Kota... " she asked. Kota looked at her. " What is it? " " I know this sounds weird but, can I borrow one of your shirts? Its just for tonight! "[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  13. [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Motoko got up after the little tackle of friendship was over and popped the bag open. " Oh my Gawd! This rocks! " She glanced at at Tokito. " Why are you staring me? " she asked. Tokito blushed " YOU LOOK REALLY N-NICE! " he blurted out. Kota, Haruko and Motoko looked at him. There was an akward stillness. Tokito laughed nerously silently kicking himself [I]' show some self control man! '[/I] Motoko cracked a smirk. Haruko began to giggle alittle. Even Kota smiled a bit. Then the wave of embarassment came. " AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! " Haruko couldn't stop. Motoko found some control " Eheh, Thank you Tokito-kun thats sweet...unlike some people..." she glared over her shoulder to Kota. She looked out to the ocean and notice the sun was beggining to set. " Wow we wasted all our time.....laughing... " There was a silence. Motoko and Haruko eyed each other with a flare in their eyes. They began sprinting towards the water " AHHHHH!!!! " They reached the ocean and jumped in. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  14. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Motoko laid her stuff down. She looked at Kota [I]'...My God..' :animeblus [/I] she thought. His body was well built. [I]' he is so..... '[/I] her face heated up. :animeshy: She covered both her eyes [I]' No! Bad Motoko! Bad! Bad! '[/I] she shook her head. Haruko jabbed her in the side " Hey Motoko." Haruko said. Motoko could feel her heart beating faster, her hands still covering her eyes. ' Motoko... ' Haruko said again. Motoko couldn't take it any more! It's as if her heart will burst out of her chest. " You okay? " Kota asked. Motoko's heart stopped beating. She pulled her hands away from her face. " Yea- yeah! I'm fine! just fine-..." she stammered. She got up quickly and faced the ocean. The view calmed her down. She finally took a breath of air. :animesigh Haruko and Kota exchanged worried looks " Motoko...are you sure? " Haruko asked " What the hell did I just say? " Motoko glared at Haruko trying not to look at the shirtless Kota. Haruko smirked " Yep she's okay! " Kota still had a bit of a worried face. Motoko was beggining to get sick from all this silence " LET'S HAVE SOME FUN GOD DAMMIT!!! " she yelled " IT'S FRIKIN' SUMMER!!! " Haruko nodded " OH YEAH! NOW WERE TALKING!!! " Haruko digged in her duffle bag and brought out a watermelon. " KOTA SHOULD SMACK THE HELL OUT OF IT!!! since he's new in all..." Haruko smiled handing him the bat. Motoko covered her face again, her whole body flinched [I]' with his muscles..... '[/I] she meeped in her head[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Motoko began her way down the stairs. " Yo! Motoko! You wanna come with me to the beach? " said one of the guys passing buy. Motoko sighed " Sorry.... I'm going with somebody else " She was lying. " Oh yeah? " he said " Who? and Haruko doesn't count..." he trying to trap Motoko into going on a date with him, but Motoko just doesn't like him. Motoko look around for an answer then she saw him " HEY KOTA!!! " she yelled. Kota flinched at the sound of her voice. He turned around keeping his cool. " What is it- " He was cut short when Motoko grabbed his arm. " See...." Motoko said. In the back of her mind she can't belive she was doing this but on the other hand she doesn't have to see him anymore. The guy blushed " Hmp! Whatever. See ya " Him and his friends went on to the beach. Haruko came by " Hey Motoko- " she stopped and stared at Motoko and Kota. " Is there something I missed ? " she asked[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  16. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v424/kogti/Anime%20Pictures/Kiki.