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Everything posted by Justin
I thought religious restraint was respectable. I thought the military wouldn't be [i]too[/i] bad. I thought I could never be completely happy just doing music. I thought drunkeness was for the stupid. I also thought weed was for the stupid. I thought all Muslims spoke Arabic. I thought Alexander the Great's name was actually Alexander. -Justin
I was 17...hm...I'd say to myself... 1) Follow the voice they've taught you to ignore from day one. Trust me, it's always right. 2) In two years, don't stand by and watch. 3) In three years, just find another damn guitar player, dude. 4) In four years, don't join the Navy. 5) In four years and a couple months, in the event you joined anyway, refuse to ship. You might think you have no choice, but take it from me, until you get to Great Lakes you have all the choices in the world. 6) In round about five and a half years, assuming you shipped anyway, file for failure to adapt before your six month mark. 7) And finally, I know you're not really think in these terms right now, but for God's sake, drop her, get some strange, and never give up on heavy metal. -Justin
Point well made, old friend. The fact that we're 'armchair' shot-calling a conflict that none of us is directly involved with is, frankly, a bit sickening. Especially such an incredibly complex one. I'm from Alabama. The people there who're educated enough to think about this kind of thing are all--obviously--pro-Israel. So believe me, I've heard [i]every[/i] arguement you can imagine--legitimate or not--about why Israel has the 'right' to that land. But, fortunately, I read. And so I've read every argument--legitimate or not--for why the Palestinians deserve that land. And the fact is, I can see only two clear ends to such an embittered debate/conflict: 1) To the victor, goes the spoils. That is to say, like America, the British, the Chinese, and the Roman Empire, that a country creates its own right to exist and own territory based upon its ability to conquer it and keep it. Why the hell not? It's worked for all of human existance. 2) But should always be the hope for a better future. I say that the whole world should crawl off it's high horse of nationalism. It shouldn't "God bless America." It should be "God bless EVERYONE." Hey, I can dream. -Justin
I'm a bit late, so I'll just respond to the original post. 1- Israel is not in violation of the Geneva Convention. The Geneva Convention has absolutely nothing to do with invading other nations. It's all about the fair and decent treatment of prisoners of war. 2- I can't see judging Israel or the Palestinians in this case. I don't live there, and I don't know what goes on. The answer to this problem isn't in who's right. It's in who's willing to stop believing in nationalism. Which, conveniently, is the answer to a vast majority of the armed conflicts around the world. -Justin
Assuming he even exists. Or that he, in fact, intended to get the plane and he's not just some unfortunate "Mohammed the Plumber" tagged and bagged for the convenience of HomeSec. I can't believe Guantanamo Bay is still open. It would suck if I got stationed there. -Justin
Ice blue eyes. Eyes that never wavered. That's what Lidia remembered about her twin brother. He was a Captain in his father's army. The Devil with Blue Eyes is what the Fukau Lan called him. He'd never lost a battle in a war that had started before he was born. He was a genius. Then he was gone. Just like that. Sethia, Dad and Mom, too. It was called an 'assassination' by Fukow political saboteurs; but Lidia knew far better. The Families had always feared the Finch family. The General's(Father's) Red Marines were fiercely loyal to their beloved patriarch; perhaps even moreso to his bright son. The economy on Bismin had certainly seen better years. The Families weren't loved by anyone, wherever you went. Bismin's decaying brand of socialism was finally beginning to wither to the crumbling point. The people who went hungry in the streets outside of Bisminarch were crying now for change. And they saw hope in one man. Not Maxime Finch; no, not the aging General. But young and promising Captain Alexander Finch. They saw in him a messiah. For the love of the people, Lidia's brother is gone. But not yet. [B]One Year Earlier:[/B] [I]1600, 15MARCH. ABOARD THE RNS LIBERTANIAN; FLAGSHIP, 7TH FLEET.[/I] "Captain, respectfully." "Go ahead, Lt. Palmer." Finch responded without taking his eyes away from the forward viewport. "Space is empty, sir. There's nothing here. We've been sweeping the area for a week." Palmer spoke to his former bunkmate now as a superior, not a shipmate. "No. I know what it seems like, Palmer. Trust me. They're here. No other explaination for the sudden disapearance of the [I]Denizen.[/I]" "Sir, respectfully." Finch motioned for him to continue. "The [I]Denizen[/I] could have been ambushed by pirates. It happens in Wild Space all the time." "Are you serious?" At that Finch looked at his former bunkmate with one eyebrow raised. "The [I]Denizen[/I] is armed with nuclear warheads. I doubt any pirates would be able to stand toe to toe with a nuclear cruiser." Finch turned back to the viewport. "Fooks are all over this. And their still nearby." A few more moments passed by as the [I]Libertanian[/I] scanned nearby space. Just as Finch gave the order for darken ship, however, a scanner hit appeared. Then, the incoming projectile alarm sounded, and all hell consumed the ship. -Justin
I have no idea, and I refuse to read through this entire thread to see what you people think. Let me just say this: If Nov.5 rolls around and news comes to me in boot camp that McCain won, I'm going to respectfully ask my RDC for a couple of days off to freak the **** out. -Justin EDIT: After posting this I took the poll. I hope OB is a good poll to follow.
