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Everything posted by Tsurigane

  2. Thank you Ouka! *hugs* Theres your free hug! I Thank you so much!!! :D :love: :D :love:
  3. Hi! Im having a little troble putting on my attachment I don't know how to put it on first of all can someone help me. Ill give them a free hug.... :D
  4. * Wow alot of responses :wigout: * It was a great show but the only thing thats sucks is that its only 6 episodes
  5. Tsurigane

    Chop Suey

    Who cares what the songs talking about the normal and remix versions rock! I have the CD. :D :p
  6. (( Hi :angel: :drunk: )) Has any of you read or seen Fooly Cooly. I think its quite funny. :laugh: I have 2 of the volumes so far.
  7. (( Wow Thanks brother *hugs until your eye pop out* opps! *puts your eyes back in* ))
  8. (( ;) :p :love: :laugh: :cross: :butthead: :freak: These smileys are so much fun Nyuk! Nyuk! ))
  9. (( I made a mistake before I feel so embarssed :( :blush: I hope Im in the right one if not please let me know Thank you! )) Houkas Background story! "I when I was a cub...my mother left me and my brother...I don't...really know...why...but she vanished from us...after that me and my brother adapted to the streets for a while...stealing food...running away from the authorities...but one day...me and my brother couldn't run any more...this time they got me and my brother good...we managed to hide behide a dumpster and then we blacked out. When we woke up someone was petting us...an Young man around 20...I managed to let out a low growl but he wasn't afraid. So for 10 years we stayed with him. I was 17 my brother 16...One day our owner left something near the fireplace and it caught fire..soon the whole house caught fire...I escaped...but my brother and owner...didn't. The police found the bodies and buried them (( Heres starts the story )) I went to thier graves and placed a single white rose on each. (( Do you like? Its okay if you don't )) Wolf Info Name: Houka Age:17 Color fur: Silverish gray Color of eyes: Blue Accessories:One small gold earing on her right ear Human info Clothes: Baggy navy blue Jeans with a black tank top with a black jacket (( My character looks like Avatar only with out the patch )) Can I get 4 wolves you can make them up if you want. Thank you Thank you!
  10. ((BTW Houka looks like sango)) :D
  11. (( Hello everybody and welcome! :) Everybody who comes please post your information about your character and lets simmer down on the swear words please Thank You! :p)) Name: Houka Color of fur: Silverish Gray Color of eyes: Blue Accessories: A little golden earing on her right ear HUMAN FORM Clothes: Houka wears Baggy Navy blue jeans with a Light blue tank top with a black jacket. Houka was walking though somesort of ghost town with a boquet of flowers. With that she brought a golden ring. She stoped at a cemetary and looked down at a gravestone: Jason Dawn Father and Husband Houka set down the flowers along with the golden ring "So you know Ill always be with you Bud" Houka took one last look at her owners grave and walked out.
  12. Name:Houka Age:17 Gender:Female Color: Siler gray Aditional Facts (optional: Houka is very protective of her feelings and her brother
  13. Whats does this do Im sorta new so can anyone help me please :eek: Im such a noob
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