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Everything posted by Justin

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]It won't happen. Christian's have alot of things coming to them, and fullfilment of one of their nighttime stories isnt one of them. I hope the Government steps in soon with this, otherwise.. i'll have an anuerism. But of course, if this does occur i'll go down like any other heretic. lol.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] The government stepping in is supposed to stop us? Check out ancient Rome, modern China, even American public schools in some cases. Opression hasn't, doesn't, and won't stop Christians. It'll just weed out the true Christians from the fake; those willing to make a sacrifice for Christ's sake, like we're supposed to do, from those who will just hide behind the nearest rock and cry for mercy. The harder the world pushes on us, the harder we'll be able to push back. And, unfortunately for you and those who agree with you, you're only fulfilling the prophecies of the Bible yourself. Isn't it all just slightly annoying? :) -Justin
  2. In my personal belief, our generation will see the prophecies of Revelation come true. However, as I said earlier, I don't think it will happen tomorrow. But there again, I'm not God, thankfully. What happens will happen at the time of His choosing and at no other. The more I think and study, the more I begin the think the sudden disapearance of all the true Christians will be regarded as aliens or something. In fact, I think the world as a whole won't even see it as what it is, because so many [i]won't[/i] be taken up. Once I found it entertaining how many people [i]claim[/i] Christianity, but now I just find it disgusting. I have more respect for someone who openly defies God than someone who tries to claim it but doesn't live like it. For Anna: That post kind of was jibbery(no offense meant at all), but from what I can tell, you're saying the Rapture won;t be that bad. In deed it won't...for Christians. As for the rest of the world...I'd hope for God to have a change of heart, if it were worth the energy. I truly hope for the rest of the world to hear God's call, and that's all that can be done. -Justin
  3. Justin

    Hybrid Theory

    Hybrid theory was so much better than Meteora. Emphasis on 'so' -Justin
  4. The problem I have with it is, as has been mentioned, it drags on page after page after page, and the same points are made over and over again. As James said, they're fine [i]every so often[/i], but no more than that. -Justin
  5. OOC: I'd like to make a note to everyone. As often as you can, make sure you mention your location in your post. It makes interaction between character much easier to coordinate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Buliwyf now had very little to do with his life but return to the lands in the North. He trained so that he might become a wizard, yet now that he had endured his training, he no longer held any interest in a life orbiting magic. He wished he had stayed to his father's trade. He wished he had become a Berzerker as a boy instead of running away to seek the singing wizard. Having stowed away on a boat going from Spain to Normandy, Buliwyf was able to begin the long trek back home; poor, and unsure of his future, he could only hope what was left of his family would recognize him and take him in. After arriving in Normandy, he asked for a place where he might stay a few nights. The man at the tavern said(in a very fearful fashion) that he had no room left, but there was an older land-owning farmer just outside of town a bit. He said that the farmer was rather generous, even in such hard times(the land was in a mild drought), and would often put up one or two that the tavern could not. Buliwyf thanked the man, bought a horse with what he had, and began a short ride to the farmstead. When he arrived, he didn't like what he saw. He saw a tall, pale-faced vampire enter the home. The man [b]invited[/b] the beast in. This man put away much more than human guests. He then caught a faint scent on the breeze--garlic. Just enough to sufficiently immobilize the bloodsucker.[/i] Buliwyf: Excellent... [i]In his time, Buliwyf had become quite a profficient slayer. His great strength, both of body and mind, had always proved to be an effective stake. Now, with true experience in the field of magic, he should be all the better. He carefully made his way to the house, and peered through an unshut window. What he saw and heard disturbed him. The vampire who had walked in, now lay on the floor.[/i] Farmer- "I'm sorry Mr. Schezar... Really I am. But your payment is just no longer enough. [i]Buliwyf could do nothing but wonder...until another vampire emerged from the shadows inside the home. He almost left through the window right then, expecting the vampire to surprise the farmer from behind, but he stopped when he saw that the farmer was handing over the sick vampire to the standing one, who had his mouth and nose covered.