This is just more proof of the hidden liberal agenda that's sweeping the United States. First the hearts and minds of innocent youngsters, next the White House. And you're all the victims! So go ahead and elect your Obama Bin Laden! Then he'll declare jihad on you and your family! You're gonna eat your babies! "I'm John McCain, and I approve this message." -Justin
The Council, and especially Master Yoda, had been unexpectedly supportive. They didn’t coddle him, by any means, but they had been positive in their criticism. Nor were they surprised (at least they hadn’t shown any surprise) by his announcement that he was leaving the Order. Justin could tell that there was some mental deliberation going on in each of the councilors’ heads, but they showed little expressive reaction to his declaration. It was in this moment, he thought, they’d elect to strip him of his Force sensitivities. He knew the protocol. They would blind him to the Galaxy. But they hadn’t. He was walking the streets of Coruscant now, for the first time he can remember, no long tied to the Order. That, and he was still open to the Force; to follow it, or not, as he saw fit. This couldn’t be real. He approached a corner café, still clad in his Jedi robes, and strolled in for a short meal. “Two nerf strips, Corellian-cut, pink in the middle, and a beer.” He told the server. It’d been a long time, but he could get used to this. Now, he hadn’t walked out totally untouched. They did take his lightsaber, placing it in the column of the Lost Jedi. Jedi had a funny attachment to those things, one Justin had never shared. He could make another without much effort. His thoughts wondered back to that small obelisk that had emerged from the council chamber floor to swallow his saber, “The Lost Nineteen, now, I guess.” He thought aloud. He woofed down his meal, the way he always did, paid the barkeep, tipped the server (a rather attractive human female), and decided to ramble on out of there. Coruscant had never fascinated him before. He’d lived there most of his life, so it was home, but only in that filthy, noisy, smellily familiar kind of way. But now, he had no obligation to be here. He owed these people nothing. Not a damn thing. He suddenly felt the liberation of self-reliance. He kept his thoughts away from that jungle moon almost all day. He kept his thoughts hovering comfortably somewhere between the café and the faux forest five kilometers away from the Senate Hall, just about all day. But that damn forest, with its synthwood tree trunks and its plasteel birdfeeders shot him right back, clear across the Galaxy, to Yavin 4. He choked the memory of what had happened there, now two weeks passed, out his mind. He saw a bar, and he headed straight to it. “Time to just fucking let go, old fella’.” ------------------------------------------------------------------- “I don’t agree with letting him go like that. He’s just too volatile. He’s seen too much in the last few months, and he hasn’t had time to recover. We should’ve at least detained him.” A cross armed Jedi said, with a furrowed brow. “In the Force, our trust lies. Watch him, we must. But lead us to much greater evil than Jenna, I think he will.” Yoda spoke without looking away from the window. “There’s a dark shadow in every corner, and beneath every rock. We can’t chase them all.” The Jedi replied. “But shine a little light on them, we can.”
