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Everything posted by Justin

  1. I...feel...so...isolated...right now...:nervous: -Justin
  2. If anyone lied, they're only making a fool out of themselves in the worst way--to themselves. -Justin
  3. Justin felt Jenna's anger like a block of ice sliding down his back. [i]Whoa[/i]. He thought. All he got were images and feelings, a burning ship, sharp pain, desperation, but they were as clear to him as if they had happened to him. He walked, quietly into the eating area, "Jenna. Please talk to me." Jenna didn't try to hide the tears, or the obvious pain this time. She just sat there quietly. "Jenna, please." Justin stood in front of, reluctant to sit down. Again, Jenna said nothing. Justin dropped to one knee, and tried to manuever his gaze to meet her's, but she wouldn't make eye contact. So Justin move to where his back was against the seat, and sat down on the floor below Jenna. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "They'll come apart. Both are too arrogant." Exar Kun muttered to himself. "They didn't seem that way when I saw them." Fayde said from a dark corner. "Silence." Kun snapped. Fayde drew his weapon and pulled the trigger, and nothing happened. Exar Kun indulged himself in a brief laugh. Then he turned his gaze upon Fayde's."Your anger makes you strong. Regretably, the Force flows weakly in your veins. Otherwise, I wouldn't have to through all this trouble, my friend." He nodded his head and Fayde was hurled back into his corner. "Damn, Sithspawn!" "Wrong, hunter. I [i]am[/i] Sith..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jenna laid a damp hand on Justin's shoulder. Then, the laid down completely. Justin took her hand, and dozed off himself. "I don't want to be bothered now, Angelwalk." Justin snapped. "So now it's 'Angelwalk' eh? Once you called me 'Master', back when you were a Jedi!" The old man said. "I've chosen my own path. Whether you accept it or not, I don't care." "You know that's a lie, Justin. Soon I won't be able to speak with you like this. Soon I'll become one with the Force, and you'll be on your own. I'm trying my best to help you while I can. You must leave her, or she'll kill you!" Angelwalk argued. Justin cut the connection. He focused his thoughts on Jenna. She was having her usual bout with nightmares, so he decided to lend what help he could. He focused some of his power to go to her. Suddenly, Jenna felt a different presence in her dream. Exar Kun noticed it too. He look now back beyond her. She turned to find what it was he was looking at. "Justin!" She called. Sudden;y she felt a surge of power shake her body and saw blackish lightening coming from every corner of her vision. It encircled Justin, it suffocated him. Jenna could [i]feel[/i] his presence dieing. She ignited her ligtsaber and turned to face Exar Kun. But she found herself looking at Justin; but he was different. Before she could react to this new surprise, she felt Justin's presence die completely. Her heart sank. [i]"Meet my new friend."[/i] Exar Kun's voice resonated throughout the Temple. Now, Exar Kun was standing beside Justin, who's lightsaber was ignited at held in front of his face. Jenna had never seen such a look in his eyes. She wrenched herself from the vision. She noticed that Justin was as drenched in sweat as she was, and was experiencing a dream of his own. Maybe the same one she had just gone through. Either way, he was awake only a moment after her. And he met her gaze with his eyes as wide as Sarlaac's Maw. She threw her arms around him and fell on top of him, and she was crying again. Justin stood up and held her in arms for a moment, the he sat her down on the couch. "Jenna, tell me what's going on." -Justin
  4. Nope, it mostly certainly did not. -Justin
  5. "So what do we need?" Jenna leaned in and asked him. "We need food and water, first of all. And there's a place we can get them." Justin pointed at a little shop. They entered the shop and Justin moved through and picked up everything they needed, paid for it, and they left. "That was fast." Jenna commented. "It was supposed to be. Now we can leave once we fill the ship up." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once they were onboard the ship Justin put the stuff they bought away, and went to the cockpit."You might want to strap in, Jenna. I'm getting ready to take off." "All right, but I want to give you something first." "What?" Justin turned to look at Jenna. And Jenna handed him a bottle of Corellian Whiskey."Eh...thanks...how did you know this was my favorite?" "You had a brief dream about it last night." Jenna smiled. "And you...bah...nevermind." Justin turned his attention back to the controls. [i]Stay out of my mind[/i]. He thought at her. [i]But it's so fun.[/i] She thought back. "Wait a second, [i]where[/i] did you get it?" "Uh...you know that store we were in...I got it there." Jenna said. "You stole it?" "No. I bought it while you were leaving. It wouldn't be much of a present if I had stolen it." Jenna was a little offended by his question. "Sorry. Thank you, though. Maybe [i]both[/i] of us will enjoy this, once we get into space." Justin shot her a smile. Jenna bent down and gave him a kiss."Mind your controls for now, flyboy. We'll get to the fun later." Jenna strapped herself in as Justin through the repulsorlifts on. -Justin
