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Everything posted by Justin
Nope. I imagine that was totally cool with them. Just like it's totally cool for every metalcore band and it's brother to play the same drum patterns over and over again. :whoops: Amy Lee should join an epic, symphonic, blackened death metal band, though. And split the vocal duties with me. That'd be rad. -Justin
I hate 'Party Like A Rockstar.' Ignorant, stupid song. And now every trendy hip-POP culture loser with his hat cocked to the side knows how to lazily employ the Goat. And that's just not something that should be used out of context...like when fans of Hinder do it...but they do it with their palm facing in...IT'S NOT DAMN SUPPOSED TO BE PALM IN!! IT'S PALM OUT!! Watch Dio, for Christ's sake. Worst bands ever? Hinder=sonic ****. Crossfade=" ". Limp Bizkit=Never, EVER do that to Pantera. Kiss=Sissy bands shouldn't wear corpse paint. the Beach Boys=California will never recover. Neil Diamond=Sweet Caroline probably shot herself. DUN DUN DUUUN. LFO= Now, these boys were cute. Hoobastank= YEEEEES!!! Who-be-stankin'?. Puddle of Mudd=Never, EVER do that to Kurt Cobain. Slipknot=not metal. Later Anthrax= I hate you. Later Metallica= Bastards. All Megadeth= Stop trying to be Metallica. Whitesnake(and every hair band that starts with 'W')= Thank you. No, really. Thanks. Because of you, it's totally obiekabie for every metalcore band ever to cover Bon Jovi or Warrant and show just how much like hair metal metalcore is becoming. Which brings me to: BON JOVI. The singular worst band...ever. You gave us a bad name, Bon Jovi. And you're to blame. Hails(with palm out), -Justin
Everyone should check out Moonsorrow's newest album. It's two songs, and more playtime than three post hardcore albums, or 800 grindcore albums. Both tracks start off incredibly slowly and, as I alluded to, each of the two tracks is twenty-five minutes+. Having said that, it's not something you pop in on a ride to the QuickTrip. You kinda have to make an event of taking it in. Having been a casual fan of Moonsorrow's older releases, I have to say that I was very surprised by the minimalism of the new record. It founds its soundscapes more in negative space than in the orchestral bedrock of previous works. It's rad. -Justin
I just like how DevilDriver is allowed to be the 'anti-hardcore' metalcore band. That, and they blow in terms of music. It's boring, repetitive, and annoying. I'd also hardly call ole' buddy from Glassjaw a vocal genius. That whole style of music focuses on [I]lack[/I] of technique. Which just sounds awful to me.
Jake...I want you to know that the following stems from no comment in this thread, nor any comment in particular...but...you're my Otakuboards metal hero. And one day, I want to collaborate with you on an anthemic-*** metal jam about slaughtering frost giants, burning churches, drinking mead, and abiding in extremely cold weather. Call it whatever you want, I don't care, I just want to do it. That's completely relevant to this thread. -Justin
I love alcohol. Beer is the honey of the weekend warrior. And the petroleum behind good music everywhere. -Justin
How could anyone hate Lynyrd Skynyrd? *sigh* Maybe I'm just a good ole Alabame boy, but if metal weren't so intoxicating to me, I'd be in a southern rock band. And we'd play 'Freebird' every night. And 'That Smell'. And 'Gimme Back My Bullets'. Then we'd leave the stage. Because then the stage would be owned. -Justin
Killwhitneydead was something of a local phenomenon around here not that long ago. I don't know who replaced them as the new favored sons of metal/deathcore in Columbus, but I remember not being too fond of them. But I guess their formula sets them apart enough to make them something you'd remember listening to. Of my list, I most highly recommend Autumn Aria. They really are great. -Justin
Pirates v. Vikings...Vikings win. But pirates do keep us all merry. -Justin
I'm interested in sampling some of the world's other local music entrees as provided by the music lovers of Otakuboards. I'll provide a list of my local favorites, and all you guys post yours, a brief description, and a link to sample their material. I'll begin in order from the biggest shrimp in my pond to the smallest. Check out their friends, too, as I'm only going to post my favorites: [URL=http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=10378015]With Blood Comes Cleansing[/URL]- Extremely Christian deathcore. I've known these guys for years, almost got on with them as a vocalist, but then decided against it for themactical and creative reasons. For fans of Through the Eyes of the Dead, Job For a Cowboy, and the like. Recently signed to Victory. [URL=http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=4832846]Destroy Destroy Destroy[/URL]- Ok, so these guys aren't entirely local, but they're not far rom