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Motoko waved back to Haruko "[IMG]http://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/template/smiles/icon_heart.gif[/IMG] Hi Haruko![IMG]http://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/template/smiles/icon_heart.gif[/IMG] " she exclaimed. Completely forgetting Kota. " How's it goin' with Ms. Naydo....? " Motoko Hissed we she said Ms. Naydo name. " Fine I guess- " Haruko stopped and looked Tokito rushing into class with a package then walking back out " [IMG]http://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/template/smiles/icon_heart.gif[/IMG] Hi Tokito-kun! " Motoko waved at Tokita. (( She calls all the boys with the cute Kun at the end )) Tokito blushed and ran off. Motoko just stood there " ......what your not even gonna say Hi? " Haruko poked her " I bet he's crushing on you that's why he's acting so suspicious " Haruko had a little troublesome Nako face on. " OH NO! That's not possible.....even though it is..ahahahaha " Motoko laughed The bell blared over their heads. " [B]WOULD MR. TSUBAME AND MS. TSURIGANE REPORT TO THE STUDY PLEASE.[/B] " The intercome announced "[IMG]http://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/template/smiles/icon_stare.gif[/IMG] Pff. Like hell I'm goning to Detention![IMG]http://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/template/smiles/icon_scream.gif[/IMG] " Motoko said with her hands on her hips. All the other students rushed out of classroom to go back to their rooms. " YES FOUR WEEKS OF NOTHING BEACH!!! " Haruko thought out loud " I'll go get my stuff. " Haruko left and Motoko turned back to Kota suddenly noticing how cute he was. She walked up to him. "[IMG]http://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/template/smiles/icon_heart.gif[/IMG] Hey...I'm sorry I yelled at you... Here I'll make it up to ya..give me your room number and I'll get you set-up okay? [IMG]http://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/template/smiles/icon_heart.gif[/IMG] " she smiled. Kota looked at her "Weren't you just mad at me, And aren't we going to detention?" Motoko snapped a suprised look " Are you kidding?! It's Summer Break!!!" she snacthed the paper out of his and scanned for the room number. " What the- " she looked at the number again "[IMG]http://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/template/smiles/icon_gonk.gif[/IMG] D-14?! [IMG]http://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/template/smiles/icon_gonk.gif[/IMG] " she gasped. Kota looked at her " What's the matter " Motoko looked kinda pale "Uh- uh nothing nothing at all " she cracked a nervous smile. " Here follow me. " she began walking up the stairs with Kota behind her. After five minutes they finally reached room D-14. " Well uh...yea....just don't touch anything one the left alright " She opened the room and Kota was a bit suprised to see how neat it was. Motoko grabbed her swimming suit and some jean shorts. Before she left she looked at Kota " If I found out you touched any of my stuff..... " she held her fist up to his face then reverted back to that kind girl that lead him up here. " See ya! " She grabbed her towel and lotion and walked out. Tokito was passing by. " [IMG]http://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/template/smiles/icon_heart.gif[/IMG] Hi Tokito-kun! " Motoko waved hoping for a reply this time. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  17. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v424/kogti/Anime%20Pictures/Kiki.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Motoko looked at him " Are you....." she came a bit closer to his face and whispered "...stalking me?...." Kota flinched his eyebrow and just said a blunt " No " Motoko poked at his forehead " Good...now would you be as so kind as to go away...for a little bit? Please? " Motoko turned arounded and looked back into the window. She pulled out her cellphone and started dialing. " Aren't those banned until after school? " Kota asked as he examined Motoko. Motoko walked up to his face " What are you gonna tell? " she asked with a red glint in her eye. Kota just stood his ground, silent. She smiled. "Good." She jabbed a button and placed it by her ear. Inside the classroom, Artemis' phone began vibrating in her pocket. She snapped awake " Huhn? Wha? " She looked around and finally realized her phone. She propped her book up and answered it in a hushed voice " Yo. " " Artemis come on! Let's go! " Artemis looked at the window and saw Motoko waving and Kota in the background. She was quickly on the alert " Who's he?! He's frikin' hawt!!! " Her whisper grew a bit louder. The teacher slammed her book down and the whole class snapped back to life. Artemis cracked a nervous smile. "Uh...I'll call you back...