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Everything posted by Justin

  1. I have to agree with with gokents, Chris. Comparing genocide to what we're doing in Iraq is stretching it. However, I don't see where you had an underlying tone that the Kurds [i]needed[/i] to be destroyed. Anyway, we did the same thing to Native Americans in the wee hours of this nation. Can't forget that. Another thing, I'm not entirely sure the Kurds in Iraq are considered valid citizens of Iraq. Do you have information to back that up, or is that just something you assume? -Justin
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]Justin. 11/9 had nothing to do with Iraq. What are you on about? [/B][/QUOTE] It had nothing to do with it. That's why I called it an analogy. And not one directed towards you. Anyway, I know Saddam is a Shiite(The more violent and radical of the three Muslim divisions that I'm aware of), but I don't know about Bin Laden. Common sense would say he's a Shiite also, but who knows? I really don't think Saddam is that dedicated of a Muslim anyway. He only seems to go back to religion when he's trying to rally support and call for a jihad. But there agian, who knows? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]I see it more of this. e trusted them with tactics that we taught them. Then, they turn and backstab us with our own crap. As you said, it wasn't smart on our part not to see it comming. But if someone did this to you, wouldn't you want to slam your fist into them? Multiple times of course......... [/B][/QUOTE] I believe that was my point, lol. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I don't think we should be providing services or weapons or money to anyone who is embedded in a conflict. History has shown time after time that it will come back and bite you in the arse, not in all cases, but in some you can plainly see it. I don't think the US needs to be the only super power and I don't think we have any right to try to spread our govenment beliefs on the rest of the world just because we think it's "right"... And I think thats what this campaign is all about. Spreading democracy by getting rid of the tolitarians and the fascist governments. What better excuse to spread your "religion" by making the world think you're doing something good. Although in this case, the world doesn't think that, and I think that that was a complete surprise to Bush and his administration. And they had no choice bt to go forward because they already made the commitment. [/B][/QUOTE] Ah, I understand now, lol. Well, I can't argue your fact-based opinion. It's just a matter of what you think is right. On another note, I think everyone needs to calm back down. I'm seeing petty insults and attacks rise again. -Justin
  3. Justin


    You can't. James was taking name requests, but that was a long time ago. I doubt he's doing it now. Also, don't clutter Otaku Lounge with this kind of thing. This goes in Suggestions. -Justin
  4. None was, that I'm aware of. I'm just saying that's it's not a possiblity there won't be one, lol. I understand what you're saying. The part where my opinion goes away from yours is when you enter the part about we shouldn't want to strike back for them striking us(at least, that's the impression I have). We provided weapons for them, yes. However, just because we provided those weapons doesn't mean we shouldn't be angry when they turned them against us. In my opinion, we should strike back, take their weapons, and never sell or train them again. Or anyone else, without a very good cause, for that matter. -Justin
  5. We put the weapons in their hands with good intentions. We did not train them to attack us. It wasn't the smartest things we've ever done, but we did it with our best interests in mind. I have to refer to this analogy onnce again: If you lost a loved one in the attack on 9/11, or if you lost a loved one in a terrorist attack funded by Saddam, would you still not feel the need to act? -Justin
  6. Actually, I have to agree with SD, Ken. Soldiers who join the army do so knowing that there's a possibility that they'll have to fight and die for their country. With that said, I don't think it's unreasonable to say that soldiers fight for their country...not the politician who send them to fight. Though, this only really applies in America. I think most other countries have a draft of some kind. In which case the soldiers fight for themselves because they don't want to go to jail. -Justin
  7. Medra, if anyone faulted GTA for anything, it would not the realistic flames. It would be the mission objectives. I, in fact, have made the choice not to play that game. It is pretend, but when I think about it, it's just too pretend. (Ginny, my last post wasn't directed at you, it was posted just for everyone's general information, lol) -Justin
  8. I believe that some people who claim to have seen something genuinely have. However, I don't think they've seen what they think they've seen. As James does, I tend to put the alien thing in the same basket with palm reading and such; and I tend to just leave all that alone. -Justin
  9. Just one small note from me here: Temptation is not sin. Thank you, -Justin
  10. Excellent point, Deb. With things like D&D and Harry Potter, the devil isn't in the game or book or whatever. The devil is in the person whose faith is so weak as to allow that that to corrupt them. It's those people who shouldn't play it/read it/do it. In fact, if they want to call themselves Christians, they need to be in church building on their relationship with God. Because if a game can corrupt them, imagine all the other things out there in reality land that will get to them. But, as I said, some people just want to make a scene and say "Oh, look how great a Christian I am because I'm casting out demonic things in the name of Christ." If you want to know what Christ says back, you'll find it in the Book of Revelations, if I'm not mistaken. -Justin
  11. DuoMax, I know you're trying to make a point..and it is a valid one...though, idealistic. We aren't attacking those countries because it isn't possible that the US can take out all of the idiots in this world. I highly doubt Bush thinks that. However, as I said, every little bit helps. We must do that which we can do. And the fact that Saddam has the actual potential to threaten us makes our attack on him all the more justified. EDIT: On cloricus' post- Friendly fire happens. Welcome to war. -Justin
  12. I usually don't talk much. The best listeners are the best freinds. But that's just me. -Justin
  13. I think that if it's your personal conviction, then by all means, don't play the game. But your conviction is your conviction...not mine. I talk with the Lord on a daily basis. When I'm doing something that endangers my walk with Him, He lets me know it. Basically what I'm saying is this: Some people are genuinely affected by things like that. Those Christians shouldn't play it. However, games and fiction don't bother everyone. So long as it doesn't blatantly blasphem my God, I have little problem with it. There are, however, those Christians who just want to pitch a fit and make the lives of others difficult. They can all just go read the Bible then apply it and do something productive. I'll also be watching this topic with an unbiased eye. Let it slip in either direction, I'll also close it. -Justin
  14. There are clear and obvious reason for this war, lol. The first being that, whether he's acted yet or not, Saddam is a legitimate threat to the world. James' tooth decay analogy is excellent for demonstrating this. The second being they way he treats people. He needs to be removed. There are some who are just too crazy to be here. Especially with any authority. -Justin
  15. Justin

