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Everything posted by Justin
Wow, I'm getting a friggin' tan off of this one...this has gotten far too personal. Though, I don't see why it's so amusing that's it's gone religious. Why shouldn't it? After all, if there were no God, anything I believed to be "right" or "wrong" would be bogus. That's why subjective truths cannot exist along side an omniscent God. Evil is simply the lack of good. Satan lacks goodness, so he is evil. Simple enough? Because I'm a human, I was born into a curse of sin. Because I am human, I was born evil. The [i]one[/i], [i]singular[/i] thing that makes me not evil now is God's undeserved grace and love. By myself, I am nothing. By myself, I am the biggest hypocrite you'll ever meet. By myself, I am filthy, angry, lustful, greedy, arrogant, and perverse. But by Jesus, who lives in me, all that is washed away. By Jesus, who lives in me, my sinful nature and personal slavery to my sinful nature no longer exist; in others words, I am free to be what I was designed to be. By Jesus, who lives in me, I am seperated from this world and all that characterizes it and placed beneath His cover. And by Jesus, who lives inside of me, I am becoming more and more like Him. [i]That[/i] is the ultimate goal of Christianity. Not what is acceptable based on my own reasoning; but what is proven righteous by His sacrifice. If Jesus had ever sinned, His life, death, and resurrection accomplished nothing; but, people, I can tell you, those events accomplished something. You're reading the words of an accomplishment made by Jesus Christ. Give me that Wildfire, baby. The righteous [i]will[/i] burn again. -Justin
Well, if evil is nothing but the lack of good, if we're going to define evil, we must first define good. Now, according to the Word of God, God is good, yes? Of course. So, if evil is nothing but the lack of good, and God is good, then evil is nothing but the lack of God. Therefore, the only thing that keeps me from being an evil person is God. If not for His love and grace(which I did not, do not, and will never deserve), I'd be evil. -Justin
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][size=1]Oo, I know one. He lost his temper in the temple, when he overturned all those tables and such. Sure, those people [i]morally[/i] should not have been selling things within a sacred place and all that, but these people probably did not have much for morals at the time. o_O You cannot condemn a person simply because they cannot tell what is "right" and what is "wrong" according to your own standards. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] One thing, and unfortunately the place where a Christian's belief can ever line up witha non-CHristian's--God's wrath is perfect. God gets angry, because He has a right. He has a right to do much worse. After all, what do we, as humans, do with a product that fails to do what we want it to? Destroy it. God has wrath--but His momentary wrath is necessary, otherwise, what would His love mean to anyone? Now, because God has wrath and because God is perfect, God's wrath is also perfect. And since Jesus IS God, Jesus's wrath is/was perfect. If you're going to debate with people who know Jesus about Jesus, you're not going to win. This is, of course, not only directed at your, Piro. Now, as for evil: It is nothing. It does not exist--except where good does not. Evil is merely the lack of good, just as cold is the lack of heat. -Justin
For my own death, I don;t really care what they do with my body. I won't be needing it. But I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm not affected by the deaths of those around me. I know if I were to lose a close family member, I'd be just as inclined to spend a ridiculous amount of money to have a proper funeral for them(note, however, that I do consider it ridiculous) as the next person. Not that it brings any kind of end to anything. It's just doing what you can to see that a final favor is done--or something. As I said, I won't be needing my body when I'm gone. I'll be getting a newer, better one. They can throw mine in a dumpster for all I care. EDIT: I forgot to mention something: I do find the presentation of the body to be very disturbing, though. Not because I'm afraid of it, but simply because, as previously stated, I'd rather remember the person as they were alive, rather than 'prettied-up' like they do at the funeral homes. -Justin
I generally open doors and the like for everyone, regardless of gender. Though, I sometimes do show a leaning based on age(out of respect for the elderly), that's about the extent of my bias. I'm not too shy about conversation topics around anyone, though. I'm the same person in one place as in anywhere else. If I'll talk about something with a guy, I'll probably talk about it with a girl; unless there was some reason I thought she might not understand, or something. I'm probably not as chivalrous as I'd like to be, or should be, but I do make some effort. I hate to break it to everyone, but I don't have the greates personality, so it's sometimes hard for me to think about things like that. -Justin
Eh, hugging/holding hands/light kissing...that's all one thing. I find them acceptable. But making out--too much. And having sex at school...that's generally something I see as the act of stupid, horny freshmen. Honestly, someone else's horndoggedness is not my business, and I generally try to avoid making it so; but I don't care to see it either. -Justin