*click*" Motoko hung up. " She turned around and eyed Kota " YOU THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT !!!" She began to stomp towards him.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  18. [CENTER][COLOR=RoyalBlue]If anybody wants to update their characters profile PM kay![/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][CENTER][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v424/kogti/Anime%20Pictures/Kiki.jpg[/img][/CENTER] " 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, COME ON !!! PUT SOME EFFORT IN IT!!!! " The P.E. instructor screeched. She blasted her whistle in Motoko's face while she did her 50 push-ups. " Te-tell me again why I'm doing this!!! RRH! " Motoko grunted as she struggled for her 35th push-up. " Your doing this because of that smart remark you made during class!!! " she growled. Motoko's arms where begining to give way, not because she was exhausted, but because she was laughing. " AHHAHAHA!!! Doesn't change the fact that you look like a man Ms. Naydo!!! " Motoko laughed and slumped to the ground giggling. Some of the other students were snickering as well. Ms. Naydo grabbed Motoko's arm tight and walked her up to her desk where she wrote her a pass to the Principal. " Now get out of my face your Disrespectful girl! "Ms. Naydo snapped. Motoko gave her a look then walked over to her desk, stuffed her clothes into her bag, and headed for the door but before she walked out of the classroom she turned her head " Youstilllooklikeadude " she said very quickly then sprinted down the hall. Ms. Naydo sat there gritting her teeth " Disrespectful bug " she spat. Motoko was running to building A where her best friend Artemis was. She crumpled up the note that Ms. Naydo and threw it at a nearby trashcan.(which she COMPLETLY missed) She came to a screeching halt at Room 2-A and peered through the small window in the door. There was Artemis in the front row...sleeping during study hour.... [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/CENTER]
  19. (( :animestun well I'm an idiot ^_^ )) [align=center][size=1][color=darkred][img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d45/Domo_Panda/houk006.png[/img] [b]1. Welcome[/b] 2. Rules 3. Story 4. Extras 5. Members[/color][/size][/align] [align=justify][size=1][color=darkred][img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d45/Domo_Panda/houk007.png[/img] 1. Keep it PG-14 2. Swearing is fine, but please don't swear in like every sentence. AND PLEASE NO CHIT-CHAT POSTS! 3. It's okay if your not literate....I suck too =_= 4. PM me your characters info!!! 5. The user who will play my characters 'lover' PM me. 6. Keep it funny yet romantic...... 7. Give others a chance to post 8. Post GiR in your PM to show that you read this! ^_^ [/color][/size][/align] [align=center][color=darkred][size=3][b][u]= SIGN-UPS =[/u][/b][/size] [size=1]( PICTURE OF YOUR CHARACTER ) [b]Name:[/b] ( Character's name ) [b]Age:[/b] ( 14-17 ) [b]Likes:[/b] ( What your character likes ) [b]Dislikes:[/b] ( Whet your character doesn't like ) [b]Theme Song:[/b] ( Yes a theme song!!! ) [b]Classes [/b]( Your choice ^_^ ) ( 5-6 classes ) [/color][/align][/size] [align=center][size=1][color=darkred][img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d45/Domo_Panda/houk010.png[/img] Brief summary of the Rp: Two people who hate each other slowly fall in love..........with the added bonus of funny and freaky things that happen at Kazuma High. ^_^[/color][/size][/align] [align=center][img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d45/Domo_Panda/houk009.png[/img][/align] [color=darkred][align=center][size=3][u][b]The