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Everything posted by Justin
The fact that they were younger than you shows how dumb they are. In spite of my normal restraint around women and younger children, I'd have just started slugging them all. But then, I'm also a fairly big guy...and I'm really serious about personal boundaries, so I guess it's all in what you're able to stand. -Justin
Perhaps I misunderstood your staement, Narius, but it America today it's the monority community that gets to crack all the jokes. Now, I think to a certain extent the white community asked for it, after years of slavery, segregation, and opression; but shouldn't it be about time to put a stop to hate, period? I mean, look at BET, for example: What does it stand for? Black Entertainment Television. Now, I'd like to what happenes to the guy who creates Caucasion Entertainment Television. Granted, that issue is not entirely one-sided, but you must at least admit that all sides have contributed more wrong than right. -Justin
It's taken me a considerable moment to decide what to say for this topic and how to say. But I've decided I'm going to give y'all an uncensored look into my real thoughts on this issue. I can't stand it when people are blind to the fact of the matter. Many stereotypes are indeed untrue...however, many others have base in fact. Here in the South, racism is generally a magnified issue. Well, at least it is stereotypically(;) ). Anyway, I see it on a regularly basis, and the fact is, there is a fine difference between [i]most[/i]blacks and [i]most[/i] whites...just to use those two. Is either side the better? Of course not. Each just has its own culture developed mainly over the last 40 years or so. I think I'll go back on what I said in the beginning. I've gone far enough. However, I will say this about this topic in general. Everyone here needs to chill out and actually [i]listen[/i] to the views of others. This is a debate, not an arguement. In my short time as a Christian, often times I've seen that the best pastors are the best listeners. -Justin
Boy oh boy...am I late or am I late? Anyway, I guess I may as well list mine: BabyGirl: She's my best e-buddy also, and she's a good friend. I have tremendous respect for her as I know her, and she'll do great things, I believe. Cera: She's honest, blunt, and hilarious. I love the conversations we had and she really helps when you're in need. Sephiroth: He may never read this, but his opinions almost always reflect mine. I've always been amazed at how alike we think about many issues, and I think he's a cool person(hey, he thinks like me, doesn't he? :smirk: ). TN: For being fearless, strong, and honest. If no one else has, then he has taught me a lesson about life. James: Because in spite of everything, he's the one who's had the patience to run this place for better than a year now. Kudos, buddy, kudos. Break: For always being crazy. CWB: For being able to confuse me...while simultaneously being one of the best posters on the board. LM: Because she endures so much IRL, and still does her best to make it back here and bless us with her warm intelligence. Piromunkie: JE SUIS LE MOO!!!! ;) That's all I can think of at the moment, but I'll no-doubt be back shortly with many more. -Justin
If I'm correct, they haven't established that these two were the snipers. It isn't wise or fair to say they are until it has been confirmed. -Justin
Well, this can be a touch topic, depending on where you're standing. Personally, I don't it's right to ban the Swastika. Now, do I agree with what it stands for? No. In fact, it offends me because the Nazi Swastika is an inverted form of the Crucifix. However, this doesn't mean it should be banned because [i]I[/i] alone disagree with it's meaning. As was said, when turned in another direction, it has different meaning(many of which I STILL disagree with)...so it really isn't fair to try to ban it. -Justin
Not all this information is in the profile. Age: 15 Height: 5'9 Eyes: brown Hair: brown Weight: 152 Occupation: Nothing, lol Intrests: God, friends, and cars. Fav Anime: Here, as in 'on this site'? That would be Bebop. Overall...I'd have to say that X or Blood: The Last Vampire would be my personal favorites. Other: ...o_O; -Justin
