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Everything posted by Justin

  1. Justin

    Papa Roach

    I actually like that song. It's got a new feel for them. You see, bands can be like people: They can express many different emotions through their songs. "She Loves Me Not" is just an experience with love. Something most everyone eventually experiences. -Justin
  2. Yes, there will be a new movie. To my knowledge no one has released any information beyond that. If you ask me, it's going to be lame... -Justin
  3. How you managed to find a good, solid underlying message in that crap, I'll never know. Good job, though. :) -Justin
  4. First of all, everyone here isn't exactly politically correct. "Retard" has become more of a slur, and for the sake of those who would be offended by it, I think everyone should watch the way they throw it around. Also, I think several of you should reconsider your opinions, or at least the way you stated them. How would you feel if someone close to you had a handicap like that? Not the same, I'm sure... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]Have a retarded killer loose is pretty much the equivalent as a merciless psychopath. [/B][/QUOTE] You, sir, are cold and ignorant. -Justin
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue] Erm, I hope that made sense. lol o_O[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] NEVER!!!! Actually, it does. Sadly, it's as Delian said: Everyone has views that are going to conflict with others. We can't all get along all the time. Though, I don't hold any hard feelings against anyone. Unfortunately, we can't solve the crisis in the Middle East, or the crises the world over all by talking. Palestine and Isreal have been fighting for generations, and regretably it doesn't show any signs of stopping. I thank those who agree with me, I respect those who do not. -Justin
  6. "Fayde!" Justin cried out as the bounty hunter's figure came into his sight. "Justin..." Fayde could barely see the Jedi, but there was no denying the orange sliver of light in his hand. It was Justin...but Justin had never looked so...dark. Frightening, even. He was no longer the boy he had tormented for the longest time. No, he was something else. "Get out of my way!" Justin reached out with Force, and gripped Fayde. Fayde raised his blaster, and pulsed fire towards Justin. Justin simply held up his lightsaber and blocked the fire, then he launched Fayde off into the jungle. His attention turned toe the palace before him,"Open up, Exar Kun!" he called out,"If you want someone to toy with, at least pick someone who will toy back." An evil laughter creeped from the ground and trees around him."Very good. You'll make an excellent warlord in my Sith Empire." "Hardly. I'd say I'm here to destroy you, or to die trying." Justin said calling out into the jungle. "So many Jedi have said that. So few resist the temptation long enough." Exar Kun said confidently,"Step in, boy."A doorway opened in the palace in front of Justin. Though, ever fiber in him that was still loyal to the Light pulled him back, every fiber that had turned to one step forward; and so did Justin. The door sealed behind him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Ah ****." Fayde said as he tried to stand on his injured leg. [i]Justin was really out of it[/i]. He thought to himself.[i]Oh well...ditry banth[/i]--"What the hell!?!?" Fayde called out as a huge black mass came hurtling out of the jungle.[i]Piranha beetles...[/i] was Fayde's last thought before the mass hit him. -Justin
  7. I never said America was perfect. Or Isreal, for that matter. Sadly, no government, and no person is. Unfortunately, no one can choose what situation they are born into. There are good people amongst the bad, bad amonst the good. I support the United States, and I support Isreal. I won't stand down from that. However, I don't support murder. The man you mentioned, killing the boy and leaving the man to suffer...in my mind there is no punishment I could think of that would suit trash like him. But I didn't say you offended my national pride or what I stand for with your comment...you offended [b]me[/b]. You offended another culture and another sense of pride that is near completely separate from this issue. So I won't go into that. I've taken my time, trying to make sure the words I've used for this post were not offensive...but I'm afriad at this point my words might sting because of the limitations of language. I apologize for this: Anyone...[b]anyone[/b], mind you...who takes innocent lives in the name of anything is wrong. Let soldiers fight soldiers. Leave civilians be. Again, I aplogize if I offended anyone. I honestly tried not to, and I think my point suffered for it. But just because you offended me once, and just because our positions on one issue conflict with each other, doesn't mean I want you to leave. You're just defending your position, as I am. -Justin
