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Everything posted by Justin
Don't assume I feel threatened by anything. You'll find, once you've been here long enough to see how I react, that I'm not easily offended religiously. A Christian marriage is ordained of God. I understand you don't need to be married to love, and I understand there are marriages outside of Christianity. The only point I attempted to make was that I don't care if homosexual marriages take place, so long as they understand it's not of the God I serve. Also, you're assuming I believe people are born homosexual. I don't. That's a debate you can take up with me privately, though, if you so choose. This is a touchy subject, as you've proven yourself. I'll do the job James put me in my place to do. You let me do that job, and take any complaints of it up with a higher authority. I'm indeed sorry for offending you, since I honestly tried not to make any offensive statements. However, I won't sacrifice my opinion...and I don't expect you shall either. -Justin
First of all, PloKoonDS, I'd like to ask you NOT to claim the same faith as me, and cuss in the same post. It really makes you look contradictory, and makes those who actually have convictions looks the same. Secondly, I'd like to hit on a point that I didn't in my original post: Saying that doing something against Christianity is anti-American, while debatable, is like saying America has no freedom of religion(though, I don't consider Christianity a religion). So, whoever made that statement is fairly ignorant. Now, RPCrazy sent me a PM simply asking me to explain to him why God would condemn homsexuals for showing simple love towards each other. I expalined it to him as best I could, and I offer the same courtesy to anyone who'll take it. But I don't care to see this turn into a gay-bashing or Christian-bashing session. If it turns into either or both, I will close it. -Justin
I personally don't care for what people do in the privacy of their own homes. Just so long as when they're being married, they're not ignorant enough to think it's authorized by the same God I serve. All in all, though I am quite Christian, I'm not a bigot. Yes, homosexuality is against the laws of God, and yes, it is sin by the standards of Christianity, but I don't believe in labeling people as 'homosexuals' and then just shunning them. If I do anything, I'll just try my best to show them the love Jesus would if he were in my shoes. This of course also means preaching the Gospel, but not in a condescending way. As I said, so long as they're not ignorant enough to think it's by the will of my God, and so long as they keep it in their homes(as all married couples should), there's nothing for me to do about it. -Justin
Eh, when you're a Moderator you have more of an obligation to the forum. And if you're like me, that can be annoying. I have make sure that I can fulfill my responsibilities here constantly. On the other hand, if you're a member, as Shy said, you have no control over anything. And once you've been in a position where you could put an end to stupid topics and such, it can be very difficult to get used to [i]not[/i] have that ability. -Justin
You certainly don't get it by posting topics such as "Q&A Session". It takes a good post quality, at least some maturity, qualifications in the forum you're needed, and the ability to be professional. Otaku isn't your average, run-of-the-mill online forum. -Justin
[i]Most[/i] people who have premarital sex aren't prepared to accept the consequences. That's why abortion sprang up. But that's a sermon for another time, and hopefully another place. I know that I've chosen to abstain from it, originally because of the life I've chosen; but now simply because it's stupid and I see a much better, and less stressful, way(even outside of Christianity). Until you can be man enough to accept the role of a father, or woman enough to accept the role of a mother, you don't need to have sex. Regardless of your faith, religion or following. That's all I have to say on this subject. I've read a few posts in it, and I see that quite a large number of immature and/or inexperienced are discussing this topic, when they shouldn't be. -Justin
I'd ultimately forgive them, yes. But I wouldn't continue the relationship anymore, unless otherwise commanded. To do so would be foolish. -Justin
