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Everything posted by Justin

  1. Well, I didn't mean you [i]are[/i] niave. I meant what you said was niave. But I understand your response completely, so don't worry about it. If you can fight and defend yourself well enough to know how to control your own instincts, that's a great and rare thing. I don't know many people like that. I myself have been in martial arts for most of my life and I still can't control my natural reactions. I really don't think anyone should be concerned for the well-being of someone trying to kill them. Back to the father and son, lol: I still say it is very much the son's fault. The father was only being a good father. Piro, you're a great dude. And you're lucky that you have parents who aren't as strict in certain areas. However, just because the way you were raised worked excellently, doesn't mean it's the only way that does work. My dad punished me physically until I was in my teens, and I don't want to kill him. I respect him more for it, and I understand he did it for the sake of making me a better person. I also got the constant lectures this kid did about all the same things. However, my dad was there for me when I needed him. As much as I hate to say it, my father was the best anyone could ask for. It's not fair to put any blame on the father for this. -Justin
  2. And a republic is better than a true democracy, in certain respects. Think about how many idiots live in America today. Would you really want them voting on issues of national security and such? I hope not. Of course, there always the idiots in Congress voting on them to make up for the rest of the idiots. Oh well... -Justin
  3. It is kind of niave(not saying you are niave, july) to think think that you can dismember someone trying to kill you when all you have to go on is instincts. If you're trying to save your life, what good does it do you if you just cut the guy's shoulder and he cuts your throat? That's why I think it's always best to have a firearm in your home. If an intruder came into my house, he had best be well-armed. -Justin
  4. And I wasn't taking frustration about the 9/11 attack out on you. I was arguing with you because you blamed Bush for planning it, which is absurd. And no, if you were to say "Let's go bomb the Middle East!" no one would jump up and say "Hell yeah." At least, I hope not. I've seen many people(in America in general) who are VERY against bombing Afghanistan. That's what worries me. I'm afraid that if we did discover and capture those who were behind it, that people would want them tried in a court in their home country. I don't think that's right... -Justin
  5. "Ah..where should we eat?" Kylju noticed an unusual pep in his voice. He was happy to be walking the streets of a [i]civilized[/i] planet. "You sound...happy?" Ana pryed. "Well, I'm glad to be on a planet with buildings that aren't made of dirt. I was on Tatooine before I found you." "You mean before [i]I[/i] found [i]you[/i]." Ana corrected. "Yeah, whatever." "Let's eat at that place right over there." Ana pointed over at a diner called the 'Green Leaf.' "Sounds great to me." Kylju grabbed Ana's hand on moved through the pedestrian traffic until they reached the front of the Green Leaf. Ana jerked her hand away from him, "Don't touch me like that." She growled. "Uh...ok." Kylju open the door, "Meanies first." He mocked. "Shut up." She let a small smie of entertainment creep across her face as she walked past. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Druw, this is Lanthrop. I'll be at Coruscant in two hours." Verny said into his comm unit. "All right, sir." "I'll contact you before I head back. Out." Verny clicked the unit off, and settled back into his pilot's couch for a nap. -Justin
  6. James, I really don't believe this is the kind of woman who will more more about her children than her own skin. However, I do agree that she really shouldn't die for it, but she should be punished with well more than just a slap on the wrist. I think she should get manslaughter. -Justin
  7. I wish some people would stop trying to do the job of a Moderator... Anyway, I say Spike and Faye would've happened if Spike hadn't gotten killed. -Justin
  8. What if you're not given the choice? What if the only way to prevent your own death is to kill your atatcker? I can provide a scenario: A man breaks into the home of a normal family. The husband is on a business trip, leaving his wife and children(we'll say 2) at home. The mother wakes up, and hears the intruder downstairs. Her children's room are downstairs, so she goes down, unaware that the intruder is an intruder and not just one of her children scrambling around. The intruder sees her before she sees him, and attacks her. He's got knife in his hand ready to kill her, and she picks up a sharp object(we'll say they're in the kitchen and she grabbed a knife out off of the cutting board or something) and as the intruder lunges with his knife to stab her, she stabs him. Is that wrong of her? I think not. -Justin