  6. *hats off to Ken* Only my tattoo holds me on Ken's level, now. Ain't that right, Ken? :D But honestly, that test isn't the best or most accurate I've ever seen. It needs more questions outside sexuality. -Justin
  7. I just realised something...I'm the least pure soul on Otaku! And then I'm a Super Moderator. What kind of example am I setting for these kids? -Justin
  8. "Wait, Jenna!" Justin stood up and hit his head on the ceiling. After shouting a few choice words, he continued his pursuit of Jenna, who had made her way back to the dining/relaxing area."I didn't--" "I know you didn't. I just don't like to talk about some things." Jenna didn't look up. Justin sat down beside her."Well, you [i]can[/i] talk to me about it. I won't bite." "That's my line, [i]Skywalker[/i]." She cheered herself up a little. "Heh...I know." Justin slipped his arm around her shoulders."Now, c'mon talk to me." Jenna looked at him for a minute, then she turned away, "I said 'no'. Respect that and leave me alone about it." "Jenna, please." "No, damn it! Talk about something else, or go away!" Jenna's temper flared to hide the small droplets of water condensing in the corners of her eyes. Justin was caught off-guard by her reaction, but he quickly recovered. He relaxed his arm and rested his forehead against her shoulder. She placed a finger under his chin and lifted his head up,"I'm sorry." "It's all right. I shouldn't have pushed you." Justin looked her square in the eyes, and then he prssed his lips firmly to hers. -Justin
  9. That would be Dark Empire, which isn't a book. It's a set of comics. Though, it may have been turned into a graphic novel now. RANDOM QUIZZY!!!! 1) Who was Vau Rapuung? 2) Who is Tsavong Lah? 3) What did Anakin Solo use to replace the warped cystal in his lightsaber? 4) How did his crystal become warped? 5) What did Kyp Durron saythe Vong were growing at Serinpedal(I know I didn't spell that right, but i'll edit it later.) 6) Who is Nen Yim? 7) Who is Nen Tsup? 8) What does 'Tsup' mean in Yuuzhan Vong? That's all for now... And BabyGirl is correct in her listing of the X-Wing novels. I checked in one my NJO books, which all have a listing of all the SW novels and where they fall in the time line ^_^. -Justin
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B] Lay off the bag boys, man. They help millions of senior citizens carry groceries everyday. Yes, there's more to being pure than sexually clean, but none of the topics are as giggly. [/B][/QUOTE] lol...it was a typo. Though, I was a bag boy...once...a long, long time ago. That test is pretty common, though. I've taken a million of them before... -Justin
  11. I'm 14.7% pure. *looks around* I've been a bad boy. All those questions were sexual, though. I've always thought there was more to purity than being sexually "clean." -Justin
  12. Eh...I'm Kylju Thphe Ack...o_[size=4]O[/size] -Justin
  13. I think it's all 90% BS. However, entertaining. I'm sure there's some fact behind it somewhere, but like I sad, 90% crap. -Justin
  14. And for further reference, Anakin was Padme Amidala, and Padme Amidala was BulmaVegeta1. She pretender to be a different person each time. I do believe she has now been taken care of, for the final time. -Justin
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I thought I posted this earlier but apparently not... Audio Galaxy showed 701 matches for Luna Sea..... wow.... as opposed to 39.... AG Was just so much better at finding and downloading ANYTHING.... RIAA has really pushed the limits this time... they are idiots.... greedy bastards... I'm pissed now.... [/B][/QUOTE] You DID post in here earlier... I stopped using the 'Net to get my music after Napster went through all their issues. I tried a few others, but I just gave up and started buying CDs again. -Justin
  16. I believe that may be somewhat of the point, my boy. -Justin