Eh, I'll always be saturated in Alabama. Which, by the way, does not mean I fornicate with my cousins or own a pair of stone washed jeans. There's really no escaping the fact. It's not exactly easy to change everything you know. Believe me because, in a certain sense, I've done that before. I'll probably always have my accent, and my general dialect. Just the general stuff. I assume that's what you're talking about. -Justin
Actually, TN...most true potheads(which I take to mean, those addicted to it) really know it's addictive. Just like most people adicted to tobacco(tobacco heads?) know cigarettes are addictive. It's the idiots who just smoke it occasionally that think it's not addictive...which happens to be at least 50% or more of the average American high school, I'd say. As for helping you out, I'll say what I can about breaking addictions: You have to do more than say you'll quit. You have to do more than stop buying it. You have to [i]completely[/i] seperate yourself from any situation that even brings it up. If you're a Christian, I also suggest prayer, as that always tends to help. It's going to take constant alertness to the fact that you can't be around it. Once you're addicted to something, you're basically addicted for life. The only way you can ever be free, is to get away from it. -Justin
[i]"I'm so freakin' lost. And tired. I hate the rain. I would do something about it, but I haven't slept in days. I haven;' eaten in ever longer. I can't afford the energy it would take to manipulate things enough. What can I do? It's their fault. They left me out here to die. I thought I could trust them. I thought they were my friends. No. I knew they hated me. Everyone has always hated me. Humans because I'm a mutant; mutants because I'm not even a normal mutant."[/i] [b]Jyn laughed out loud at the oxymoron he had just thought of.[/b] [i]"Normal mutant. Hah, how funny...how pathetic they are. How even more loathesomely pathetic humans are. This entire planet is filled to it's brim with pathetic beings...I hate them."[/i] [b]Just as these thoughts began to echo in his mind, he realized he had fallen on the ground from exhaustion. He thought about getting up, but even the thought was tiring. He passed out a moment later.[/b] [A day or two later...[/i] [b]Jyn awoke in the hospital. This wasn't the kind of hospital he remembered from his childhood though. [/b] [i]"Oh, yes....I see. This is the mutant ward."[/i] Nurse: Hey, you awake? Jyn: Yes. I'm hungry, give me something to eat, now. Nurse: It's not lunch time yet...I'm sorry. Jyn: No. You're not sorry for not being able to feed me. I'm sure you take joy in that. You're sorry...because you're human. But I'm feeling slightly generous at the moment, so I won't bring the judgment on you that you deserve just yet. Nurse: Uh..uh.. Jyn: If you cannot feed me now, I ask you to at least bring me something to drink. And also, take off these ridiculous straps. Nurse: I've already brought you a glass, it's there on the table, but I won't remove those straps. Jyn: Do you think me dangerous? Nurse: All of your kind are dangerous. Jyn: How prejudice. What would you call prejudice between human and mutants? Special oppression? Does that make you a specist? Haha... Nurse: I don't find you funny. Jyn: Of course not. It cannot be funny if you cannot understand, and being that you're human, I'm surprised you can even understand the words I'm saying. You can, can't you? Nurse: You're all scum. Jyn: No, this is not true. [i]My[/i] personality may be scum, but at least I'm not the prehistoric soup you are. Just go. I don't need you here. [i]The next day[/i] ??: Mr. Kile? Jyn: Yes? ??: I'm Agent Anderson, this is Agent Smith. We're reprsentatives of the Office of Classification. We're here to find out all we can about you, and mark you, so that it'll be known who and what you are. Jyn: Heh...no, you're not. If you are, then you've in actuality, come here to die. Anderson: No, sir...actually, we are here for what I said. Please, don't make us hurt you. Jyn: Hurt me? You...hurt me? I find your audacity laughable. Please, monkey, leave me alone. Anderson: You won't be released until you've been registered. Jyn: I'll be released whenever I like. I think I like now. [b]Just as he aid it, the straps came loose, and he rose of the bed. The wall behind him crumbled, revealing the boiler room. He floated in, and quickly built the wall back up where it had been, ceiling everything back in place.[/b] [i]"Now, to find a place to stay."[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry my intro was so late. I've been busy. -Justin
