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Everything posted by Justin
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][size=1]But-but... black is not a color. It is a neutral. :p So perhaps all priests are Swiss. Actually, I really have no idea why they where black, nor do I really care. Though it is not like they wear it [i]all of the time[/i]. I would say my main priest question is why is that that some priests smoke, wear leather jackets, and have nice cars? But that is an entirely different topic.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I love you, Piro. You make me laugh and state my thoughts all in one post. The topic question here really is very stupid. I get the feeling you posted itjust to start something...other than a good topic, lol. Black no more represents evil than my finger represents a chicken. Now, biblically white is often used to show purity and having been spiritually cleansed, but there are evil people who wear white...you can't judge by that, it's stupid. You want to question priests? Be like Piro and question the ones who preach on Sunday and have affairs with the church secretary on Saturdays. [i]They[/i] are the ones who will recieve the worse punishment. I actually happen to like black--in fact, I don't own many light clothes at all, lol. Anyway...I'm really leaning towards closing this, but I'll wait for asecond opinion. -Justin
I hate to correct you--but if you're going to ask for religious philosophy, you should leave the topic open to [i]all[/i] of it. I don't mind a religious debate, all I ask is that it remain civil. The martial arts you see in the movies aren't the basic form you'll learn in a good dojo. They're made more flashy for the camera. I've found in my time that, when it comes to boxing, Bruce Lee's teaching are the best. The principle of momentum is the most essential physical principle to a good boxer; this is partially reflected in Diago's quote about water. You don't need to go meditate alone in the woods to be a good boxer...you don't have to have a certain set of codes. All martial arts is is intelligent fighting. No more, no less. It's the fighter who makes it anything more than that. -Justin
The commands about tattoos, long hair, and generally anything physical are all in the OT, and all a part of God's convenant with Isreal to seperate them from the heathen nations surrounding them. You don't have to live by those laws unless they are restated in the NT. Now, Paul does make a remark about how long hair is dishonorable(this almost 100% proves the Jesus [i]did not[/i] have long hair)--but he does not mark it a sin. As for martial arts, I rarely tie martial arts philosophies in with my daily life anymore--I've found a better way. Bruce Lee was a smart man, worthy of respect, but there were questions even he could not answer. Now, since I know where this topic is headed, please keep it civil. -Justin
Cutting a minority off from the main population will only result in further discrimination. That is why segregation is against the law. Now, if they want to start a private school, who can stop them? But not a public one. -Justin
Oh, I'm sure that will solve everything...lol... Relationship drama is so pointless. You want my advice? Put it behind you for a long time--the drama, that is. You seem to be a Christian, and God has a will for your life, so seek that instead. -Justin
God bless you, Deb. I pray that from the deepest part of my spirit. Though, this is the first time I've said anything about this ordeal(I only learned of it today), I pray for you, and I've long been calling your name out to God...and I'll continue to. -Justin
I also must say that Jesus is without the shadow of a doubt the most influencial person in my life. Next down from Him, I'm not sure. I think I'd put my mom & dad, my former youth pastor, Pastor Michael Shane Pippin, Paul the Apostle and King David and King Solomon all under Jesus somewhere--I just don't know where, lol. -Justin
I say samurai, seeing as how 10 ninjas may enter one camp on 10 different nights to kill one Taisho, and they may all be killed by the same single samurai guard. Ninjitsu is not a very effective combat martial art, lol. Especially when the other guy is guaranteed to have a sword, and you're not, and his sword is guaranteed to be of much higher quality than any sword you may or may not be carrying, lol. To choose here, you have to understand the nature of the two--so few do. Ninjas were spies, most of the time. Sometimes they became assasins. Assasins who either took their victims by surprise, killed them from a distance, or killed them while they slept. They did not fight their victim, then kill them. If a ninja got caught, they were basically dead no matter who it was that caught them. Samurai, on the other hand, were killing machines. Trained to be fearless, loyal and effective, they were capable of more than dealing with any ninja on the planet. A good katana(or even a wakazashi, for that matter) will split a ninja sword in half as easily as the armor of another samurai. So, when the two met in combat--there was little combat. The ninja's best option was to run if he could. If he could not, all he could hope was the chance to commit seppuku, assuming Japanese culture allowed ninjas that chance. -Justin