  17. "You seem tense." Justin said without looking at her. "It was just a nightmare." She said, still a little shaky. "Another one?" "What do you mean?" "You were having one last night, too. You know, before..." "Oh, yeah..." Jenna leaned her head against Justin's shoulder. "What are they about?" Justin asked, sensing that she was really on edge. Jenna thought for a moment, then she answered,"Have you ever wanted to Yavin 4?" "Uhh...it seems like a nice place. No one lives there, anyway. But a big part of history happened there. What are you getting at, anyway?" Justin turned to face her. "I'd just...like to go." She looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Why?" He moved closer to her. "I want to see what was so big about Exar Kun. I promise, you won't regret taking me. A nice big moon, all to ourselves. C'mon, [i]Skywalker[/i]." She teased him. Justin stared, seriously, at her for a moment. Her teasing didn't exactly have the desired effect."I suppose it wouldn't." Or did it? "Thank you!" Jenna wrapped her arms around Justin's neck and gave him a kiss. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I've kept you alive for too long, Fayde." Exar Kun said to the bounty hunter."I don't suppose you realize how difficult it is to heal you from so far away." "I guess I don't. Listen, why do you keep me around, anyway?" Fayde asked. "Would you rather I kill you now?" Exar Kun said. "No, of course not. But, I don't see why you keep saving me." "Because deep inside Justin there is a hate for you, as there is a hate for no other thing, in no other thing. I plan to use that hate." Exar Kun smiled an evil smile."You won't need to leave this moon again. Justin and his precious are on their way here, now." "Really? Will I get to kill Justin?" "Perhaps. If he won't join me, you can do what you wish." "Why do you want [i]him[/i]?" "It's not him. It's his hatred for you that I desire. I can make that hatred a hatred for all things, and through him, I can bring back the glorious Age of the Sith, and this time there will be no one to prevent me from conquering." Exar Kun mused at his plot. "What about the Jedi?" "The Jedi have grown weak since they took over. And I, I have only grown stronger. Now, go...shoot at an animal, or something." "As you say." Fayde exited. -Justin
  18. The old man came out with the help of his aide."Skywalker...you." The old man pointed at Justin."Save my people...you." "Skywalker, eh?" Justin said with a smile."What do you think about it?" He asked Jenna. "It was a nice ring to it. Justin Skywalker...Jenna Skywalker." "You think you deserve to be a Skywalker?" Justin joked. "Do YOU think YOU deserve me to be?" She shot back. "Uh..."Justin lost his words again as the went into a huge hall with food prepared for them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the meal, the old man stood, spoke in his language, and then addressed Justin,"Skywalker...you are." The he turned and spoke in his language,a nd everyone cheered again. Soon, everyone cleared out of the hall. Justin debated whether to staye dthe night here or head back out into space. He decided for the latter. Jenna had fallen asleep as Justin carried her back to the transport, and when they arrived, Justin sat her gently down in the co-pilot's chair. Then he started the repulsorlifts, and took off into space. He still hadn't settled his mind on the new course he had decided to take in his life. He sensed his old master trying to reach him. His talks with Angelwalk would now have to end...it seemed. -Justin
  19. Justin wrapped his arm around her. He had said what he felt, but not what he meant...or least he couldn't have meant it. He was a Jedi Knight. Or was he? He didn't care. Jenna felt so good in his arms. Her lips tasted wonderful, her skin felt wonderful. She smelled wonderful, in spite of it all. Yet, this couldn't be right. [i]She[/i] was great, [i]she[/i] was fun, and [i]she[/i] could even be right, but [i]it[/i] couldn't. The idea, the thought behind it. What he said, and what he thought when he said it. He could taste the Dark Side, stained on his lips from where he had said what he had said. He had meant it with nothing but care for Jenna, but he had said it with cold blood. He actually intended to [i]kill[/i] Fayde, without care for what these villagers thought of the way he did it. So long as Jenna was with him, he didn't care. To hell with Master Angelwalk, to hell with Yoda, to hell with the whole Jedi Order! But no, that couldn't happen. He [i]is[/i] a Jedi. [i]I am a Jedi![/i] He cried out silently through lips sealed to Jenna's. She hadn't heard--felt him think it, though. So she didn't stop, and neither did he. He kept the frame of mind...if Jenna was turning, so was he... