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Everything posted by Justin
Here's mine... Name: Buliwyf of Gileahd Race: Man Weapon: A Spanish broadsword Allignment: General human population Now, here's how it'll work: I'll continue allowing sign ups until I get the maximum number I said I'd allow for. But I'm going to go ahead and begin now. Whenever you make your first post, then you will give a brief biography and character history. It's then that you'll decide on your character's location(we're using the real world) and all that mess. Thanks for playing. -Justin
I think beauty is subjective...[i]or[/i] "in the eye of the beholder." Honestly, when it comes to the opposite sex, physical beauty(while a good thing) isn't necessarily an absolute must. I could get a pretty girlfriend...they're a dime per dozen. But getting one with something beautiful on the inside is a little more difficult. In terms of general beauty: I find beauty everywhere in nature. A tree, when compared to a cold building, is beautiful. But there again, it's all subjective. :) -Justin
Up, up, and way! Off to the Music/TV Forum. (That forum really needs a more catchy name. It doesn't exactly fit well with the above phrase.) -Justin
On the Day of Reckoning; 765 AD Desegar: Zu fane' eh dos, ju Jumate*. Al-aer eh opi, oh jilo al zu huyt gui mate-mik eh uje mate* . Zu valiny aer Aerikodo eh-kil jilo mate-mik zuse ae eh uhik aerl ghi-ah-juida. Zu vali ae eh, ke. (The time has come, my master. Everything is ready, and soon all the world will bow to your power. The foolish race of Man doesn't yet understand that they are only pawns in a game. What fools they are, indeed.) Kassekuum: Ke, ju etam. Zu Laki gui xixo zuc uhio fane'. Jilo--uhio, uhio jilo--zuc bafane' aert eh dos jy-mate* oxi. Ay eh mik-mateom hi al aeri ve huyt. (Yes, my son. The War will begin this very hour. Soon--very, very soon--this old body will be born anew. I will rule over all races of Earth.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a slightly-edited version of an older story line of mine. The concept has stayed with me, and though I gave up on it last time, I intend to stick with it this time. This is a fantasy RPG. The races available are described below. Man- They have all the limitations in this game, that they do in real-life.(no more than 5 will be accepted) Vampires- They are the bane of men. In constant need of blood, they are always hunting. They won't die on their own. They must be killed, or die from some sort of disease. (no more than 5) Mystics- They are the oldest of all the races. They can take many forms, however, they can only interact with the world of man through magic and indirect means. They can't physically interact with anything.(no more than 3) Weres- Anything that is of more than one race. (No more than 3) Archangels- They are a distant ancestor of both Demons and Man. Aeons ago, disgruntled members of this race branched off from the main group, and became Demons. (No more than 2) Demons- Direct ancestors of Vampires. They are an ancient race with a history of power and violence. (No more than 2) Here is what you'll need in your initial sign-up: Name: Race: Weapons(moderate): Alignment: The possible choices for allignment are as follows: The general human population- Those who come from this side are generally the defenders of the common people. The Clan of the Wolf- A large clan of hunters/trappers/ other woodsy-types. They are very secluded, but make their hatred for anything besides humans well-known. The Order of Demos- This is what most of the Vampire population belongs to. Zu Oxi Balik ve Vaempyroh(The New Nation of Vampires)- This is a new faction in the Vampire population. They are non-violent, and survive off of the blood of animal, rather than men. This means they are much weaker physically, but their advances in other areas more than make up. Mystidom- If you're a mystic, this is where you are. The Order of the Hawk- This is the most ancient of the clans of the archangels. It is the only one of the original seven left. House of Frigodus- The ruling body of the Demon Realm. If this thing flies, there will be a more in-depth introduction at the actual opening of the RP. Thanks, -Justin
I think there are always better solutions; however, like martial arts, I think the human mind needs conditioning to employ them in an actual situation. In spite of my better judgement and my convictions, if someone randomly hits me, I'll probably fight back...that's always been my general nature. This, however, doesn't make it the best way or the right way. -Justin