I have questioned my faith. To assume I've been this way my entire life if ignorant. I was far more doubtful than even you are of the Church, the Bible, God and Christianity in general. Many people here, I'm sure, can remember when I definately wasn't this way. Again, as I said before, what you're trying to say(or at least what I'm gathering) is that you believe God had the power to tell men what to write originally--but not the power to protect that writing from other men later on down the line. That borders on contradiction. Like I said, you can no more convince me that man alone created the Bible than you can convince me that the sky isn't blue--God's hand is in everything, in one way or another. And again, I don't just find it happy circumstance that the books in the Bible are the only ones with any archealogical evidence to back them up. Faith may be my shield, Change, but fact is what I polish it with. Here's a table comparing the number of ancient manuscripts backing up the NT, compared to those backing up other texts considered to be pretty reliable. [b][u]Manuscript Evidence for Ancient Writings Author [/u][/b] Written Earliest Copy Time Span # Manuscripts. Caesar 100-44 B.C. 900 A.D. 1,000 yrs 10 Plato 427-347 B.C. 900 A.D. 1,200 yrs 7 Thucydides 460-400 B.C. 900 A.D. 1,300 yrs 8 Tacitus 100 A.D. 1100 A.D. 1,000 yrs 20 Suetonius 75-160 A.D. 950 A.D. 800 yrs 8 Homer (Iliad) 900 B.C. 400 B.C. 500 yrs 643 New Testament 40-100 A.D. 125 A.D. 25-50 yrs 24,000 Now, I won't deny that Jesus' teachings are similar to Buddha's(and I'd like to know what that book is called, by the way. I'd like to have a look at it). Obviously, Buddha was a smart man; but the most important difference is Jesus' saving Grace. His Blood. Fundie Buddhists have a lot of good teachings, and a lot of good principles--like a lot of other religions in this world--but none have Jesus' Blood. And that, my friend, is what saves. You ask to me to question my faith--I tell you I've done all the questioning there is to do. There's no question you can bring me that I wouldn't have asked a year and a half ago. You don't learn by doubt, you learn by seeking. And I'll seek until the end. -Justin
Sigh... If you'll ever look any deeper(as I've been told sooo many times by non-Christians to do, so I have) you'll find only a very small percentage of the wide range of "Books of the Bible" can be backed up by any documents other than those in print--and they're all in the Bible. I find it laughable that people try to say to me "Yes, I believe in God and that He inspired the Bible. But I think it [i]must[/i] have been altered by years and years of human interferance." Could not the same God who inspired the original text also [i]protect[/i] His own doctrines? Of course He can. This is the little understood principle of Christianity--Our God is all-powerful. His hand is in all the happenings of the world, in one way or another. Most especially in the matter of His own Word. So now I challenge you to look deeper. Deeper into Christianity. And to gather the facts...not the theories...not the opinions. Or just wait until someone challenges me to bring them forth myself--since that is [i]bound[/i] to happen, lol. -Justin
That's great. [i]For me to poop on![/i] No seriously, though. We have another forum for that, buddy. Look around, read the rules, and welcome to OtakuBoards. -Justin
Yes, I'm an AOL user also, and I have this problem every now and then. I keep waiting on it to be true, lol. -Justin
Vegitto4, there's no excuse for that kind of language. It's nothing but empty words and showing out. We can do no more than offer sympathy and [i]sound[/i] advice. This goes from here on, for everyone, no matter what your feelings on the situation. Now, what they did is horrible. You should tell your parents, regardless of the weapons they have. Justice [i]must[/i] be brought about. At the very least, you should confront all of those involved as possible about it--and not softly. Finally, you should call the police. They can prosecute for statutory rape until the age of 19. You should make sure you don't miss what chance you have--you my live to deeply regret it. I think it's unbelievably honorable and I think much higher of you, simly for the fact that you're so forgiving. However, that doesn't mean you should allow what was done to you go unpunished. Again, my sympathies to you. But my pity goes to them. For even if you never take action, I believe that God will. -Justin
Personally, I had to go through th 'newbie' title here...three times, lol. It's kind of a rite-of-passage, I say. -Justin
Bushwhacked by Jesus, an existential fender bender
Justin replied to Change's topic in General Discussion
Unless I'm mistaken, the Bible talks about two partners being 'equally yoaked'. I'm as hoping I spelled 'yoaked' right. This doesn't just mean in their beieving in God and in their convictions--this can go much deeper. I am a Christian, and there ar many other convicted Christian women out there; but I'm only destined for one path. Anyone I marry will be equal to me, she will edify and teach me, and be edified and taught by me. Two whole, equal parts coming together and forming something whole and equal. Not two incomplete, unbalanced pieces coming together and forming something even more incomplete and unbalanced. You did well in asking her those three questions at the beginning. You may wonder why, if she was [i]so[/i] dedicated to God, did she decieve you in the beginning. It's possible she underwent a rededication without your knowing afterwards. It's also possible she lied. You won't know until you ask her. I suggest you do so. It may prove to be a learning experience for you. -Justin -
