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Everything posted by Justin
Read the rules. Favorite thread aren't allowed. -Justin
I agree with Sere. I see no reason to destroy all the history that we hold onto, just because a few people want everything to be perfect. As for you sage: I've had about enough of you ignorant statements. Many generalizations could be made about many nations all over the world, but you don't see anyone else making them. So shut up. -Justin
Well, maybe you should try asking it in the FF Forum next time. -Justin
And let's try to stay on topic... -Justin
In order to understand my frustration you need to realize that everything is controlled by a sick puppy made up of kujas with help from Horny Janitors. The conspiracy first started during The Great Mooing in Communist Russia. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including The Martian Civil War. Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by Butt picking. They want to Loli-Pop Otaku Super Moderators and imprison resisters in Soviet Otaku using modems. In order to prepare for this, we all must fight da powers dat be!!! . Since the media is controlled by ...the kuje...o.O we should get our information from Justin...:D. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's right...get your information on whatever that thing i stalking about right here...o.O -Justin
Kylju sat at the booth in the farthest corner of the cantina. He absolutely hated these cantinas. They were filthy, sum-ridden, sand-covered, and always filled with the most [i]wonderful[/i] people. Kylju decided that he had waited here long enough. He really didn't want to take this one alive anyway. He made his way across the cantina to a pair of Duros. "Gentles." He greeted the first one with a hard thump to the back of the head. [i]Just enough...[/i] "Hey! What do you think you arrre doing?" the Duros asked in outrage. "Oh, you mean...this?" He suggested as he thumped the other Duros. "Bantha fodder!" The second on stood. The first one drew his blaster, but both were fried before they anyone could react. [i]And my eye-patch camera caught it all.[/i] Kylju thought with glee. [i]Now, to Jabba's.[/i] "Hey! You come back here and clean this mess!" The bartender barked. "Clean it yourself." Kylju waved his hand at the man. "I will clean it myself.." the man said absently. "Bah...I hate Tatooine!" Kylju muttered through clenched teeth against the blinding sandstorm he walked into. This was a small one, and many of the more adjusted pedestrians were still going about their business. -Justin
I broke my tail bone at football practice one day. We were running drills on day in 9th grade, and I was practicing with B-Team Varsity. Anyway, I took a wrong step and the guy I was matched up with demonstrated why freshmen are called "freshmeat"...he put me flat on my ***. -Justin
[i]Kallabow emerged from the forest. This was his hometown, and he hated it. He hated it like he hated all populated areas. But he had to get his sword repaired. He knocked on the door of the local blacksmith, Zaius. The tall Halbreed answered the door. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kallabow_Avatar2.gif[/img] Kallabow: Zaius? [i]The older man nodded.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img] Zaius: Kallabow. Can I help you? [i]Kallabow was silent, then he nodded.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kallabow_Avatar2.gif[/img] Kallabow: Yes. Fix this. [i]Kallabow tossed him the sword. Zaius examined the blade for a moment.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img] Zaius: Its worn, and its weak where the blade meets the tang. I can fix it for you. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kallabow_Avatar2.gif[/img] Kallabow: I'll be back soon. [i]Kallabow began walking away.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img] Zaius: Kal...you know you're always welcome here. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kallabow_Avatar2.gif[/img] Kallabow: I know. [i]Kallabow re-entered his woody domain.[/i] -Justin ---- Justin, the URL for your avatar is [SIZE=3]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kallabow_Avatar2.gif[/SIZE] I'm not gonna fix it for you anymore. Stop messing up. You can delete this part of the message when you read it. :) -Flash
Soap...shoes... What do you do with them, wear them, or wash with them? -Justin
