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Everything posted by Justin

  1. Burping in public is all right, so long as no one around you is particularly offended. Farting on the other hand, well I don't want to have to smell it, honestly. -Justin
  2. The best part of the original movie was the Charger. Now that...was a beastly automobile. -Justin
  3. [i][b]You will name this child 'Justin'...which means 'full of justice' and 'keeper of the ancient dynamos and flame'[/b][/i] That's what that little thing on that paper at Six Flags said it meant anyway....except for the 'keeper of the ancient dynamos and flame' part. Congrats, Deb. Raise 'em right. I know you'll be a good mother. ;) -Justin
  4. Actually, Piro, you're wrong. If you follow thought through to logical conclusion, then by logic there [i]must[/i] be a higher power of some kind, and the most likely and the one that most fits all the shoes that higher power would have to fill is the God of Christianity. Of course, this means nothing to you. I doubt you'll even research it to see if I could be right. Just something more for you to laugh at. :) The following is for the encouragement of those who need it. I figured there would be those who would not care to see this, so I've decided to respect those who don't. However, I encourage all to read it: [spoiler]I really try not to care when I see Christianity bashed...or generalized. You see, I, also, can sit back and have a good giggle. I've found over my short time as a Christian that the best thing to do in the face of the enemy in any form(and he does take many) is to just sit back, smile, and put it all in the hands of Jesus. One way or the other, the Bible says that every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of all. As a true follower of Christ, the most you can do is witness, pray, and hope for those who don't understand that.[/spoiler] There's no sense in getting all jacked up over someone who looks down on you for your faith, because sooner or later, no matter [i]what[/i] faith you follow, that's going to happen. You just have to stay strong, fight the fight, and lay your head down at night with your pride, honor and faith secure. -Justin
  5. The way I see it, if I die, and someone eats me, that's their business. I won't care one way or the other at that point. But I would [i]hope[/i] I'd have the resolve and fortitude to [i]not[/i] eat the person I was with, whether they were dead or not. If I found myself unable to do it on my own, I can always fall on God for strength. -Justin
  6. I think you should take it, get what you know you'll need between now and then, and pay her back as soon as possible. It's wrong to take advantage of your grandmother's affection, any more than you have to. -Justin
  7. Somehow, I wouldn't clasify allowing yourself to die by not killing someone else as suicide. That's like if someone was going to kill my mother and I took the bullet for her. That's not suicide, that's just love, slick. -Justin
  8. I registered January 18, 2001. Why is it that I remember this fact? I'm a loser. :P [size=1]Not to be rude, but if you know a question is going to be a stupid one, why ask it? No worries, though. This thread maybe be a good break from our recent string of depressing topics. :)[/size] -Justin
  9. I didn't delete it, though, it was a little unwarranted. The way I see it, I probably would've let it be...possibly adding my own comment to it about appropriatness and things of that nature. It's nothing to get riled up over, just someone doing their job as they see it fit, which is exactly what we're supposed to do. :) -Justin
  10. I'm sorry, but as much as I'd like not to believe it myself, the more I read up on Kurt, the more convinced I am that he killed himself. :/ I wish that there were more real grudge bands. -Justin
  11. Sigh...at least we don't make comments like that...so stupid, so arrogant...if you don't want a spiteful response, don't post offending comments ;) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ginny, I'm sorry for you and your family. Though, there's really no more consolation I can offer beyond my empathy, I'll pray for you. :) -Justin
  12. The music industry needs another band like Nirvana to come along and kick it in the rear. The only things popular nowadays are rap, pop punk(which I'm beginning to [i]loathe[/i]), and Justin Timberlake. It's hard for me to understand how this is possible when I listen to lesser known bands that are SO much better than those that are popular. It baffles me, honestly. -Justin
  13. Exactly my way of thinking, ST. That's why I really wish there weren't so many denominations of Christianity...anyway, we've strayed far from the topic at hand here. Let's get back to it. -Justin