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Fly-T [/i] [B] First off he wasnt her partner that was something else. Secondly, Don't tell me if Im not sexually or humanly mature. You have no idea what goes down around my place. I ain't even gave all the details. And I really didnt shoot her I just called her mom up and she got what she had coming. And If you me saying Bi*ch once or twice is something then you aint heard nothing yet. and hell if she told she already had 2 two men and a freakn STD and when you grow up around of people who dont really take junk it and when im trying to do god in school and when i can get easily pissed its not something I'm going to drop. [/B][/QUOTE] And we don't care how pissed you are about your mistake. YOu wanted to screw her, you have to take whatever responsibility comes with it. Shooting her(which I doubt you did, or would do) is simply stupid. -Justin
  9. Juuthena, I have nothing against you. Please don't believe I do. But many of the things you said...it's like you have no idea what's really happening in the world today. I'll try to better explain my points, now that I've calmed down considerably: North Korea is an [i]aggressive[/i] communist nation. They're public relations are terrible, and they're people have next-to-nothing. They want to make South Korea the same way. There will be no "merging"...there will only be conquering. Iraq's only real problem is it's leaders. Of course, I guess when you get right down to it, that's the same for any nation. Iran is the least volitile of these nations, but they're no where near perfect. They're public relations are also terrible, and all the picture you've seen of Afghan women being forced into solitude and discrimination...it's the same in Iran. Again, I don't have anything against anyone in this topic, I was just sickened by how idealistic many made themselves appear. I'm sorry if I offended anyone. I'd just like to say: Having an opinion is fine. It's great, actually. So long as it's an educated and well-thought opinion. If you have no idea what's going on, and no idea how what you are saying may affect others, you have no business stating your position. I talk too much... -Justin
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GotenksSSJ343 [/i] [B] I don't I'm just saying there going to do it again if Bush would've put them on the axis of evil list but this time when they set up the missiles there gonna launch them very quickly and do it some more untill we're a small piece of dust. [/B][/QUOTE] Russia isn't stupid, dude. We have those nuclear missile, too, you know.... -Justin
  11. CHAR. NUMBER: 64 NAME: Kallabow Bulvih AGE: 24 LOCATION: Thira Town Bio/history: He was born in Thira Town. He was raised by his father and mother with in a litter of six. However all his siblings perished in a horrible swimming accident. His parents later died of old age. He still has a few older brothers and sisters from earlier litters, but he has little contact with them. Personality: Because he was the only one to survive his litter, he tends to be a loner. If met with a challenge, however, he can become uncharacteristically aggressive and stubborn. Weapon/s: He carries a light, curved sword that he calls "Blood." Items (up to five can be carried): He carries the basics: A small food pouch filled with nuts and berries, some elixer for healing himself, a walking stick, and a cloak his father made for him out of the feathers of an eagle. Ability 1: He has an uncanny ability to sense others approaching. "Sense"(lol) Ability 2: When put in difficult situations he can quickly focus his mind and body for the task at hand. "Rush"(lol again) -Justin
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GotenksSSJ343 [/i] [B]Not when they said in the cold war it'sonly for defense. [/B][/QUOTE] Please, please, please tell me you don't believe that garbage. The Soviet Union, putting nuclear(nuclear, mind you) weapons 90 miles of the US coastline, and you believe them when they cry "Defensive!"? That was a purely aggressive move on Russia's part, and(in my mind, at least) there's no disbuting that. This whole topic has my feathers ruffeled. If it were not so much so, I'd already have closed it by now. I think if this IS going to continue everyone(myself included) needs to take it down a notch. We need to all remember that everyone has opinion and feelings, and we need to be respectful, and watch what we say. It would also be helpful if some people would think, logically, before posting their opinions. It would also be nice if comments such as "a bunch of racist rednecks" or any other potentially offensive comments, weren't used. Thank you, I'm officially done with this topic unless otherwise instructed. -Justin
  13. I laughed, but it was utter and complete idiocy. I could've gotten drunk for less and had a better laugh, and a better time. The made fun of whites through the whole damn thing. Do you ever wonder what would happen if a movie was made where a white guy ran through the whole thing making fun of blacks? Bah...I'm sorry. I'm angry over another issue, elsewhere. If you want to see a stupid movie, and get a good laugh, UB is for you. -Justin
