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Everything posted by Justin
I think you should just stay right where you are, Ginneh. I'm [i]sure[/i] he'll get over it. However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't check out the other store. Maybe it [i]will[/i] accomidate your needs. Then, hey...less gas money spent on driving farther. -Justin
"Why fault perfection?" Kylju said innocently. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Where can I find Blaire Regal?" Kylju put a firm fist down on the desk. "Do you have an appointment?" The secretary asked. Kylju could feel his temper rising, turning his blood into ice water, "No, [i]lady[/i]." Suddenly, his voice became iced over with a tinge of the Force, "I don't need an appointment." "You don't need an appointment. You will find Mr. Regal on the 7th floor, he's busy at the moment so you'll have to wait." "You will tell me the security layout of this facility." "I will tell you the seciurity layout of this facility. There are hidden holocams along all the walls, sensors to detect any weapon discharge, and well-armed security personell and droids on constant patrol." The secretary said in a daze. "Thank you." Kylju proceeded down the hall. Ana followed him, "So, you are a Jedi?" "No." Kylju didn't much care for conversation at the moment. Every few steps he would reched out and touch either side of the wall. "Then, how can you do [i]that[/i]?" Ana gestured back to the secretary, who was still in a daze. "I'm Force-sensitive. I have slightly developed skills, but I cut my training short." Kylju stopped and closed his eyes. Then, a security guard fell out, choking, from behind a desk in an annex next to them. "Slightly?" "I'm gifted." Klyju disarmed the dead guard and then continued down the hall. He paused, and ducked inside another annex, pulling Ana with him. "What ARE you doing?" Ana asked. "Stopping. We need a plan." "Ok, shoot." Ana said. "Me? I was hoping YOU had one..." Kyju poked himself in the chest. "Oh, Copal..." -Justin
[i]Kallabow sniffed the air. He hadn't gotten far outside of Thira Town, and now he sensed danger. He[/i] smelt [i] it. He began heading back[/i] [size=1][i]Two hours later...[/i][/size] [i]Kallabow carefully tip-toed into the town. He had few aquaintances, but he knew Zaius well enough. He decided that is where he would go.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kallabow_Avatar2.gif[/img]Kallabow: What is going on here? [i]Zaius was still mildly disturbed by the previous event, but he knew Kallabow's voice well.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img]Zaius: Some boy who used to live here has raised an army to fight the Humes. It's not right. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kallabow_Avatar2.gif[/img]Kallabow: His name? [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img]Zaius: Xeshiur. Do you know of him? [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kallabow_Avatar2.gif[/img]Kallabow: I've heard the forest whisper of him before, yes. [i]Kallabow took a moment to think.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kallabow_Avatar2.gif[/img]Kallabow: He's unusually agressive for a Halbreed. I don't trust him... [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img]Zaius: Who do you trust? [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kallabow_Avatar2.gif[/img]Kallabow: Point. What should we do? Why has he raised this army? [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img]Zaius: Greivances with the Humes. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kallabow_Avatar2.gif[/img]Kallabow: Argh! The Humes! [i]Kallabow spit, with rage, onto the ground.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kallabow_Avatar2.gif[/img] Kallabow: Who [i]doesn't[/i] have grievances with the Humes?! [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img]Zaius: We all do. But we cannot beat them. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kallabow_Avatar2.gif[/img] Kallabow: Still. I've sensed them. I've felt their ever approaching presence in the forest. I've smelt the blood of fallen Halbreed. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img]Zaius: But what can we do? Go into the forest and hide? [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kallabow_Avatar2.gif[/img] Kallabow: Of course not. We must fight. But we must wait until the time comes. We must train our people to fight, to fight defensively. To fight like Halbreed. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img] Zaius: But Halbreed aren't soldiers. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kallabow_Avatar2.gif[/img] Kallabow: We can be. And we have an advantage. We can use the forest. We can teach our people to move swiftly, and leave no trail. To attack without being seen. We can drive the Hume threat out. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img] Zaius: I think you are also idealistic, as Xeshiur is. But at leats yours makes more sense than a direct assault. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kallabow_Avatar2.gif[/img] Kallabow: We must start gathering people quickly. Before Xeshiur can get too many of our people. They know and trust you. You must do it. I ill be in the morning mists. I will give the Halbreed army something to slow them down. Maybe even convert a few to our cause... [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img] Zaius: All right. Where can I find? [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kallabow_Avatar2.gif[/img] Kallabow: [i]I[/i] will find [i]you[/i]. -Justin
Justin is the best! Duh! -Justin
