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Everything posted by Tsurigane

  1. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta](( like hiei ^_^ )) Balmung looked at Bylnd "Hmmm do I know you from somewhere?" Bylnd smirked "No but I know all about you." Balmung and Bylnd eyed each other when "Balmung San Balmung san!" Reki came in "We need you right away" Balmung rushed over to Reki "what is it" "The event remember?" "Oh!" Balmung waved good bye to lyn and the others. "Hmm...wonder what that was about" Mistrail was googling Bylnd "Ever heard of personal space?" "Wow! Is that a new Rank?" Lyn looked at the ocean "aw crap I gotta log out Bye All!" She logged out. Chantell took off her headset and sighed "what a day"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]"HEEEY!" Ouka and Mistrial called to Lyn Lyn smiled and ran over "Hey you guys!" She gives them a hug Shugo Reina and Hotaru materialized to "Hi!" :D[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. Do you guys remember watching "IT" Holy Crap that was so damn scary when I was what...7...6years old :D :eek:
  4. [SIZE=4][SIZE=4]DATA LOG 2 + 3: I know you/ Having Fun[/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Lyn smacked the back of Balmungs head "Even your an Idiot balmung!" Lyn ran over to Ryu "You ok?" Ryu did'nt answer "Its okay! I'll beat him up." Ryu started to laugh "HA! I got ya ta laugh!" Lyn and Ryu got up Lyn smirked and pushed Ryu into the water. Lyn called "LAST ONE IN IS A SHOOB!" Balmung smirked "Hmp another one of her challenges...sounds like fun." Balmung jumped over the rails so did Zen and Naomi "WHAAA!" Lyn was tackled by balmung while Zen and naomi fell all over Ryu. "Yeah see I told you this is fun!"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. Wow 0_OThis is a strange topic :D :haha: :rotflmao:
  6. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue](( Holy Crap Ruby are you dying???! :eek: )) Lyn and Balmung made it into the dungen level 4. Lyn was finishing off a dark mage "KYA!" Lyn punched it's face and it deleted. A treasure box appeared, "Alright! Next is the boss level!!!" Balmung put his sword away and smiled "Hmp your still good at hand-to-hand" Balmung looked at Lyn's health, Lyn groaned "Aw man I should of brought my despells with me." Balmung smiled and walked to her side "Here I'll help." Balmung took his sword out and put it over Lyn "La Repth!" Lyns health was back to 100%, Lyn smiled "Thanks..." Balmung blushed lightly No problem now lets get that Treasure...." Lyn was already waiting at the door "If you done talking to yourself let's get going" Balmung fell back anime style Lyn laughed "Hey I'm joking now come on!" Balmung got up and followed Lyn thinking ' :rolleyes: God I love her attitude ' They went into a empty room and looked around "Hmm....Balmung...." Balmung looked at here "Yeah?" Lyn scanned the room one last time "Where the mons-" A huge gust of wind blew past Balmung and Lyn. In their headsets the room tinted a bit darker. Battle Mode appeared on their screens. Balmung and Lyn got closer until their backs touched. Balmung felt around with his sword and Lyn with her hand. "Do you see it Balmung?" Balmung shook his head no Lyn rolled her eyes" :rolleyes: Great..." All of a sudden the monster appeared. When Lyn saw the monster she had flashbacks of everyone and she said one thing before holding Balmungs hand "Thats skieth....Balmung we're going!" Balmung was suprised when she held his hand "Lyn..?" Lyn used sprite ocarina and got them both out of the dungeon. Lyn was shaking in Balmungs arms "Lyn what made you do that?" Lyn looked at him "I remeber everything now..." Balmung looked at her oddly Lyn tried to smile "Balmung thanks..." She put her right hand up and logged out. Chantell went straight away to her email box she clicked the Icon and started typing. User Zen, I'm sorry for yesterday. I need to talk to you at [COLOR=RoyalBlue][COLOR=RoyalBlue] ~0~ Sunny Beach Paradise [/COLOR][/COLOR] ^_^ I'll tret you and Ryu to a fun day in THE WORLD. Remeber to bring a bathinsuit I'll be waiting. Oh and before I forget send this to Ryu too! I hope you forgive me. User Lyn. Lyn smiled and went back into THE WORLD. She was in a black two piece with sunglasses. "I sure hope they come..." She was walking down to where she was suppose