"Hitakish mishu domu..." One of the students read lowly to himself. During school hours, no one spoke. In fact, even after study hours were over, little was ever said. If the students had any questions, they merely asked them aloud or wrote them down somewhere and they would be answered by firery letters on the wall the next morning. They were fed by a dark hand the emerged from the wall on command. The only conversations were held when the schoolmaster wanted them to be held. "Him." Satan said as he appeared behind William. "Wh--what?" William had been sleeping with his head propped on his arms. "That is the one who will be withheld." Satan said pointing to the student reading to himself across the hall. William was silent for a moment, "Poor soul..." "Indeed." With that Satan strolled across the hallway. His laughter broke the normal, every-day silence. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Nostrus Demios Caramin Carnus." The small Demon on the podium called out. "I am he." A creature, hands chained, stepped forward. "You are to be executed. You are convicted of the crime of treason...for being the halfbreed that you are." The Demon said condescendingly. "Since when does being a halfbreed make me unloyal?" The creature asked. "It's simple really. If your mother had been a human or any other [i]tolerable[/i] creature, you'd be forgiven. But, of all things, your mother was a..." The Demon struggled with the word, "Demo-diyshi." He said in his native tongue, unwilling to say it's common name. "Vampire." The Creature said, plainly. Instantly, Demons all over the room hissed and spit and the sound of the word. "Yes...that. A creature who filthyness is second only to the Hui-Demo." "Archangels." The creature again said, plainly. When he said that, one demon actually left at him, but he impaled by his fist, which was no longer chained. "H--how did you escape?" The Demon on the podium asked in shock. "Sometimes, the Blood of Vampira has its advantages." The creature said as he bounded onto a balcony in the rear of the giant spherical room. "Frecutci!" The Demon called out after him. -Justin
[i]On the Day of Reckoning; 765 AD[/i] Desegar: Zu fane' eh dos, ju Jumate*. Al-aer eh opi, oh jilo al zu huyt gui mate-mik eh uje mate* . Zu valiny aer Aerikodo eh-kil jilo mate-mik zuse ae eh uhik aerl ghi-ah-juida. Zu vali ae eh, ke. [b](The time has come, my master. Everything is ready, and soon all the world will bow to your power. The foolish race of Man doesn't yet understand that they are only pawns in a game. What fools they are, indeed.)[/b] Kassekuum: Ke, ju etam. Zu Laki gui xixo zuc uhio fane'. Jilo--uhio, uhio jilo--zuc bafane' aert eh dos jy-mate* oxi. Ay eh mik-mateom hi al aeri huyt. [b](Yes, my son. The War will begin this very hour. Soon--very, very soon--this old body will be born anew. I will rule over all races of Earth.)[/b] [i]Somewhere in Southern Spain[/i] [quote][i]From the D'Lunge'[/i] [b]And then the Fallen Grendel fell upon the unknowing Men of the Clan of Vampira, feating upon their blood. Yet three of those Men stood the evening next, and in their maws were sharpened fangs, in the arms and legs was strength that had not once been there...and in their hearts was malice unseen.[/b][/quote] William: So, that is how the story begins. ??: Yes, my pupil. That is how the Nightmen began. William: Foul things... ??: All things of this Realm are quite foul, my pupil. You are here to learn to erase some of that foulness through the Black Arts. William: Don't give me that, Lucifer. Satan: Heh heh heh...you'll learn to respect my favor of you with time. You see, one of the class you are a part of will not leave this place. I will make sure it is not you. You will do great things for me, I can see that. William: There have been men to leave this place and do good with what you teach them. Satan: That is true. However, uncommon. Many who leave here, I retain influence over...whether they know it or not. [i]Satan gave William a sly grin.[/i] William: I won't be one of those people. Satan: We shall see... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]I advise everyone to read the following before posting:[/b] Man- The race of Man is a reletively new one when compared to some of the more ancient races; such as Demons, Mystics, and Archangels. Man truly didn't begin showing its power until a few thousands years ago; during the battles between Lugh of the Long Hand and the Fomorians. It was at this time that another of the great races was nearing the end of its Golden Age... Demons- Long ago, this Realm was controlled by a small group of Demons. They reigned over their portion of the Earth with a cold, iron grip. Since their social heirarchy allowed for only a few to exist in the Earth Realm, they created armies of creatures to do their bidding. At the end of the Demon Empire(called Hitakchi, in their language), these were the ruling individuals that will have any importance to our story: Cyprus- He controlled most of modern-day Western Europe. He ruled over his lands with the might of his Fomorian Army. He made his fortress in Ireland. Murang- He had jurisdiction over modern day Northern Africa. His armies were made of creatures called Faldo. Kildo- He ruled Eastern Europe. His armies were that of the Gulmdok. Finally, one