  9. Now, I disagree with you, Piro. I say, by saying that it's not his fault that you [i]are[/i](in a way) defending him. Granted, his father was overbearing and he didn't do well in school in a culture where not doing well brings shame not only upon you, but upon your family as well. However, I still say it was not justified. The boy was old enough to understand his emotions, his actions, and the consequences of the two. I've wanted to kill out of rage before. I think everyone has a time when the [i]want[/i] to. But most people know not to and [i]don't[/i]. Now, I have another comment: There is a difference in 'murder' and 'killing.' If you [i]kill[/i] is self defense, it's not murder. It's killing. There is a moral difference in the two. But at what point does self defense and retalliation [i]become[/i] murder? That, comrades, is the question I will leave you to ponder. -Justin
  10. It's the son's fault. The da pushed him, yes, but it's still the son's fault. EVERY father should push their childrne to be better. I think that's one of a father's duties. Now, it's also his job to comfort his child when his child needs it, but that kid did something wrong and got caught--over and over again. In my opinion, he got off easy. -Justin
  11. To my knowledge, no one has drawn him yet. He's JUST come out, so it's possible there will be drawing of him in teh future. The fanfic is somewhere in Stories/Poetry, if you want to read it. :) He's desribed as such in the book: 3 meters in height. Pale skin, curly dark hair, sea-blue eyes, a nose that suggested old aristocracy. He was young, barely twenty. He wore a plae, kiltlike wrap around his midsection and shiny items on various points of his body. Fingerless gloves, elbow covers, and kneee covers. -Justin
  12. Well, the more I read about him, the more I like him. I won't ruin anymore surprises for anyone who hasn't read them yet, but suffice it to say, he's much stronger(Force-wise and otherwise) than Luke Skywalker. This means I have to rewrite that fanfic about Luke's death... -Justin
  13. Eh...there are slight spoilers coming up, for anyone who hasn't read the last(or any) book in the NJO Series. If you HAVE read the latest book: Behind Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand, what do you think about the Lord Nyrax guy, eh? He sounds like Darth Vader gone druggie...or something. Anyway, before they came up with Lord Nyrax(the all italics used for his scenes give a great affect, by the way) I pretty much figured that the NJO series was the end of Star Wars, or at least, as we know it. Now, I think we're getting back to the old Star Wars, in a new way. It's not the old, stagnant, cliched battles with an Imperial Dark Jedi...[i]this[/i], friends, is the juicy stuff. We're talking Exar Kun mated with a wampa; and I do mean 'a wampa.' To those of you who were considering skipping the NJO series, I now highly recommend that you grit your teeth, and fight your way through it. I sense something VERY good coming up. Of course, I guess a 10 foot bad guy with(this is pure speculation based upon the way they describe his blade) a four-side lightsaber and some insane Force abilities, might do that to a galaxy. Welcome to the New Jedi Order. -Justin
  14. And if this arguing doesn't stop, this thread will. No more, and I do mean '[b]no more[/b]' from anyone. That is all. -Justin
  15. As he picked up his lightsaber, he noted a swift shockwave in the Force. [i]It takes something major for me to sense it...[/i] Ana noticed his distanced look, and made her move. She snatched her blaster back and put it to his head. He gave a brief grunt in the place of a laugh, ducked under Ana's arm, and wrapped his arms under her from behind. "Not smart, lady." He said. "Let me go!" She kicked out at him, but he held himself so that her legs couldn't touch him. Then, he through her across the cramped backseat into her pilot's chair and pointed his blaster at her. "Do [i]not[/i] try to surprise me. You [i]will[/i] wind up dead." His deadly green gaze cut off any protest she might have before she could even form the words in her mind. Suddenly, her comlink started beeping. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Good, good. Our work here is finished." The gray headed officer said. "You do realize, Tarkan, that the Jedi will have sensed this?" The taller, older man next to him said. "Of course, Lord Tyrannous. I would think that is part of the point." Tarkan gave the Sith Lord an evil grin. Lord Tyrannous turned his gaze out over the ruined section of city that this...[i]test model[/i]...of the Death Star super weapon had created. [i]Thousands dead in an instant. And this is not even to scale of my Lord desires...