to meet Zen and Ryu. A player came by her and ask for her player address Lyn smiled "Do ever knew what it was like to lose your front teeth?" The player looked at her and laughed "Come on babe stop playing hard to get" Lyn smiled and pointed behind her "Try say that again bud" The player looked behind Lyn and saw other boy players stuffed in the sand. Balmung was watching from affar while waiting Shugo. The player was laughing "Aww how sweet" the player wrapped his arm around Lyn. When Balmung saw this he walked over "Hey buddy stop harrassing her!" He punched his face and the player sank to the ground. Lyn looked at Balmung suprised. Balmung blushed "thought I help" Lyn smiled "you wanna wait with me I have some friends coming" "Sure" Lyn and Balmung waited at the Beach Bar.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Chantell was sleeping soundly when all of a sudden "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!!" Chantell was suprised by her clock and fell off her hamock on her head "ow ow ow ow!!!" Chatell furiously rubbed her head Her mother heard the noise "Chantell you up?" Chantel got up and streched "Yeah mom...." Chantell took a deep breath and caught a yummy aroma "Mmmmm Mom what ya cooking?" "Im cooking breakfast what do you think?" "Oh I thought you were cooking your perfumes" Her mother sounded a bit annoyed "Just get down here and eat!" --Later-- Chantell went to school for the first time ever since her brothers accident. Everyone was looking at her oddly. Her friend pua ran up to her and gave her a hug "Chantell! How are you?" Chantell hugged pua "I'm doing fine" Pua and Chantell started to walk to their lockers Chantell opened up her locker when Pua poped the question "So hows your brother..." Chantell stopped for a sencond "I...I don't wanna talk about it" Chantell slammed her locker and ran to homeroom. --Later-- Chantell got home and ran up stairs "Hi Mom!" "Hi Hon." Chantell took out her labtop and put her headset on. Welcome to THE WORLD Username: Lyn Password:****** ~~~Connecting~~~ ////APPROVED//// Please enjoy your stay Lyn materialized in Mac Anu and notice that some players were here "Cool they fixed it" Lyn was walking over the brigde when someone calledher " Hey Lyn long time no see." Lyn turned around to see balmung. Lyn smirked "Hmp. Hey Balmung hows life treating you." Balmung laughed "You still have your charm" Lyn smiled "So whatcha doing here? Is there another problem?" Balmung shook his head "No I was wondering if you want to go to a new area with me" Lyn looked at him suprised "Oh..." Balmung smirked at her "There's a rare item in the dungen..." Lyn ran to the chaos gate and waved at Balmung from there "Okay ya got my attention" Balmung smiled and walked over. Lyn started to jump up and down with excitment "Hurry Balmung!" Balmung smiled and held her right hand [COLOR=Green][COLOR=Green]~0~ Deadly Forbidden Devils grave![/COLOR][/COLOR] They materialized into a volcanic area. "Cool! Balmung your the greatest!" Lyn gave him a hug. Balmung blushed " *ahem* a-alright then Lyn lets get going" Lyn nodded "Yes let's!" They started to make their way to a volcano. (( Oh and Lyn is in her fighter Rank she has two Ranks Wavemaster and Fighter she looks like this! ))[/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20808[/IMG]
  8. I agree poo62.2 Clowns are pointless.... :smirk: Heh I mean ever since that movie on killers clown released everybody hated Clowns and distance themselves from them....I would rather have a comedian come to my parties than a clown hands down. :D :rotflmao:
  9. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Lyn threw a small pebble at Zen "Hey what was that for?!" Lyn turned around and gave a cold stare "For being an Idiot..." Ryu fell back anime style. Lyn looked down at Ryu and threw a small pebble at him "Ouch what did I do?!" Lyn was at the Chaos gate "Because you made me waste my time dealing with that monster." Lyn put her Right hand up "Log Out" Three rings Logged her out. In the real world Chantell took of her headset and looked at the clock. "ooh crap it's 9:30pm past my bedtime" Chantell walked out onto her Lanai and thought about those players she met then shook her head "Weirdo's..." She walked back to her room and changed into her PJ's and fell onto her bed. Her dog came in wagging his tail begging her to pet him. Chantelll smiled and petted behind his ear "Gotta sleep now..." She took her clock and set it to 5:00am. She yawned and went to sleep.