it. They're an anti-metalcore metalcore band. I suppose the only way they get away with that is that they mix blackened power metal with hardcore instead of MDM. They just recently signed to Metal Blade. [URL=http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=4119265]With Faith or Flames[/URL]- these guys are a blackened MDM band from the same town as Destroy Destroy Destroy, and of similar musical stock. They just bring a hell of a lot more metal to it. [URL=http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=28721222]Two Thirteen[/URL]- A local black metal/punk group more famous for their disgusting live show (frequently including public nudity and mutilation) than for their actual music. Though, they do have some pretty good anthemic horror punk songs. [URL=http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=14099963]Thrill of a Gunfight[/URL]- A very fast-paced metalcore outfit, and one of the longest standing bands of its kind in the area. [URL=http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=7208300]Autumn Aria[/URL]- The best of the Columbus metal bands, in my opinion. They are an odd mix of black, death, and progressive metal and feature the best metal guitar player in our area. I'm done. -Justin
All I can really say is Iron Maiden, guys. If 'the Trooper' doesn't make you want to shoot paintballs at your neighbor's dogs, then you have no red blood in your veins. That's not to discount my No. 2, Slayer. For most people into extreme metal, it all begins with Slayer (though, that's very unfair to Venom). And neithyer of those is to discount my stand-alone, unrankable indulgence: Pink Floyd. Duh... -Justin
The first gig is always an awkward one. I remember mine with Scarlet O'Hara, and it was nerve-racking. We were young, though. And we were making what people wanted to hear at the time. Nothing challenging like what we eventually came to be known for. I have those first recording somewhere, maybe if I find them I'll put them up to be laughed at. I had all but given up hope that DJ would ever get back to me about those three songs. I missed my whole reason for having him do them for me--Through the Eyes of the Dead was searching for a new vocalist, and they found one. But I just talked to him about ten minutes ago and he told me he just got them back from his studio drummer a week ago. So, I hope I can get into a studio and lay some vox down on them as soon as he mixes and masters the tracks. -Justin
Yeah...I can't tell you how awesome it was to have that cat in my band for a grand total of six months. He has so much other **** that he's done. I'm still waiting on my MDM songs, though. They're supposed to be three of them. -Justin
Bleh...there's a name for that kind of music where I come from. And it's not a nice one. I think that's actually the only popular song they even have. Or so I've heard. -Justin
I was in a deathrash outfit named Scarlet O'Hara for a long time up until about two months ago. We had actually progressed to a point where I very much enjoyed the music myself--from the very basic, formulated metalcore band that we were in the beginning, to a fairly creative sounding combination of Slayer's speed, Pantera's heaviness and virtuosity, the Black Dahlia Murder's mood, and Children of Bodom's keyboard parts. Then about a month ago I started a balls-*** thrash outfit called Blackheart. The original idea was for it to be a Metallica-based, Slayer-laced, full-force, balls-out metal band with fiierce social commentary and no-holds-barred. But when my best friend and guitar player, Andrew, began putting in his input, it quickly adopted a Cradle of Filth-like keyboard atmosphere, and a far too Satanic image that took it past the point of just pure, gutsy thrash like I originally intended. This fact, coupled with the increasing pressures of adult life led to my exiting that project. Though, they do continue with a vocalist whose Barnesy, cookie monster growls are less than satisfactory for a pure thrash band. You can expect music on Myspace from them in the near future. My newest concept is a Black Sabbath, Danzig, and Metallica inspired proto-metal band under the working name of Dead Stallion. But, as I'm one of the few in Columbus, GA who has any interest in creativity, and I'm also very picky about my band members and their talents, I've yet to find anyone who'd back me up with this venture. I may make it an online project only; similiar to Jake's projects. I also am working on a melodic death experiment called From a Lacerated Sky with my former lead guitarist from SoH, DJ. This will, in fact, be an online only band. With zero intentions of ever being anythinge else. You can find his myspace with some of his solo work here: [URL=http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=40469087]Curator[/URL] -Justin
