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Everything posted by Tsurigane

  1. [SIZE=1][CENTER][COLOR=DarkOrange]Flame put his gun down "Hey guys been a while!" Flame walked over to the others "Do you know where my sister is?" Blynd shook his head "Young Boy your sister is probably dead." Flame made an angry face "HOW DARE YOU TALK LIKE THAT!!! WHO THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?!?" Lyn was floating in darkness she saw a light ahead of her "...huh...?" Lyn walked floated over to the light and found herself floating over a golden sea "Where the heck am I?" [B][I]'Go back to sleep Lyn' [/I][/B] Lyn looked around "Who are you?!" the voice was circling around her [B][I]'Your Dead Your Dead Your Dead....' [/I] [/B] the voice kept repeating until Lyn was beliving that she really was dead She fell on her back and looked up at the sky "I'm Dead...I'm Dead"[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE]
  2. [I][SIZE=1][CENTER][COLOR=DarkOrange]If anybody can make this into a Banner and Av combo you shall be blessed with accomplishment. o_O Hee...well tinker around with it please. and must still be a moving picture.[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE][/I] [IMG]http://www.loveofanime.com/aniGIFS/ani_inu-4.gif[/IMG]
  3. (( sorry no body else in a colma please )) [CENTER][SIZE=1] [COLOR=DarkOrange]There was a blast that came out of nowhere that hit Macha. "GIVE ME BACK MY SISTER!" A young player around the age of 14 had his gun pointed to Macha's head. Balmung knew instantly who it was "Flame?" Flame looked at Macha with piercing eyes "WHERE IS SHE?! WHERES MY SISTER?!" [I]She was in the same place you were young Flame[/I] Mistrail was about to cast 'Vak Dom' on Macha but Balmung stopped her "Mistrial go to a safe distance You too Hotaru." The both acknowledge and went behing the others waiting to cast 'Repth' at anytime needed.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  4. [SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkRed]Data log in 7/8:The Fight Begins/ What Happened?![/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][CENTER]Lyn was wiping the blood off her wavemaster staff "Those idiots don't they know they could get the one right next to us?" Lyn put her staff down. Ouka shook her head and smiled "Ryu's a stupid guy....so are the others all those who agree" "Agree" "Against" the all looked at Lyn "I mean Blynd. He reminds a bit of my..." Lyn looked away. "Of who?" Asked Mistrial. In The real world chantells eyes started to fill. Lyn put her head on her crossed arms. "Of my little brother...." The room went quiet all you could hear was the water shifting around. Then all of a sudden Reki ran down the hallway screaming "Everyone Log Out!!! Get Out Of Here!!!" The girls got up and dried off. "Quick Before It Comes!!!" Reki yelled. All the girls were dressed and went out of the bathing room and met up with Blynd and Zen While the others came running down " Whats happening?! " Lyn asked. " Its Macha." yelled Balmung. Lyn froze 'that was the name of the monster that...' Lyn was remembering the last time they met up with Macha and how visciously she deleted her brother. Macha came rampaging through everyone was running to the other side. Balmung yelled to Lyn "Lyn! Come on!" Lyn started to turned around when Macha put her hand towards Lyn. A glowing circle formed around her. Lyn was being deleted. Lyn thought 'who cares I'm safe with my item' but Machas program was stronger than before. Lyn slumped to the flor on her knee's every one looked at her with saddened suprise Lyn looked behind "Bye guys..." Lyn disapeared. She was deleted. In the Real World Sirens were wailing over to chantells house[/CENTER].[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.loveofanime.com/aniGIFS/ani_inu-4.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=Pink][CENTER][SIZE=1]Love is just Whatever it my be Love is just you and me Nothing less Nothing more But I don't what I love you for... When you ask to stay then disappear It seems your gone but your really here When every move is out of place I can count on your kisses to be filled with grace.[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange]Meatwad is freakin FREAK!!!!.... :D thats why I love him so much Heehee. I always wondered what a scary talking wad of meat sounded like. :D :smirk:[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. (( Gee...when are we gonna start the Rp isn't this enough people?)) :confused:
  7. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange]Settle down Sevotharte I told everyone that they can post one more time before I put it on pause I even sent you one. :([/COLOR][/SIZE]