[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Her words shaky, Ana answered the comlink,"Y--yes?" "Ana, are you all right." Lanthrop's voice came over. "I'm ok." She answered, keeping her eyes on Kylju who now paced in thought. "What do you need?" Lanthrop asked. "You know the docking bay my fighter was in?" "Yes." "Well, the fighter next to where mine was...the Headhunter...I need it." She said, trying to think of what she would do about Kylju. "Is it yours?" "Not exactly, but I have the owner here with me. He'll tell you how to get it here." She handed Kylju the comlink. "Just tell the astromech that 'Kylu said so' and he'll open everything up for you." Kylju said. He tossed the comlink back to Ana. "Did you get that, Verny?" Ana asked. "Yeah...are you sure you're ok?" Lanthrop asked again. "Yes. Yes, I'm fine. And the sooner you bring that fighter, the better I'll be. We're at Coruscant. Contact me when you arrive, and I'll tell you where to meet us. Out." "O...k...Out." Ana clicked the com off and relaxed back into her chair. "Stressed?" Kylju turned a grin on her. "Shut up." She wasn't angry at him, oddly. His reaction was the same she would've had, so how could she be mad? He wasn't a raging ball of fire now, at least. "Ooookay...but if I shut up, you might forget I'm back here and leave me in this beautiful ship all by my lonesome self." Kylju's voice was as close to child-like as he could manage. "Shut your Sarlaac pit." She said as she whirled her chair around. "Fiesty. I like 'em like that." Klyju laughed at his annoyingness. -Justin
  16. Justin

    Being 18+

    Ah, I turned 18 in January. In America it's not really that great, though. I could get cigarettes or alcohol whenever I wanted them anyway. As CWB said: Fake IDs, comrades. -Justin
  17. Heh...I can see your opinion Frankie. But the fact remains, it IS garbage, and believing it shows how ignorant your opinion on the matter is. Bush would have no reason to plan the 9/11 attack...THAT is what I said was garbage. And the US does sell arms to it's allies, but not to it's enemies. You see what I'm saying? I do believe the US sells arms, but not to hostile forces. I certainly don't believe Bush planned the 9/11 attack. I do take all this serioulsy, probably more than I should, but that's beside the point. I think it's pathetic when people waste their time coming up with needless conspiracy theories. I think it's more pathetic when people argue those theories with facts. As for Parabola: I didn't mean a literal fight. I meant an argument. If you want to be banned, you can just leave. Otherwise, SuperSaiyan has answered your statement. -Justin
  18. "Heh...and now we have to turn around and go get my ship!" Kylju beamed. "Ugh! Can't you just steal something?" Ana yelled with disgust. "Aw, c'mon, baby. I'm not that bad, am I?" Kylju eased onto the edge of her seat. "How the hell did you get untied?!" Ana jumped out the seat and moved away. "I've been untied the entire time." Justin gloated. Ana raised her blaster,"Well...go sit back there! And don't you dare try anything like that again!" "Like what?" Klyju feined shock. "You know what I mean! Go sit back down!" Ana screamed. "All right, baby. What ever you say." Kylju strutted back to the seat. "Stop calling me that..that's what he called me!" Ana sat down in her chair and tuned Kylju out. After a few more vein attempts to get on her nerves he finally stopped. [i]*****...a pretty one, but a ***** nonetheless.[/i] He thought to himself. Any of the people he usually hung out would've either shot this girl, or done something else by now. Kylju was surprised he hadn't shot her, but she kind of sparked his interest. [i]Maybe I will let her live...for now.[/i] -Justin
  19. Now, I'm annoyed. Forgive me if I come off as an ***, because I probably will. That was insanely stupid of you. First of all, Bush's popularity has not "soared" since 9/11. Only the sale of American flags has. He would have no reason to plot a terrorist attack on his own country, a country you aren't part of, yet you seem to know so much about. Secondly, no. You'd be surprised how much of America doens't agree with Bush on bombing Afghanistan. My point: I believe you're trying to a pick a fight. Unless you serioulsy believe that crap you just said, and can back it up, please, don't keep posting it. Post something useful, instead of needlessly pointing fingers. -Justin
  20. Yes, the US [i]did[/i] support Saddam...at one time. They had no idea he would become what he is today. And yes...it doesn't matter who rules the world, if anyone. There will ALWAYS be terrorism, there's no way to prevent it. You have to consider, in 1980, the US was still hostile towards Iran over the hostage thing, so of course they would support Iraq. That's a given, if you think about it. [quote]bombing the crap out of those countries is inhumane[/quote] So, then...them crashing planes into buidlings full of innocents ISN'T inhuman? It's not a question of humanity to me. It's a question of vengence. People say you can't fight violence with violence; but I've said this already in this very topic: There is a peace than can only be found on the other side of war. You may have your opinions about teh US media. I have my own, as does everyone. But the fact of the matter is EVERY countries media has political leanings, so nothing I say is based solely upon news station propaganda. -Justin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To upload your own avatar you have to have a certain numer of posts...I think. Then you can just go into Edit Options in your profile and go to the very bottom. There, you will find everything you need for your avatar questions, hopefully.
