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Everything posted by Justin
Logan, I said I'll check into it, did I not? I suggest you [i]do[/i] use your ignore list for now. And quit speaking for OB--you're not staff here, so let staffers decide on and take care of our(and OB's) problems. Now, I don't want to see any more of this from anyone. If the problem isn't solved by us, then yes, use your ignore list feature. No one else but staff has the authority to make decisions for staff. -Justin
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]thats really deep Justin. I agree, if a person won't date you becasue of who you hang with, then there not for you and aren't worth the trouble. Love will come your way eventually. Wow, i should start a love hotline. [/B][/QUOTE] Jesus gave it to me. :) The idea of keeping a 'good rep' seriously is a waste of good stress. You miss out on so much fun when you worry about that junk. People need to learn what it really means to live. -Justin
You're not the first to complain publically. I'll see what I can do. -Justin
Reputations don't matter. If someone won't date you because of who you hang out with, you don't need them anyway. Smile at those who spite you, and give them a kind word, or a blessing. They may continue to talk about you, but they will never be able to give a good reason for it. -Justin
[quote][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue[/i] The religion thing was a transitional phase. I thought that by finding religion, I could make all my problems go away. It seemed like religion would be the cure-all. It isn?t. Even after placing my life in the hands of a higher power, my problems were still there. They didn?t get magically corrected. That stressed me out even further, because here I?m praying to God, but is my life working out the way it should? No.[/quote] Praying to God will do no one any good until they submit to how God wants their life to work out. PRAY= Praise, Repent, Ask, and [i]Yield[/i]. Yielding is, without a doubt, the most difficult part for most. Freebie. Now, people do change other people. And they should. That's why it has happened for as long as humans have walked the earth. Now, people should never oppress other people in order to change them, but that becomes a different issue. Just fgured I'd toss that in there. -Justin
I don't see [i]any[/i] valid discussion coming from this thread. -Justin
If I ever got a tattoo, it would be original art. But I doubt I will. My mind is too wishy-washy for that. If I did, it would be something I know I wouldn't get tired of. Such as a cross or something. Now, if I ever got a piercing, it would probably be of my left eyebrow; but I doubt that also. -Justin
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][size=1]In my opinion the 'old times' of this forum have already come to pass. A [i]lot[/i] has changed here. I often wish I could keep the quality of the board itself as it is now, but just with the kind of feeling the board had back then. I would say that this board is relatively newer than it was back than, and it is just a whole different generation for this board as well. Sometimes I am just surprised that some of us older members are still around. The age of this board just depends on who is looking at it, I suppose. When one generation fades away, a whole other generation will take its place and all memories can only go as far back as that group of people have been around. So really, this board can really only be as old as the oldest member that is present.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I [i]really, really[/i] couldn't have expressed my thoughts any better. I get nostalgic when I think about the 'good ole days' lol. I wonder if Piro would remember a certain RP, I can't even recall the name, where two saiyans who didn't really get along(as I recall) teamed up to fight one of the greatest 'threats' ever to rock these boards--one that has now long been neutralized(darn that Ulitmia). I remember all those goofy 'wars' everyone took so seriously--but that was all theotaku.com/boards; not OtakuBoards.com. We've long grown past that. I think it's the spirit of that that drves me to nostalgia; but not the actual boards themselves--looking back, they stunk in comparison to their modern quality. It baffles me who all is still hangin' around. Now that certain people are beginning to leave(or have left), I'm beginning to realize just how long I've been here. That would be a whiiiile, lol. But I can say, unless I lose my Internet connection, OB probably won't be rid of me for a while. -Justin
Cool is obviously subjective. It's like trying to define 'normal', except, in my opinion, even harder. However, I think the obsession with it is meaningless. -Justin
A shock to my back awakens me from my sleep. Is it a playful memory of a lover past by? Or the seering apparition of bullet... Longing, hoping, burning for me to die? What's the difference? Loved and lost. Ghosts that smell of sweet incense. An act of involition, from a smoking gun. And the only way to escape, The only way to live, is One. I'm done. -Justin
I actually like the idea of people bidding for hurricane names. Of course, I'd never get one, but Justin Timberlake might. That's close enough for me. -Justin
Since I close many of the topics in this forum(and other than Staff, this is the only forum I visit daily), I [i]know[/i] why many are closed. However, if anyone else closes it, I rarely go in and read it. Unless the subject interests me, I have no real reason to. I don't usually question the motives of my peers, unless asked to. I normally leave that up to the authority. And I can tell you, if this erupts into an arguement between Harry and Logan and Taylor, THIS topic will go--and all three dealt with to the extent of my power to do so. The insults and bickering are pointless and vain. It shows immaturity in all parties involved. Grow up, [i]all[/i] of you. -Justin