Heh, so glad you ask those two questions, my friend. :) God didn't create sin. That's like when people say God created evil if he created everything. No, no, my friend. Sin=evil. Evil=the absence of good. Therefore, evil isn't actually a thing...merely the lack of something else. It's like hot and cold. There is no such thing as cold, because there is nothing beyond absolute zero. What we call cold is merely the lacking of heat as we percieve it. It's also like dark and light. There is no dark...just the absence of light. Am I making sense? As for discrepencies in the Bible; That I can never refute totally. Because they do indeed exist in the English Bible...translation errors, that is to say. For instance, the Hebrew word for 'red' and the Hebrew word for 'reed' are very similar. Upon examination of the original text, it doesn't say God parted the Red Sea...it says He parted the Sea of Reeds. And there are many great expanses of water between Egypt and Canaan that could fit that discription. However, all this is in nothing but the details. Of course, I know translation errors aren't exactly what you're talking about. :) You're speaking in terms of doctrine and interpreting God's will and such. The original writers of the Bible were designated by God, heard His word, and saw his prophecies. They were diligent followers, chosen exclusively by Him. They made no mistake because they weren't the ones speaking and writing. God spoke and wrote through them. When it comes to the story of Noah and his ark...you're absolutely correct. If the earth had been completely covered with salt water, nothing would've been able to grow, according the laws of nature. However, there are many other ways to look at that story: Many(myself included) believe that the flood might not have been global. Instead, it might have just covered the land in and around which Noah lived. The Scripture neither denies nor confirms this...but it seems more likely. There is also the possibility that it was merely a miracle from God that everything grew up again. Remember, you cannot put the God of the Bible into a box. If you'd like to continue these kind of questionings, I ask you do so when you respond to the PM I sent you. This kind of debate doesn't exactly fit this topic, but I welcome it elsewhere. Thanks for your inquiries; I always enjoy things like that. -Justin
This isn't really acceptable in any forum. Those who spar will go in to the sparring forum and see it for themselves. Please don't fill other forums with this kind of thing. -Justin *EDIT* Dadblastit, Charles. I saw this one first!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]*slays her attack dogs* What if you're wrong? What if religion truely is wrong in every fashion? Outdated, outmatched, outclassed. Clinging to life as its crimes are revealed. But alas. The taint of 'holy' is on your skin like acid.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I wouldn't call religion outdated, outmatched or outclassed by any means. It's not out of date, mankind has just come to think it's better than God. This has happened before according to the Bible...nothing God couldn't solve...nothing He won't. I don't see where it's outmatched; Though other theories are partially provable, so is the theory of an all-powerful, transcedent God(as He is described in the Bible). As for outclassed, I put that in the same catagory with outmatched. As for "clinging to life as it's crimes are revealed"; The crimes of the people and the church in the name of God have nothing to do with god Himself; As I said, men who think they are above God are nothing new. They are nothing that God can't or won't deal with at the time of His choosing. Many people try to put God in a box. They think He's not there because they've never seen Him act in their lives, or something. Why should God act in your life if you don't give Him reason to? Many blame God for things...God is blameless. Anything that happens, happens in His divine will, and if you let it, will come out for the greater good. Many ask why God allows the world to be so corrupt(if you don't think it is, you're blind); The answer to that is that God has given mankind the freedom of choice; but(as with any freedom) it shouldn't be taken advantage of. I believe there is proof of the existance of God...it's not one I can simply pull from inside me and show you, if I could, I would. However, for those who accept Him, you will be given your proof. I firmly belive in the existance of both Heaven and Hell. I also have no problem telling you that I fear God. With the human race in such a pitiful state, I find it hard to believe that anyone would be stupid enough not to have some kind of fear of Him. Forgive my preaching. If your beliefs are not mine, you're, of course, free to believe what you want. My opinions don't reflect the overall opinions of the staff here. However, if you don't share my views, I hope for your sake that you're right and not me. Anyway, God bless all of you. I thank those who've read. -Justin