[quote]Jesus is dead. Get over it.[/quote] Uh, Jesus lives--Get over it. Human greed is both perpetual and natural. It'll exist as long as humans do. Why is that? Read the Bible, it'll tell you all about it. -Justin
If they drilled on me without giving me enough of that gassy stuff, I think I'd snap. -Justin
Mine is Celestrium. Whatever that is. It's got a smooth garnet stone with a cross down inside. Around the stone, it's got Central High School. On one side, it has got another cross with a Bible under it, and on the other, it has a torch and olive branches for valor. It has my name engraved inside. I guess I like it pretty well. I've made a pretty good habit of wearing it. -Justin
I actually expect to see a brief spike in terrorist activity and resistance in Iraq after this. Note the 'brief' in that staement. Anyway, I don't see how this couldn't be a good thing... -Justin
I know some people who at least recognize that that is what they're supposed to mean. I would have simply considered it a middle school thing, but I've recently been informed that some other high schools make a big deal out of this around here. At my school(being that it's such a complete party school), sex is not a big enough deal to worry about stupid stuff like this. Personally, I almost wish I couldn't say that. -Justin
I don't doubt that there will be plenty of presidents from other catagories besides white male Christian in the future. James laid it out best. People simply become more open to things like that as time passes by. -Justin
God loves the Catholics too, people. The whore is not the Catholic church...it's the Apostate church. What's that? A body(including believers from ALL denominations) of pseudo-Christianity that will eventually give way to the church of the anti-christ. Who or what this church is or surrounds is not important. All that's important about it is that it's real. But yes...I would have to say that it's this kind of talk that keeps the Church divided into denominations. There is a lot of work to do. -Justin
I want to add on to Dan's last post... He made the point that Jesus loves you regardless of anything. This is true. So, why should Christians have to change who they are if Jesus will love them anyway? Because we love Him too. It's often a slow process, but God makes His children better and closer to Him as they walk with Him. Once again, myself and Dan are in perfect accord: You can easily love and condone the [i]person[/i] without condoning what they do. The easiest way to minister to the non-Christian is through the demonstration of the love of Christ. Perfect love. Love that knows no degree. As for a minister who [i]does[/i] sanctify unbiblical marriages...he will plead his case before the Lord just like the rest of us. God will judge him at that time. I place those kind of things in the same catagory as the Spanish Inquisition and "killing for Christ"...they are the acts of men, not God. And the men who commit them in the name of God will(as I said above) plead their case before the Lord when it is time. Anyway, I don't see much more use for me in this thread. Just to stae the fact, my PM inbox is always open, for those who may have questions. -Justin
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]:rotflmao: Yes. I think it's dumb that so many people [yes, many of you on these boards] are like, "OMG preps are TEH SUCKORS bcause they're stuck up! Har har har!" In all reality, darlings, you're making your own exclusive group by labeling youself as anything else. You think that they hate you so you hate them...who's any different in that situation? All it does it cause you angst. Maybe you're just jealous because they're prettier than you, who knows. [Yeah, that's harsh, but these discussions are so dumb. Get over your outcast selves.][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [i]Ouch...[/i] You weren't kidding when you said you've been in a testy mood of late. Though, admittedly, Jenna and I share the same opinion. Most of the people that label others as 'preps' do so because they consider themselves 'cast down' by those people. Please...you'd be surprised who can teach you lessons in being 'cast down'. -Justin
[i]Stay away from poetry[/i]. Just [i]stay away[/i]. No matter how much they seem to appreciate it, just stay away from it. No, actually. Do what you will with poetry. If I were you, I'd hang on to what you have. Bide your time, play your cards as they fall, and try not to explode. -Justin
What of Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel? They sinned, that's why they're humans. We do not worship them. As for gay unions: A godly nation is blessed by the Lord. But it's obvious that America is not a godly nation. I say, let people do what they will do. I can't expect anyone who is not a part of my faith to act according to my faith, can I? As I see it, one sin is the same as another. The idea of "lesser and greater" sins are just according to personal and society-based stigmas. Some sins are harder for me to combat than others. Some don't even appeal to me. That can be a personal disposition, or one imposed by society around me. So, therefore...whatever. Personally, I define marriage as a union between a man and woman. But that's also how I define sex. Since that obviously doesn't matter, why should my definition of marriage? Leaders cannot make nations godly ones if the people they lead do not follow them. Not that that matters to any of you, but if this were I godly nation, my answer to this question would be different. -Justin
Pro-life Pro choice. Let's be mature, kay?