[quote]James and cloricus. They have showed me the true nature of "polar opposites."[/quote] I want you to know that I was drinking a Pepsi when I first read this...and I came very close to having to replace my keyboard because of your comments utterly hilarity. I'd have to say Jenna, Deb, James, Dan L, and Sara all take the lion's share here. There are others, but the list would be too extensive. Eh, I guess I'll say something for them... Jenna- She's the only person here(or in general) who I think has seen every side of me...and even some that no longer exist. She is one of three here who I have come to truly love in a more-than-compassionate way. Deb- If I had never spoken to her, her life alone is enough to inspire me in some way. She is also one of those three...though, my love for her grew from my compassion. James- I respect him immensely; not necessarily for his outlook on life(parts of which I disagee with), but more for his lack of ignorance when it comes to it. Dan L- Though, I hardly see much of him anymore, he's my brother in Christ, and I consider him a partner in ministry--and when you've ministered with someone, there is no love quite like it. Last but not least, Sara- She's the one person here I no longer talk to at all on a personal level that I still wish I did. She's just a good person, and there are so few nowadays. -Justin
I turn to my faith, basically. There are times when I feel like I have nothing, or no purpose, but what I believe says differently. So, if I truly believe it, then I see that it is true and what I feel at the moment is not. Simple, but effective. Once the stress if off my mind, I cn move on to something more productive. -Justin
I wanted to toss in my piece of sarcastic humor here, but I find myself unable. The only relevant thing I have to say now is this joke: An African American woman is in a room arguing with a caucasian man. She screams "The white man is holdin us down!" So an innocent bystander(who is a white male) overhears this, and politely approaches the woman, saying "Lady, I have no money, no car; my wife and kids jut left me. I can't even hold down a job...let alone a whole race of people!" *bows* -Justin
This subject can easily be discussed in your other topic. -Justin
Just don't ask any random upperclassman for directions. You'll get them, most likely, but odds are they'll be wrong. -Justin
If you give me your number, I will call. Though, I'm never much help to anyone anyway. You remain in my prayers. -Justin
All this 'honor' you talk about it nothing but romanticized bullcrap. Please, do use your head to think for a moment, instead of dream. All in all, what is a real fight? A physical struggle between two(we'll say two), with at least one trying to hurt the other. You don't look like a pansy for using whatever you have to your advantage--you look like the person who is going to win. If I ever again fight someone(which I hope I don't), and he thinks like you do(which is probably not how you would think in a real fight), I say let him keep his honor. He can gloat about it to himself in the hospital, because I'll have used everything in my power to protect myself. I have a lesson for you: In a real fight, there are no rules. There are no boundaries. You don't think about that. All you think about is how to end it as quickly as possible, and as effectively as possible. But please, this honor jargon is making me sick. -Justin
Which is exactly why this thread's life has now come to an end. Everyone had stated and restated the same handfuls of views multiple times BEFORE this thread was brought back out of oblivion by someone with obviously nothing better to do. I should've closed it then. So I will now. -Justin
Oh how incredibly prophetic you are, Fiasco. However, I don't plan to blame this all on you. I see clearly the problems here. And I intend to see to it that proper action is taken. But anyway--closesaysame. EDIT: Bah, I don't know who deleted Fiasco's last post, but you certainly killed my sarcastc humor. -Justin
Puppetmaster, you reported this post saying that Harry and Fiasco were stirring up trouble...however, it seems YOU'RE the only problem here. Shut up or face the consequences. Harry, Fiasco--it's obvious who's right here. But please don't egg her on any further. Thank you. -Justin
In my experience, ninjitsu is not an effective technique in the ring. That is where I draw my views on it's effectiveness from. Moreover, I stand with HC. Neither had very good lives from my veiwpoint. -Justin
There are some technical problems going on. It'll be OK eventually. -Justin
Like I said, there are a lot of people who dont have any business in this topic that [i]are[/i] in this topic. TH, as a 13-year-old, you're not psychologically ready for sex. I'm sorry, but that's the truth. Sure, you can physically perform the act, but sex is a lot deeper than a good feeling. Sex creates a connetion(especially your first time) that no non-adult is ready for. Sex isn't disgusting--anyone who says it is is immature, and they'll grow out of it. But sex [i]is[/i] more than the majority of society tells you it is. Take my advice: Keep your virginity, for your own sake. Save it until you meet a good girl/guy, marry them, and then give that flower to them to show your appreciation. I don't say that necessarily as a preacher, but more as someone who just knows. -Justin