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Everything posted by Tsurigane

  1. Wouldn't It be easier if you put it like this? [IMG]http://wallpapers.theotaku.com/wallpapers/640_by_480/11845-20040602093829.jpg[/IMG]
  2. Is this better..Pretty Ya. ^_^ :D [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20737[/IMG] Please Come join my Rp...[SIZE=1][SIZE=1]Ill give you a free hug... :D [/SIZE][/SIZE] [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=601036#post601036[/url]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed][COLOR=DarkRed] NEED A BANNER FOR RP!!! VERY URGENT!!! NEED BANNER AND AV!!!! PLEASE!!!!! :D [/COLOR][/COLOR] The pic pics Down a few posts *~ Text for banner~* ' The Bloody Wavemaster Lyn' ' I'll do anything to get him back ' *~ Text for av ~* ' Wavemaster Lyn ' ' Lyn ' ' The chosen one ' THANK YOU!!!! :D
  4. (( Hi everyone! :D )) " The sea...the sea...all I remeber is a sea. " A voice came from over head as the 7 chosen ones listened carefully. " You must help me at the sea that is where he waits..." One of the players took a step towards her " Who's 'he'? " Aura looked around she gasped " Hes coming " she slowly dissapeared while the entire area slowly deletes. "Ung. Whats happening..." They looked around and found themselves in a broken server. " Lyn whats happening?" Lyn looked around the area. " It looks like pieces of deleted areas " The players looked around " Lets go we need to find that...AAAAHH!" All six players were being deleted by someone. Lyn reached out to one of the players " blaze... " Her little brother was being deleted faster than anyone else he lets out a scream beofore the program swallowed him "CHANTELL!!!" Her little brother disapeared. Lyn punched the ground with her eyes slowly filling with tears "no..." One by one the players dissapered. Lyn was the last to go she looked at her deleter " I'll never forgive you..." Then Lyn slowly dissapeared. In the real world 7 people fell into colmas....Only 6 woke up. The players don't know each other anymore. The program that was suppose to delete them only deleted their memoiries of each other. It was month after the inccident. Chantell decided to log in. Welcome to THE WORLD Username: Lyn Password: ****** ////APPROVED///// Please enjoy your stay in THE WORLD. When chantell logged in she noticed her mail icon was blinking "Hmm i got mail". She opened it and the message flashed before her: L7n, pL3@$e H//elp m.e. Im b3in9 h3ld @t [COLOR=Navy][COLOR=Navy] ~0~ ****** ******* **** *****[/COLOR][/COLOR] p;3as3 gatH3r th3 oth3r cho$3n 1's. I n33d y0U @ll. Chantell looked at the message. She tried to make out the name of the of the person who send the mail "...Aura..." She gasped "I know that name from somewhere but where?" She decided to check the message boards "Hmm..." She scrolled down the page "No entries" She went into THE WORLD to find some clues of where she heared the name. She materiallized at Mac Anu. She took a deep breath and sighed "Just as I remebered---" She looked around and saw no players only crimson knights. "You There! Halt!" Lyn looked at the knight and did as she was told "This server is being investigated by the order of the Crimson Knights" Lyn looked the knight "Why is there some kind of bug here?" The knight shook his head "There appears that advance AI's are running all over this server. We already disposed of some but there is much more to do. So please relocate yourself to a diffrent server and We will post on the message boards when we are through with this server" The knight turned around and went back to his search. Lyn turned around and walked back to the Chaos gate. "Hmmm...Ai's?" She put her hand up and materialized to another sever swarming with players talking about Mac Anu and making up rumors about it. Lyn over heard some players "I heard the they are viruses corrupting Mac Anu" "Well I heard The crimson knights are using that server as a place to hangout" Lyn shook her head and walked around. Some people stared at her "Hey isn't that 'The Bloody Wavemaster'?" "Yeah I think so..." the players walked up to Lyn "Hey aren't you That Lengedary player 'The Bloody Wavemaster'?" Lyn turned around 'Yeah so? Why do ask?' The players smiled "Can you join our party?" Lyn looked at them "Sorry can't Im a loner I hope you understand..." The players frowned "But you have like 6 friends I saw it on your profile." Lyn looked at them oddly "I do?" She walked to a secluded place so she can check her status "Hmm...Huh?" She looked at her party list. She noticed her brothers user name 'Flame' but she looked at the other 5. "Who are these people?" (( ALRIGHTY THEN I HOPE THATS GOOD ENOUGH! :D )) ---> this is what you guys need REAL WORLD INFO Name: Chantell Age: 14 Gender: Female Apperance:[IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20794[/IMG] THE WORLD INFO Name: Lyn Age: 14 Gender: Female Rank: Wavemaster Level: 200 (( so are you guys ^_^)) Item: (( Aura gave us items to protect us from being deleted in any way but not my lil bro )) 2 bangles (( like bracelets )) on her right forearm. Apperance: (( You guys can type yours out but I really suggest a pic ^_~Hehe pictures talk for themseles :D )) Signs: She Has Red lighting mark on her left cheek. She is a lengendary wavemaster in THE WORLD. She was known as ' Lyn The Bloody Wavemaster ' She was one of some to never be in a party and fight a high leveled monster. Cool huh? :D [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20737[/IMG] [SIZE=4][SIZE=4]Things to happen: (( Heres whats gonna go on in the Rp ))[/SIZE][/SIZE] Data Log 1: Log In Data Log 2: ' I know you! ' Data Log 3: Special Event: Fireworks Data Log 4: [COLOR=Navy][COLOR=Navy]~0~ Hidden Forbbiden Holy Ground[/COLOR][/COLOR] Data Log 5: ' What Happened?! ' Data Log 6: Special Event: Valentines Bath House/ The Tanabana Event Data Log 7:Macha this happens at the bath house all male characters are to fight Macha. Data Log 7: ' A message from aura ' Data Log 8: [COLOR=DarkOrange][COLOR=DarkOrange]:0: Midas's Hidden Sea[/COLOR][/COLOR] Data Log 9: Old Friends Data Log 10: Showdown Data Log 11: ' Colma Lifted... '