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ About an hour or so later, Justin stood and re-clothed himself. He had a new sense of power. He didn't fully agree with it, but if this was the way Jenna wanted it, he'd do it, and he'd like it. "You went pretty wild on me, flyboy. So much for it not happening." Jenna mused atthis fact. Justin smirked,"Complaining?" "Of course not." Jenna held his gaze for a minute, and then took his hand. He felt...different. She felt something here...on the surface, that she had only sensed at certain moments, buried, deep inside him. She liked it, but she sensed that he didn't fully agree with it."Are you all right?" "Yeah. I'm fine. 'Matter of fact, I think I could get a lot better." He said with a wry smile. "Is that right?" Justin leaned to kiss her, but he immediately caught the sense of Fayde. Jenna caught it too."There he is. Maybe we should take him together?" "No. I want to kill him on my own. He's tormented me long enough." Justin eyes had an unusual fury in them. "I'll at least watch you. I want to [i]see[/i] you when you kill him. So we can share that moment together." Jenna beamed. "Yeah." Justin stepped outside into the daylight. It hurt his eyes a little, but without much delay he heard the sound of Fayde's replacement fighter, a b-123 Archangel. He rushed to his own fighter. Moments later, he was away. Fayde turned his ship 'round to face him."Nice seeing you again, Jedi. Where's your little lady-friend. You know, she's kinda pretty. maybe after I kill you, I'll make some half-Jedi kids with her, eh?" Fayde mocked him, expecting a calm, passive Jedi Knight. Instead, he got a firestorm of laser-fire. Fayde tried to roll but all of the shots hit home, and laid a beating on his shields. Fayde still managed to get behind Justin and get a torp lock on his fighter. Justin turned up, hard, building g's like crazy. He could feel himself being pressed down into the seat and when he was sure the time was right, he rolled and dived. The torpedo would run out of fuel before it ever found him again. He let his ship free-fall until he came back down through the clouds and got sight of Fayde, who was shooting the small village to pieces. Instantly his thoughts turned to Jenna, who was in that village. He filled with rage, and, almost reflexsively he raised the only large tree in the area up and hit Fayde's ship with it. The fighter hit the dirt. Fayde crawled out, slowly. But when he looked up, he saw Justin, leaping from his fighter, lightsaber drawn. Fayde shot a well-aimed bolt at Justin, but Justin intercepted it, and the bolt hit Fayde squarely in the face. Fayde fell back...most certainly dead. But Justin stabbed him in the torso, anyway. Jenna brushed Justin with the Force. Justin cut off his lightsaber and turned to catch her in his arms. Initially after killing Fayde, Justin felt good. But now the realization of what he had done gripped his heart as tightly as Jenna gripped him now. Jenna...Jenna made all the guilt go away... -Justin
  20. "Eh...Good...night..." Justin had his usual bout with word as Jenna laid down. After a long moment, he made his way outside, and opened himself to the Force. He could feel Jenna, foremost. She was still awake, and quite active, mentally. Then, Justin broadened his senses and he began to feel the villagers. Finally, his suspicions were confirmed. Fayde was the one in the woods. He made his way back inside. He stood in the corner and stared at Jenna for a minute, the he reached out and touched her with the Force. She accepted it, almost greedily and sent a similar caress back. He sat down on the bed next to her. They stared at each other for a little while. Justin was trying to decide what he should do, Jenna was awaiting his decision. Finally he made it, he pulled his shirt off, and got into the bed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The next morning he was awoken by a disturbance in the Force. Jenna was having a nightmare...or maybe, she was seeing something deeper. Justin couldn't tell. It was suprisingly cold on this planet at night, and he hated to leave the warmth that Jenna's body provided next to him, but he felt the sudden urge to get out and walk. He came to a cliff, and he looked out to see the sunrise begin. So now, he was suppose to fulfill some ancient primitive people's prophecy, huh? He sure didn't feel like being a hero. The thought of Jenna was heavy on his shoulders, and so were the words of his master. He sighed heavily... -Justin
  21. Umm...sure...try theOtaku.com...^_^ -Justin
  22. Stackpole also wrote NJO Dark Tide I: Onslaught and NJO Dark Tid II: Ruin. I believe he also wrote I, Jedi, but I'm sure someone else can confirm that or deny it. -Justin
  23. If you have a problem, PM a Staff member. -Justin
