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Everything posted by Justin

  1. I imagine they'll finish off the Buu Saga. Ah well, I have my subs...if I ever decide to watch DB/Z/GT again...o.O -Justin
  2. Heh...I had a blast. We grilled out, and shot off a bunch of fireworks at my grandma's house. I shot my little brother with a roman candle ^-^. -Justin
  3. "Druw, nevermind the new docking bay. I'm going off-planet." Ana said. "But you've just arrived, miss." He protested. "I know, but I'm going again. Tell Lanthrop 'goodbye' for me." She clicked off her comlink. Once she had entered hyperspace, she moved back into the "backseat," or as much of it as she could get to. [i]I have know idea where I'm going to take you.[/i] She thought. "Maybe I'll just drop you off into space." She said aloud. "That certainly wouldn't be nice." Kylju came out of his sleep. "Wha--" She was cut off by his hand wrapped tightly around her throat. "I don't know where you [i]were[/i] planning to take me, darling; but I'm not going there now." He said through a maniacal smile. Ana could feel her breath leaving her. She had to do something--[i]fast[/i]. She gave him a [i]swift[/i] kick to the groin, and he turn her loose and fell on his knees. She backed away and caught her breath, then came back and kicked him in the face,"You bastard!" She now noticed that she had knocked him out again. This time, she tied him down to the seat in the "backseat." -Justin
  4. I think Yoda and Yaddle should've hooked up... I really think that Tahiri and Anakin WOULD have gotten together...if not for that damned Troy denning killing Anakin. Dirty bastard... Now, this kind of leads into a list of EU predictions I've made. You can see some of them in action in a short fanfic I wrote in Stories and Poetry if you want. THESE ARE ONLY SPECULATION: Luke Skywalker- Dies at the end of the NJO series. Mara Jade Skywalker- Goes on to head up a new Jedi Council. Jaina Solo- Marries Jag Fel, and has a bunch of little Fellians(O.o) Leia Organa Solo- Heads up the next New Republic. (Third Republic??) Han Solo- Retires. Jacen Solo- Marries Tenel Ka and takes the position as Prince of Hapes. Tahiri- Becomes a member of the new Jedi Coucil...and stuff... Jag Fel- marries Jaina Solo, and goes on to become the New Republic's supreme military commander. Lowbacca- Takes a seat in the Jedi Council...and represents Kashyyyk in a new Senate. Corran Horn- Jedi Council man... Kyp Durron- Trains Ben Skywalker, and refuses a seat on the Council. Ben Skywalker- Is trained first by his mother, then by Kyp Durron. Ultimately defeats Supreme Overlord Shimra and the Yuuzhan Vong. Lando- Becomes even more succesful. Represents SOME planet in the new Senate. Just because he can. Droma- Eventually become Han Solo's copilot, meaning he'll have to re-replace that copilot's chair again. Nen Yim- Betrays the Yuuzhan Vong, and is killed. Nom Anor- Dies randomly, because we all hate him. Zekk- Becomes a leading member of the Jedi Council. That's all I have for the moment. -Justin
  5. Favorites: 1.) Han Solo(before NJO) 2.) Mara Jade...because she could kick the crap out of me anyday... 3.) Anakin Solo...that little fella' was just cool... 4.) Yoda...he turns me on...^_^;; 5.) a)Colonel Jag Fel- He's one cool dude. b) Jaina Solo- I admire her strenth. c) Chewbacca- woo hoo! *Special Bonus Slot: Lando Calrissian: He likes money, babes, and alcohol. He doesn't kick much butt, but hey...what more could a guy want? Least Favorites: 1.) Nom Anor 2.) Jacen Solo...*kicks Jacen* 3.) Viqi Shesh...HAAAATE!!! 4.) Any member of the New Republic Advisory Council... 5.) C3P0...V_V;;;;;;; -Justin
  6. Justin


    lol, though, their name is funny, their songs are great. Mesa like 'em ^_^. -Justin
  7. I usually just put on music while I'm playing video games. It's relaxing and it helps me play better. Of course, the only games I really play are PC games, so maybe they aren't as hard. -Justin
  8. It's all right. I thought that it was a mistake. :) -Justin
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]I would be thimoc! [/B][/QUOTE] *falls over* I wanna be Cera, too! Maybe I could be some strange mixture of Jenna and Sara...o.O;; I wanna be a chick two times over! -Justin