  14. Juuthena, I don't mean to offend, but how old are you? And what have you been reading/watching? North Korea: A communist nation with the desire to conquer South Korea, a nation we are currently friendly with. Iraq: Saddam Hussein. Iraq would be great without him. Iran: Do you remeber the hostage situation a few years ago. I know you HAVE to have heard about it. Although, agree with all of his politics, I don't...Bush was correct in his statement on the "axis of evil"...In fact, I could add a few more, myself. As for revenge: How many innocent American lives were taken on 9/11, and for what good cause? If we don't have a right to revenge, then noone does. Just because the US has always felt obligated to the rest of the world, does not mean that we should have to let an atrocity like that go unpunished. If I were the leader of this country, I'd be doing more! I'd be sending troops to help Isreal fight the Palestinians, not telling Isreal to hold onto futile peace talks. As for the US not electing Bush, I won't even comment on that rubbish. I think I'll stop now, BEFORE I grow angry at how idealistic some people can be...the world is real, death is real, and the fact that no violence will stop without violence to counter-balance it is real. There is a peace that can only be found on the other side of war. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]a bunch racist rednecks[/B][/QUOTE] I can't begin to express how angry those four words make me. I could go off on a whole other tangent about that, but I have a responsibility to this community and to myself. So I will not. I'd just like you to know that you're ill-informed, and your terminology and the context in which you use it is offensive. -Justin
  15. I believe it's Gohan. Though, I don't recall a fight like that EVER happening at all. -Justin
  16. All the advice you need has been given. Also, Sida the image in your sig is WAY too tall. Check the rules page for all the specifics. I want to see it ammended immediately. -Justin
  17. Eh...it's sounds a little iffy. But I guess it'd be nice if it is true... -Justin
  18. Justin stopped at the edge of the clearing,"Jenna?!" he called out into the semi-night,"Jenna, where are you!?" His voice echoed back to him. No response. Jenna heard him, loud and clear. She wanted desparately to go back...to before the dream. This was a time when she wished she, or Justin, weren't a Jedi. Because if she stopped running, Justin would catch her now. She just kept running in whatever direction seemed right in fer mind. At first, Justin could only wonder what could trouble Jenna so badly. Then, he realized that it was something to do with him. Suddenly, all his worry transformed into rage. He ignited his lightsaber, and cut off in the direction where he sensed the darkness.[i] Exar Kun is to blame for this. I'll have his head for it.[/i] He thought, hacking through brush and trees. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exar Kun could only laugh. The laugh was cold, and it sent a chill through Fayde like being naked on Hoth."I take it, someone died...or something else very tragic happened." Fayde said sarcastically. "I thought I told you to be quiet." Exar Kun snapped. "You did. I don't listen well." "You could be made to listen." Exar Kun threatened. "That's the only way I will, then." Fayde half-strutted across the room. "No matter," A large door open behind Fayde,"you may go, now. Your work here is finished, my friend." Fayde looked at the dark lord cautiously. Years of experience, and the best luck in the Galaxy, had taught him to be careful. Keeping his eyes, on Exar Kun, he stepped slowly out of the doorway. It closed slowly behind him. Leaving him alone in the jungle. In the distance, he heard the sound of falling trees and wild animal scurrying. [i]What the hell has he let me out into?[/i] Fayde thought. -Justin
  19. That's BS. If the guy was suppose to be dead BEFORE he arrived than how could he have made footprints? Secondly, you can't exist outside a spacesuit on the moon. So there would be no way anyone could make a bare human footprint. Some people have too much time. -Justin
  20. "I did not forsee this. It matters not. The girl's curiosity will be her downfall. And his passion for her will be his." Exar Kun said as he paced through his palace. "Afraid you might lose, Kun?" Fayde's hate for the Sith was now as great as his hate for Justin. "Silence." Exar Kun hurled him against the wall."I'll be glad when I can be rid of you!" "Why don't you just go ahead and do it now, coward?" Fayde said. "Your time will come, my friend." Exar Kun growled. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Well, uh...it's late. So why don't we go back in and get some sleep?" Justin said as he lowered his hand, and dropped his and Jenna's hands to their waists. "Yeah. I think there's room for us on that couch." She said, kind of shakily. Justin surveyed the junglescape once more with trained eyes before he turned and followed Jenna's lead into the ship. Once they got in, Justin took his shirt off. For some reason, he felt much easier around Jenna now."Jenna, did you mean what you said?" "Of course I did." Jenna looked at him strangely. "Ok. You know something might happen when we go looking for whatever it is you want to find, and I just want to make sure that you're not going to run out on me." "You don't go running out on me either." Jenna threatened. "Heh...I won't." Justin shot her a wry smile. -Justin