The purpose of humans(in this finite life) no matter what opinion you choose is simple, I say: To live. The ultimate purpose in my belief? Read the Bible for that answer. I don't feel like raising the conflict stating that openly would create. -Justin
Bushwhacked by Jesus, an existential fender bender
Justin replied to Change's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Change [/i] [B]I dunno, the titel just came to me...Right now I am sorrta between.. A bitter exestential A half assed Christian A really decent person Someone who can never reach conclusion because it meens I have stopped growing. It just sorrta fell into place... How many of you Christians out there observe the Sabbath as instructed? Would you follow God's law and kill those who do not observe it? [/B][/QUOTE] The laws given to Isreal in the Old Testament don't all apply to modern Christianity. Those in Isreal didn't have the atonement of Christ, and could not come to God the way we can today. Jesus gave us(both directly and through the Apostles) the way we should live today. And honestly, it makes more logical sense. Why were things the way they were for ancient Isreal? No clue. It's an important part of the history of my God, and I'm sure with as much as it's come up, I'll eventually get off my lazy butt and study it some more. But why do you think those old folks pass out those little Bibles with just the New Testament in them? Because everything we really need is located there. I draw from the Old Testament as a great source of learning. A background for the modern faith, and I use it's verses and propechies to back up what I hold to be true. And you don't have to stop growing if you choose Christianity. That is, if you choose biblically-based Christianity. You say your family are all hardcore Southern Baptists: In my experience they don't believe in the modern workings of the Holy Spirit--without which I would never have even become a Christian. As for the sheep raping: Those old laws were established to set Isreal apart from it's pagan neighbors. Therefore, while I won't say it [i]never[/i] took place among the Isrealites, I would say it was more of a problem among those around the Isrealites. Ken, you always make statements saying that Christianity is outdated, or polluted. While I can see where there is pollution, you seem to state as though [i]all[/i] Christians were that way. Yet I've never seen you back it up. You don't have to do it openly, if you think it'll lead to conflict with people; but I ask you to at least contact me privately with what it is that makes you think all this. -Justin -
Bushwhacked by Jesus, an existential fender bender
Justin replied to Change's topic in General Discussion
1. Why live for God? To devote yourself to him I understand, but to live for him...I don't think that is even what he wants, after all, he sent his son to die for you: Explain the difference in devoting yourself to Him, and living for Him? 2. Why codify spirituality in Religion? Do you look at the words, or the message? Why? A) I don't consider Christianity a religion. It's a relationship and a life-style. So anyone who can answer this question will be enlightening me as well. B) The message is in the words. Except when it comes to certain prophecies, there are no hidden messages in the Bible. 3. Did you like the title of this thread (I thought it was kind of funny)? It is quite creative, I'll give you that. Though, it sounds like you were bushwacked by a chick. Not Jesus. It talks in the Bible about being equally yoaked(I hope that's how it's spelled) to your mate. I think this applies to dating, because in dating you're learning what you want and practicing(in a certain sense) how you'll be in marriage. Therefore, if she was truly a Christian at all, and truly on fire for God, I can understand her breaking it off. However, if she'd sought God beforehand, she wouldn't have had to find out later what she needed to do the hard way. However, if she was just using God as an excuse, then she truly is immature, and has no concept of what she's playing with. And she'll also have to reep what she's sown. -Justin -
Heh, because Catholicism has generally split from larger Christianity. Hence the Reformation. I had an epiphany just now. People can claim whatever they want, for all I care. The term 'Christian' holds little meaning in the world anymore anyway. I'll preach the Bible, black and white, with no variances or other doctrines, as the Word of God. If you think that's wrong and you're right, go ahead and preach what you will. Everyone will serve the ultimate purpose of humans in the end anyway. -Justin
Yeah, introduction threads haven't been allowed since we got rid of the Newbie Lounge. Sorry, buddy. But welcome anyway. -Justin