To everyone in general: Stop complaining about the topic. We've had much worse. We Moderators will do the moderating and close it when we see fit. For the topic author: I'd normally honor your wishes, since it's your topic, but this time I'd like for this to continue. We haven't had any horrific flaming yet, and as long as we can stay on with the natural course of conversation, I see no reason this shouldn't continue. Though, if any of my superiors disagree, their's is the last word, of course. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i] [B]Justin I argree with you to an extent and I mean no offense to you and your beliefs but the girl can do what she wants, she doesn't have to go to a church, like she said. She believes in bigger things like dieties etc.[/b][/quote] First of all, she asked us to tell her what we wanted her to do. I did as she asked. [quote][b]And to me god is god he's there. I don't go to church because I just don't want to. In my own way I'll worship god how I want.[/b][/quote] If you're saying you believe in the same God I do, you obviously don't read your Bible too often. "Do not forsake the gathering together of the saints." I'll get back with it's exact location in the Bible, or perhaps Dan can help me there. [quote][b]But there are times when I doubt there is a god. Like take for example, if there were a god where was he when September 11, 2001 happened? He wasn't there to save those thousands of people that died, now I'm not trying to turn this into a flamming contest but I'm just asking.[/b][/quote] He was there, my friend. There should've been some 10,000 there...instead of the 3,000. [i]It just so happened[/i] that the attack happened on a day when some 7,000 were given leave? It wasn't even a normal vacation day. As for the rest, you can never truly know the full will of God. There's another Scripture verse that says "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen." In other words, it's by faith(most of mine can be justified by past experiences) that we know all that happens does so within God's all-seeing eyes. [quote][b]No way am I trying to attack you but just asking in a manner of two mature people discussing a simple topic. I know you could point to the story of Jobe to justify the deaths of those inoccent people but still, I doubt in him sometimes, I mean yes I do belive there is something bigger than us but I don't know what it is. People have been worshipping dieties for ages, I mean look at the Romans or the Greeks, they worshipped at least a dozen gods and that was their religion. Muslims basically view the same religion as Christianity but they view Jesus as a prophet and not the son of god. [/b][/quote] First of all, don't worry. I don't feel attacked, or offended. I'm not easily offended about people questioning my God, because it was prophesied. Secondly, Islam is not like Christianity. You may find Muslims who are like Christians in many aspects, but I've researched it. Our doctrines are not even close. [quote][b]What I'm trying to get at is that we are free to choose what religion we want to view, to me all religions are fine. And she's free to choose what she wants. [/B][/QUOTE] This is true. I never said she couldn't. Refer to my first point. Now this is for the person who said that they were Christian, but believe that everyone is going to Heaven no matter what: Do you know why it says in the Bible that sinners can't enter Heaven? Most people ponder on this question, and it's probably been a very big deterant from Christianity for many, I'm sure. Let me explain the reason: God is [i]absolutely[/i] holy. Blameless, spotless, and 100% pure. By His very nature, He cannot come into fellowship and contact with sin. Jesus can cleanse us of our sin, but that's about as close as He comes to it. Heaven is where God the Father resides. It is His home, and the only place where His ultimate glory can be revealed. As I said earlier, He, by His own nature, cannot be polluted by sin. Therefore, those without Him in their heart, and with sin in it, [i]cannot[/i] enter into His prescence in such a way. It's an elementary fact, and unchangable, unalterable truth. By that same nature that makes this so, He couldn't change it if He wanted to. He wouldn't be God anymore, and that won't happen. There are many things like this people don't often realize. Now, I have to apologize for any typos in my post(I'm certain there are many). I'm a little dizzy, and quite tired at this point. I also apologize if I offended anyone. This is the way I am, and if it hurts, I suggest you not read my posts when it comes to things like this. -Justin