more Demon worth a sentence or two...Sidian. Sidian seemed to have come from no where. He came at a time when Demons were reeling from defeat after defeat after defeat at the hands of an ancient race called the Grendel. Sidian had no known origins, no proof that he was of royal lineage, and(by the laws of Demon Society) no business on Earth at all. But it was this Demon that would shape the fate of the world for thousands of years to come. After capturing a small group of Grendel, he secretly began working on his own army with which to control all. He created a bacterium, called Robirshium and fed it to his Grendel slaves, turning them it blood-thirsty monsters. He then had half of his Robirshi warriors follow him on a covert mission to infiltrate the newly-formed Grendel Nation with this virus, and he left the remaining half behind with nothing but pig blood to eat. However, the Robirshi who remained soon grew tired of pig's blood. The attacked a small band of Men and feasted the night away on their blood...(to be continued) Vampires/Robirshi- The race of Vampires was created that fateful night when that small band of Men was attacked by the horde of Robirshi monsters. Of the 12 men, 3 survived. The men(which went by the name of the Clan of Vampira, for their matriarch, who was killed by the Robirshi) roamed the country-side together, dining on the blood of whatever they could find, until they reached a large village of humans. They turned the entire village in one night. Robirshium had a slightly different effect on Men, compared to Grendel. In men, Robirshium cause supernatural strength and agility; but at the same time, it caused the infected to become deadly allergic to direct sunlight and certain chemicals found in garlic. This would become useful later. Robirshi, however, grew no stronger or faster. They aquired no new skills. All they aquired was the need for fresh blood every day...and a fierce loyalty to Sidian, which the Vampires also inherited. Grendel-No longer existant...The Grendel were a hairy, ape-like race as old as time. Some even said they were Mystics in physical form. Grendel were never really one people, though. They stayed divided into many tribes and rarely bred outside their respective tribes. Until one individual, name Barlore, took control of the largest of the clans. He united the Grendel, and began a campaign against the oppressive Demon who ruled over them, Cyprus. They drove Cyprus all the back to Ireland itself, but the concentration of his forces there was simply too great. Plus, another foe had arisen, seemingly from within their own race--the Robirshi. The Grendel were ultimately driven up into the Far North and were never seen again. Archangels-Archangels are a race that is directly decended from the ancient Mysics. They are fierce protectors of themselves, and their decendants(Man) and weild unbelievable power. However, they rarely make their presence known in the Realm of Earth. Mystics- This is the most ancient race in existance. They are the fore-goers of all, and they are older than anything known. They weild infinite power, and can shift the realm they control at the slightest whim. However, they cannot physically interact with anything. They must use only their magic to influence the world.
HC, I'll give your character the race of Man. That should make everything about as even as I'd like it. Now, I want to give everyone some more detailed background on the storyline. This will include some background on the various races that you may need to know: [b]Man-[/b] The race of Man is a reletively new one when compared to some of the more ancient races; such as Demons, Mystics, and Archangels. Man truly didn't begin showing its power until a few thousands years ago; during the battles between Lugh of the Long Hand and the Fomorians. It was at this time that another of the great races was nearing the end of its Golden Age... [b]Demons-[/b] Long ago, this Realm was controlled by a small group of Demons. They reigned over their portion of the Earth with a cold, iron grip. Since their social heirarchy allowed for only a few to exist in the Earth Realm, they created armies of creatures to do their bidding. At the end of the Demon Empire(called Hitakchi, in their language), these were the ruling individuals that will have any importance to our story: Cyprus- He controlled most of modern-day Western Europe. He ruled over his lands with the might of his Fomorian Army. He made his fortress in Ireland. Murang- He had jurisdiction over modern day Northern Africa. His armies were made of creatures called Faldo. Kildo- He ruled Eastern Europe. His armies were that of the Gulmdok. Finally, one more Demon worth a sentence or two...Sidian. Sidian seemed to have come from no where. He came at a time when