[B][U] Saints Be Damned[/U][/B] Whahap, fams? Me? I'm Jonny. You turtlenecks can call me Eleven, or Leven for shorties. Why Eleven? Because I fucking told you to, my turtlenecking flatrats. Don't you bother your tankers mulling over where I's from or I's am. If it were for turtlenecks to be knowin' where-y-goes dof a bad biscuit like me, then I bet you'd fucking know it real premier, huh? Butties, I will you tell what doing I do, flatrats. That is, if you don't go on about "propriety" and "morality" and other shit like that, man. I am, elegantly and simply, the Chief and Enforcer. That is, dof the Glass Caskets of the Northside. Now, little jamesies; you may be mulling over how you ne'er have caught scent dof the Glass Caskets of the Northside. Well, that's for the fact that we ain't come about and found our time just yet, but wait and see, turtlenecking bastards. As of today, we are what one may call "in the tunnels." But rest real greasy, flatties. May we be "in the tunnels" but ain't we "dof the tunnels", catchy man? We been sweating real rickytix, making our ways in the lonesome old City of our fathers. Saints of the Northside has gone under itselves, gotchy? It's a new day. And, friends...savvy this: This ain't so low now; not gutterish. This is revolution. There will be no surrender. Saints...be damned. ================= I'll give a short glossary of terms. I won't give a lot, because I figure you guys are smart enough to figure most of it out: Whahap- Smoosh of "what's happening?" Fams- Family Turtleneck/ing- Proper citizens/dumb looking Flatrats- People who live in proper homes Tankers- Minds Premier- Already, first. Without needing to be informed Jamesies- Anyone seen as tools or supporters of the government In the tunnels- Underground Catchy/gotchy- Get it Rickytix- Tirelessly
I'm gonna go ahead and agree with my buddy weedeater on most of this stuff. Some deathcore is good, but that's a band-by-band standard for me. I heard tell that WBCC may be breaking up soon. Allegedly Jeremy wants to do something poppier. At least that's what Holmes and Brad from Manchester Black told me. But you know how rumors are around here. Last I heard, Scarlett O'Hara is getting back together with me, DJ, Shane, Griffis, and Eric. No keyboards. Haha. I also heard tell that I'm joining Blackheart to replace Jeremy Bolin. Of course all that was before everyone found about the Navy thing. And let's not forget about the rumor that Pat from RTV is joining Norma Jean. Oh, the Columbus rumor mill. Bands to check out? Wolves in the Throne Room.(doomy black metal) Autumn Aria.(Proggy MDM) Manchester Black.(Groovy southern hardcore-ish rock) Weedeater.(Doomy, blackish stoner metal) Agalloch.(Awesome.) Integrity.(Classic CROSSOVER) Skeletonwitch.(Blackened thrash metal) Cursed.(Dark hardcore punk) -Justin PS: Good to see you, Tim.
I personally wouldn't recommend WBCC to anyone, but I'm also a purist. [i]Horror[/i] basically sounds like the guys took every trend that's existed for the last two years and thrown them all into every song; and poorly, at that. I was very disappointed that Jeremy didn't put together something much better, given his incredible taste in music. SYNT is pretty good, for modern deathgrind. I'm a bigger fan of Number 12 as well, though. Once again, I'm a purist. And modern deathgrind isn't pure for the most part. Number 12 just plain transcends my puristic sensibilities, as well as sub-genres. This thread has gone quite far from hardcore, hasn't it? Here's something I discovered a while back and fell in love with: Stigma. And by that, I mean Vinny Stigma's--of Agnostic Front fame--solo project. The song 'New York Blood' is incredible. Also, look into Blood For Blood. They've been around for quite some time, but never really gotten much recognition. Cursed, is another one, if you're lucky enough to be able to track down any of their best work. -Justin
Boothten is only slightly more on target about the differences between deathgrind and deathcore than you are Whoa, Mann. ...Actually, no. Just wrong in a different way. Ah, hell with it, let me try to expound without sounding like a jerk: Deathgrind is much older than deathcore. It goes back to early Carcass and mid-early Napalm Death. But to say it has no 'core' influence is just as wrong as saying it's the same thing as deathcore. The 'death' in deathgrind comes, obviously, from death metal. The 'grind' would come from grindcore. Grind[i]core[/i], mind you. Grindcore evolved from crust punk, which evolved from hardcore punk. Hard[i]core[/i] punk, that is. The earliest appearance of the label 'deathcore' came with the formation of Six Feet Under. It was coined by their frontman Chris Barnes (former frontman of Cannibal Corpse) to evoke the idea of death metal being mixed with hardcore punk. However, nowadays the term 'deathcore' evokes a very different image. It is essentially the combination of brutal/technical death metal and early 2000s metalcore. But I'll give you this credit, WM--a lot of modern deathcore bands blur the line by bringing in some grind[i]y[/i] elements. But I doubt most of those bands really take much influence from grindcore. I know most of their fans have no love for it when they hear it. As far as "regular" death metal (as though there aren't a million sub-sub-subgenres that any given band can fit into), Amon Amarth and Opeth don't really qualify too well. Amon Amarth is, for the most part melodic death metal. Albeit is a very different, heavier form than standard MDM fare, it is still MDM all the same. Opeth is progressive death metal, on most records. [i]Damnation[/i] hardly qualifies as extreme metal at all, though it is good. "Regular" death metal? Morbid Angel, Deicide, Death, Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse, etc. However, I second DK's motion that we all shut up and bow before the might of Pig Destroyer. -Justin **EDIT: While I'm at it, what do you guys think of With Blood Comes Cleansing? I came up in the scene with those guys, and I'd like to know what people's reaction is to them outside of the East Alabama/West Georgia area.