  8. Are you gonna make an Rp too? :D
  9. Real World Name: Tiana Joe A.K.A. Tiger - thats my nickname Age: 16 Gender: Female Occupation: Student Description: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20794[/IMG] Bio: Tigger likes to walk around Tokyo's park at night Shes a loner in the Real world and In the Game. The only thing that makes her smile is her pet Husky Blaze. 'The World' Character Name: Ayashi Toro ( Shadow Tiger ) Character Gender: Female Level: L. 50 Class: Gunner
  10. [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta]Lyn and the others checked in the bathhouse "Hello and Welcome to the Valentines Bathhouse! How Many in your Party?" The clerk asked "6" Lyn answered. The clerk reached for a token and Six Towels "Please go to Bathingroom #3" "Thanks" Lyn and the others walked down the corridor They could hear other players splashing in their tubs. They reached Bathing Room 3. Mistrial ran up "Letme do it!" She pushed open the doors and found a huge tub already heated "Ah I can't wait to soak!" Ouka said Hotaru nodded "I think my grunty was stressed out from its fall today in the bamboo" Mistrail rushed to take off her clothes "YAAH!" Mistrial Jumped in and made a splashed. Everyone was soaking wet "MISTRIAL!!! " Mistrial smiled " :D ;) HEE :p " Lyn Shurged "Im gonna get Ready"[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE=4]As Of Now The Rp will be put on Pause Until Ruby Comes Back Okay?[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta]Lyn and the others had anime screwed up faces " O_o What the hell is he doing?" Lyn smirked " What a Blow heart " Lyn started to laugh out loud "He so embarassed about his feelings. It reminds me of the first day we me Balmung." Balmungs head fell off anime style "What's that suppose to mean?!" Lyn got up and started to laughed then she walked down the hill "If any of you need me I'll be in the bath house" Ouka got up "I'll come with you I got a bit bored of snickering" Ryu's ears twicthed mischieviously "Can I come?" Lyn and Ouka gave Ryu a cold stare. Lyn smiled "Ryu...the bath house is to much fun for you so...NO." Ouka and Lyn laughed while walking down to the Bathhouse Bridge.Hotaru and Mistrial followed them. Mistrial turned around "You 2 be good okay?" Ryu pouted. Balmung elbowed him "What they don't know won't hurt em." Ryu and Balmung smiled. "Let's wait for Blynd though I'm sure he's bad enough to do this" Ryu said Laying down and watching Blynd beating the crap out of the other players "O_o Damn he has a strange soul" [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta]Reki raised his hand and the entire stage materialized 2 miles away from the shore "Alright! Gentelmen please take your places!" Zen watched nervorusly as she saw all the charaters line up. Then her heart lept when she saw Blynd line up "I coming to get you Zen" he whispered. Reki raised a gun "Ready...." Lyn and the others get to higher ground to get a better view "Hehe look Blynds gonna get Zen" Ryu snicked "Get Set..." Lyn and ouka punched him "Shut up its cute!" Ryus legs twitched. Ouka helped him up and smiled. "Go!" Blynd and the other players started crossing the river "GO BLYND! GO!" Lyn and Mistrial cheered "YOU CAN DO IT BLYND!" Ouka and Ryu screamed "GO GET HER!" Balmung said[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Thats a great dream you had go on and follow your dream I can't wait until it comes out :D[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta]Reki moved his pointed index finger around "Who will be the weaver maiden..." Rekis finger pointed to Zen. "AND HERE SHE IS!" Zen materialized onto the stage "Wha?" Blynd looked around for Zen "Where did she run off to?" Reki walked over to Zen "Hello there! Please say your name, age, and hobbies." Zen looked around blushing. Some players were cheering and whistling "Oooo Hey babe whats your Address?" Zen took the microphone blushing [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta](( *drools* I likey poems! )) Ouka, Ryu, Hotaru, Sanjuro, and Mistrial went ahead. It was a magnificent view. There was a stage with a Huge screen right on it. Next to it was a Huge bathhouse 10x bigger than the stage. The furnase was working to a smoke players were going in and out. Reki was on the stage "Alright the contest is about to begin! Hurry up this might be your chance to date a random beauty." Balmung shook his head "Reki was always a loud mouth" Lyn laughed and looked behind her "Hey Blynd Zen hurry up the events gonna start!" Lyn tugged on Balmung "Come on lets go" [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta]Lyn and Balmung got closer "Lyn..." Lyn answered looking at him she caught the moons reflection in her eyes "Yeah..." Balmung kissed her on the cheek. Balmung blushed slightly "I had to get it out of my system" Lyn smiled and returned a kiss on his cheek "Payback." He smiled. Mistrial watched from affar "Take it easy wuvbirds!" Lyn looked at Mistrial "Mistrial watch your step!" Mistrial was walking backwards and caught her foot on a nearby rock "WAA!" Mistrial fell on the ground. "Owie..." Ouka ran over to Mistrial "You okay?" Mistrial brushed off some dirt "Yeah..." She turned around and her eyes glowed "Yay we're here! we're Here!"