Justin replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I think it's impossible to have this conversation without stirring up emotion from either side. There was a time when I did not believe in two people being inherently different. I merely thought it's just a matter of choice, or a matter of ignorance. In many cases it is. But recently I've come to realize that many times people are just different. That's not to say people can't change, but it takes a lot to do so, I think. Anyway, in response to Transtic: That's the response I expected from you. And to that I can only say that I still consider abortion in the first trimester murder. As much as if I were to turn around and kill my younger brother behind me. I can only define abortion as selfish. And I'm against it no matter the situation. Whether it be rape, failure of equipment, accidental, whatever--I'm against it. In all honesty, that's all I'm willing to say. If I continue, I'll only bring more controversy to this topic. Suffice it to say that I'm against it and always will be against it. That doesn't mean I'm against anyone here, or anyone anywhere. I'm just against the act itself. -Justin -
Pro-life Pro choice. Let's be mature, kay?
Justin replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
Personally, I think it's one of the most selfish things someone can do. But there are many things that can fall into that catagory. It's impossible to evade them all. Now, to tell you what I think about people who have abortions: They're still people. And still overly the same person they were before the abortion took place. Judging is not my purpose on the earth, so I avoid it whenever possible. I'm fairly sure that I know people who've had abortions, I just can't remember who they are.(shows you how much it matters to me) I'd still show them the same compassion I'd show anyone else. In the end, abortion is what it is--killing. You can put whatever title you want in front of that. It's not going to change it, nor will it change my position on the act itself. However, all these people who stand outside abortion clinics screaming "sinner" at those girls who go in...I pray that God shows them who's sin is more devastating in that situation. Those who judge invite judgement, and I'll leave that at that. -Justin -
Hmm... I have to disagree with PT. I like the style you used in "Pristine Nazarene" and "576." I don't count myself any great critic of art, now, but that is my opinion. You've still got some of the best talent for words I've ever seen. I'm just a bigger fan of your symbolism and allegories. -Justin
Actually, this [i]is[/i] a website's forum. TheOtaku.com, lol. The only reason I can see that would lead to OB's eventual closure is simply the fact that Adam will eventually move on with life. As for my being here: Don't hold your breath after I graduate. In fact, you may not need to hold you breath for long now. -Justin
You call theOtaku.com a "humble little site"...I'd like to see your definition of most anime-based sites out there... OB in ten years? Only time will tell. This January with be my third year with OB. -Justin
[quote][i]From the Passion of the Cleric[/i] For my love, dearest Bismin, I sing for you. You have captured me. Your flowing fields of amber, and silver skies. Your twin suns shine like no others can. I pray that you remain golden forever. [/quote] It has been twelve centuries since the Symbion Cleric Jocyus wrote those words about our homeworld. A philosopher once said "Nothing gold can stay." Evidently, Jocyus was not that philosopher. Since the days of the poetic Symbions, much has changed. A scarlet stain often ruins even the purest white fabrics. Three revolutions, thirty-four usurpations, and fifty-something rulers later, the Seven Families now rule everything in a kind of tyrannical socialism that is rotten to its very core. Even with the rising threat of the Fukowlong Societus, the Seven still hold absolute power on Bismin. I fear for my family. My son, Alexander, is growing in his knowledge of political matters and soon, very soon, he will choose his own side in the mounting tensions on this world. My two daughters, Sethia and Lidia...only God can say where this conflict will take them to. That is all I can say for now, my friend. I have to report to the Courts of Dey Laros in half an hour. I am afraid that I will be called to Victorallius soon. - General Maximus Finch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will not actually be rated R. This RPG is only for those with a certain level of post quality, imagination, and writing skill. I actually have several participants already in mind. However, give me your basic statistics, and I will pick and choose players at my discretion. Character: Alexander Finch. Age: 19. Appearance: Fairly tall, fairly well built. He's a soldier. He has blonde hair and green eyes. Biography: Growing up as the eldest child(a son, no less) of the top ranking official in the Bismini military definately has had its pro's and con's. He had the best in schooling, training, and life in general. But being at such a high station means many eyes are on you. And at a time of such tension, many eyes are on the other side of a scope. At this time in his life, Alex has just begun his miitary career. Along with his entire life having been turned upside down by the disapearance of his two sisters, this has created a great amount of tension around this youthful genius. His story will begin with the worst still to come... -Justin
I just find it amusing that 12-year-olds are making RPGs and labeling them "18+". (I am praying for you sister, Tori. I hope it's all good.) -Justin
The next girl I'm with in any serious way will be my wife. As far as flirtation goes...I've always been flirty. Both the flirter and flirtee. So long as it never leaves the small-time, I see no problem with it. -Justin