Just tell them all to step back. It's really not that hard. If you assert yourself, and show how you really feel, they will back down. -Justin
Please note this: Most of you know what to expect from me. If you don't want to hear it, don't read it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let's set something straight first... The God of Christianity is not "one guy." He's in no way human at all, and to compare Him to any man/woman/beast/ whatever on the face of His green Earth is foolish and ignorant of the whole religion. God is purely Spirit, and the only time He's ever existed in a set human form was when He came to Earth as Jesus. God is also transcendant--meaning He does exist here in the dimensions we percieve, but He also exists in dimensions we don't know of, and by the nature of the universe, will never have any proof beyond simple reasoning. So, let's see what we've got here: God exists here, in the same dimensions as us, but he transcends them and goes beyond into others we can't percieve. This is an essential truth if Christianity is to be true, so that's not a point I'm arguing on, just that I'm stating. My point is, you(and indeed, most people) try to put God into the box of humanity. This cannot be done--at least not while you're refering to my God. The God of Christianity. Having said that, God is everywhere, including places Wicca can never take you. I'm not denying the power of Wicca, because there's a demonic power behind every other diety or religion followed, but it'll never, ever, even come close to the power God can manifest in you. On your saying you want to believe, but you can't: Whom does the Bible ask you to believe? "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Act 16:31. Do you believe that God has saved others? Do you believe he wants to save you? Do you believe He [i]can[/i] save you? If you answer 'yes', what more do you think you need? Now, what do I think you should do? "Let he that hath an ear hear what the Spirit is saying the the church." Hear it, and listen to it. [i]That[/i] is I [i]expect[/i] you to do. Go to a doctrinely-sound church(I suggest with your friend Mallory) for one service. [i]That[/i] is what I [i]want[/i] you to do. -Justin
[u][b]PERSONAL[/b][/u] Member Name: Justin Former Member Names: KAMIKAZE Member Since: January 18, 2001 Current Status: Moderator Nicknames: [b][color=deeppink]JUH!![/color][/b] or [b][color=deeppink]JUSTEH!!![/color][/b] Favorite Forums: Otaku Lounge, Fanfiction, etc., Staff Forum, Adventure Arena Favorite RPG: The old WAR RP's Favorite Threads: Any religious debate/ Any nostalgic thread Favorite Smiley: :devil: Most Memorable Moment: Too, too many. Quotable Quote: "[b][color=deeppink]Bwah![/color][/b]" -BabyGirl Words of Wisdom: "Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen." Wish to be remembered for: Being a good man. Desired Epitaph: Here lies Justin Briley. (shrug) Favorites: God, friends, muscle cars, football, Sunkist I will.... .......my [u]Bible[/u] and [u]religious notes[/u] to [u]Dan L[/u]...[i]because he'll make better use of it and them.[/i] .......my [u]user name[/u] to it's original owner, [u]jblessing[/u]...[i]because it was way more gansta' with him.[/i] .......my [u]love[/u] and [u]wisdom[/u] to [u]Jenna[/u] and [u]Deborah[/u]...[i]it would look better on them.[/i] MOST AND BEST Most likely to succeed: James, Jenna, Dan L Most likely to secede: Me Worst spelling: kuja Best poster: Piro, Charles, James, and Jehnah Cutest couple: Me and myself Best writer: Mitch...kid has talent. Best artist: Topaz Best...spar-er?: Sephiroth/James Craziest: Weh Funniest / wittiest: Heaven's Cloud/ Sara Interesting-er-ist: Lady_M Random[b]ness[/b] award: Zeh Disappeared Cool Person: Seppy SIGNATURES [i]Jenna[/i]- My bestest e-buddy ever! I probably wouldn't still even be on OtakuBoards if not for you, bud. [i]James[/i]- Because you keep on keepin' on, even through the hateration. [i]Piromunkie[/i]- Because you've been pimpin-cool since the beginning, and you've stayed just the same. [i]DanL[/i]- My brother in Christ, and my tag-team partner in any semi-religious debate. You've given a surprising amount of wisdom to me, and God is doing great things for you and with you(See favorite quote). -Justin