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta](( Sevotharte that was beautiful I could read it all day :D )) Lyn walked up to a tree and put her wish on [FONT=Book Antiqua][U]I wish that I could get my brother to wake up[/U].[/FONT] she looked around to see if anyone was near to where she put her wish up they were all far enough. Lyn never talked about her brother in THE WORLD its too heart breaking for her. Mistrail called to Lyn "Hey Come on Lyn lets walk on the trail it will lead us to the lake where the event is being held!!! Come on!" Lyn smiled "Alright I'm coming" The areas time of day turned to a beautiful calm night scene the moon up in the sky was bright and beautiful and the trail was alined with the Laterns. Balmung looked at Lyn "You alright?" Lyn looked at Balmung and smiled "Yeah" She wrapped her arm arounds his and they started down the trail together. Lyn rested her head on his shoulder. "Its nice out tonight." Mistrial was way ahead "Come on shake a leg!" Ouka and Ryu were walking togehter hand in hand. Hotaru and Sanjuro were walking together side by side Shugo and Reina were walking togehter talking and laughing.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta]Lyn and everyone else just stared at ouka and ryu Lyn whispered to Zen "What the hell are those two doing don't they know thats Blynd?" Zen shook her head "Well they're in for a suprise..." Blynd began to feel agrivated and drew his sword "Back off you mangie mutts." Ouka and Ryu changed back to human form "Blynd?! o_O" Ouka and Ryu apologized to Blynd while he yelled his head off about how childish the attaks were. Lyn shook her head and walked over to Balmung and wrapped her arm around his "So..." Balmung blushed in all sorts of Red "Are you all ready?" Balmung practically melted in her arms "Uh...e-everyone come on let's get going to the event" Balmung and Lyn started walking back to the Chaos Gate Mistrial jumped in the air " YAY! R-A-R-E all of those rare items are all for me!" Hotaru, Reina, Zen, and Naomi fell back anime style. Mistrial stared at them "Was I that horrible?" Reina helped Hotaru up "You can say that Mistrial" Hotaru picked up her grunty "I'm sorry Mistrial but Reinas right you could say that" Zen and Naomi sorta snikered at Mistrial. Mistrial pouted and walked to the Chaos Gate. They were all at the Choas gate they waited until Ouka, Ryu, and Blynd caught up. "Ready?" Lyn asked. Everyone agreed by nodding their heads. Lyn smiled "Alright!" She put her right hand up "To the Tanabata Event" Rings surrounded them and materialized them to the Event. Pink Red and White Laterns were lit and everything seemed to glow. "Whoa..." Ryu said. Everyone looked around with aw except Blynd. He enjoyed the view he just didn't want to show it. Lyn walked around "Come on lets put up our wishes in the bamboo trees" Mistrial had a twisted smile I know what I'm gonna wish for [FONT=Lucida Console]TO HAVE ALL THE RAREST ITEMS IN THE WORLD PUAHAHAHA![/FONT] "Yeah" Ouka sighed [FONT=Lucida Console]I HOPE I CAN GET STRONGER MONSTERS TO FIGHT.[/FONT] "I've been wanting to make some wishes" Hotaru said cuddling her grunty [FONT=Lucida Console]I WISH THE WORLD WAS AT PEACE[/FONT] "Come on big brother lets go make some wishes too" Reina said pulling her brothers arm "Okay take it easy Reina" [FONT=Lucida Console]I WISH MY BROTHER WAS LIKE THE REAL KITE[/FONT] Shugo was smiling widely [FONT=Lucida Console]I HOPE I BECOME STRONG LIKE BALMUNG AND SANJURO[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta]Rena, Mistrial, Hotaru, Zen, and Lyn were done changing. They were all complimenting Mistrials Kimono "Oh I just love your Kimono Mistrial it looks very beautiful on you." "Very" "Aww so kawaii" " Yeah Mistrail why didn't you get me one " Mistrail was laughing with the attention " puahaha I love being a rare hunter " Ouka was done changing. "alright you can come done Zen I think they're being good boys" Zen smiled and nodded. They