I've avoided this topic for long enough. I'm not Christian, or Muslim, or religious, at all. By my observation, religious people are far too arrogant. However, I do think that the pledge should stay the way it is. Just because that's what seems right to me. I have no better reason, so don't ask for one. But, on the religious aspect: I like studying theology, from time to time. So, I do know what Christians, and Muslims, and various other religious peoples believe in; but, I-hate-organized-religion. However, I don't want this to become a religious or a moral debate. So, let's try to avoid it. -Justin
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Hah, then I would walk up to Justin and say, "Hey Justin! Wannahavesex?" And he'd reply in his gallant Southern accent, "No ma'am I have swornmylifetocelibacy!." Er, no...that can't be right...::scratches head, shrugs and wanders off::...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Heh...that would definitely go in the "What Otaku Members Would Never Say" thread, ;) I'd give another embarrassing story, but I'm off to embarrass someone else! -Justin
[i]Kallabow crouched silently, just a meter or so from his quarry, a large ferile pig. He amitted he'd rather have poultry, but he could feed on this for several days. He took one silent step. Without missing a beat, he rolled to within inches of the animal, drew his sword and stabbed the pig in it's spine. It died without a sound.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kallabow_Avatar2.gif[/img] Kallabow: I thank thee, Mutankin-Thira, for giving my silent feet, and a swift sword. [i] Kallabow was a believer in the ancient Gods. Most people, the Humes and Elves, most especially had long lost their taste for religion, but he chose not to follow the ways of the rest of the world. He started a camp fire, and began constructing a temporary shelter. It smelt like rain tonight.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry it was so short. I'm pressed for time, but I wanted to establish my character. -Justin [SIZE=1]You made a few spelling errors, and there was a problem with the IMG tag. I fixed it up for ya. ;) -Flash[/SIZE]
Bah...maybe we can do it again sometime. At least [i]this[/i] one had an end, lol. -Justin
Justin fought his escorts as best he could, which wasn't even enough for them to notice they were being fought. "Get him in a bacta-tank, now!" One of the Jedi called out. Before he knew it, he was fitted with a breathing mask and tossed in a tank full of bacta. [i]Alone, at last.[/i] After a moment, he stopped trying to heal himself, and let the bacta take over. [i]Jenna...[/i] The events of the last few moments flashed through his memory like a sandstorm on Tatooine. He couldn't feel his connection with Jenna anymore. She had severed it. He began building a wall around it, around his feelings that he had had for her. He had never let a anyone affect him so much, and he wouldn't let it happen again. He could feel the tensions rising. Lightsabers were swinging now, Jenna brought one down, now two. Dark energy pulsated from her. Justin couldn't love that. But he had loved that. He had nearly become that himself. Jenna gutted another comrade. Yoda was in it now. Jenna was far out-classed. She began running, and her and Exar Kun retreated to the Temple. Yoda could not defeat them there. [i] I'll be back, Jenna. Count on it.[/i] Then, he had a sudden calmness flow through him. The Force told him that he would not be returning, and that he would never see Jenna again. Strangely, he wasn't upset at this. He knew it was right. [i]Heal quickly, you must. Much to talk about, we have.[/i] The thoughts of Master Yoda comforted him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "That's all that happened?" The man--nearly as tall as Justin-- asked. Justin was somewhere in his early Sixties now, but he was as handsome as he could be. "More or less." Justin said with an easy smile at the man next to him. "What ever happened to Jenna?" The tall young man asked. "Well, she finally died three years ago. She tried an assault on a small planet in the Hapes Cluster. Master Yoda had the foresight to predict it, and he was waiting for her. They fought, and he killed her." Justin said as a mist formed in his worn eyes. "Well, at least you met Mom. Otherwise, I would never have been born!" The young man said with a cheering smile. "Heh, maybe I should've stayed with Jenna, in that light." Justin joked."The galaxy sure wasn't ready for Jake Skywalker to be born." -Justin
Well, there are just people in this world that would just as soon shoot you as say 'hello' to you. In my opinion, some of those people ain't even worth the bullets they shoot. Rapists, for example. There's no such thing as more low-down river-trash than that right there. But, to be honest, I'd rather have someone inject me with a painless toxin and kill me, than spend the rest of my life in prison. So, I guess if you're looking for a better punishment, a life sentence just seems worse to me. However, I still say that executing someone who can't reason as well as "normal" people is wrong. -Justin