It happens to me all of the time. Usually when I'm sleeping lightly, I'll have a dream about running or walking; I'll be going along and then suddenly trip or step into a hole, and then I'll wake up. When I wake up, I realize that my hole body has just jumped into the air. It's really weird. -Justin
Well, Charles said it best when he said that Bebop failed as [/i]both[/i] a forum of its own, and a sub-forum. Bringning it back is out of the question. And if Cowboy Bebop couldn't stand alone or be a sub-forum, it's quite unlikely Trigun could do either. I know we had a Trigun sub-forum at one time, but it apparantly failed. I know I myself didn't visit it; not for lack of liking the show, but for lack of having seen much of it, and lack of activity. -Justin
Moderators suck, really. They're all Nazis. Hail Führer! But really, we're not that bad. Like all people, one of us will be in a bad mood from time to time, and sometimes that shows in our posts, but most of us are as good as anyone you could hope for. -Justin
I'm just a plain ole' white boy from Alabama, lol. -Justin
IMO, swearing shows that the rapper can't think of anything more intelligent to say. But then again, I expect it to happen. I'd really rather not ever have the swear filter removed. I just don't like to see it. -Justin
Name: Jyn Kile Callsign: Raw Age: 23 Sex: Male Height: 6' 1" Build: Modestly muscular. Chizzled jaw line. Jet black hair, brown eyes. Attire: Comfortably fitting black clothing, and a long tanned hide leather coat. Abilities: He can manipulate gravity. Biography: Before Eden, my powers were rather limited. I could sometimes float small objects, if I got lucky. Most of time I just wound up making everything within a minute section of the planet(like a corner of my room) uproot because I couldn't truly control anything. Then Eden came. I liked the idea when my parents told me about it. They weren't nice people, but they made it sound good. I was one of the oldest when I arrived and met the other boarders. Most of them didn't like it, feeling betrayed by the moms and dads. I didn't mind. Then suddenly, after a couple months, things started changing. Test after test after test, I was growing tired of it. Sure, now I could control my power well enough to only affect specific things...and with the schooling they had given me, I had realized just how powerful gravity was; but I was tired of always being pushed. I wanted to kill them all sometimes. The teachers, the doctors, the other boarders, I hated them. Then we escaped. It was fun, I got to use my powers the way I wanted to for once. We were free. While we roamed, hiding from Eden, I learned that when I focused my power enough, I could do all kinds of incredible things. I could create magnetic storms that unleashed lightning like confetti. I could even affect cellestial bodies at times. Of course all of this was very tiring. It sometimes took me to the edge of death. That's when I realized who my true friends were. -Justin
All I want for graduation is money for college. Though, I expect I'll other things from friends and stuff, that's all I'll ask my family for. I plan to take care of the whole new-car-for-graduation thing on my own. -Justin
Believing in God is not doing 'your share of the deal'. Satan believes in God. :) Just thought I'd point that out.. -Justin
[i]Buliwyf awoke early. He hated to leave the farmer without payment, but he wanted to get on the trail of the two mysterious vampires as soon as he could, so out he went. Even though vampires were light on their feet, and rarely left a trail visible to the untrained eye, a child could've followed this one. Either this awake vampire was very stupid or this trail was meant to be followed.[/i] Buliwyf: Strange...vampires aren't creatures who normally [i]want[/i] to be tracked. Even if they want to set a trap, this is not their way. But I've tracked vampires much stupider than this one seemed who didn't leave such a trail. [i]It was days before Buliwyf managed to get close enough that another sign became apparant. The smell of garlic on the wind again.