  21. The US doesn't sell arms of any kind to Iraq, or any other potentially hostile country. Neither does Britain. To do so would be inviting a war, and what would that accomplish? And do you have any scope of how many countries could be selling arms to Iraq? What about India, Pakistan, China, Libya, or any one of a bag full of other countries. I don't mean to be offensive, but you're making yourself seem ignorant. -Justin
  22. Hello? Russia sells weapons like peppermint in a candy store. They have to make up for their economic situation somehow. Get your facts straight, bud. -Justin
  23. "Heh...it won't be. Unless you let me go, I'll hunt you down and--" "We'll see who kills who." She said definitivly. Kylju smirked. [i]This little wench has no scope of what she's dealing with.[/i] He thought. "Whatever you say, lady. I saw the way you acted when i offered you a deal. C'mon, babe, tell me who it is you want dead, and they're as good as dead. I give you my word." Ana froze again,"How good is that word?" "I always keep my word." He said, in his defense. "And why should I believe a ship thief?" "You shouldn't. But I'm not just any ship thief. I'm Kylju Belgrath, a bounty hunter." He said. "Almost as bad." She turned her attention back to flowing hyperspace. "C'mon, lady. Give me a shot." Kylju pleaded. "I did. I shot you with a stun blast. You'd like another?" She turned around and shot him him with the stun setting from his own blaster."Now, shut up." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When Kylju awoke they we still in hyperspace. [i]Ha...I guess she should've used her own blaster.[/i] He thought. He noticed that Ana had slipped into nonchalant state. She sat side-ways in her chair, staring off at the wall."Whatcha starin' at, darlin'?" He asked it just to be annoying. "Awake again? What are you?" She lined up the blaster sites with his face. "Wait! At least tell me someone...anyone. I promise, if you take me back to my ship, or at least have it sent to Coruscant, I will kill them for you." Ana considered it for a moment,"How about this: I'll let you have your ship, IF I hear that he's dead." "Ah, so it's not some rival for a boy's affection." Kylju laughed. "Shut up. Nevermind..." "Wait a second. Tell who he is, an ex?" Kylju suggested. "No." She turned back around. "A family thing?" "No, damn it! He's Blaire Regal!" She sank down into the chair. "Hmph...he hired me once. He was an *******." Kylju made a small attempt to console her, "Eh...what'd he do to you?" "It's none of you damn business." Her tone was low this time. "Well...umm...I'll do the best that I can. But it'll be hard without a ship." He tried to plea for a better bargain again. "Heh...you never give up, do you?" Her laugh was a mock one. Just in order to make herself seem better than she was. -Justin
  24. It's a glitch... James hasn't even been on to edit some of those posts... Woo hoo! I just read Duo's post...erhm...who is the man...Justin is, Justin is...*does a happy dance* -Justin
  25. The ages vegeta rocker gave are about correct...but i think those dates are a little fuzzy, lol... -Justin
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