[/i] ???: Bind his arms and feet with this silver-string. Be quick. The garlic is starting to irritate my eyes. Farmer: Yes, my lord. [i]Buliwyf waited, watching the events before him unfold. He couldn't understand why the farmer behaved this way. No one who made deals with vampires lived well long. After the two vampires were gone, Buliwyf knocked on the door. The farmer jumped.[/i] Farmer: Who is it? Buliwyf: My name is Buliwyf. I am a warrior from the North. I came here looking for a place to stay. The tavern owner told me you could help me. [i]The farmer opened the door, and found himself staring at Buliwyf's chest.[/i] Farmer: It was said Northmen were large... Buliwyf: So much garlic on the air...this house would be a dangerous place for [i]vampires[/i]. [i]Buliwyf spoke as he sniffed the air for any other signs of vampires, but the air was too thick with garlic's scent. The farmer was uneasy at this.[/i] Farmer: heh, yes. Um...the extra room is in the back. I'm afraid you'll only have your cloak for warmth, though. Buliwyf: I need no more. Farmer: Good. I'll be sitting up for a while yet. But I'm sure you're quite tired. You may go on back. Buliwyf: What do you require for payment? Farmer: Um...well, just go on back. We'll settle that tomorrow. Buliwyf: Very well. -Justin
  6. I have problems withplucking/waxing anything on my body. If I want to get rid of unwanted hair, I'll shave it. And I do thin out my eyebrows from time to time. I've got no problem with taking out body hair that I don't want, and I probably wouldn't be too shy about using some of that tinted acne cream, if I had a really bad zit. Assuming anything about a person's sexual orientation based on trivial things like that, is ignorant. -Justin
  7. [i]Buliwyf arrived by horseback a couple weeks later in a small Spanish trading post. This place, Spain, was so far from his frozen homeland in the Far North that he felt like some beast from another realm among the shorter, darker Spainish. Buliwyf made his way into a local lord's home. They were hosting a party of some sort, and as in his homeland, he assumed all were welcome.[/i] Guard: Stop right there, friend. [i]The Spainish guard pointed the end of his spear at Buliwyf's torso.[/i] Guard: Who are you? Buliwyf: I am Buliwyf, son of Gilehad, of the Northman kingdom of Rusgrad. Guard: I don't know of the kingdoms you speak. Buliwyf: What kind of lord rules this hall, that he doesn't allow all warriors to drink with him? Guard: I serve the Lord Hildalgo, who rules all the land between here and the Duero. Buliwyf: So...I cannot drink? [i]Buliwyf took a giant step toward the guard, showing fully how much larger he was.[/i] Guard: You may not. [i]Buliwyf paused for a moment. It would take none of his schooling to defeat this man. Just shove and and he'd out of the way. But Buliwyf wouldn't do so. This man had demonstrated too much courage. He would find another place to drink.[/i] Buliwyf: You are a brave little man. I give you that. And, in return, you name? Guard: My name is John the Short. Buliwyf: I see why the call you this, John. Though, if names were called so for courage, you'd be called John the Great, I think. John: I thank you, sir. But you must leave. Buliwyf: I will do this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i][b]In Germania[/b][/i] [quote][i]A letter from a town in Turkey[/i] Whispers from the East are telling of a great force headed our way. A force of things unnatural. The Arabs even fear it, and they appear to be raising arms in preparation for war. I have been told that the singing wizard Vainamoinen the Steadfast, still lives to the North. I ask you to send your fastest riders to tell him the word. Not since the Famorians, I fear, has man seen such an unhuman lot. I have seen one of their dead. Even it was fearful in appearance. It was impaled on the wall of a wooden fortress, They say it took days to give up the ghost. Make haste, friend.[/quote] Rider: See that this is passed along to your lord Renstien. I was told he would know what to do with it. Castle Guard: Yes, sir. -Justin
  8. I don't like the fact that only two members of the band are ever recognized. I think it's unfair and ridiculous. Anyway, in case you haven't noticed, you posted more than one of the same topic. I ask that you delete one or the other. -Justin
  9. They better do some serious costume editing if it's going to be any good. I can see it happening with the right amount of backing. Just don't be surprised if whoever writes it takes a little liberty with the storyline. -Justin