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Lyn looked at him "Hmm...your the first person I know that doesn't know my name...*sighs* I'm Lyn" Lyn looked at Ryu "So your sister got into a colma too so did my little brother" Zen looked at both of them relizing one thing "Check your party lists" Lyn and Ryu looked at Zen "Why?"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Lyn got up "Alright some action!!!" Lyn faced the monster "Hey hot stuff..." Lyns staff had fire at the end of it "Fire imprison!" A cage made of fire surrounded the moster. Lyn took out a charm "Toro Ayashi!" A shadow tiger came out of the charm and killed the monster. "Yes!!!" She saw a tresure pop up "Hey Boy!" She was pointing to the kid hiding behind the tree "You can take your tresure now I mean since you were being chased by that thing" Ryu blushed "uhh...." Lyn looked at Ryu "Well take it or leave it?"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Lyn had her bandana over her eyes. she heard footstep. Zen was starting to say something "Hey are you-" "Yes Im Lyn No I don't want to be in your party and No I don't want to talk about my profile" Zen looked at Lyn "But your in my party..." Lyn looked at her "I am? :confused:" Lyn got up and brushed off. "Then maybe you can explain why you put me in your party without asking! That so rude! Hasn't your mother taught anything?!" Zen looked at Lyn suprised " By the way how did you find this place?" Lyn eyed Zen and waited for an answer[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta](( Alrighty Then the following people can post ))Rating PG-13 Houka Sevotharte Mage15 Shugo15 Inuyasha311 Ruby Alright! Lets get started!!! [CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=4][SIZE=4] Data Log 1: Log In [/SIZE][/SIZE][/CENTER][/CENTER] Lyn looked at her party list, "How...How can this be?" She got up and shook her head "Maybe it's just a glitch" She walked toward the Chaos Gate and put her right hand up [COLOR=Green][COLOR=Green]"Hidden Seculded Forest Medow"[/COLOR][/COLOR] three rings materialized her to a quiet medow. Lyn smiled "I forgot how pretty it looked" She walked over to a near by tree and sat there under it's shade. "I'm sure it's just a glitch" Lyn closed her eyes while a soft breeze brushed past. She thought about her brother in Japan. He was there with dad to say hi to an old friend. Her little brother was playing the game when he blacked out into that Colma.When Lyn and her mother got the news the planed to go there right away. Lyn squinted her eys "Maybe..." she thought for a second "Maybe I met those people before..."[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. Alrighty Then!!!! We Have Enough People I'll Go Set It Up In The Adventure Square!!! :d Heres the link [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=601998#post601998[/url]
  15. (( Shugo sorry heres shugos picture everyone! oh and shugo...please make a log in story :D )) People who are going to be in the Rp Houka :D IrregularX Mage15 Shugo15 Inuyasha311 Ruby
  16. (( Oh Sorry So sorry Terra I knew I was doing something wrong thanks for the warnings! :D )) IrregularX, Do you think you can make your Log in story a bit longer I mean look at mine. I would crush you with mine ya? So try and be creative and detailed. :D [SIZE=4][SIZE=4] Shucks we need more girl players :( [/SIZE][/SIZE]
  17. You luv me?! You really luv me... *awww* Its just I think that I'm annoying you with these request n all...ITS BEAUTIFUL animesoul :D
  18. (( Hiya Angel_Kiss! :D )) Name: Beau Ayashi
  19. Hi * smiles * Do you think you can tinker with these. I need a Banner and Av for each. :D Thank you so much if I annoy you please tell me I'll stop talking :) [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20758&stc=1[/IMG] TEXT FOR THIS: Wind Godess [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20759&stc=1[/IMG] Ongar
  20. Whoops Sorry :D Hehe Thanks for the warning!
  21. Im shuting down the Rp Im gonna be doing a dot hack one if you would like to go be my guest
  22. THANK YOU!!!!! :D *gives free hug* But the av you made is too large :(
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