were all waiting for Naomi. Mistrail jumped up and down "HURRY HURRY!!!" Naomi laughed "Hold on I'm almost done"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta]Lyn was talking to Mistrail "So..." Mistrail said slyly eying her character model "You are the bloody wavemaster" Lyn nodded "Yeah..." Mistrial went starry eyed "Join my Party!" Lyn laughed and pushed her to the ground "I already have to deal with these guys Mistrial so why do I have to deal with you :D " Mistrail Laughed " Hey leggo :p " Lyn noticed everyone was done shopping "Alright lets get going to[COLOR=Pink][COLOR=Pink]':)(:' Lovers passing road[/COLOR][/COLOR] " Everyone rushed over to Lyn at the chaos gate " [COLOR=Pink][COLOR=Pink]':)(:' Lovers passing road[/COLOR][/COLOR]" They all materialized at the place where they were to meet Balmung. Balmung waited over by a tree "Lyn..." Balmung walked over and blushed. Lyn smiled and gave him a hug "Your Shy I like that." Lyn remembered her Kimono "Oh I need to change" Ouka, Hotaru, Mistrail, Reina, Naiomi, and Zen Agreed. They paused and gave a cold stare at the boys "Don't you dare peek at us or we'll give you the beating of a lifetime!" Ryu smirked "Why would we peek on you..." They looked at him and started threw the bamboo forest. Ryu smirked even bigger "hehehe" The girls were at a waterfall "Wow" Lyn said in aw "Its so beautiful" Lyn put down her bag and looked around "Okay its clear" Lyn took of her top and pants and started to get her kimono out of her bag. "Ouka anyone yet?" Reina asked Ouka shook her head "Nope"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Lyn felt bad for Ryu so he did him a favor "Hey Ouka!" Oukas ears twitch "Yeah..." "Do you remeber that werewolf RyU?" Ouka put a bit of dreamy in her voice "who couldn't He so hot..." Lyn smiled "well he sorta mad at me so tell him that you wanna go with him to the Event" Ouka smiled "Alright" Ryu, Hey you wanna go to the Event with me. We'll have fun ;)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue](( I don't get it :D )) Lyn was looking at her self in the mirror "Its beautiful..." The shopkeeper nodded "Only 1000 credits" Lyn took out her card and gave it to the shopkeeper "Thank You have a nice stay in the world Ms. Lyn" Lyn carried her kimono in a bag swaying it back N forth Waiting for the others to buy theirs. ;)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. Rate Mine please 7/10 for the Av 7/10 for the Sig They're cool GOT CRABS :D
  24. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Lyn slapped Ryu and made him fall into the river. Ryus legs were sticking out twitching. Lyn, Ouka, Mistrial, Hotaru, Naiomi, Reina, and Zen laughed at Ryu then materialized to THE WORLD KIMONO SHOP. Every one looked at the beautiful kimono's. Mistrial got a very Rare Lavendar Silk Kimono. Hotaru got a Earth toned Kimono. Ouka got a Navy Blue Kimono with zig zag patterns going at the sides. Reina got a Magenta and Pink Flowered Kimono. Lyn got a Black Kimono with a Red under Shirt and the wrist sleeves and the bottom of the kimono had white. ((COUPLES)) Lyn + Balmung Ryu + Ouka Reina + Shugo
  25. [SIZE=4][SIZE=4][CENTER][CENTER][COLOR=Pink][COLOR=Pink]DATA LOG 4: TANABANA DAY/ Bath house. [/COLOR][/COLOR][/CENTER][/CENTER][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]The next day when Chantell came back from school. She went straight to her Lab top and signed on. Lyn materialized in Mac Anu. She noticed that players were coupled up and looking at each other all dreamy like. She thought about Balmung "Hmm...I wonder how everyones doing..." She walked acrossed the bridge and noticed a floating banner the said HAPPY VALENTINES DAY. "Oh wow..." She turned around and bumped into Balmung. "Oh sorry" They both said they were both blushing and looking around. "Uh Lyn...." "Yeah..." "You wanna go to the Tanabana night with me?" Lyn blushed violently "S-sure" Balmung wrapped their conversation up quickly "OklynI'llpickyouandyourfriendsupat [COLOR=Pink][COLOR=Pink]':)(:' Lovers passing road[/COLOR][/COLOR]" Balmung materialized out of Mac Anu and left Lyn on the bridge blushing her head off "so he DOES like me...." Lyn walked a corner and sent an E-mail to Zen, Naomi, Ouka, Mistrial, Reina, and Hotaru. Hey Did you Guys Hear about The Valentines special event? Balmung asked me out to event. Who's gonna take you? I'll be waiting at Mac Anu by the Chaos Gate to help buy you guys some Kimonos.^_))) OMG Im in love Lyn Lyn went from the corner to the Chaos gate thinking about Balmung. :love:[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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