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Everything posted by Justin
Has anyone ever heard any music from any albums record by Finch? They're on Drive-Thru Records, if that's important to anyone. I've heard some of their stuff, and I like them, but I was wondering what y'all's take is on them. -Justin
I have my skepticisms about this. Perhaps you were mistaken? If not, it's against the Bill of Rights to suspend everyone who signs a petition. Do it anyway. -Justin
Who should be responsible for the moral education of a child?
Justin replied to ChibiV's topic in General Discussion
I say that the parents have the responsibility to teach their child right. And I believe they will be held accountable for whther they ahve or not one day. -Justin -
Well, maybe it would be...if not for the fact that the internet is policed by any agency that I'm aware of. Anyway, it's obviously fake, if you follow any logical thought pattern. So whoever started that website is just getting a big laugh at everyone who flips out about it. Though, still, it is nasty and pointless. Consider this topic closed. -Justin
I don't disagree with punishing your kids for poor grades. If I made an 'F' in anything, I'd expect my dad to punish me and I'd accept, and I'll do the same for my child(unless there is something wrong with him mentally). That's not wrong, that's love. That's wanting your child to do better for his life. My dad has hounded me constantly, ever since k5, about my grades, and I thank him for that. -Justin
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][color=red] After I read it more closely, I think I get the drift of what you're saying, VR. So, she made you eat a whole bunch of food as to...punish you? My god, your mom must be pretty damn crazy then. I'd certainly let it be a reason to be mad at her. As severe a punishment only for stating something? I think she was totally wrong in her judgement.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Try to be more understanding in a situation such as this one. It helps, I promise. Anyway, I can see why you wouldn't want to hurt your mother in any way. But the fact remains, if she [i]forces[/i] you to eat [i]that[/i] much food and yells at you because you're hungry, she's not being a very good mother. You need to talk with a counselor or, possibly, your grandmother. Your sister isn't saying that she doesn't love your mother by protecting herself. Bottom line: Talk to someone who can help fix things. -Justin
Well, all I can say is taht you had better pick up the slack. There is no secret to improving your grades(especially in subjects like algebra) except to study harder. And killing yourself over getting put on restriction is just plain foolish. However, I can understand your dread of having a 'heart to heart' with good ole' daddy. -Justin
Well, my beliefs aside, I'll tell you this: Whenever I converted to Christianity, I didn't think I'd be able to keep it up whenever it came time to go back to school. I figured that temptations and ridicule from my former friends would simply be too great. However, somewhere along the line, I picked up an amazing strength to just push through what doesn't matter, and find what does. What matters to me may be different than what matters to you, but the same principle applies to both of us. When it comes to Christians and homophobia; Gay people don't really bother me much. I hope I make that much evident. I'm not God and I don't decide who goes where and why. Thus, I try not to condemn people in my mind. Be brave, Shy. -Justin
I think I"m gonna get this one girl a piece of crappy, trashcan-afied paper that says "It's the thought that counts" on it. It's an inside joke with a person I really don't like very much...^_^ -Justin
I think as far as this topic goes, I'm(or I was) about as bad a case as it gets. I pretended to be a [i]completely[/i] different person than I really was. But that's in the past. As far as the way I act now; I think I generally tend to be the same person IRL that I am here. I may be a little bit different here than I am IRL, but only because of the 'edit' feature. ^_^ -Justin
I only believe in divine prophecy. In other words, prophecy granted by God. In my opinion, all else is either fake or coming from a source that I want nothing to do with. -Justin
...I think you can put something like that in your signature... -Justin
Kevin, back off, please. Your efforts to create underlying messages to old enemies in your posts just makes [i]you[/i] look dumb and childish. Old wounds won't heal until you stop picking the scabs. Anyway, I'll give credit where it's due: Firstly, to my best e-buddy, BabyGirl. It's...amazing...the things I can talk to her about. Next, James. He's the only one I know with the patience and skill to run this place as well as he does. Transtic Nerve; because he's got balls, brains, and teeth, when he needs them. Sephiroth...um, because he's just so...[i]Seppy[/i]. Sara; because she's got teeth too...but her teeth hurt and tickle at the same time...(o_O) Last but not least, Deus; He's my brother in Christ, and I know I can talk to him when I need encouragement. [size=1][b] User Name-I'll take that as a personal 'thank you' from you to me. ;-)[/b][/size] -Justin