1. If you believe in God, why do you believe? Because I gave up trying to create one, and returned to the one I'd already met. 2. Why do you think others believe in God? Because eternity is familiarly foreign concept to all of humanity. We can't give it up, but we can't understand why. 3. The most popular conflict between faith and reason is usually on the evolution/creationism controversy. --What?s your take on the issue? My take is simple: From a spiritual and relational perspective, it doesn't matter. I imagine you know well the various theories of evolution, creationist evolution, and pure creationism. But really, if it is a God that transcends the concept of religion that I believe in; one who is not interested in our walls, but rather in us, then who gives a damn how he did it. --Can science be compatible with belief? God transcends science, just as he transcends us. There's nothing wrong with science, and reason is a necessity to live this life well. However, we can't wrap our minds around God. If we could, he wouldn't be worth worshiping. Do you accept evolutionary theory? I think there are some holes in it, but there are holes in every explanation of life--scientific or religious. So I'll read the theories, but I don't care enough to try to stand for one flawed theory vs. the next. 4. What do you think are the most compelling arguments to not believe in God? If one judges God by those who speak in his name, then that would be a pretty compelling reason not to like him. Belief in him, I'm quite convinced, is a relational thing. It's just like loving someone. You can't just decide one day you do or don't. --Or, what do you think are the greatest challenges to peoples? faith? Their egos. 5. Do you think there is such thing as ?reasonable faith?? Or, do you think they are in conflict? Reason is a human tool. It exists within us, was given to us, and we should use it. But God transcends all perception, let alone our fragile reasoning. That must be kept in perspective. 6. Lastly, if you believe in God. What evidence do you have in favor of your belief? None that would make much difference to any of you. But I chased "reasonable faith" and a "reasonable God" until I, also, threw much of faith out the window. But God, the unreasonable one, chased me even as I thought I was chasing him. And when he reintroduced himself to me, I left the pieces of "reasonable faith" on the ground. -Justin
I'll actually be in Tennessee sometime this weekend visiting a friend. It's beautiful country, but I wouldn't want to live there. -Justin
"My being different to you still makes me a man."
Justin replied to Justin's topic in General Discussion
Of course, there are much bigger than inches, but I just didn't want to get into metric measurements. :) I agree that these things should be covered in the work place. I wish they didn't have to be, but because society is the way that it is, they should be out of respect for others. My main beef is the fact that society [i]is[/i] this way. I know that the taboo stems as much from the natural appearance and association with that as from certain religious stigmas; but these things shouldn't cloud one's judgment of the individual. This communicates into lots of issues. As I said, homosexuality, religious differences, political leanings, cultural behaviors...blah. Regardless of whether you agree with someone, I do feel that the disagreement itself is not a basis for prejudice. In our hodge-podge culture, the are many exceptions to almost any combinations of rules. -Justin -
This thread is about being "different." I'm going to cover some specific areas--ones that pertain to me, for example--and I'd like you guys to discuss those areas. However, feel free to expound on being "different." Include things that affect you, or people that you know. What is your experience with people with body mods? How are they generally treated? Is that right, or wrong? By "body mods" I mainly mean multiple tattoos, obvious and abnormally placed piercings, tongue splits, facial implants, stretched piercings, and so on. Now, if any of you were to meet me in person, you wouldn't be thrown off by some side show freak with facial tatts, or horn implants. Most of my ink is well concealed by normal clothing, unless my hair is pulled back you can't see my ear size, and I have a very good flesh tone stud for my nose when I'm not in a casual setting. But do you think it's right that I should [i]have[/i] to go to those lengths to be considered a reasonable young man? How would you judge me, say, if I did have facial ink, a one inch tongue split, 1 inch gauges, a septum ring and the like? Would it be different than the appearance I described before? Is that justified? See, now, I know a lot of people with a lot of body mods. A lot of those people are good people. They are sound-minded, generally gainfully employed, non drug users, non violent, and very sociable people. So, while I understand the apprehension of people not raised around that, I just want to see your thoughts on the subject. How do you see these kinds of people? This can extend to anything. Homosexuals, various religions, social views, you name it. All I want is some discussion. -Justin PS- Anyone who can guess where my thread title came from will get sweet Modprops.