America is not a Christian nation. Nor should it be. I pray there will never be another Christian nation ruled by mankind. When Christ wants a nation, he'll come back and rule it himself. For I'm sure God knows that we men all-too-often think we are God. -Justin
In metal (which is my first love in music) I pay very little mind to vocals, unless they are just incredible, or incredibly atrocious. But I'll break it on down: In the vein of classic metal, Dio is second to none. Among classic thrash, Hetfield takes the cake. In early crossover, Anselmo is the classic voice. However Rob Zombie did some really good work with White Zombie. The premier vocalist of early death metal is Corpsegrinder. For black metal, I really enjoy the styling of Ihsahn. Though, I recognize his style is a bit more rough than the raspier tendencies of the genre. Though, I'm not a huge fan of the band, Howard Jones from Killswitch Engage is the king of metalcore vocalists, in my opinion. But I have to give kudos to the guy from the Acacia Strain. His lyrical work and the sheer brutality of his roar are the best things about that band. In MDM, Trevor from the Black Dahlia Murder uses his screech in black metal-worthy fashion. I could spend as much time on other forms of music. but I'm too sleepy. -Justin
Everybody knows if you just put one on your cheeseburger every now and then and eat that sucker you get used to it. I've been doing it since the 70s, and I still ain't dead yet. I also shot an anaconda in the Chattahoochie River last fall with a .38. One shot kill. :D -Justin
[QUOTE=Meatlhead1] Atreyu- With all of there CDs they have only gotten better. They have (In my opion) the perfect time when the lead singer screams and when the drummer does the soft spots.The guitar and bass fit great with it. The high speed makes it all the more better.[/QUOTE] I'm actually a pretty big fan of new Atreyu. The older stuff appeals a little bit to my soft spot for metalcore, but that new record has, to an even greater extent than the last record, an almost hair metal quality in it's riffage. Good pop metal. I still say the best record from a young Cali metal band this year is Facing The Thousand by Light This City. I saw them at a show with Napalm Death, Arsis, A Lfe Once Lost, Dead to Fall, Animosity, Through the Eyes of the Dead, The Acacia Strain, and From a Second Story Window--and I was floored. I expected the stop-go guitar work, ridiculous empty-air breakdowns, random blast beats, and pig vocals of the new deathcore trend. What I got was a sweet deathrash surprise. All the melody of At The Gates, all the speed of Slayer, and an obviously Black Dahlia tone. Check that ****. -Justin
It shocked me that the majority of the music for this show is actually decently composed metal. It's definately a show I enjoy. -Justin
All-time favorite band is without much question Iron Maiden. Hallowed Be Thy Name is the epitome of what pure heavy metal should sound like, in my opinion. Slayer comes in at a cool runner-up spot. They are responsible for so much in the developement of dark, aggressive metal. I have to give Pantera number three. The classic southern metal crossover act. Old school Metallica at 4. No need to expound. The Black Dahlia Murder is a good number 5. Modern melodic death masters. Amon Amarth gets the number 6 spot. "Rape and pillage metal." At The Gates at 7. Under the Serpent Sun--'nuff said. Light This City at 8. A young, female fronted Bay Area melodic deaththrash band. This is the band to watch. Cannibal Corpse gets 9. I justpicked up their boxed set for Christmas. Arch Enemy will get the 10 spot. Everything from 6 and on is subject to frequent changes. -Justin I'm done. -Justin
You guys are all so ridiculous. It's music. How can it be given a 'bad name'? Wintersun is good. But they're not really that big of a deal. My guitar player, DJ, is 18 and can play that stuff. -Justin
I disagree with Rifles about Unearth's originality. While they are a heavily emulated band, they've been doing what they've been doing for much longer than most who are doing it now. I also like the direction they appear to be headed in. In essence: more metal than hardcore. Their new CD is definately worth checking out in my opinion. -Justin
[quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Did they get their name from the sound of their monotonous power chords?[/font][/color'][/size][/quote] Damn, son. There's really nothing more that can be said. Meshuggah...ugh. Not enough good dumb metal, really. -Justin
Who has the coolest song on their Myspace profile?
Justin replied to Jakehammaren's topic in Noosphere
Didn't know Into Eternity was a Canadian outfit. Kind of makes them just that much more unexpected. I'm fairly sure mine is still 'Under a Serpent Sun' by At the Gates. And HardAttack on Sirius has labelled them as metal gods based purely off one album. And everyone who matter knows what album that is,lol. So you all lose. -Justin