Characters[/b][/u][/size][/align][/color] [align=center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v424/kogti/Anime%20Pictures/Kiki.jpg[/img] [size=1][color=darkred][b]Name:[/b] Motoko Tsurigane [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Likes:[/b] P.E., Art class, and Drama class [b]Dislikes:[/b] Cooking, Math, and Social studies. [b]Theme Song:[/b] Utada Hikaru- " Passion " [url=http://www.youtube.com/?v=ninBaVNZils]LISTEN[/url] [b]Bio:[/b] Motoko Tsurigane is the troublesome sweetheart at Kazuma High. All the teachers hate her sly, disrespectful manner. (( except for her Social Studies teacher who really scares her )) but when a new transfer student comes to school doesn't seemed intrested in Motoko she starts to get annoyed with him. They slowly collide into each other lives. Motoko's best friend think he's a hunk. Constanly drooling behind the saftey of Motoko thinking she's so lucky to share a room with him. and ask the same embarssing question "Did you sleep with him...?" Motoko can be sweet and caring at times....but when she's asked these kinds of questions...or when it comes to Kota...she kinda goes berserk...[/color][/size][/align] [align=center][size=1][color=darkred][b][u]Classes[/u][/b] [b]1.[/b] Social Studies [b]2.[/b] Art [b]3.[/b] Cooking [b]4.[/b] Math [b]5.[/b] Drama [b]6.[/b] P.E.[/color][/size][/align] [B][align=center][size=3][color=darkred]Transfer Student[/color][/size][/align] [align=center][/B][img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d45/Domo_Panda/coolguy.jpg[/img][/align] [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name:[/B] Kota Tsubame [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Likes:[/B] Science, English, and PE [B]Dislikes:[/B] Math, social studies, and cooking [B]Theme song:[/B]Linkin Park - My December [URL=http://www.youtube.com/?v=oih_NUPUVwc]Listen[/URL] [B]Bio:[/B] Born in Hokaido, he is the silent type. He isn't a jerk, he just feels he doesn't need to speak unless one really has something worth saying. He lives and acts pretty casual. He doesn't show amy real romantic, or even physical, interest in the opposite sex. He comes from a humble family, thus has humble standards. He values the simple things in life and above all family and those he cares for. WHich are few outside his family. Since coming to the new school, Kazuma high, he has made only a few friends and only one he feels he can really trust. The girl he stay with though kind of bug him a little though.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=3]Kota's close friend[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d101/Stark-San/Dreamer.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy] [B]Name:[/B] Tokito Sagara [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Likes:[/B] Cooking, Social Studies, Literature [B]Dislikes: [/B] Chemistry, Algebra, Art [B]Theme Song: [/B] The Pillows-"Blues Drive Monster" [URL=http://www.youtube.com/?v=22DD0xvkl48]Listen[/URL] [B]Bio:[/B] Though he may not look it, Tokito is the self proclaimed geek at school. As entailed with being a geek, he is a vault of useless information, is a fan of western science fiction, and is a surprisingly good cook. However, he can have a conversation that is understandable to the mundane population at school, and is quite intelligent when he stops obsessing. Unfortunately, he also has the social status of a geek, and is often seen as little more than a resource for answers in difficult classes. Even Motoko Tsurigane, the one girl he wants to impress, treats him like that at times. When he saw that there was a new student in his Chemistry class, he went out of his way to befriend the boy. He knew that the High School population could be needlessly harsh at times, and that any transfer would need a smile and a helping hand. He remained on good terms with his friend, even when he learned that his friend shared a room with his crush. In fact, he sees it as an opportunity to get to know Motoko a little better. [B]Classes:[/B] 1. Literature 2. Chemistry 3. Cooking 4. Art 5. Math 6. History[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a41/Kumori-yasha/anime%20girls/schoolgrl.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Name: Haruko Himawari Age: 15 Likes: drawing manga, reading, cooking, and playing electric guitar. Dislikes: posers, mean people, and snow Theme Song: Beverly Hills- Weezer Classes: 1. Art 2. Social Studies. 3. drama 4. math. 5.cooking 6. P.E[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [align=center][size=1][color=darkred][img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d45/Domo_Panda/houk008.png[/img] [B][SIZE=1]Tsurigane as Motoko Tsurigane Starwind as Kota Tsubame Stark as Tokito Sagara Ruroni992 as Haruko Himawari[/SIZE][/B][/color][/size][/align]