I think women should control all things political, anyway. Women intelligent enough to hold high positions of political power are generally peaceful, for the most part, anyway. -Justin
Lumporump: ANYWAY...gather together a band of adventurers, we must. Rumpolump: You want the band 'the Adventurers' to come play a concert here!?!?! Lumporump: The band, no. Concert, no. A band OF adventurers willing to go into the unknown, yes. Rumpolump: Oh...feck that. Lumporump: *starts doing a little dance* Bookayaka bookayaka boo boo boo...bookayaka bookayaka boo boo boo... [i]After nearly tens minutes of dancing a pointless chanting...[/i] Lumporump: BOOKAYAKA!!!! [i]Suddenly all the advertisments in the land changed into "All those willing to adventurize, come to the top of the Ghuflllooloo Hill, Bookayaka!"[/i] Rumpolump: Baka... Lumporump: Speaking of fluffy french fries...*pulls out some old fish and starts eating it* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Neh: *sniffs the air* I sense the need to go to the random tall hill right over there....@_@ [i]Neh walks into a tree, backs up, and walks into it again. He repeats the process continuously...[/i] -Justin
Again, imagine that the women are all asexual, meaning they can reproduce on their own. Now, what do you think about the question? -Justin
Char, you're missing the point. I know you know what she's talking about, so shut up and go along with the topic. Yes, there would still be war. But I think there would be more assasination that war. We all know if you put a bunch of women together, there will be tension. ^_^ -Justin
BEBBIES ADVENTURES It's a troubled time in the the Land of Hubbentug. THE GREAT BOOK GUIDE TO BEBBIESDOM has been lost to the evil EMPIRE OF THE HOOLAGOO. The government of Hubbentug is in shabbles. Without their beloved Guide they will soon be no more! So, a small band of heroes has set out on a quest to defeat the evil Empire, and save the Land of Hubbentug... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Lumporump's eyes open slowly from meditation. He has sensed a great disturbance in the Force--the force of his vibrating neck massger...[/i] Lumporump: Damn cheap electro-fiddle faddle! [i]He hurls the thing across the room, bashing his apprentice in the head.[/i] Rumpolump: OWIE! Lumporump: Leave your head out in the way, do you? Deserve what you get, you do! [i]He throws a mushroom at him.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]A darkly dressed creature stares out into the vast expanse of space.[/i] ???: Huh...uh...Huh...uh.......Huh...ugh cough hack cough! Servant: Your inhaler, Lord Tater. [i]The servant moves swiftly across the steel floor to give the asmatic tyrant his relief.[/i] Lord Tater: Thank you, [i]Admiral[/i] Needle. Now that we have their precious Guide, we must crush the land of Hubbentug! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!! Admiral Needle: Hahahahahahaha! Guard1: hahhahahahahaha! Guard2: Hahahahahaha!! Random Yoda-look-alike: Hahahahahaha!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Standing alone on a tall hill, Lumporump sniffs the air.[/i] Lumporump: Danger, I feel... Rumpolump: Weren't we JUST in some kind of a meditation chamber? Lumporump: A ready council will I keep on where are we?!?! Rumpolump: Was that a question, or a retort? [i]Lumporump bashes Rumpolump atop his head with his stick.[/i] Lumporump: MINE!!! Rumpolump: *rubbing his head* Riiight... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let the madness...[i]begin[/i]... -Justin
All right. Here's the list of players: Me SuperSaiyan Outlaw Gold_Angewomon James Final_Flash DeathKnight Shyguy Hybrid I'll start the madness now... -Justin
Regal stretched out on his slick rancor-leather sofa and look out across the gentle blue-green waters of Borleias' Eastern Ocean. He had no desire to deal with his finances and business issues today. He would have some Corellian whiskey and a new woman in here shortly, so he was trying to get some time to himself before that time came. Sure, he loved sex and alcohol...but he also loved to [i]think[/i] about himself, and all his accomplishments. That was something he could not do while engaged in a sexual romp with some lady he'd never met and would likely never see again. He flipped back thorugh the memories in his head, thinking of all the women he's had his way with. He's never had a women refuse him, except for one, and he had his way with her anyway. [i]Damn arrogant pilot *****.[/i] Was all that came to his mind when he thought of her. "Sir. Your esort for the evening is here." The servant's so obviously fake Coruscanti accent broke Blaire's silence. "Very well. Send her in." Blaire said absently. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I've sifted through some more bits and pieces, and I think I've come up with a location." Kylju paused. "Well, where?" Ana asked impatiently. "The Pyria System." "What's there?" "Borleias." Kylju smiled up at her. "Well, then. I guess we're going to Borleias." Ana turned and headed out of the research center. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Regal didn't even bother to put on his shirt as he was headed straight for his athetic center for some swimming and conditioning. "Have her gone before I return." He barked at the servant. "Yes, sir." -Justin
That'll be fine with me. I'm only going to accepting about 8 people into the RPG, though. -Justin
I had no idea the Vong appeared in Rouge Planet or I would've bought it already. How do you know it's the Vong? -Justin