    Killswitch Engage

    I've heard their stuff, though I wouldn't call them heavy metal. I say they're hardcore. Either way, their stuff's not really up my alley. I like hardcore and all, but theirs just isn't that good to me. -Justin
  16. Pressure, if we don't have the right to free an oppressed people, who does? Did France have the right to aid us against Britain in the Revolution? Do you expect them to free themselves? Hah, I hope not. And also, this is to all who say war is not the way to solve things: Tell me then, if war is not, what is? Can you not look at history and tell what must be done? Do you think America would've ever gained her independence through talks? Do you think the Magna Carta would've ever been signed without force? Do you think Hitler would've ever stopped without WWII? The answer to all these is 'no'. Do you think Saddam will ever just randomly say "Hey, I've become a cruel dictator who kills his own people, I think I'll give up this absolute authority(which has seemingly corrupted me absolutely) and go and live a peaceful life in the desert." You choose your own answer to this question. Maybe if some of y'all were the ones hung from the ceiling and raped or dropped feet-first into a wood-chipper, you might see what a corrupt man is capable of. Granted, Saddam is no Hitler...but do you think he wouldn't be, if he had the power? I'm not a warmonger. I think war is horrible; but I also understand that, unfortunately, war is a necessary thing. History is the greatest teacher. -Justin
  17. That would be impossible, Chris. As was said, it's that hill that they all want. Either way, it doesn't matter to me. I can worship God just as well here as there, and I can read my Bible just as well here as there. I personally support Isreal. Firstly, because I'm a Christian and(if you're a Christian) it would be foolish not to. Secondly, because the land belongs to Isreal. Not only because the US gave them that land after WWII, but also because it was there's before Rome took it from them. That is, of course, the natural way of global politics in history, but if you want to take that stance, so is our giving that land back to them. Having said that, I don't think any hostile Palestinian should be given any territory. If he wants to try and kill people he should be treated as a murderer. Nothing more, nothing less. However, I also don't think the Isrealis have any right to just go off shooting people either. It may be their land, but they should only punish those who commit crimes. -Justin
  18. It's really not that big of a deal. If you're too lazy to scroll down a page, then I don't see how you expect to keep up with a story. -Justin
  19. I think you'll find a massive thread of quotes not too far back. -Justin
  20. I honestly don't see how all this could be some ploy to get Iraq's oil. I think that's honestly just someone's excuse to protest because they can't find a real reason, beyond the fact that they just disagree. Anyway, the war has begun. I hope it's over swiftly. Though, I think Bush is a little idealistic if he think the Iraqi people will settle into a democratic government. -Justin
  21. I want to see the Japanese versions. A friend of mine told me about them. They sound awesome. As for the scry-factor of the American version: In the theater, I wasn't that scared. However, when I got home and had to walk past blank TV sets with the lights off, I was scared for like a week. -Justin
  22. I'd like to point out that this topic is a [i]debate[/i], not a fight. If you can't control your temper and your keyboard, stay out of the topic. Let's not let this turn into another war of our own. I'll stop it before it goes that far. -Justin
  23. Actually, SITH, if you'll reread my original post, you'll see I know exactly what precedence is. :) I also think following precedence in every single situation is foolish. -Justin
  24. I'd prefer another alternative, but Saddam has been in power far too long. And, unlike most, apparantly, I don't think Bush is an idiot. I support the war whole-heartedly. And I find myself in agreeance with SITH; North Korea is a much larger threat than Iraq. However, I think your(Juu) saying 'pick on Iraq', is ignorant. Not saying you, of course, but your statement is. Iraq has done more than it's own fair share of picking and Saddam is a threat. It's never been the US's policy to strike first, and I honestly think that's been one of our problems, but with things being as they are, striking first seems to be the best options. I'd rather see Saddam removed from power than American lives taken any day. The thing that I feel most people don't think about it this(this is no longer directed at Juu): What if there was another large-scale terrorist attack and [i]your[/i] mother, [i]your[/i] father, or [i]your[/i] loved ones were lost. I think it's time for people to face facts, the threat of another large-scale terrorist attack [i]is[/i] real. And who made the rule that terrorist can only strike large cities like New York? Anyone live near a large stadium or college or some other large civilian facility? Hello... I don't think anyone's opinions are so much wrong. I just think people should look at the scenario I provided and decided whether or not the US is justified in attacking a potential terrorist threat. In my opinion we are. I just hope God thinks we are too. -Justin
  25. Are you male or female? Male. How long has your longest relationship lasted? Eh...approximately 4 to 5 months. What was the worst ending to a relationship you have been in? It ended in my complete disdain for the other party involved. Something I should check myself on, I feel. What is the one thing you hope to find in your perfect mate? God. what is your pet peve about the people you date? Stupidity. Have you ever used a pick up line? Probably. -if so, did it work? I'm sure it did at least once. Have you ever had a pick up line used on you? I'm not sure. -if so, did it work? *shrug* What do you think women want? I don't know, and I don't care. There's either one girl for me, or none at all. All that matters is which one God wants for me, if any. In your opinion, what is the general behavior of women? Strange, aggravating, but undoubtedly attractive. -Justin
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