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I like a little of it every-now-and-then. But, unfortunately, this should be in the Music/TV subforum. AND there's already a topic about Punl ROck in there. So, I'll just close this for you, and you can go discuss Punk Music where no one will mind it. :) -Justin
Justin sensed her explosion of Dark Side energy, but he couldn't do anything about it right now. He could only protect her, and approaching Fayde with her eyes clouded by such rage would bring nothing but death to her. Justin cleared his mind. "Well, Justin, now we can relive our days on Coruscant and Corellies, eh?" Fayde said as he drew his blaster. "Sure." Justin bent at the knees, waiting for Fayde's attack, surprised Jenna hadn't made a move yet. [i]Please, Jenna, just calm down before you get yourself killed.[/i] He pleaded with her, then he raised his lightsaber and caught two shots from Fayde. Justin lept into the air and landed, lightsaber swing, practically on top of Fayde. Shots went whizzing everywhere, and a second later, Jenna had joined in. The auburn and turquoise blades slashed violently into the ever-dimming day. Fayde was a skilled warrior, and his armor took several blows from the Jedi's weapons without breaching. Though, none of his well-aimed shots got through the infernos of plasmatic fury swirling around him. He broke into a run. "Maybe some other time, Justin!" Fayde lept into his already lifting off ship, fired a few farewell shots, then streaked off into the night. Jenna and Justin were left standing there, in the middle of the night, trying to catch their breath."You used the Dark Side...you know that, right?" Justin said through his gasping. "I don't really think there is difference..." Jenna said as she sat down. "What?" "I'll explain when we get back to the ship." After a moment, both of them began walking back to the transport. Jenna slid her hand down Justin's arm and into his. Reluctantly he took it. "You smell absolutely fantastic." Jenna said sarcastically. "Hey, I'm not the only one." He smirked as he spoke."What did you mean, when you said that you don't see a difference?" "Well, I don't really see a difference in the Drak Side, and the Light Side. It's all the Force, I think it's just according to how you use it, or something." Jenna said. "That's dangerous stuff, Jenna. That's the kind of stuff that--" "That what?" Jenna protested his arguement. "Well...I don't know. I mean, look at historical figures like Exar Kun. Would you want to end up like him?" Justin pointed out. "Well, if that's what made me happy. But it's not. Besides, who say I'll end up like that? Master Yoda, eh? He says everyone will end up like that. He says you'll end up like that if you don't hold your lightsbaer right." Jenna said, jokingly. Justin sighed,"Listen, I like you. You know that. You practically rubbed my face in it. I'm only trying to look out for you." "I thought you said 'That won't happen again.' earlier." Jenna mocked. "Yeah, well, it hasn't. But that doesn't change the fact that I like you." Justin started turning red again. "It hasn't [i]yet[/i]." Jenna teased him. "If you say so..." Justin gave her a grin. Then, he stepped into the ship. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Well looky here, Gee Gee. It's a whole little village we can torture. That ought to crank Justin's cirvos, eh?" Fayde chuckled a little."But first, I rest. Lock her up for me, Gee." He said to his droid. "Of course, Fayde." The droid replied. -Justin
When Justin woke up, he was laying sideways on the cushioned booth that was used for eating and sleeping, with Jenna between him and the back of the booth. Both of them were completely naked. [i]Sith spit...[/i], he thought, [i]You've gone and done it now, Justin. Real good...[/i] He got up slowly so as not to disturb Jenna. He quietly put his clothes back on and walked outside to get a view of the planet. It was small, about 1/4 the size of Coruscant, by his estimate. And it was covered with a dry, arrid landscape. It wasn't like Tatooine, but it wasn't Mon Calamari, either. He hadn't scanned for any life-signs...he didn't care to right now. He still sensed that Fayde was alive...[i]That bastard doesn't know what 'die' means...