  10. If I had my way, she'd be dead already... But by law she really hasn't done anything worth the death penalty. Then of course, we all know American law has several holes where common sense and decency are allowed to slip through. -Justin
  11. This is a fairly brief story I wrote. It's pretty much just the death of Luke Skywalker, as I see it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]New Jedi Order: The End[/b] Suddenly, Luke felt a familiar presence.[i] Anakin[/i], he thought. He sensed his long-dead nephew as if Anakin were standing right there, at that very moment. [i]This must be the ship that Anakin died on.[/i] He mused. Lowbacca bellowed. The Wookie had sensed it, too. Then, he felt as he had not felt since the Battle of Yavin. He felt young again, as though Anakin had crawled inside of him, and given him a rush of youthful energy. He felt like taking on another Death Star! He ducked, sliced, parried, and charged through the Vong warriors that were now filling the corridor. He sensed that Mara had gotten the same rush. In fact, everyone seemed to have caught it. Soon enough, the corridor stopped flooding with Yuuzhan Vong. Luke switched off his lightsaber and turned to embrace his wife. She accepted the embrace rather greedily. ?Lu?,? Mara was cut off by the slow clanking of footsteps down the corridor. Luke turned to see the all-too-familiar form of Tsavong Lah. ?Hello, Jeedai.? The Warmaster said, spitting the last noun out like poison. The Warmaster was followed by well over twenty Yuuzhan Vong, including one Shaper. Luke responded by igniting his lightsaber. Mara raised hers and soon all the other Jedi fell in step. Then, Luke sensed an old, familiar presence.[i] Jaina?[/i]he thought. She strode up beside him, ?Need some help?? ?Good to see that you?ve found where you belong.? Luke said, restraining his urge his embrace his niece. ?I was motivated.? He sensed a loving smile creep across her face. Then, he felt Jacen?s presence on the other side of Jaina. ?I hope I?m not too late.? He said, raising his emerald blade. His wife, Tenel Ka took her place beside him. ?The more, the merrier.? Mara commented. Tahiri moved up beside Mara, ?For Anakin.? She said. ?For Master Solusar.? Ben said, igniting his silver saber. ?Not just for them; for the entire galaxy!? The slightly weary voice of Kyp Durron announced as he approached, trailed by Han and Lando. Leia, now a fully sprouted Jedi Knight, came not far behind. Suddenly, Luke felt complete. He suddenly realized just how weary he had become. The weight of this war had bore him into an old man. He now knew what Ben and Yoda must?ve felt like. After taking a few sideways glances at his family and friends, he made his decision. He nudged them all into a moment?s stupor and then charged into battle, alone. To his surprise, the Yuuzhan Vong warriors surrounding Tsavong Lah moved aside and he was met by the Warmaster, himself. It only took a moment for Luke to realize that Tsavong Lah, too, had grown weary. He could see it in the eyes of the Warmaster, though Tsavong Lah probably did his best to hide it. The two engaged in a brief combat. Tsavong made a faulty step, perhaps purposely, and Luke saw his moment. He brought his lightsaber searing through the Vong?s neck. His decapitated body struck the coral floor. Luke moved quickly. He lashed out with his blade and claimed the life of the Shaper. However, before he could take anyone else, all the warriors fell upon him. He was overwhelmed. The first amphistaff struck him in the lower back. ?Luke!? He heard Leia call out as all his companions began fighting their way to him. The next blow struck him in the stomach, then another in the back of the head. Just when his attacker raised his amphistaff for the final, and unnecessary, blow, he saw Jacen?s green blade block it, and then plunge through the Yuuzhan Vong?s abdomen. Mara?s sweet eyes met his, ?Luke! Luke, I love you! Don?t go!? He did his best to project a sense of calm to her. He sensed Ben, still fighting, finish his foe and then run over to his father?s side, though Luke could no longer see. He heard a sudden outcry from Mara, Leia, and Tahiri. Then, he felt Kyp reach down, and close his eyelids. Now, he felt himself dissipate, and drift away. As a parting gift, Luke sent everyone all his strength, and he sensed a sudden calm fall over, even though all them still fought tears. Suddenly, he became aware of everything. He felt as though he knew all, could see all. Even the Yuuzhan Vong, who had been invisible to his senses, now had a presence in the Force. It was a dark, untapped one; but they were there. [i]Not once Mara gets to them.[/i] The thought of his beautiful wife brought him endless joy. Now, he finally felt peace.[i] It was good?[/i]