Heh, you have a stong faith in chance if you think [i]everything[/i] else is just that. By my experince, there is no chance, there is no luck; only God. If you don't belive in Him, you'd better know(or hope) you're right. -Justin
I actually agree with Harry. I think moderate physical punishment is the best way to raise a child...at least until he comes to a certain age. When that age is reached, spanking has little affect on him, but that's another story. Fighting is pretty pointless...and also against my religion; However, that's not to say if someone hit me I'd have the precense of mind to walk away. I haven't had a conflict come to that since Christ found me, so I can't honestly tell you what I would do. -Justin
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] And George Bush is in office because American morons voted him in there. He's no tin there because he has money, although I'm sure that got him some votes, but if Americans weren't as dumb as Bush, he wouldn't be in office. He simply relates very well with most Americans. lol. [/B][/QUOTE] I wish you'd stop doing that. You're very quick to jump on someone else who so boldly makes an aggravating statement when it aggravates you, yet you refuse to curtail your own. I say that with respectful honesty. The fact of the matter is, no form of government or economy will ever be completely perfect. "Why?" you ask? Because it's run by the human race; and I hope we've all figured out by now that no one in the entire human race is perfect. -Justin
Wow, Freedom fries were only the start.
Justin replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in General Discussion
This makes we Republicans look even worse... I hate it when people do stupid things like that. -Justin -
If you want to kiss her, kiss her. It's as simple as that. -Justin
If people were perfect, socialism would be the way to go. However, people aren't perfect. Through my own reasoning and an study into history, I've pretty much reached the conclusion that socialism is pointless. There will always be 'haves' and 'have-nots', there is no escaping that. Someone must control things, and, as we know, power corrupts. Also, let's try to keep this civil. Resorting to petty swipes at a man you don't know any more than I do is a really pitiful way to support your views. -Justin
I closed it because I didn't see where much good conversation could come from. It looked to me to be little more than an introduction topic. If anyone else sees things differently, by all means, reopen it. I can't be right all the time. -Justin
Tell me if I'm wrong, but haven't we expressly forbidden these kinds of topics? Until someone defines our position on this matter to me(if it's changed) I'm going to go by what I know. Topic closed. -Justin
No, I'm not at all wiccan. That's not a belief I want to have anything to do with. I don't fear or look down on anyone who does practice it(or anyone else for that matter), but if the calling hits, I have no problem telling them about a much stronger power. -Justin
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B] [color=crimson] Do proceed to tempt me.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I agree. I'll have the person to which the above statement is directed know that I'm from the Deep South, and there's no more of that here than anywhere else. Your statement demonstrates your ignorance of the greater world. Anyway, I certainly wouldn't do it. The Bible even sets limits for Christians on it, though I'm not sure how far down the line of family those limits are set. I'll just say that I won't date anyone who is even remotely a part of my gene pool. -Justin
I can't think of any two fallen angels that any more mentionable than any of the others. I'll let you know if I come across anything, though. -Justin
Sorry, friend. Just know that the baby is in good hands now. :) -Justin
Something I never Really wanted to notice...