  21. "Coming in on Yavin 4...now." Justin said as the silhouette of the jungle moon appeared between the ship and the gas giant."It'll be night where we land." Justin commented. Justin eyed Jenna from the corner of his, sensing her desire to land. He admitted to himself that he, too, felt a pull to the place. But he had decided to remain wary of it. He didn't want to become a slave to the Dark Side. He began making preparations to eneter the atmosphere. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Nice place." Jenna said as she stepped down the ramp. "It'll look nicer when it's daylight." Justin said as he stared off into the jungle. The very top of the of the gas giant peered over the trees, giving the illusion of sunset. "Pretty, isn't it?" Jenna said as she took Justin's hands in her own. "Yeah..." Justin agreed, half-heartedly. He was focusing on the ominous feeling this moon had; and the detachment he sensed in Jenna. She was as beautiful and warm as ever. But she seemed starved for something. Something he knew he could not giver her. "You ok?" She said, noticing Justin's distance in the Force. Suddenly, what had happened in her dream flashed back into her. She pulled Justin close. "I'm fine. What about you?" "Yeah. I just want to be close to you, that's all." Jenna said contently. "You don't feel like you need to be close to me." Justin said looking away from her. "What do you mean?" She said as she looked up "I mean, I sense a hunger deep down inside you. Something I can't feed." Justin said as he gazed down at Jenna. "Justin...everyone has needs that can't all be filled by one person." Jenn said as she nudged Justin's neck with her head. "I love you." Justin blurted the words out before he knew what he'd said.
  22. Justin


    Though, the idea sounds hilarious, I have a feeling this movie is going to be idiotic. But I'll probably go see it, anyway. -Justin
  23. He managed to cover his tracks anyway, though. Or someone did for him. Like Maul said, the whole thing about Boba being Jaster was a "misunderstanding" in the SW Universe. Because Bobe wore Mereel's armor, everyone assumed him to be Mereel(so I've read) when in reality, Mereel was Jango's mentor. -Justin
  24. "That's..." Justin couldn't make words for the emotions he felt now. "Dishearting?" Jenna suggested."All the years of faith you've had in the Order, the Code, the Jedi, period?" "Yeah..." Justin voice was shaky."But the entire Council didn't go along with that, willingly, did they?" "Eventually, yes. The entire Council came to the conclusion it would be better if no one knew but those who were involved." Jenna could feel a void forming in Justin's presence. Justin slowly sat back in the couch."I...this...this goes against everything my master ever taught me about the Jedi. We're supposed to honest, to each other at least." Justin reached out, and tried desperately to detect any hint of deception in Jenna's mind, Jenna allowed him, and he found none. "You see, I am telling the truth." "You are..." Justin stared up at the ceiling. Jenna took his hand, which was so still she would've thought him dead if he weren't talking to her. Then she felt him give way. All the faith he had put into the Light Side fell, and him with it, to a dangerous area of grey. Right where she was. She wrapped her arms around the trunk of his body and laid against him, half-way sorry she had told him her story. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A few hours later Justin realised that Jenna was asleep in the position she had set herself in. He ran trembling fingers as far down her body as he could reach and then back up again. Her sleep was peaceful, unplagued by her normal nightmares. He could only think of how beautiful she was, and how much he desired her....Desire. That's forbidden for a Jedi. [i]I am not a Jedi.[/i] He thought. When he turned his attention back to Jenna he noticed she was staring at him with her blazing caramel eyes. He kissed her, slowly at first, then with passion he had not known since before he began his Jedi training. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "He's almost ready." Exar Kun said with triumph. "Can I kill the girl?" Fayde asked, remaining in his corner. "No. It is all important that Justin be the one to kill the girl. Or...the girl to kill Justin." Exar Kun said with an evil smile."Either way, I will have my way." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Master Angelwalk. Good it is, to see you." Yoda said to the apparition that interupted his meditation. "Master, we have a problem. Justin is slipping." Angelwalk said with urgency. "Know this, I do. Seen him, I have. Wrong, I was." Yoda said with a sigh. "He won't even talk with me anymore. I can't help him." "Nothing can any of us do. His choice, it is." Yoda said sadly. -Justin
  25. I hate to say this, but in my experience, people who bash other people for be more experienced, or less-pure(in this case) are generally jealous or inexperienced themselves, whether they realise it or not. If you haven't been in a [i]real[/i] sexual situation, then you aren't experienced or mature enough to understand your own impulses, and thus, you shouldn't whine at others. I don't mean to be condescending or preachy, or anything; I only ask that you know what you are saying, before you say it. -Justin
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