[/i] Then, he felt a light touch with the Force and a pair of light, strong arms wrap around him from behind."Hey, Jenna." He said without turning around. "Hey yourself." She said, "You know, to be so rigid normally, you aren't half-bad..." She said as she looked around his arm to get a peak at his face. Rough, like it hadn't been shaved in several days. She liked that kind of look in a guy. "Thanks...I think." Justin said, looking down at her."I want you to know, though...that won't happen again. It was a mistake I can't afford to make twice." "And why not? Afraid you might like it?" "It's not that. It's just not good for Jedi to get too invol--" "Cut the Jedi fodder, Justin. I've seen you defy the Code since the moment we first met. Stop pretending...even though, it is cute watching you try to resist me." She cocked an eyebrow. Justin reached out and touched her face with his hand."[i]You must understand, if you allow her to get control of you, she will take you with her.[/i]" Justin remembered his master's words. He walked down the ship's ramp and onto the planet's surface. "What is it now?" Jenna demanded. "Nothing. I'll explain lat--" Justin was cut off by the sound of the Darkmoon roaring through the atmosphere and making a very rough landing several kilometers away. "I take it your buddy has brought the party planetside." Jenna remarked. "You'd be correct. Get in the ship. I'm going to go finish this..." "Wh--" Jenna started to protest. "Please, Jenna. Do this for me." Justin kissed her forehead and ran for his fighter,"I'll be back." [i]Heh...I'll just follow your ***. Treating me like I'm some helpless little girl...cocky bastard.[/i], Jenna thought to herself as Justin took off. -Justin
"So where did you send us?" Jenna asked. "Uh...well, it was kind of random." Justin said. " I had you going [i]that[/i] bad, huh?" Jenna couldn't help smiling. Justin held back a smile,"If you say so..." He looked at her and couldn't hold his smile back any more. Until an alarm went off to warn that another ship had come out of hyperspace behind them. "What is it?" Jenna said, slightly shocked. "Oh no...it's the Darkmoon." "What's that?" "That, melady, is Fayde." Justin said rubbing his face, which was in need of a shave."There is one fighter in the cargo bay of this transport, I secured in case this happened. But I don't think I can hold him off for long. You'll need to get down to the surface of that little planet, fast." "Oh no. You're not going out to fight and leaving me to be stranded on some random planet!" Jenna would've stood if she could, but the slanting cock-pit prevented that. "You won't be stranded. The Republic is very greedy about it's transports...they'll come for you if anything happens to me." "I won't stand for it!" Jenna screamed. "Fine," Justin put his arm on Jenna's neck and leaned over to her. He kissed her lightly,"I'm sorry." He had locked the controls on auto-pilot while he kissed her, and he was up and out of the door before she could do a thing. He darted down to the cargo bay and locked the ship up with a voice command. He rocketed out of the bay, and opened fire on Fayde. "Bastard!" Jenna stood and hit her head, knocking her out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Brave, Justin. Real brave." Fayde said as he sent a blue storm of ion bolts on Justin's fighter."A standard Z-47 Marksman against the Darkmoon. Heh heh" Justin rolled,"You're a poor shot, Fayde. Always were." Justin unleashed a fire-storm on Fayde's ship. Fayde's shields faltered for a moment. His main ship wasn't maneuverable enough to fight that small fighter. He decided to use his own...He gave control of the Darkmoon to his co-pilot, a droid called GG-68. In moments he was blasting out of his hanger bay."Heh...now we're even, Justin." "Good. You're still a bad shot, and you have weaker shields for me to demolish." Justin responded. Justin dove under fayde's firey charge and then came back over and rained laser-fire on him from behind. Fayde turned, hard, and unleashed one proton torp. That would kill Justin's shields and damage his hull. Then, he'd have a hard time our running Darkmoon's tractor beam. Justin saw the flash of light that was the torp. Instantly, he changed his vector and headed towards the Darkmoon. GG-68 responded by firing the ship's giant ion cannon. Justin rolled and took damage from the ion wake, however, the torp was destroyed and Fayde was disabled by his own ship. "Dammit!!" Fayde howled. "Ha ha! Better luck next time, Fayde. Wait there won't BE a next time..." Justin got Fayd'e fighter in his sites. Then, he mowed through it with heavy cannon-fire. He set his course to land next to his ship on the surface. Now, he had to face a truly worthy foe...Jenna."Oh boy..." -Justin