"Playing Mod" is fairly obvious. I'll add to Sara's comment: Say someone creates a DB RPG in the DB forum instead of Otaku Adventures. Someone who was just helping in a kind, friendly and productive way would simply join the RPG, and make a small side note that the thing was in the wrong place. Someone who is 'playing mod' would dedicate an entire post to correcting the originator of the post. In short, those who 'play mod' overstep their boundaries and try to do the job that belongs to the moderators. I wouldn't say that it's annoying. i'd say it was funny, considering that being a moderator isn't half what it's cut out to be. In a forum as well-organized as ours, a moderator's job is tough. -Justin
I think one thing that is generally misunderstood about teachers is that they [i]are[/i] people too. Granted, their position means that they should keep those 'dirty little fetishes' to themselves, but they're still people. And if she's an art teacher, then there will be paintings of naked people in your freakin' text book, so get over it. As far as teachers and students fornicating; well, it isn't right, but it's going to happen, so everyone may as well get over that too. It doesn't do anyone much good to worry over things that aren't in their power to prevent. -Justin
I think it's all blown out of proportion far too much. First of all, if he did have child pornography, then yes, he should have been fired. But it seems unlikely that he did have it, that sounds very much like a typical rumor that would be made of a teacher that is not well thought of. Secondly, even if he is gay, it isn't likely he'd be hitting on kids. He's a grown man, and no matter what the case, one would hope he'd have the maturity of a grown man. I think you should probably dismiss the rumors, unless more reliable sources than those you've presented come to light. -Justin
DBZ has become a fuzzy subject for me, but who's to say that Guru was the original father of them all? Kami was pretty old, he could've been decended from an older Namek and, thus, so is Piccoro. -Justin
I'm almost positively sure it has something to do with the Newbie Lounge. Though, this puzzles me because posts weren't supposed to count in the NL. :shrug: I don't really care, anyway. -Justin
And then some people have to get hurt again(and again and again) before they get it through their craniums not to put themselves it that situation. But you know, that's not everyone. Sorry; I had to throw that in there. -Justin
I only know a few differences, but I'll explain what I do know: Catholics- Sara explained that one about as well as it needed to be. I must hand it to Catholics, they've been working on reformation very well(in spite of the scandals) in the past years. Prostestant- I really don't know much about them. I know they don't like Catholics, that's about it. Baptists as a whole- I know they don't believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit as thouroughly as Penecostals do, so they don't have the speaking in tongues, they laying on of hands, the raising of hands...or generally anything that 'Holy Rollers' do. All forms of Penecostal- This is the crazy church, lol. This is where they often have the blessing of the Holy Spirit(ie.; speaking in many tongues, falling out, prayer cloths, raising of hands, prayer lines...all that good stuff). This is the most filling kind of church I've ever been in. Those are all the different types I really know anything about. The different denominations of those mentioned above just have certain different doctrines and beliefs. Most only differ in a small way, it just depends. I really wish the Christian Church as a whole would unify, but that wouldn't settle with most folks. I personally wouldn't enjoy it unless it were Penecostal, so yeah, lol. Anyway, as for the original topic: I don't agree with witchcraft at all; Wicca or anything of the like, I dislike it all. Now, if your practice that, it's your business, I won't bother you about it unless you ask me to; but I don't agree with it or it's practice at all. -Justin
Try PMing someone next time... If I'm correct, the avatars are down at the moment. Someone else may be able to confirm negate that for me, but it'll ahve to be someone who can post in a closed topic. -Justin
Many times I've edited my own posts and the software did not print the little text at the bottom saying so. It's also happened with me editing the posts of other members, but I usually use red text when doing that, and I normally have some snide comment to go along with it; Followed, of course, by "-Justin"... Just thought I'd bring that up. -Justin
I just want to say that first of all, all Christians back-slide from the Lord every now and then. All you can do is pray for her, and if it gets bad enough, show her where she is wrong. Secondly, it's obvious that she is where she should not be. If she's too blind to see that on her own as it stands, there isn't much help to be given. However, I do recommend that you say something to her. She may not like what you have to say, but doing nothing and not getting involved would would take away your right to complain. You can't complain about something if you don't try to change it. -Justin
This is actually the [i]only[/i] forum I've really stuck with that wasn't a forum kept up by friends or a social group, lol. But I wouldn't go so far as to call it 'addicive'. More like 'with many attractions'. -Justin
Ok, it looks like this problems has been solved. :) -Justin