  5. (( I am :D )) Ami Carson and everyone else looked at Leon "Whoa this guys strong" Grey pointed out Cat and Ami had heart shaped eyes. Ami looked at Leon "You had a spirit...Leon...." Every thing was emotional then.. Ami grabed her brothers collar and started to beat him with her pole "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME" "Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow" (( Kenshin-K Your gonna love this moving pic it represents me beating leon)) :D [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20741[/IMG]
  6. Leon rubbs his head "Ouch sis what was that for!" Ami made a face " :flaming: :flaming: Grrr...You never came to see me I thought you and dad left me forever! :flaming: :flaming: " Leon got up and brushed some dirt off and took amis hand "Im really sorry sis...*he makes a sad face* please forgive me" Ami swiped her hands away and put her head up then she turned and hugged him "Well okay but unless you stay with me from now on." Leon smiled "I promise..." Amis spirit came out "Your the..." Ami and every one else looked at kimori "What do you mean kimori" Leon smiled "oh you mean auron?" Leons spirit came out * HE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE AMIDAMARU FROM SHAMAN KING* Marjax looked at leons spirit in frightened awe.
  7. Its perfect but you have a spelling error...Im a freak when it comes to spelling :D
  8. Ami looks at carson smirking and gets up with a pole in her hand and hits leon with it "WHERE THE HELL YOU"VE BEEN!?" Leon rubbs his head
  9. Its very cool James I wish I can make these kinds of banners but I need to depend on others to make them...:( sad huh? I GIVE YOU PROPS!!! :D They are very cool and neat!
  11. *gets up and hugs both of you* THANK YOU SO MUCH THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL. *puts staff up it starts raining millions of dollors* :D do you think you can make Avs for the others *makes puppy eyes and whimpers* :)
  12. Hi!!!! Names Jen *handshakes with you* I need you to tinker with these pics. You may put them into Av's or Banners...mostly banners :D well here are the pics. :) [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20471[/url] [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20470[/url] [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20690[/url] [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20691[/url] [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20692[/url] Okay text for the first one 'Believe in me...' For the Second picture 'Fly high...' Third picture 'Follow your heart...' Fourth Picture 'Can you feel it?...' Fifth Pic 'Lonley...' Thanks :babble:
  13. brazillian eh? very tropical... :D you all did great your all are kind a very helpful :love: :)
  14. Hmmm...*taps staff on head* Never heard of that. Is it rare? :D Nah seriously I never heard of it :)
  15. Oh Turdle its so cool! :D How do you guys make those banners :confused:
  16. (( Check out my Banner and Av :D )) Ami watches Carson dissapear slowly. "CARSON!" Ami tries to catch her but she was falling to fast. "Kaiyou! Kimori! Carsons dissapearing!" Kaiyou and Kimori gasps "No..." Kaiyou said. All of a sudden a slash of light came through the darkness. Ami and Carson where outside again. Ami was on the ground rubbing her head. "ow ow ow ow" Ami looked up and saw carson being held. "You okay?" he asked carson Carson was staring at him turning all diffrent shades of red "uh..yeah..thaks you." Ami was looking at the person who had saved her friend "Leon?" :eek:
  17. *bows* Thank You!!! I thought no body wasn't gonna help me :( Your so nice!!! :D (( do you think you can make some others I mean you don't have too Im just a picky person N all :rolleyes: :D )) BEUTIFUL PICS!
  18. May someone please make me a Mileyu Banner (( look at avatar if you do not know who she is.)) and if you would be as so kind as too put text on it too? Look at colored text please :D [COLOR=DarkOrange][COLOR=DarkOrange]'RARE ITEMS!' or 'Alrighty Then!' or 'The Rare Hunter of Love and Bravery...MEE!' or Treasure Lover' or 'mireille' [/COLOR][/COLOR] Thank you for your time!
  19. (( well alright maybe for alittle while :D ))
  20. (( [SIZE=1][SIZE=1]Uhh Kenshin_K is it okay if you can shut this Rp down well since nobody is posting n all. I started a Wolf rain Rp!!! But we mostly need ORINGINAL characters if you do thanks!!! heres the URL [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=599305&posted=1#post599305[/url][/SIZE][/SIZE]
  21. (( Great thanks I was hoping for people to sign up! All we need is A Blue, Hige, Tsume, Toboe, and Kiba. Please sign up!!! ))
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