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pomme putréfiée [/i] [B]First of all, I think it's somewhat unnerving that you posted your [i]friend[/i]'s scenario only to scorn the actions which came into play. As for fighting in general, I think people do it for the wrong reasons. Really, if everyone were logical, conflicts wouldn't exist. A lot of the time, those who don't "hit first" [read: the people who are here defending self-defense] are largely responsible for the antagonist's actions. I also think the way some of you view fighting is laughable. The way in which modern entertainment has influenced many of the comments here amazes me. [/B][/QUOTE] I couldn't have [i]possibly[/i] said better, my friend. Especially the last paragraph. The amount of testosterone in the air here is sickening. And I say that carefully...so as not to spill any of my own. -Justin
  11. I think most of the "Otaku Warriors" as you say, all need to get out and learn some things. I'm getting the impression that a few of you have watched too much televsion. I think Deb explained as best as could anyone. It's difficult [i]not[/i] to fight in some cases, not for lack of thinking or intelligence, but merely the other person's lack of the two. In most cases, I'll probably try to talk away, but I won't run. If they pursue me after I've turned away, they'd best take me out with the first blow. That, or they'll have to prove they're the better fighter. But you all acting like this is some kind of competition between pacifists and non-pacifists...you're not making a good image of yourselves. And those of you saying that using a gun take less skill than a blade...you obviously haven't used many guns in your life. Yes, at close range, using a gun is rather simple...but isn't the same true for any sword or knife...I think so. Killing with anything is not honorable. Even in war, there is no honor the actual killing. Only in that you've fought and killed for a cause greater than yourself. -Justin
  12. Ah, you can fit it in your characters story line somehwere, if you want to. Thanks to you all, -Justin
  13. [i]Buliwyf is making his way up a large spiral staircase; one he has not seen since he decended it so many weeks ago.[/i] Evil: Done already? Buliwyf: Done as I desired to be. [i]Buliwyf does not slow down any to converse with the Darkness.[/i] Evil: Pity. You'd have made an excellent addition to the family. [i]Suddenly, the staircase disapears; Buliwyf finds himself floating over the pit of Hades itself. The cries of the millions of dead souls fill his ears.[/i] Buliwyf: Why have you brought me here? I wasn't the last to finish I was the first! Evil: Because I don't believe you completed the course. Think of this as a final test of your skills. Survive, you walk. Buliwyf: Very well. Evil: Your first task will be to defeat a criminal from the Demon Realm. He was sent here for going to the Realm of Man without permission. His name is...Belok. [i]Just then, the magma directly below Buliwyf pulled back, revealing an iron gate. The gate swung open, and from it flew a bright yellow figure. After a moment of dancing about in it's new freedom, the creature stopped, and turned to face Evil. Evil stared at him blankly for a second, and the creature called Belok nodded. Buliwyf suddenly felt a loss of coordination, and then realized he was falling to the magma. Thinking quickly, he used his newly sharpened skills to cool a portion of the magma, and then he hit it with tremendous force, breaking his own leg.[/i] Evil: Haha, you won't be able to fight like that, my friend. [i]Buliwyf looked up at Lucifer and Belok. He knew he wouldn't be able to catch Evil off-guard, but perhaps the Demon could be taken. Just when that thought entered his mind, Belok's fist kissed his nose. Buliwyf slid nearly off the rock, but clawed into it's surface to stop himself.[/i] Buliwyf: Argh! Belok: Noom nieh! Buliwyf: I don't speak that language, it's far too old! Evil: He says, "Die well." [i]Buliwyf thought back...he searched his memory from a method to block pain, a healing technique, something. He probed his bone structure with his mind.[/i] Buliwyf: (thinking)The break isn't too bad. I should be able to stand. Just this pain...(/thinking) [i]Buliwyf drew his sword and used it to aid himself in standing. Then he looked at his foe...tall, with no features at all. Just a lean body, large wings, and he seemed to be both filled and covered with a yellowish-orange flame. He(though his face had no orafices with which to make expressions) seemed to be smirking at Buliwyf.[/i] Buliwyf: You find this funny, eh? Belok: Noom... Buliwyf: Can you say anything else? Belok:...nieh [i]Suddenly, the creature flew straight up to the top of the cave and dispeared into a fissure. Buliwyf sat back down quickly and wrapped his leg with a linen soaked in some brew. He did this hoping it would ease his pain. He then rose again.[/i] Buliwyf: It seems your beast is afraid, Satan. [i]No sooner had he spoke than had Belok again struck him...this time from behind.[/i] Buliwyf: Gah! [i]Angry, Buliwyf turned to face his foe again.[/i] Buliwyf: Vos amplexor! [i]Speaking the words which translate into "You're welcome", Buliwyf rose up into the air and a great wind came from all the tunnels, crags, and fissure throughout the cave. All of them were focused on Belok. He was crushed against the rock, then with a gesture of the hand, Buliwyf had his winds again part the magma, and slam Belok back into his prison. He then let the magme fill in over it, and cooled it so that he would be sealed in his cage for eternity.[/i] Buliwyf: Have I proven my worth yet?! Evil: Well done, Buliwyf, well done. I suppose Ican hold you here no longer. Though, I indeed knew you had finished the course, I just wanted some entertainment, you see. Now... [i]Everything faded back into the cold stone staircase, and nothing but Evil's voice remained.[/i] Evil:...Go along. -Justin