  12. She should go to jail for manslaughter. It's obvious that it was accidental, but leaving her kids in the car for three hours when she could've just taken them inside was insanely stupid. -Justin
  13. I can understand where you are coming from with the statement about not wanting to lose your best friend. In that light, you should at least leave a lasting impression. -Justin
  14. If you love this chick, and your friend violated that, your friend doesn't deserve your friendship. Granted, everyone stabs, and gets stabbed, in the back every-so-often. However, I believe there is a certain line one should never cross. Thus, my statement "And this Patrick guy needs to learn what it is to be a man..." -Justin
  15. Once a cheater, always a cheater. If they realized what it would do to you, then did it again anyway, they aren't worth your time. And this Patrick guy needs to learn what it is to be a man... -Justin
  16. Hey, woo hoo!! It's Jenna's REAL ship...well...err...sorta...O_o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylju tried messing around in her head, but her mind was a duracrete wall to his under-developed Force talents."I'm...uh..." Kylju couldn't see his opponent, but he knew he was in no position to beat her in a fight. He was stuck under the ship until she let him out, and if he moved he feared she would kill him."I must have the wrong ship." Kylju gulped, hard. "Get out from under my ship, first of all, bantha fodder." Ana rammed the nose of the blaster into his back. "Arg! All right, all right!" Kylju backed out from underneath the ship, and turned to face the girl. He was a full head taller than she, but she didn't care. She nudged him in the torso with the blaster."Start walking." Justin was outraged by her actions, but his danger sense said that she wasn't kidding. He backed until he tripped over something, and realized she had backed him into a closet of some kind. She closed the door behind him, and he was plunged into darkness. "That bastard!" Ana called as she began re-arranging the wires he had screwed around with. She could hear him pounding on the closet door."Shut the hell up!" She screamed at him. She picked up her comlink, "Druw, can you try to secure me a different docking bay. The guy who was cleared to land next to me decided he liked my fighter better than his piece of ****. "[i]Yes, ma'am. I will get back to you shortly.[/i]" Druw answered. "Thanks." She switched off her comlink. Then she found a rag, and started wiping down her ship. Especially where he had touched it. Suddenly, she heard the snap-hiss that was distictive to a Jedi Knight's lightsaber. She had seen one or two before, and no she saw another one. It was a nearly black blade, and it was searing through the closet door."Oh, Hutt-slime." The man who had just been trying to hijack her ship stepped through the whole, and shielded his eyes from the light of the small docking bay. "Hello, again." he said, "Step away from the ship." "Over my dead body." Ana gritted her teeth. She found that her fear fueled her rage. "Your choice." Kylju lept over the back of the ship and landed a feet meters in front of her. She shot a few, poorly aimed shots, one glancing off her ship."You'll pay for that!" "You did it." Kylju switched off his lightsaber, and rolled around behind his own ship. Ana scanned the bay with her eyes and ears, waiting for any sign of the man. -Justin
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]spike and vicious would have made a good couple.... [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah...I can just see it now... [i]Spike catches Vicious' arm to hurl him across the room. But Vicious stops, catches Spike by the cheeks, and gives him a big wet smooch.[/i] Spike: What the hell?! Vicious: Oh, come on, silly. You know you've always had a thing for me. Spike: What the hell is-- [i]Vicious gives him another long, hard kiss.[/i] Vicious: C'mon, baby! Give in to me! O_o;; Disfuctional relationship... -Justin