[/i] Buliwyf: It'll be a wonder if the sick one doesn't die. [/i]It was another two days before he finally found more evidence. A deer carcass...bitten in all the right places. Obviously, they couldn't find a human this far out in the wood. Then, finally, another three days later, he caught sight of them. He saw them going through a valley into more woodland from the top of a small knoll. He jumped into a dead, but fairly silent sprint. Still only one was standing, and he was carrying the other. If he could land his sword right before the live one could react, he would stab it into his back, then pull it out and drive it down into the chest of the sleeping one. But all his running was in vain. When he had only ran a few feet into the forest, he smacked hard into a rock wall covered by vines and moss.[/i] Buliwyf: Clever beast... [i]Buliwyf stood up, shook off some foliage, and sniffed the air attentatively. He could still smell the garlic, now more than ever. But he could not smell that distinct vampire odor--stagnant blood. Maybe because of the garlic, maybe because they had gone into so hidden door, he did not know. He began scanning the forest floor for any signs of disturbances.....[/i] Buliwyf: There... [i]Just below the top of a small, trinkling waterfall, a piece of rag caught on the rock. He climbed up to it and sniffed it...soaked in garlic.[/i] Buliwyf: Very odd... [i]Buliwyf search for any sign of a secret entrance...or even a not so so secret one. Nothing. Nothing at all. He looked down, saw that the water below was deep enough to absorb his fall, and he let go. The water was only a few feet deep, and not even five feet across. And there was a familiar taste in it--cold, stagnated blood. Vampires were in this pool. He knew that this fact could mean many things: This could be a watering hole for forest-dwelling men; This could be a watering hole for the vampires themselves; A vampire might have just fallen in recently, or taken a swim; or the entrance he was looking for was in this pool. He dove. At the bottom corner of the pool, where hardly any light could reach, Buliwyf could make out a very small silver-barred window into a cave below. The silver for him would be no problem, but he was sure that it was not meant to keep his kind out...but theirs. Upon closer inspection, he saw a small keyhole, no doubt used by the privileged vampires allowed in. He stood up straight. Being that he was so large, the water only came up to the top of his chest in this part of the pool. He drew back his foot, and kicked the bars in. He then dove into the pool again, and disapeared into the cave. he must've swam for 3 minutes before he finally came to a place where he could come up for air. He did this cautiously. Peering around in the dimly lit cave, he could only make out the faintest of shapes. He saw a very hulky looking figure(he assumed it to be the two vamps he had been tracking) talking to a normal looking figure. They were standing just beyond the reach of **mirror-light. He then heard a loud noise, like the opening of an old gate, and the hulky figure dispeared into the black, leaving the normal one alone. Buliwyf knew he'd have to be quick and quiet. Vamps can see much better in the dark than humans can, and if he stood, he'd most definately be seen. Buliwf backed up as far as he could against the cave wall. he then raised up just enough to get his bow and arrow out of the water enough to shoot. He then shot the guard with a silver-tipped arrow, killing him instantly.[/i] -Justin
What time is it? Time to spit... I hate dipp I wish they'd quit. Junk's gettin' old And growing mold My head hurts So did Kurt's Listenin' to a [i]plain of ultimate eligntenment[/i] Can't be good...that's why I always chew Trident I'm sick of it, it's so ridiculous Eating pizza all the time Gaining weight and losing *whine* I hate cleaning But I do it anyway Society demands it So cleaning is the way! Why I did it, I don't know I'm really bored and need somewhere to go Maybe she bored me, Maybe she she was just too old a sight to see Maybe it was fate Whatever that it was, it's obviously too late Too late No time Stupid rhymes End of Times Swirls in cobb webs Or so they say I'm tired again What is today? Beauty has her choice A choice she has made I'm not it But I have Powerade Advertisements...sheesh How many ways to say The simplest small phrase Ju t'amie Blah, blah, blay Rambling in the dark Riddles to me Swirls in cobb webs Or so does he say? It's clearly time To end this rhyme I thank y'all One and all Your applause, not mine Goodnight, Sleep tyte, Hope she doesn't spite. PS: Really, just don't ask. -Justin
I'm closing this mainly based on the fact that a thread suitable for this discussion already exists. Also, don't double post. And please do read our rules. Welcome to Otaku Boards. -Justin