"You can't let her get to you, young one." Master Angelwalk said, talking to Justin in his dreams. "She's intoxicating." Justin responded. "Every man meets a woman who has that affect on him sometime in his life. We Jedi must learn to overcome it. Especially since she is a [b]known[/b] weilder of the Dark Side. You must understand, if you allow her to get control of you, she will take you with her." Angelwalk said. "I won't allow that to happen." Justins aid firmly. "That's what all young Jedi say in situations like this. I can't change your mind. Do what you know is right, Justin. That is all I can tell you. Goodbye." Angelwalk disapeared and Justin woke. He found the walls of the ship smeared in grease. "What the--" "I did some decorationg." Jenna smiled. "Eh...it's...interesting." Justin grimaced at the walls, but he soon came to the conclusion that it wasn't his ship, so he didn't care. He turned to face the window of the cockpit. He loved watching hyperspace fly by. It calmed his nerves in a way few things could. Then he felt a gentle pressure on his shoulder. He looked down and Jenna had locked arms with him and made use of his shoulder for a head-rest. He soon realised that his heart rate had sped up considerably, so he tried using the Force to calm it. However, Jenna sensed this and looked up at him...which sent his heart pounding again."Uh...I think I need to use the 'fresher." He said. "Justin, calm down. I won't bite, I promise." Jenna said, still holding onto his hand as he tried to pull away. "I know that; but this isn't right." Justin said. "Why not?" "Because, I'm [i]supposed[/i] to be turning you in right now. Instead, I'm here. In the middle of hyperspace, [i]with[/i] you." Justin replied. "And it's not so bad, is it?" Jenna tempted him. "No. But It's against the Co--" "Don't even talk about the Code, Justin. Don't you see: It's all that that prevents you from doing what you want, what you need." Jenna moved closer to him. "Uh..." Justin's infamous response... -Justin
"Hmmm...We have some dried Sith-fodder. I hate these Republic Issue Transports." Justin mumbled. "Just make it. I'd eat anything right about now." Jenna chimed. "Your call." Justin pulled the stuff out and put into a bowl with water. Then he put it over a food warmer in the cooking area."Let that warm while I take a trip to the 'fresher." "Make it quick, flyboy." Jenna shot back from the co-pilot's chair. "Yes, your majesty." Justin said sarcastically. Justin pulled off his robe and laid it across the rack next to Jenna's drying clothes. [i]She could've put them a little more out-of-the-way.[/i] Next he pulled off his shirt and pants until he naked in the shower...the water was a little warm at first, but he got used to it. He [i]was[/i] quick about his shower. He was back out in less than 10 minutes. He had left his shirt and robe in the refresher, and wore only his pants and boots."That felt pretty good." He said as he ran fingers through his damp hair."Food's ready, too." "You could've taken enough time to at least get the soap on you." Jenna answered. "Ok...I can go back, and you can wait longer." He said with a smile. "That's all right. So what if you smell a little?" She said as she slid into the booth in the eating area. She greedily took her soup and slurped it all down. "Eh...good?" Justin raised an eyebrow. "No. Do you have anymore?" She asked. "Yeah...sure." Justin handed her his bowl and took a seat as she gulped it down too. "What are you going to eat?" She asked, realising shehad eaten HIS soup and hers. "I guess I'll eat this." He said as he pulled a nutrient bar from the cabinet next to them. "Those are nasty, though." She protested. "Unless you wanna hurl mine back up for me, I'll make due." He laughed. He eyed Jenna as he ate. He admitted, to himself, she was very beautiful. But he'd never tell her that-- "You're beautiful." It slipped out anyway. He turned a very brilliant crimson immediately. She cocked her head and smiled,"That was a little blunt." she said, "Still, it's about time you came out and admitted it it." "All I said was 'You're beautiful.' Nothing more." He said, trying to cover himself. "Whatever you say, flyboy." She smiled as she said it. "Uhh...I'll go lay in a course. Then, I'm going to sleep..." He said as he swiftly made his way to the cockpit. "Oh yeah, where are we going, then?" "Uh...it's a surprise." Justin almost questioned himself, but in his embarrassment he had laid in a random course, once Jenna was seated, he punched it."Ok, g'night." "Goodnight." She smiled at him as she said it. She thought that driving him crazy was the most fun she'd ever had. Of course, she wasn't exactly immune to his charm, either. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I can't rely on anyone in this galaxy anymore..." Fayde said to himself."Good thing that dead bastard at least got a tracking beacon on Justin's ship. I guess I can try to follow him, wherever he's going." Fayde laid in a course that matched Justin's, and punched it. In his ship, the Darkmoon, there all the accomodations a bounty hunter with his accomplishments would be expected to have: An array of high-power weapons, specialized armor for various conditions, a large cargo bay for his captives, and even a small docking bay for his fighter, a modified F-90 Spitfire; and, of course, a small closet pack to the top with bricks of spice. He was deathly addicted to the stuff. He even had a small force of Battle Droids he bought on Geonosis. Justin was the only enemy that had ever evaded him for more than a few months. Fyade had to admit, once he turned Justin over to Exar Kun, he'd miss the long skirmishes he had had with the Jedi on the streets of Coruscant and Corellia. Justin had even left his mark on Fayde by 'removing' a bad leg for him, which was now replaced with a prosthetic. He almost thought about not turning Justin in and taking the price on his head..."Naa..." -Justin [color=deeppink][size=1]Sowwy to invade your post, but you accidentally double-typed the story in one post. Thought I'd edit it for you =)[/color][/size]
Justin was piloting their small transport. He had wanted to leave Coruscant fora long time, but now he had an excuse. Suddenly, only hours from Corellia, an all-too-familiar presence caught his attention...[i]Fayde[/i]. Fayde was at Gi's place. His smuggler 'friend' didn't seem to be hurt, which could mean only one thing: Gihad and Fayde and struck a deal. [i]Wake up, Jenna, plans have changed.[/i] He thought to his shipmate in the back. Jenna was nearly done with her meditatin. She had sorted all the confusions that Life had for her at that moment, when, suddenly, she got the sense that she was wanted in the cockpit. So she went."You called?" "Yeah. It looks like my plan to hang out on Corellia isn't going to go as planned. In fact, it ins't going to go at all. As you can see, I've already dropped out of hyperspace. ' He said, fiddling with some controls. "So what now?" Jenna's thought suddenly turned to Yavin. Surely Justin knew of it, but he probably didn't know how to get there, let alone want to go. [i]Yavin[/i]...she thought at him, anyway. Justin didn't get a name, but he saw pictures of the jungle moon and gas giant, Yavin. He knew all about it, because he spent countless days in the Temple playing with the Jedi Holocron, something he wasn't even supposed to know existed. He had always had an intrest in studying the Dark Side, and Yavin was a good place to do it. He caught a very cold sense from Jenna. He turned his up to her, and caught her smiling at him. "What?" he said, unable to hold back his own blushing smile. "You can decide where to go later. I don't think it'll hurt if we rest for a while and have dinner." Jenna said, still smiling. "Sure." Again, Justin demonstrated his uncanny way with words. "I'm gonna go take a quick shower and freshen up." Jenna said as she walked out, "Don't let me catch you peeking in on me." She joked. [i]Sounds like a good idea...[/i] He thought it to himself, but then quickly noticed Jenna turn around as though she had 'heard' it herself. His face turned a light shade of maroon once again. [i]Don't swet it so much, flyboy, I'm not one of your little goody-goody Jedi girls. I'm a different breed.[/i] She thought at him as she turned and headed down the tiny corridor. Justin turned his attention back to controlling the ship. Or rather, that was his excuse for not staring, anyway... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the shadows of his palace on Yavin 4, Exar Kun let out a maniacle, haunting, laugh. His quarry was on it's way--here! Finally, someone capable of bringing him--and the Sith Empire along with him--back to his former glory! All Exar Kun need do, was turn his target to the Dark Side. No problem, from what he knew about him. This would be all too easy... -Justin