  20. [align=center][size=1][color=darkred][img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d45/Domo_Panda/houk008.png[/img] [b]Tsurigane: Motoko Tsurigane[/b] The transfer student: A Dude My characters Best Friends: Two girls please! The guy that's the the main male role's friend: A Dude[/color][/size][/align]
  21. [align=center][img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d45/Domo_Panda/houk009.png[/img][/align] [color=darkred][align=center][size=3][u][b]!!!CHARACTERS!!![/b][/u][/size][/align][/color] [align=center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v424/kogti/Anime%20Pictures/Kiki.jpg[/img] [size=1][color=darkred][b]Name:[/b] Motoko Tsurigane [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Likes:[/b] P.E., Art class, and Drama class [b]Dislikes:[/b] Cooking, Math, and Social studies. [b]Theme Song:[/b] Utada Hikaru- " Passion " [url=http://www.youtube.com/?v=ninBaVNZils]LISTEN[/url] [b]Bio:[/b] Motoko Tsurigane is the most loved girl at Kazuma High. All the boys at school are at her feet. but when a new transfer student comes to school doesn't seemed intrested in Motoko she starts to get annoyed with him. They slowly collide into each other lives. Motoko's two friends think he's a hunk. Constanly drooling behind the saftey of Motoko thinking she's so lucky to share a room with him. and ask the same embarssing question "Did you sleep with him...?"[/color][/size][/align] [align=center][size=2][color=darkred][b][u]Classes[/u][/b] [b]1.[/b] Social Studies [b]2.[/b] Art [b]3.[/b] Cooking [b]4.[/b] Math [b]5.[/b] Drama [b]6.[/b] P.E.[/color][/size][/align] [align=center][size=3][color=darkred]Transfer Student[/color][/size][/align] [align=center][img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d45/Domo_Panda/coolguy.jpg[/img][/align] [align=center][size=3][color=darkred]Best Friends[/color][/size][/align] [img]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a41/Kumori-yasha/anime%20girls/schoolgrl.jpg[/img]
  22. [align=center][size=1][color=darkred][img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d45/Domo_Panda/houk010.png[/img] Brief summary of the Rp: Two people who hate each other slowly fall in love, some friends will become foes......and....with the added bonus of funny and freaky things that happen at Kazuma High. ^_^[/color][/size][/align]
  23. [align=justify][size=1][color=darkred][img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d45/Domo_Panda/houk007.png[/img] 1. Keep it PG-14 2. Swearing is fine, but please don't swear in like every sentence. AND PLEASE NO CHIT-CHAT POSTS! 3. It's okay if your not literate....I suck too =_= 4. PM me your characters info!!! 5. The user who will play my characters 'lover' PM me. 6. Keep it funny yet romantic...... 7. Post in the order below if I find you post out of order I will kill you!!!! (( PM you to remove it )) Give others a chance to post 8. Post GiR in your PM to show that you read this! ^_^ [/color][/size][/align] [align=center][color=darkred][size=3][b][u]= SIGN-UPS =[/u][/b][/size] [size=1]( PICTURE OF YOUR CHARACTER ALREADY CHOSEN ) [b]Name:[/b] ( Character's name ) [b]Age:[/b] ( 14-17 ) [b]Likes:[/b] ( What your character likes ) [b]Dislikes:[/b] ( Whet your character doesn't like ) [b]Theme Song:[/b] ( Yes a theme song!!! ) [b]Classes [/b]( Your choice ^_^ ) ( 5-6 classes ) [/color][/align][/size]
  24. [align=center][size=1][color=darkred][img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d45/Domo_Panda/houk006.png[/img] [b]1. Welcome[/b] 2. Rules 3. Story 4. Extras 5. Members[/color][/size][/align]
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