  24. "It's coming from here. And near as I can tell, it's not very clear." Justin said, as he rose to the maximum height this sloping cockpit would allow. "So, you mean, that is we [i]could[/i] understand, we probably [i]couldn't[/i]." Jenna asked. "Something like that. I smell a certain bounty hunter..." "Can't you just let it be? It doesn't have anything to do with you." Jenna pleaded. "Jedi are the protectors of peace and justice in the gal--" "Oh please, I know the Mandate." Jenna stared at him for a moment,"So what do you intend to do?" "I'm going to go find them. I'll help if I can, and if it what I think it is, I can." Justin said as he folded his robe in half."And I'm going in the fighter." "You don't do to well at this..." She joked. "At what?" "At [i]trying[/i] to leave me behind." Jenna said confidently. "Who said that you're staying behind. You're going to fly the transport behind me. I'm flying the fighter in case Fayde decides to make himself known again." Justin said. "So, then, no rest for the Jedi?" Jenna smiled at him. "No. No rest. But if you're not up for it, you [i]can[/i] sta--" "Don't even try, flyboy." "Let's go then." Justin ran through the ship, and down the ramp. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I've got a small village or town on my scopes. I think it might be the folks who sent the signal." Justin said into his comm unit. "[i]I see them too. They're kinda primitive, it looks like.[/i]" Jenna responded. "Yeah. You land over there it that larger clearing. I'll land at the edge of the settlement. Meet me as soon as you can." Justin flipped off his comm unit for fear of a smart remark. She was a fiesty one, that's for sure. He landed his fighter exactly where he told Jenna he would. When he got out, he found a few people--of some kind--out picking through burned shelters and small amounts of reckage. Now would be a good time to have a translator, but he approached the most important [i]looking[/i] individual he saw. "Uh...I recieved a transmission from this area about an hour or so ago." The man studied Justin for a moment, then he went into one of the shelters. [i]Well that was polite.[/i] He said to himself. The number of people outside seemed to have doubled itself in the last few minutes. And all were staring at him; then, he heard a rustling in the bushes as Jenna came to meet him. Now, the people acted as if they didn't know who to focus more on, him or Jenna. "Nice people you've found here, Justin." Jenna said as she approached. "Yeah. Real polite." Justin attention was caught as the man he had spoken to a moment earlier reemerged, escort a much older looking man. The older man raised his hand into the air, and said something in his language. Immediately, the people surrounding went back to their normal routine. Then, the old man focused his icy gaze on Justin,"You are...a Skywalker?" Justin was slightly confused by the man's question,"I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean." "You come from the sky? A Skywalker?" The old man sat down on a wooden stool the younger man had brought for him. Justin thought for a moment, then answered the man as best he could,"Yes. I come from the sky." Justin made somewhat of a smile at the name the old man used for him. "Ah...heh ah ha!" The old man's ancient features seem to brighten almost immediately. He raised his hand and again said something in his native tongue, and all the people began to cheer. "You're mighty popular." Jenna said as she backed away from one of the locals who was feeling on her garment. "Uh...yeah." Justin gave Jenna the only look he could in a moment like this--confused. Again the old man raised a hand, and all noise ceased,"You must fight Firebringer." The old man said to Justin. "What's a Firebringer?" Justin said as he sat down on another wooden stool that was provided for him. Jenna was given a similar one. "Firebringer hides in the forest...sleep now, him. When bright sky-melon come, he ride on his fire bird, kill our people." The old man said sadly."Ride your fire bird, you. Fight Firebringer, you." The old man poked Justin with his staff. "Uh...ok." Justin responded. "Sleep now, you and you." The old man pointed at Justin, then at Jenna. Then he raised his hand, and said something in his language. Several men came out of various tents, and into one big tent. A few moments later, they came out again, picked up Justin's and Jenna's stools, and took them, with Justin and Jenna on them, into the tent. Then they left. "You have the strangest friends." Jenna said. "No kidding. I guess it won't hurt if we investigate this 'Firebringer' thing. But until then, I think they've set something up here." He gestured to a large table covered in food and drink, and a bed on the other side. -Justin
  25. Evangelion is among the most confusing works I've ever seen/read/whatever. I think that's what makes it so good. I think there is DEFINATELY a religous undercurrent of some kind in Evangelion, lol. -Justin
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