"So who are we going to stay with. No Jedi, I hope..." Jenna said, hardly paying attention to Justin's driving as she stared at him. "Nope. Do I look like I want to get kicked out of the Jedi Order to you?" He said rhetorically. "Well, you don't seem like you'd mind." She shot him a smile as he looked at her, and smiled back."Keep your eye on traffic, flyboy." She said pointing a a very large cargo-carrier coming in front of them. Justin stopped the speeder immediatly and wrenched himself forward. Jenna used the Force to stop her from going forward."Smooth move." She laughed openly. "S--sorry." Justin stuttered. "You're talent for words is uncanny." She said. He looked up, embarrassed, but he was calmed by her smile."Yeah...well, I think all the people might like it if I got going." People whizzed by, cursing. While Justin was distracted, Jenna gave one of them a slight nudge with the Force that sent him flying into another."Sith spit!" Justin said,"It sucks to be them." "Shouldn't you rush to their aid, like any good Jedi?" She said, heavy on the sarcasm. "Nah...the local med droids are already there, see?" "Uhh huh. Whatever you say, mister Jedi." "Bah. We're staying with a smuggler, actually. His name is Gihad. He's a Corellian." Justin said, eyeing traffic. "I have a bad feeling about this." Jenna said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Remember, I'm paying you too well to **** this up, Gi. Don't disapoint me. Someone has big money for his and her head, I plan to get it." A short man dressed in battle armor told the strong, bushy haired Corellian. "You bet, pal." Gi said,"I'm in it for the money. I expect to be well-paid." "If money is all you care about, that is what you'll recieve." The man said solemly as he left Gi's apartment. [i]Don't come here, kid. I need this money too much to turn it down. Please, don't come here.[/i] Gihad thought. -Justin
I moved it to Introduction. Where it belongs... -Justin
I'll do that for you, Jenna. Vector Prime Dark Tide I: Onslaught Dark Tide II:Ruin Agents of Choas I: Hero's Trial Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse Balance Point Recovery Edge of Victory I: Conquest Edge of Victory II: Rebirth...*holds back a HUGE spoiler on this one* Star by Star...*cries* Dark Journey...*cries for Jaina* That's as far as I've gotten. If you find any newer ones, please tell me. All of these are really good. I think you'll enjoy them. :) And Boba, if you plan to skip the whole NJO series, you'll be VERY lost whenever they start making new ones. I do mean "VERY"... -Justin
This topic is somewhat teetering. I'd like to see it brought back immediately. -Justin
And if any Neo-thimoc terrorists try to hijack the plane and hold you hostage for ransom, you be sure to report them to me. :) -Justin
"Take this to the target's quarters. All you have to do is: Break the door, activate it with this button here, and throw it in. YOu don't even have to seal the door behind you." A cloaked Fayde said to a younger bounty hunter as he handed the youngster a small, spherical device. "Air-born toxins?" The young questioned. "Does it matter? You'll be paid well for your delivery." Fayde answered calmly. "I'd just like to know [i]what[/i] I'm carrying." Fayde had had enough. He hated younger, less experienced hunter as it was. He didn't care to take any back-talk from this one. He pulled out the serated Claw of Danthomir, a beautifully crafted knife from a planet in the Hapes Cluster, and shoved it, violently, through the man's gullet.[i] I'll do this myself...[/i], he thought. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "My concerns fall to a planet called Yavin." A tall man, clad in Jedi robes, said. "Share your feelings, I do." Master Yoda said back at him. "A dark shadow seems to be forming there, It's small now...but will it remain that way?" The tall man asked rhetorically. "Whether it remains small or not, it must still be dealt with." Another Jedi said from an opposite side of the circular Jedi Council. "Agree with you, Master Fein' La, I do. And quickly, we must act. Many years has it been since evil of this magnitude, I sensed." Yoda said. "Could it be a Sith Lord?" A voice asked. "I do not think so. I fear this is a far more ancient power than a mere Darth. Besides, this power, I feel, has been there for ages. Right beneath our noses." The tall man said. "Yui Windu, surely you do not think that we could have missed soemthing like this for so long?" Another councilor spoke up. "The Dark Side is often hard to see. Even for a room full of Jedi Masters." Yui responded. "Mm. Hard to see the Dark Side is." Yoda echoed. "I also sense a danger surrounding young Master Justin." Yui said."I fear that he may be slipping a little more each day. Maybe even without realising it." "Effected him deeply, the loss of his master did." Yoda said. "Talk