  18. Eh...I don't know if you've noticed or not, but this is an [b]english[/b] forum. I really hope you can understand that. -Justin
  19. By my observation, weed has different effects on different people. Certain people do indeed become the classic pothead with mental problems. However, that is not the case for everyone. In fact, most people I know who have been smoking it regularly for years seem to be no worse for wear. I myself, smoke it occasionally, and it has had no lasting effect on me. But, I'm not saying it's healthy, either. I'm sure I'd be just as well as if I had never smoked weed; and I do know a few people who would be MUCH better if they had never touched the stuff. This topic is like any cigarette/alcohol topic. There are people who will say 'yes' and people who will say 'no'...I think it's important(no matter how wrong you may think someone to be) that we consider everyone else's feelings. -Justin
  20. "R5, prepare for hyperspace." Kylju coul feel himself being pressed against the seat of his old Z-95 as the g's of sublight acceleration builded. It settled when he entered hyperspace. Bounty hunting was a profitable business in this galaxy, if you knew what you were doing. Kylju had claim over 70 bounties since he got into this business 6 years ago, and he considered himself to be one of the greats. He would enjoy this vacation to Nearis V. He had wanted to take a vacation from dealing with fodder like Jabba for a long time now. However, he's just not got the money to do it. There was also word of a family who's paying a rancor of a bounty for some guy's head. A property dispute, or something. [i]Ah well.[/i] He thought. A few hours later he blasted out of hyperspace, and recieved landing clearance. He parked his Z-95 next to the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen in his life. A HG77 Farban Starfighter, fully loaded, and clean as if a Hutt had spit-shined it. He hopped out of his fighter and gawked at the thing. After snooping around, he got a feel for the security system. [i]Heh...baby, you are as good as mine.[/i] He thought as he stroked the shiny hull with his bare fingertips. Then, he bounded off to get a hotel. -Justin
  21. Justin

    A Question

    Actually, I think it should be closed... And it will be, but the answer is obvious: No. I don't even see why you really needed to ask this question. That's like saying, "If one potential genius went to school, and one didn't, who would be smarter?" Conclusion: Stupid question. -Justin
  22. Kylju's speeder charged over the shifting Tatooine sands. Jaba's Palace wasn't that difficult too find, in spite of how much the Hutt bosted about security. His under-developed Force senses picked up on a powerful presence in the Force. A dark one, at that. No doubt, that it was the mysterious "Darth Vader" he been hearing about. The slayer of Anakin Skywalker."So much for that damned prophecy." Kylju managed a smirk. Jabba's Palace now loomed in the distance. If he had been walking, he probably would be swallowed by the sand on a day like today.[i]Ah well...end's meet is end's meet.[/i] He thought. He hopped briskly out of the speeder and walked up to the door. He knocked, and was greeted by the usual Guardian Eye security droid. He spoke the password given to him by Jabba on a visit several years ago, and was allowed in. He strode through the palace as though it were his home. He dismissed the Twi' lek escort, Bib Fortuna, and walked directly up to a cat-napping Jabba the Hutt. "Hey, you old fat worm." Klyju woke Jabba. Jabba replied with a few startled curses, then he calm down. "Yes, I've come to claim a bounty. The two Duros. Plug this to your holo projector, and see for yourself." He handed one of Jabba's assistants a small black device. Jabba watched it closely, and made a comment to Bib Fortuna. The Twi' lek retreated into another room. A moment later, Fortuna returned with the reward for the assasination of the Duros. Five thousand non-Republic credits. They could essentially be used anywhere along the Outer Rim, so long as the planet wasn't Republic-friendly. Another smirk crossed Kylju's face. "Now it's time to get my stuff and get out of the **** hole." He said as he exited. -Justin
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