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Duo Maxwell [/i] [B]That's just stupid (sorry if that's blunt and I do believe that you're entitled to your opinions), sure it's written in the bible that it's a sin but you do realise by saying that you should also be saying that wearing condoms during sex is wrong as it having sex with out the want for a child. I'd like you to ask yourself something, what would Jesus do if he met a homosexual? He wouldn't turn him away, he'd talk with them and accept them. You are basically saying that it's wrong for people to be true to themselves if they are gay just to go by what the bible say's, God want's us to live our own lives and not try to be perfect in every little way. [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, the Bible never says sex without the desire for conception is wrong. It simply says sex outside the confines of marriage are wrong. It also never says you can't use birth control. Again, that's all opinion. If you classify using birth control as a form of abortion, that's your business. It's the Catholic denominaation of Christianity that started the thing about sex without desire for conception was a sin. :) Just thought I'd clear that up. And you are right. If Jesus met a homosexual He would minister to them just as He would anyone else. If they chose to refuse Him, then that would be their loss. That's exactly the way I try to model my ministry...after the ministry of Jesus Christ. Also, if you're claiming the God of Christianity as your God, wouldn't it be wise to follow your God's Word? That's directed at your comment about the Bible vs. Being 'true' to yourself. I don't know if the god you're refering to is the God of Christianity or not, but if it is...well, yeah, I don't think I need to be repetative. -Justin
  15. Justin


    Name - Bob Ashley Age - 19 Description - He is a small young man, about 5'5", with a hutched, humbled form and build. He wears a plain blue T-shirt and a pair of old beaten jeans. Personality - When he was 9 he witnessed his father and mother die at the hands of his older brother, who suffered from advanced psychosis disorder. For a few years after that, Bob was raised by special foster parents. However, Bob was admitted to a mental hospital for adolescent schizophrenia at age 13. When he was 19, he was declared cured and set free. Bob came to Silent Hill with hopes to get away from the Noise, as he called it. The Noise was, in fact, his supressed personalities fighting to regain freedom within him. -Justin
  16. Thank you, Ken, for saying what I didn't have the patience to. -Justin
  17. I was driving down the road to go apply for a job and the knob on the truck's gearshift decide to remove itself from it's position on the gearshift [i]as I was shifting gears[/i]. Needless to say, that nearly had some draw-backs. You have to be really careful when you're out driving. There's never been an automobile made that couldn't kill a human. -Justin
  18. I'd probably take the three years in the wheel chair. I mean, when you look at it as you know you will later on down the line, three years is nothing. -Justin
  19. I recently realized how unwilling I'd be to live any further north that here in mideast Alabama. It gets cold enough down here that I can barely walk outside without a jacket, so I came to the conclusion that I'm a Southerner tried and true, and I can't live anywhere else. -Justin
  20. I half-way don't know whether or not to trust you anymore, Harry. However, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. My deepest sympathies to you and yours. Goodbye, be strong, and God bless and keep you. -Justin
  21. So we can get this topic back on track. It's fast on it's way to be closed. I also think that many kids who grow up in minority-dominated urban have an excuse for thier laziness--many are raised from infanthood knowing nothing else. Those who are, aren't required to do well by their parents, and they don't. It's more than just the children in American schools; it's the attitude of too many American people. -Justin
  22. Such a negative topic. I think you have to remember those in high school who are willing to learn. Myself, for example. I want very much to graduate having had all the opportunities possible presented to me, and that's only possible through money. I can't help it if there are people in my classes who don't want to be there, I shouldn't have to suffer for their stupidity. -Justin
  23. I love you, Jenna. I know you love your brother a lot(I can remember you speaking of him over the past year or so), and I promise I'll pray for you, him and your family. You also know I'm here to talk any time you want to. -Justin
  24. Keep it as is. If the joker can't pronounce 'otaku', he needs to get off the Internet and go back to school. -Justin
  25. Oh, shut up. I can pervert it as easily as anyone can, it's not a matter of that and you know it. I know you don't hold the same beliefs I do, but I'm not going to make a comment even in the same ball park when you state something you firmly believe in that I see as pervertable. I have more respect for you than that. It's one thing to debate, but you know what you said is offensive, and even if you didn't then, you should now. You can argue logic with me all day, but the Piro I thought I knew always had respect enough to acknowledge when he was wrong even in the smallest way. But I won't expect that from you. -Justin
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