with him, I will." "What of the rogue, Jenna?" A short blue Jedi asked. "Justin is [i]supposed[/i] to be tracking her. However, I sense his job of tracking has turned into a job of [i]protection[/i]." Master Yui Windu said as his gaze turned down to Yoda. "Hiding something, he is. But keeping a known wielder of the Dark Side, he is not." Yoda defended Justin as best he could against the criticizing blows of his superior. Yoda was only 556 years old--middle-aged for his race, but his talent for the Force was already clear and sharpened. "I fear that we shall soon see." Master Windu said turning away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Justin's apartment. Finally, I will end this fued." Fayde said as he approached Justin's door. It was broad-daylight, but he didn't care. no one would finding anything for several days. He found that the door was already damaged, and easily opened. He activated the device and through it through the door. Then, he walked away, trying to supress his absolute glee at finally destroying his foe. However, deep inside, he knew that Justin couldn't have been [i]that[/i] easy to kill. But he shrugged that feeling off so that he could savor the moment. -Justin
Oh, she's not new at this. She's been doing this for QUITE some time, I can assure you... -Justin
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B] [color=royalblue] Haha! And you say you are into punk. Green Day is the godfather of punk! Okay, not really, but they are one of the most famous and talented punk bands...you don't like punk. Take it back! Take it back I say!! :flaming: [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I'm sorry, and I hate to get into this whole punk dispute, but Greenday is not punk. They used to be punk, but now they've gone too far mainstream. The same goes for Blink182... -Justin
Tyson WAS a talented fighter until he turned into a punk, in my opinion. -Justin
"Heh...I get the feeling that you taking care of me could very well be the death of me." Justin said with a joking smile. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I want the job done quickly, master Fayde, or I might just have to get angry." the hooded man said in an angry tone. "Bunta forbid..." Fayde said sarcastically. "You'll watch your tongue in my presence, or I'll get someone else to do this job!" "There IS no one else capable!" Fayde said. "Not even your henchmen could do it. With all there big Force tricks. The bottom line is: You need someone who can get the job done. That's why you picked me, Exar Kun. If you're so great and powerful, why don't you get them yourself?" Fayde said as he turned away. "You know why, Fayde. I've gone over it before. I won't go over it agian. You'll do what I asked of you, or you'll die. That simple. Goodbye." With that, the cowled figure disapeared. "Bastard..." Fayde stalked away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eh...sorry it was so short...I'm pressed for time... -Justin
I say, let them call themselves what they want. It's their business if they want to be known as a anerd/geek/dork/what have you. -Justin
Dark Tide I is a good book. If memory serves, you're in for quite a surprise somewhere in that book. Though, it may be Dark Tide II I'm thinking of... -Justin
It's clear to me that no one can answer several of my questions. So, i'll present the answers here. 1) What planet does Jedi Padawan Tenel Ka hail from? Danthomir 2) What color is Jacen Solo's lightsaber? green 3) What are the two main components of a lightsaber? A focusing crystal and a power source 4) Who is Zekk? A street kid from Coruscant who turned to the Dark Side. 5) What planet is Brakiss from? Msst 6) What did Tenel Ka use to construct the casing of her first lightsaber? A rancor tooth 7) Where were the Solo twins first trained with lightsabers? In the Shadow Academy 8) Name three of Luke Skywalker's original class at the Jedi Academy. Gantoris, Brakiss, Corran Horn. 9) What was Corran Horn's astromech droids ID #? R2-D4 10) What color is Lowbacca's first lightsbaer? Golden-yellow -Justin
I think it's time for this topic to be locked, as well. But I'll give you all a chance to get it back on track. We all know how much of a jerk I am. :) -Justin
if you won 10000 dollars...what would you buy first?
Justin replied to Raquel's topic in General Discussion
I'd pay someone to go around to everyone's house that is using all CAPS, and hit the Caps Lock button for them. -Justin -
I haven't seen many people trying to tackle my quizzy yet...am I THAT good? -Justin