  14. Eh...I also tend to be a traditional person myself. However, as Dan said, any worship is still worship. So, I'll honestly listen to any of it. My favorite contemporary Christian would be stuff like Officer Negative, Shorthanded, Jesse and the Rockers...but only because they're punk. *shrug* -Justin
  15. No, actually, I'm from the Southern US. But if I'm not mistaken they have that progam at my school also. -Justin
  16. You are quite the writer, yourself, Mitch. I think it would be interesting for you to do a full storyline, if that's in your taste. -Justin
  17. Haha, Mitch, my friend, it's not the Christian God you're speaking of my friend. Without His grace, we'd all be long dead. ;) This is the point I've been trying to get across about my God. He, according to my faith, is [i]everywhere[/i] and in [i]everything[/i]. There was a topic a while back about some rare event in nature=(it had something to do with snow), and the topic originator said he believed it was the hand of God. There after, many told him how ridiculous a thought that was...things like that even if God were real, He wouldn't have had reason to do that. Well, my point is that [i]God is everywhere[/i]. There is nothing that occurs on this Earth that isn't in His sight, and in his hands. So, therefore, you [i]do[/i] need God to live. As for your question Jesus Chicken: First and foremost, my main drive is to live for God and with God, yes. But all the things you mentioned are also reasons for me to keep on going. -Justin
  18. I can't tell if this topic is about a TV show, or our pal Alex. If it's the former, it doesn't belong in theis forum. If it's the latter, it's fine. As for Alexander the Great, I don't know anything except that he conquered most of the known world at that time. As for the show...I can't say I remember hearing of it. -Justin
  19. Yeah, I've heard of it. I always wanted to participate...just to go to a foreign country for a while and such. However, my gardes have never been good enough. That, and I'm not exactly how the whole system works. *shrug* -Justin
  20. Well, I more or less meant those whom God has appointed to that position. I kind of forgot that not everyone can see through fakeness like everyone else. So, your point is very valid. Anyway while, in my personal belief, the things foretold in the Book of Revelation are near...I personally don't think the world is quite ready for them yet. I think the Christian church(while polluted) is still too great an influence in the western world. Many disagree with me, but I think some time must pass yet. Not a long time, mind you, but I don't think it'll happen tomorrow. However, the evidence that that time [i]is[/i] passing is everywhere. In the past, the majority of Americans have always claimed Christianity...whether they follwed/understood/practiced it or not. Now, though, those who do not stay in church are becoming more agnostic...not from actual thought and study...but from lack of caring. The nonbeliever may say that this is evidence that Christianity is going the way of the dinosaurs and the Greek gods; I say that this is the icing on the cake, so to speak. The beginning of the world's becoming ready for the end. I don't know exactly what explainations will be made, though I have my ideas...but if ever you look around and find any of the people you knew to be active Christians(meaning the went to church, read their Bible, testified about Jesus, etc.) are suddenly gone--don't just believe what the world spits at you. Read a Bible, start looking up websites on Christianity, something. Because whenever that day comes...there will be some weird things given as explainations, I think. You disagree with me? Check out any slightly-unexplained phenomenon in the world today. The sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald, the Bermuda Triangle, the Sphinx...you follow me yet? I hope so. -Justin