Demons were reeling from defeat after defeat after defeat at the hands of an ancient race called the Grendel. Sidian had no known origins, no proof that he was of royal lineage, and(by the laws of Demon Society) no business on Earth at all. But it was this Demon that would shape the fate of the world for thousands of years to come. After capturing a small group of Grendel, he secretly began working on his own army with which to control all. He created a bacterium, called Robirshium and fed it to his Grendel slaves, turning them it blood-thirsty monsters. He then had half of his Robirshi warriors follow him on a covert mission to infiltrate the newly-formed Grendel Nation with this virus, and he left the remaining half behind with nothing but pig blood to eat. However, the Robirshi who remained soon grew tired of pig's blood. The attacked a small band of Men and feasted the night away on their blood...(to be continued) [b]Vampires/Robirshi-[/b] The race of Vampires was created that fateful night when that small band of Men was attacked by the horde of Robirshi monsters. Of the 12 men, 3 survived. The men(which went by the name of the Clan of Vampira, for their matriarch, who was killed by the Robirshi) roamed the country-side together, dining on the blood of whatever they could find, until they reached a large village of humans. They turned the entire village in one night. Robirshium had a slightly different effect on Men, compared to Grendel. In men, Robirshium cause supernatural strength and agility; but at the same time, it caused the infected to become deadly allergic to direct sunlight and certain chemicals found in garlic. This would become useful later. Robirshi, however, grew no stronger or faster. They aquired no new skills. All they aquired was the need for fresh blood every day...and a fierce loyalty to Sidian, which the Vampires also inherited. [b]Grendel-[i]No longer existant[/i][/b]...The Grendel were a hairy, ape-like race as old as time. Some even said they were Mystics in physical form. Grendel were never really one people, though. They stayed divided into many tribes and rarely bred outside their respective tribes. Until one individual, name Barlore, took control of the largest of the clans. He united the Grendel, and began a campaign against the oppressive Demon who ruled over them, Cyprus. They drove Cyprus all the back to Ireland itself, but the concentration of his forces there was simply too great. Plus, another foe had arisen, seemingly from within their own race--the Robirshi. The Grendel were ultimately driven up into the Far North and were never seen again. [b]Archangels-[/b]Archangels are a race that is directly decended from the ancient Mysics. They are fierce protectors of themselves, and their decendants(Man) and weild unbelievable power. However, they rarely make their presence known in the Realm of Earth. [b]Mystics-[/b] This is the most ancient race in existance. They are the fore-goers of all, and they are older than anything known. They weild infinite power, and can shift the realm they control at the slightest whim. However, they cannot physically interact with anything. They must use only their magic to influence the world. I think that's about all. I'll probably post this in the actual thread, for reference purposes. I'll begin shortly. -Justin
I have some words the live by: "Real men don't zoup up Momma's Honda." -My good friend Cory -Justin
Faris: You'll be a Man...or woman...o_O...your allignement can be with the Force of Reckoning. QA: Mystic...Army of the People. AL: Vampire. The game will begin as soon as these last three character profiles have been updated. I'll accept a maximum of three late entries. -Justin
Ken, you're a Were. You character is the result of a Demon and a Man(or woman...o_O) breeding. Piro, yours is a Vampire. Galvtron, there were no revolvers in 765 AD. Sorry, buddy. [b]Behold the wonders of Ken's banner...NOW![/b] -Justin
The point of living is to live. As far as proving whether or not we do or do not exist: Does it really friggin' matter? -Justin
lol, I expected this to happen. Juu, I'm supposed to pick your race. Whatever, though. I'll let you have your way. Anyone else who doesn't like the race I picked for them, just pick your own. I just wanted to make sure we didn't have too many of one type, lol. I'll begin if and when I get 10 or more people. -Justin