Haha, how many in one week? I no more hate homosexuals than I hate anyone else in the world. I don't agree with what they do, but it doesn't stop me from loving anyone as I'm supposed to. I have my beliefs, and I will preach them from time to time, just as I'm supposed to. But I don't hate gays. -Justin
It's not even interest in the topic that decides for me. There are multiple topics I've been interested in, but never replied to. Sometimes it's the time I have; still other times it's just a matter of having anything of value to say. And then again, it probably also has a lot to do with the kind of topic it is. :huh: -Justin
I want to make it clear that I'm not trying to use my beliefs to tell anyone they can't be married. Obviously, I can't stop you. If you'll look at my original statement, I said I don't have a problem with it so long as they don't think it's ordained by the God of the Bible--the God I believe in. I still meant and mean no offense by anything I've said or will say. I definately didn't mean offense by the statement 'my God', though I see where that could be taken offensively, and for that, I apologize. Now there are two statements made I still want to explain my side on. Firstly, about those laws that are so silly by today's standards: Throughout the Old Testament, the physical body and the way humans represented themselves by was(for one reason or another) considered important. Important enough that all those laws(no tattoos, no clipping of the beard, etc.) were made to govern it. However, whenever Jesus died as the final atonement, the physical took a back seat to the spiritual. You see this quite clearly because the Bible simply stops its focus on the physical being of its characters. Why this is, I can't say that I know. Maybe I'll do a study on it one day. But that is why we can generally eat what we want, and generally do(within reason, and within holines) what we want to our bodies. Now, for the statement that Christianity teaches sex shouldn't be fun: Then why is it? God designed it that way, as was said. [i]Catholicism[/i](as well as other denominations, I'm sure) teach that, but it is not biblical. That's half of what's wrong with modern "Christianity". Many denominations of the church aren't biblical. Sectarianism itself is a sin, actually; but there's not much one person can do about that. All one can do for that now is make sure the church he attends is bibically sound. I again want to stress my position: I don't have [i]any[/i] problem with what people choose to do in the privacy of their own homes. Unless of course, it intrudes wrongfully on the rights of others. I don't hate anyone, regardless of their position on any issue. That would be extremely contradictory of what the Word teaches. If you're gay, I love you just the same as any straight person. I don't like offending people, that's generally something I try to avoid when I can. However, some things I hold as fact are not the same as what others hold as fact, so a clashing of opinions is bound to happen. I'd also like to stress to people that my opinions don't represent those of the majority of the staff here. So, if you disagree with me, you're not going to be persecuted for it. As you can see, James and Transtic Nerve are both on the opposite side of this debate from me. Once again, gay marriage is fine and dandy with me. It's just against what I believe for myself, personally, and what I believe for other followers of Christ, and that's the point I was meaning to make with my original post. Finally, I again want to apologize for offending anyone with my beliefs. But I don't apologize for having those beliefs. -Justin
I'll leave that up to someone else to decide. Since I participated in it. There are plenty here capable of doing so. This is the last thing I'll say for this little debate between you and me, and I'll leave you to yourself. Who's really covering their own behind? You say you were trying to show how contradictory Christianity can be, but you didn't. I explained it as easily as I've ever explained anything. I presented the facts, as best as I could, and tried to be up front and forward about everything I said. I made no petty comments on phrases you use, or how I inadequate you were...any and all of that was done by you. I even went so far as to apologize for offending you(that, by the way, was sincere and still is). Anyway, I am sorry for offending you. You haven't offended me, though, so no worries there. God bless. -Justin
Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment: thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honour the person of the mighty: [but] [b]in righteousness[/b] shalt thou judge thy neighbour. -Leviticus 19:15 I also ask that you not try to turn our on own Sword on us, unless you honestly know what you're talking about. Here's what Jesus said: "Judge not, that ye be not judged." -Matthew 7:1 Here's what He said next: "For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete(hand it out), it shall be measured unto you." Matthew 7:2 Therefore, those who judge with righteousness, as stated in the first verse I referenced, have nothing to fear, if you're choosing to use the Bible. :) But that's beside the point. No one here has yet passed open judgment on anyone, except you, Sad Clown. I ask that you be the only one to do so. -Justin