Justin replied to eleanor's topic in General Discussion
Maybe you should take that up with James or Charles. If you have a problem with the site, they're the ones to talk to. :) -Justin -
You did what you thought was right, so I think you did well. Your dad really can't blame you if he left the door standing wide open. -Justin
It's the year AC: 214. The peace that has settled over the known universe in the past century has now come to an end. A new threat has risen to challenge the now-corrupted Earth United. They are calling themselves the [i]New Space Confederacy[/i]; and they are strong. Both sides of this war have super-weapon technology--and plenty of it. Both are fiercly committed to the destruction of the other. Chaos reigns... The only hope for the survival is a smaller, less-known third faction, based on Earth, that has managed to escape the wrath of Earth United. They are appropriately called [i]Liberty Organization[/i]. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here's the break-down: Sign-up is simple, but creativity is required to make the cut. Notice I said [i]creativity[/i]...not [i]insanity[/i]. This is a moderate Gundam story, and I'd like for potential players to make their Soldier Units only about as advanced as those in Gundam Wing. Not so little as in the UC series...but not so outrageous as G Gundam. Name: Garrett Dubose Age: 27 Allignment: New Space Confederacy Rank: Captain Appearance: Brown hair, blue eyes, 5' 11", 200 lbs. Soldier Unit: Green Gundam SU info: Named only for it's color, it is a moderately-powerful, multi-task Gundam. It can fight in a team operation, solo operation, but is best when leading a large team of cheaper standard Soldier Units. It's primary weapons are two attached gatling guns that, when at rest, sit facing upward on the shoulder blades. When put into action, they rotate down and the operation mechanism folds out into GG's grasp. Secondary weapons include one short beam sword, one medium-range beam rifle, and one low-power beam pistol. With certain equipment packages, GG can become air/spaceborne, but GG is mainly a surface-combat SU. Again, this story is fairly liberal. The stats you start out with don't have to be the stats you have throughout. However, you'll be picked based upon creativity and the number of people who sign up. -Justin
[b]If you could choose only one new BIG feature for OtakuBoards, what would it be? [/b] The reviving of the 'ranking stars' used in v1. [b]If you could only add one new forum to OtakuBoards, what would it be? [/b] None, the current selection at OB suits me fine. [b]Would you like to see a closer link between OtakuBoards and sister site, theOtaku.com?[/b] Yes. [b]Would you like to see OtakuBoards open an affiliation program with other message boards?[/b] Yes. [b]Do you feel that theOtaku.com's chat system should be linked to OtakuBoards?[/b] No. I've always had a problem accessing the chat room. However, if I were able to, I wouldn't mind it so much. [b]Are you satisfied with the level of spam control on OtakuBoards?[/b] I think our rules are as solid as can be at present. [b]If you could access OtakuBoards on a handlheld device, would you access it regularly in this way?[/b] Well, if I had one, I'd probably get on every so often. But most of the time when I'm away from home, it's because I'm busy. [b]Is it more important to have a large variety of skins, or smaller range of skins?[/b] Quality is better than quantity. [b]Would you prefer to have anime/gaming-themed skins or completely original works?[/b] Though I usually appreciate personal art and expression to a great degree, I'd probably like to see anime/gaming-related skins. [b]Do you actively engage Moderators and Category Moderators if you are having problems on OB?[/b] I always seek my superiors when in need. [b]Are you satisfied with OtakuBoards' child protection policies?[/b] Yes. I expect OB to become even better. If only some of you(the community in general) knew the amount of time and work James and the technical team put into this thing. -Justin(not Blessing)
I would've thought the point whoever-Bill-Hicks-is made in the quote you postwould be an obvious one... Anyway, as I've said, I'd for the illegalizing of handguns...or at least stricter control...as I've said, handguns aren't of much use unless it comes to killing people. You can cry protection, but I can protect myself with my rifle as easily as with a handgun. I, however, would not be for illegalizing ALL guns. Like I said, I'm a hunter, specifically a gun hunter. That's one reason I'm against illegalizing all guns. My reason for supporting the banning of handguns is simply this: The only justifiable reason, in my mind, for a man to kill another man(outside war) is because one man needed to protect himself from another. Handguns can be easily concealed, whereas, rifles and shotguns cannot. Rifles and shotgun can also be very cumbersome when trying to get into and through things. These two factors would make it a little more difficult for a criminal to get away with using a rifle...to do whatever. Though they can't be easily toted around, rifles and shotguns CAN be kept in the house. And if someone came in to threaten your life(with whatever), those rifles and shotguns could possibly be used to protect you and your family. -Justin