I'll go ahead and create mine as well. I'll also post all of your characters' races. Name: William of the Roses Race: Man Age: 23 Weapons: A longsword, a shield, and a sling. Alignment: Army of the People Bio: He was born in a large country house in Northen Gaul. HIs father(Erik the Tall) was a powerful warlord and, to say the least, not a moral man. Erik fell during a surprise attack on his fortress. William was left to defend his father's name and his father's land, but he wasn't ruthless enough to maintain his father's iron-grip over the countryside. William of the Roses was forced to flee into Spain. Once you get your race, you can make your own bio with any additional information you might want to be known. Here they are: DOK- Your character is a Were. He is the result of the breeding of Archangel and Demon. Galvatron- Your character is a Vampire. Quantum Core, you're going to have to fill out a sign-up in order for me to pick your race, whatever it may be. -Justin
[i]On the Day of Reckoning; 765 AD[/i] Desegar: Zu fane' eh dos, ju Jumate*. Al-aer eh opi, oh jilo al zu huyt gui mate-mik eh uje mate* . Zu valiny aer Aerikodo eh-kil jilo mate-mik zuse ae eh uhik aerl ghi-ah-juida. Zu vali ae eh, ke. [b](The time has come, my master. Everything is ready, and soon all the world will bow to your power. The foolish race of Man doesn't yet understand that they are only pawns in a game. What fools they are, indeed.)[/b] Kassekuum: Ke, ju etam. Zu Laki gui xixo zuc uhio fane'. Jilo--uhio, uhio jilo--zuc bafane' aert eh dos jy-mate* oxi. Ay eh mik-mateom hi al aeri huyt. [b](Yes, my son. The War will begin this very hour. Soon--very, very soon--this old body will be born anew. I will rule over all races of Earth.)[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As you can tell, this is a fantasy RPG. It will consist of many fictional races: Man(obviously not fictional), Vampires, Mystics, Weres, Archangels, and Demons, as well as anything else that might be created along the way. Man- They have all the limitations in this game, that they do in real-life. Vampires- They are the bane of men. In constant need of blood, they are always hunting. They won't die on their own. They must be killed, or die from some sort of disease. Mystics- They are the oldest of all the races. They can take many forms, however, they can only interact with the world of man through magic and indirect means. They can't physically interact with anything. Weres- Anything that is of more than one race. Archangels- They are a distant ancestor of both Demons and Man. Aeons ago, disgruntled members of this race branched off from the main group, and became Demons. Demons- Direct ancestors of Vampires. They are an ancient race with a history of power and violence. The trick is, you can't control your race. Essentially, it's like being born--you can't always control your circumstances. I don't know if this will fly or not, but I figure it's worth a try. Each person's race will be determined at random. Mine included. Once you have a character you can create a history for him, at your disgression. Here is what you'll need in your initial sign-up: Name: Two most desired races: Weapons: Alignment(the Army of the People/The Force of Reckoning)): If a few people join in, I'll come back with each player's race and place of origin. Thank you for your participation. -Justin
Yeah, I kind of get the imptression that Nail just said that to Piccoro to win him over, or something. Good theory, though. -Justin
Spirit week...hehehe I don't know what our exact line-up this year is; the only ones I'm sure of are Tacky Day, Country Day/Decade Day, and Spirit Day. Anyway, I've already got it broken down for Country Day. I'm gonna wear the skin-tight faded jeans, the old cowboy boots, the Confederate flag T-shirt and, of course, the all-important........ ...... ....... ........ .........white cowboy hat(dun dun dun)...(o_O) -Justin
Kami figured out a way to seperate himself from demon-piccolo. I'm sure if Piccolo actually wanted to seperate with Kami again, he could. -Justin
I would go to a hospital and see if there's anyway they can fix whatever it is that's wrong with me... -Justin
Yes, Zidane. They're really serious. Ahem... Oh, looky there. I really [i]can[/i] see the invisible weapons of mass-destruction in the third picture better than in the first and second! Amazing...I think I even saw one of those invisible weapons of mass-destruction on my way home from school today. They're takin' over, I tell ye! -Justin
It sounds all right. I expected a more prominant Vejita-sound, but, you know, whatever. I think the Gokou's dubbed voice should be changed anyway. It's almost as bad as Krillen's as far as matching the character goes...*shudders* -Justin
Why don't you settle down and leave the debate alone, if you don't want it to continue, Veggetto? There's no need to call anyone any names. Anyway, I'll give you this, Kneeko, you have thought about this and I respect your opinions. However, I stand beside mine as well. Then again, most of the facts that are being argued here are speculative, anyway. AT didn't define(or stand beside what he did define)a lot of things in the show. -Justin