  21. Heh, I love you guys. In order to understand the Christian faith(for those of you who aren't a part of it), you have to know that we're going to preach our beliefs(those of us who follow the Bible anyway). I think most everyone here has defended their beliefs very well, and I'm proud that this topic hasn't turned into a stinking pit of mudslinging. It really reflects the character of our entire board. :) Maybe this is the beginning of a new, more flame-free Otaku Lounge. One where debates like these are actually possible on a regular basis. :) Just thought I'd drop this in. God be with you all, -Justin *EDIT* Mitch; You know what they say about assuming...it makes you and me look like an idiot. Well...yeah, close enough. But you're absolutely correct. Assumtion is not belief. One needs proof, or what proof he can come to. And you'll see that most(all I remember seeing) of the Christians in this thread specifically say they have their proof. That proof is far more than mere hope. Hope is nothing but the wanting(or expecting) of things to come. Our proof is that those things have already come for us. The things Jesus said in the Bible about Christians--I see them fulfilled everyday. You may have your belief, by all means. But whether you believe in Him or not, Jesus does has, does, and always will love you, my friend. Thank you, -Justin
  22. The thing is...we're not going to not to the things that'll set that up. If you're a Christian and you believe in the Bible, you believe that God is all-knowing. Therefore, at some point, all that is going to happen. If you want real religious advice, I suggest you ask an actual minister. God makes them ministers for a reason. If you're a true Christian, going to other sources could pollute your perception. Especially if those sources are not other Christians. I also suggest cleaning up your post quality. It leaves something to be desired. -Justin
  23. Justin


    I think it's awesome. I would say more, but I find myself somewhat in awe, lol. Ok, now I'm ready... While I suppose the dust could be seen as a drug(and in fact, that makes the most sense), I would've seen it as the blood; since, in his hallucinations, he's so obsessed with the blood. Or you could flip that and say that the dust is a drug and the blood in the hallucinations represents not only the actual blood of his victims, but also the drug that caused his hallucinations. I'd say his attempt at opening his locker was his actual dialing 911, and I'd say the gun was what he used to kill Virginia. I say that because it says her head was mangled almost beyond recognition. That would indicate the use of a high-powered weapon such as a gun. The dusty attic could represent the actual room he was in(I'm seeing a hotel room, for some reason)...the adjective 'dusty' perhaps representing the amount of the drug(represented, as previously suggested, by dust) in the room or used by Charlie; or it could represent the amout of blood already in the room from Virginia and Wess(if, as previously suggested, dust represents blood). The school scene could be his memory of Wess and Virginia. The story gives the impressions that the three were friends beforehand. Maybe that's where they met and hung out a lot. I could see the nearly empty commons area as a mental expression of loneliness or even boredum. The thing that throws me off is the other two victims. I can't figure that part of it out. -Justin
  24. Wow...buddy... Um, you really need to work on your post quality. You're killin' me. Plus, we've had these kinds of topics several times in the past. As I recall, they rarely are of any merit. So, please read our rules, clean up your posts, and have a nice day. :) -Justin
  25. [i]On the Day of Reckoning; 765 AD[/i] Desegar: Zu fane' eh dos, ju Jumate*. Al-aer eh opi, oh jilo al zu huyt gui mate-mik eh uje mate* . Zu valiny aer Aerikodo eh-kil jilo mate-mik zuse ae eh uhik aerl ghi-ah-juida. Zu vali ae eh, ke. [b](The time has come, my master. Everything is ready, and soon all the world will bow to your power. The foolish race of Man doesn't yet understand that they are only pawns in a game. What fools they are, indeed.)[/b] Kassekuum: Ke, ju etam. Zu Laki gui xixo zuc uhio fane'. Jilo--uhio, uhio jilo--zuc bafane' aert eh dos jy-mate* oxi. Ay eh mik-mateom hi al aeri huyt. [b](Yes, my son. The War will begin this very hour. Soon--very, very soon--this old body will be born anew. I will rule over all races of Earth.)[/b] [i]Somewhere in Southern Spain:[/i] [b][quote] [i]From the D'Lunge'[/i] And then the Fallen Grendel fell upon the unknowing Men of the Clan of Vampira, feeding upon their blood. But three of those Men stood the evening next, and in their jaw bones were sharpened fangs, in their arms and legs was strength that had not once been there...and in their hearts was a malice unseen.[/quote][/b] Buliwyf: So, that's how the Vampire race began... ??: Yes, my pupil. Buliwyf: And somehow all this goes back to you, Lucifer. Evil: *chuckle* Assuming you make it out of here alive, you'll truly be a wise one. Buliwyf: I think I will. I'm the only one actually getting anywhere in this season's class. Evil: The Black Arts are a rarity in the world today. Your knowing them will mean you will brook no resistance. Buliwyf: Stop trying to flirt with me, pig. I'm here for my benefit, not yours. I'll be the first to walk out of here, not the last. You won't have my soul. Evil: Indeed, I won't...yet... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]I advise everyone to read the following before posting: [/b] Man- The race of Man is a reletively new one when compared to some of the more ancient races; such as Demons, Mystics, and Archangels. Man truly didn't begin showing its power until a few thousands years ago; during the battles between Lugh of the Long Hand and the Fomorians. It was at this time that another of the great races was nearing the end of its Golden Age... Demons- Long ago, this Realm was controlled by a small group of Demons. They reigned over their portion of the Earth with a cold, iron grip. Since their social heirarchy allowed for only a few to exist in the Earth Realm, they created armies of creatures to do their bidding. At the end of the Demon Empire(called Hitakchi, in their language), these were the ruling individuals that will have any importance to our story: Cyprus- He controlled most of modern-day Western Europe. He ruled over his lands with the might of his Fomorian Army. He made his fortress in Ireland. Murang- He had jurisdiction over modern day Northern Africa. His armies were made of creatures called Faldo. Kildo- He ruled Eastern Europe. His armies were that of the Gulmdok. Finally, one more Demon worth a sentence or two...Demos. Demos seemed to have come from no where. He came at a time when Demons were reeling from defeat after defeat after defeat at the hands of an ancient race called the Grendel. Demos had no known origins, no proof that he was of royal lineage, and(by the laws of Demon Society) no business on Earth at all. But it was this Demon that would shape the fate of the world for thousands of years to come. After capturing a small group of Grendel, he secretly began working on his own army with which to control all. He created a bacterium, called Robirshium and fed it to his Grendel slaves, turning them it blood-thirsty monsters. He then had half of his Robirshi warriors follow him on a covert mission to infiltrate the newly-formed Grendel Nation with this virus, and he left the remaining half behind with nothing but pig blood to eat. However, the Robirshi who remained soon grew tired of pig's blood. The attacked a small band of Men and feasted the night away on their blood...(to be continued) Vampires/Robirshi- The race of Vampires was created that fateful night when that small band of Men was attacked by the horde of Robirshi monsters. Of the 12 men, 3 survived. The men(which went by the name of the Clan of Vampira, for their matriarch, who was killed by the Robirshi) roamed the country-side together, dining on the blood of whatever they could find, until they reached a large village of humans. They turned the entire village in one night. Robirshium had a slightly different effect on Men, compared to Grendel. In men, Robirshium cause supernatural strength and agility; but at the same time, it caused the infected to become deadly allergic to direct sunlight and certain chemicals found in garlic. This would become useful later. Robirshi, however, grew no stronger or faster. They aquired no new skills. All they aquired was the need for fresh blood every day...and a fierce loyalty to Sidian, which the Vampires also inherited. Grendel- [b]No longer existant[/b]...The Grendel were a hairy, ape-like race as old as time. Some even said they were Mystics in physical form. Grendel were never really one people, though. They stayed divided into many tribes and rarely bred outside their respective tribes. Until one individual, name Barlore, took control of the largest of the clans. He united the Grendel, and began a campaign against the oppressive Demon who ruled over them, Cyprus. They drove Cyprus all the back to Ireland itself, but the concentration of his forces there was simply too great. Plus, another foe had arisen, seemingly from within their own race--the Robirshi. The Grendel were ultimately driven up into the Far North and were never seen again. Archangels-Archangels are a race that is directly decended from the ancient Mysics. They are fierce protectors of themselves, and their decendants(Man) and weild unbelievable power. However, they rarely make their presence known in the Realm of Earth. Mystics- This is the most ancient race in existance. They are the fore-goers of all, and they are older than anything known. They weild infinite power, and can shift the realm they control at the slightest whim. However, they cannot physically interact with anything. They must use only their magic to influence the world. The Jyia hal Gouam: This is the secret school of the Black Arts. Anyone who can find it can attend classes; and the schoolmaster takes only one fee. The soul of the last to complete his courses. -Justin
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