Suddenly, Jenna's danger sense went hay-wire. She turned to see the dark figure of Exar Kun. "Congratulations. He will die, and you will take his place at my side." A dark smile crossed Exar Kun's face. Jenna gazed hard at the dark lord. Then she shot a sideways glance at Justin. She's gone this far, but should she go so far as to actually [i]become[/i] a Sith? Jenna clipped her saber to her belt, then knelt to one knee."As you say, Master." Exar Kun was caught slightly off-guard by her willingness, but he sensed no deciet in her."Good, young one. I will finish him, myself." He said nodding his head towards Justin. Exar Kun raised his hand and long tendrils of Force Lightening emitted from it. They found their target and Justin yelped with pain. Justin went back down, and the blood began flowing again. He tried reaching out with the Force, to bring something--anything--down on the Sith; but he couldn't get a grip on anything. He could feel life leaving him. Suddenly, a Republic Lander landed with a cracking thud on the trees just behind them. Exar Kun's concentration broke as Jedi poured from the lowering ramp."Damn it!" Jenna got the sense of around 15 or so of them. Well more than she alone could defeat, but with her new master, who knows? She ignited her lightsaber. However, she soon realized that they weren't there to fight. This was a rescue mission. Suddenly, she caught a very familiar presence coming out of the ship. "Jenna, good to see you, it is." The short Jedi said. "Pity I can't say the same for you, Yoda." Jenna spit the last word as though it were poison. "Master Yoda." A smile crossed Exar Kun's face again."So nice of you to join us." -Justin
Bah...now it's time for a drunk story! There was one time, I went to a party at a friends(Brock) house, and I got completely wasted. I was going to stay the night with him that night, just so I wouldn't have to drive home so drunk, and I went up to the room I was going to sleep in...or so I thought. When I got up there, I kicked off my boots and then turned towards the bed. My friend's sister(Shea) and her boyfriend(Rick) were in the bed together, and, unfortunately, they noticed my intrusion...-__-;; At the time, I didn't really think much about the embarrassment factor, and I just walked out of the room. However, the next day, whenever Shea came down to eat...that was somewhat...awkward...o_o -Justin
Heh, I'll lend you the engine off an F-250. That ought to help with something, lol. But really, prejudice and hatred are all a part of human nature, unfortunately. I doubt I'll live to see a day when problems like what's happening in the Middle East are solved. -Justin
BBQ...causes...cancer? O_o;; I'm a dead man... Anyway, when you consider how many varied forms of cancer there are, it's not so surprising that there are a million things that could lead to it. But, I'm sure most of those things have only minute amounts of cancer causing factors. I hope so, anyway... -Justin
That's if they HAVE Goten. That's another thing, when in the DBZ Timeline, will the movie take place? Oy, so many possibilities. I think I'm thinking about this too much, lol. -Justin
If you ask me, Vejita and Gokou were perfectly equal in SSJ2 form. Why? Because it sounds more dramatic than saying one was more powerful than the other. But Vejita is, and will always remain, cooler than Gokou. ;) -Justin
They could always get Mini-Me from Austin Powers and throw him in as Krillen! I'm just joking... And that goes back to what I was saying: There are several characters who I can't see as being real-life actors. Like Gokou, for example. Sure, there are people who could meet the requirements, but can you honestly name me one actor who would seem right as Gokou? -Justin
Like I said, it's probably going to go under. Since DBZ is a lot broader(character-wise) than MK or SF, for example, I doubt the movie will be nearly what the show is. Plus, I can't think of many actors that would actually fit the bill for a few of the Z-Warriors. -Justin
Well, I know a handful of girls that could probably whoop my ***, so I sure wouldn't stereotype them, lol. Seriously, girls have the potential to be just a good as boys in almost anything. It's we men who probably couldn't handle something of the things [i]they[/i] do. -Justin
Ack! First, Seppy, now LM! Who's next? I'm just kidding. Have a great marriage. :) -Justin