[i]A long time ago ago...in a dimension far, far away...[/i] [SIZE=4]BEBBIES ADVENTURES[/SIZE] It's a troubled time in the the Land of Hubbentug. THE GREAT BOOK GUIDE TO BEBBIESDOM has been lost to the evil EMPIRE OF THE HOOLAGOO. The government of Hubbentug is in shabbles. Without their beloved Guide they will soon be no more! So, a small band of heroes has set out on a quest to defeat the evil Empire, and save the Land of Hubbentug... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No, this RPG is not meant to be serious... You need to make up a character and a place of origin. PLACES OF ORIGIN: Corooscunt-It's the capital of all Hubbentug. It's a large city with many levels and underlevels. Booda-Booda- It's a large city based mostly upon mining. Mulang-Poo- This is a small rural area with a lot of woodland and wildlife. Shibbidy-Dibbidy-Boo- This is the origin of all life in the land. It is the home of the great wizard, Lumporump. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You will also need a weapon and a trade: WEAPONS: Whatever you want(within reason). TRADES: Hunter, merchant, lawyer, fisherman, pirate, criminal, doctor, dentist, soldier, singer, dancer, Smell-o-vision show host, again, whatever you want(within reason). However, you cannot be a wizard. There is only one wizard and his apprentice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Lumporump Place of origin: Shibbidy-Dibbidy-Boo Weapon: A big stick. Trade: Wizardry Age: 900(yes, he's old. But he's still kickin'!) Bio: He's older than most bebbies great great great granparents, but with his age came wisdom, insight, power, and more than a little insanity. That's all you need right there. If you think of anything you'd like to toss in, feel free. For anyone who isn't familiar with bebbies, I recommend that you not join this RPG. It's kind of an inside joke between a large number of us. ^_^ bebbies... -Justin
Actually, I was thinkning more like "Where's a Wolverine movie?" Screw the X-Men. I want Wolverine. -Justin
You can go to the DBZ store online and buy them. [url]Dragonballz.com[/url] -Justin
I'm with Cera. No better gift than money. -Justin
Happy Birthday! *throws a million presents at him* -Justin
You say we get mad, look who the person is that went on a cussing spree and asked to banned from 'this ****ing msg board.' And you STILL haven't offered ANY evidence to support your theories. The ONLY reason I leave this topic open is to give you a chance to do so. -Justin
World Wildlife Fund 0\/\/|\|5 j00|2 50u|_5. I'm sorry, I just had to say that. I really haven't watched wrestling regularly since I was in 6th grade, so I wouldn't have any clue what you're talking about anymore...o.o; All I remember is Sting kicks. -Justin
Yeah...roller coaster thread...just down the page. This would fit just fine in there. -Justin
I think my favorite quotes from the Star Wars movies are: Just about anything Yoda says when he and Luke first meet. As for the books, I can only think of this one in particular for some reason: [quote]Jaina: You're not actually going [i]into[/i] the seaweed field?! Jacen: They'd be crazy to follow us, wouldn't they?[/quote] Another one I just thought of: [quote]Everyone: I have a bad feeling about this.[/quote] *cough* -Justin
^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "So, I guess you'll be headed back to Nearis V?" Kylju said casually as he walked back around the Headhunter. "Yeah. I [i]was[/i] planning on catching a regular transport back, but something's just come up, and I think I'll catch a refugee transport instead." Lanthrop took a sidelong glance at Kylju, who was now leaning with his back against his ship, lighting a t'bacc stick. "G'luck. Not many refugee transports go out to Nearis V." Kylju said. "Yeah. Well, I'm sure I'll catch one..." Lanthrop threw a glance at Ana, but Ana was staring at Kylju. "Well, I'll be going on. I need to get back as soon as possible." Lanthrop looked down at Ana expecting another hug...or something. "All right. Take care, Verny." Ana offered him a friendly smile. "You too. Nice meeting you, Kylju." Lanthrop offered a hand to Kylju. "Pleasure was all mine." Kylju clasped Lanthrop's hand, and a deadly grin creeped across his face."Goodbye, for now." Lanthrop turned back towards the street, and called down a cabbie. He was gone from view in less than five minutes. "So, I guess our best bet is the Senate." Kylju said, breaking a brief moment of silence. "Huh? Oh, yeah." Ana said. "You ok?" Kylju asked with mock concern. He was far to excited by the thought of a hunt to actually show any real emotion, but he could at least pretend. "Yeah. Let's go." Ana smiled at him and headed over toward the same area Lanthrop had hailed a cabbie from. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Nothing. Not a damn thing." Kylju, frustrated, turned off the holoscreen that had displayed the names of every possible match to Blaire Regal. "That's impossible." Ana said. "I flipped through that list three times. And I broadened the search twice. Either you're not telling me the truth, or someone has done some playing around with the indexes. I'm inclined to think the former." Kylju said as his gaze turned icy. "I am telling the truth." Ana's own gaze turned cold. Kylju held her gaze with his for a tense moment, then, "We'll check the research center in the Jedi Temple. If I can't find anything there, I'll place a few calls." [i]And if nothing turns up after that, I'll take Lanthrop and be just as well.[/i] He added. "What are we waiting for?" -Justin
Keanu Reeves is a pretty bad actor, I agree. I heard that they're considering him for the role of Superman in that new Superman/Batman movie they're doing. Oh, boy... -Justin