YOU FASCISTS...my first complaint thread
Justin replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Help & Feedback
I like living the totalitarian life. OBWAKUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!~~!~!?!?!?!!!!**!@@!!!! -Justin -
The Nifty Fifty has been moved to here: [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=58721"][U]Nifty Fifty 07[/U][/URL] Be sure to check it out!
I will be doing an atypically pathetic thing: Having sex with my girlfriend, and buying roses for the girl I actually care about. Bah, that's horrible. -Justin
"Epic" is not a word I'd use to describe [i]any[/i] of the bands you listed. Some are "good"...but "epic"? I don't see where you get that. Agalloch-Ashes Against the Grain: Amazing record. Arsis-United In Regret: Amazing record. Slechtvalk-The War That Plagues The Land: This is an [i]epic[/i] record. Amon Amarth-With Oden On Our Side/Versus The World: These are [i]epic[/i] records. Pantera-Cowboy From Hell: By far the best Pantera record. Iron Maiden-The Number of the Beast: Yesh. Johnny Cash-Legend: Amazing compilation. Slayer-Reign In Blood Slayer at their best, by far. Though, Christ Illusion ain't bad. Yep. There you go. -Justin
I won't even take the time to read the bickering this thread has no doubt conjured. I stopped reading when I read this: [quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson]I believe in the self-assuredness of the people who will post in this thread in the coming weeks. That is the only real certainty in life.[/color][/QUOTE] Those are words spoken from the keyboard of a man who knows how to use his God-given intelligence. I'll give a brief "theory" based on half-hearted study on the subject; one with absolutely no facts or proof to back it up--simply because I don't feel like it. It wouldn't change anyone's mind, and that's not what I'm out to do anyway: The layman's idea on the Theory of Evolution doesn't hold water. In fact, the entire Theory of Evolution doesn't hold much water when left standing by itself. However, add some intelligent design into the equation, and you have a viable explanation for the phenomenon of existence. The fact is, when calling into question such weighty concepts as existence, you need to know more than the mechanics of 'how'. If answering 'how?' satisfies you, then I think you've missed the point altogether. I can't imagine the point of life is to know [i]how[/i] we got here. I think the point of life is to find out [i]why we are here[/i]. And that is a question that is answered once in general consensus, and 6 billion+ times on an individual basis. It seems a tad selfish to me to base your faith/belief system/whatever-gets-you-happy on only finding out how you came to be. Try fulfilling some kind of purpose. Try leaving this world a better place than you found it. I think, regardless of our respective belief systems, we can all agree that that is a honorable and achievable life goal. -Justin ***EDIT: [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial] (And here again, the age of the Earth is a touchy subject.)[/FONT][/QUOTE] Again, there are far more theories that have to be true in order for the Theory of Evolution to be true. I'm a partial believer in the "Young Earth" concept. Not all of it, mind you. Some of it is ridiculous. But I certainly don't believe the planet is several billion years old. Most people don't realize how many things tie together when trying to reason how existence came about.
Now That We've Narrowed Down The Candidates...
Justin replied to Morpheus's topic in General Discussion
I'd almost just rather [i]not[/i] complain. I suppose I'd vote for Obama, but only if Hillary isn't his VP. I strongly disapprove of that one. But in the end, they're all politicians--I strongly disapprove of them all. Huckabee just makes me giggle. Obama seems like the most likely to make any genuine change. And if by the end of the next President's tenure, the gears of change aren't turning, I'm packing my bags and getting the hell out of this country. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm getting out of here. -Justin -
The OtakuBoards Nifty Fifty: 07 Edition(Nominate or Die)
Justin replied to Justin's topic in General Discussion
All right, that's it for the nominations! My committee should expect a PM from me....now. Thanks, everyone. We'll have the finalized Nifty Fifty: 07 Edition out to you in around a week. -Justin -
The OtakuBoards Nifty Fifty: 07 Edition(Nominate or Die)
Justin replied to Justin's topic in General Discussion
A few more hours to go, and this thread shuts down, folks. If you have anything else left to say, say it now. But please, don't nominate yourself while wrapping up your nominations. It just makes you look like a damned sight of a fool. :) -Justin