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Everything posted by Justin

  1. I think this RPG needs to get back under control. Resolve your issues via PMs. -Justin
  2. Jenna trotted over to Justin's near-dead body as she tried to think of something to do. She couldn't take him him to the Temple, because they would capture HER. She had to go to a hospital of some kind. Jenna attempted to half carry him on her shoulder's but he was too big. She used the Force to lift him to his cruiser, instead. Then she got in and started up the controls. "Ugh...I told you not to get involved!" She yelled at Justin's body. However, when she saw his helpless body he expression changed,"Nevermind." She started the repulsorlifts and they were off. Despite the fact that it was the middle of the night, Coruscant's traffic was still as heavy as ever, but at least Jenna knew where sne was going. Master Kada Public Hospital. Jenna had recieved treatment there once for a blaster-wound to the leg. Now their patient would be a little more critical. She looked over at Justin again."Hang in there." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I was too arrogant! I made a fool of myself." Justin screamed inside his mind. "You're right. I watched you the whole time. You made [i]quite[/i] a fool out of yourself, young one." Angelwalk replied. "Then why didn't you help me?" Justin asked. "Because, it wasn't my place to." "Then who's place was it." Justin asked with frustration "I told you nothing good would come of you letting her stay." This reply frustrated Justin further. "Not now, Master!" Justin screamed. "You still have much to learn, Justin. Jedi Knight you are, Jedi Master, you are not. Do not forget who you are speaking to." Angelwalk cautioned. "Look, look, Justin. Time to wake up." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Justin's eyes cracked open, and he heard all the familiar sounds of a hospital. He looked down to see the wound in his torso had been neatly wrapped. And then he looked over to his window and saw Jenna staring out at the sun coming up. "Hey." Justin said weakly. Jenna turned around, "Ah, you're awake. How are you feeling?" "Like I just got hit by a Star Destroyer." Justin said with a smile. Jenna walked over to him and put her hand on his. There was a brief moment over relief then,"Why the hell did you get involved?!" With that, Jenna slapped him. "I...I..." Justin could come to no answer through his shock. "Nevermind. Just be glad I decided to be a good sumaritan this time." Jenna said. The she went back to her position at the window. "Sorry." Justin said with obvious confusion. Jenna just look at him from the corner of her eyes as he rolled over and went to sleep. -Justin
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Which part was correct? Is it just plain "Whistler" and no ID# is known? Or is it really R2-D4 which I completely pulled out of thin air?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I [i]know[/i] Whistler is correct. And I'm [i]almost certain[/i] that R2-D4 is correct....but I would better to check my books and make absolute sure before I say 'yes'. :)
  4. ^_^;;...I can't tell you if there can be another character. This isn't exactly supposed to be an RPG, or even anything like it. It's suppose to be a co-written story. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Justin looked on as the two Dark Jedi sprang on Jenna. She was quickly overwhelmed in spite of her obvious skill. He decided he'd help, even if Jenna didn't want it. He used the force to raise one of his chairs off the ground, then he hurled it at one of the attackers. Because he was so keen on fighting Jenna, he caught the full force of the blow. Once he was safely clear of Jenna and the other man, Justin pounced on him, and engaged him in a duel. "Lovely friends you have here, Jenna." Justin said as he continued to fight his opponent. "You shouldn't get involved, Justin!" Jenna said. "I'm afraid it's too late for that, melady!" Justin announced as he pulled a back flip to confuse his attacker. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Sense a diturbance in the Force, I do." Yoda said quietly to himself."Near-by, the Dark Side is." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As Justin continued to fight he began to get cocky and arrogant. But in doing so, he failed to realize that he was being back into a wall. He bumped into it and his attention was diverted just long enough for his opponent to stab him in the torso. He fell with a cry into a cold slump on the cold floor. -Justin
  5. Well, as I've read any random crystal will work for focusing the beam. But certain ones(such as Corusca crystals) are more saught after than others. Jaina Solo made her lightsaber from a synthetic crystal, but I've never heard of that as being specifically a Sith or Jedi thing. I think it's all up to the one who is building the saber. -Justin
  6. "We can just dump them here. They'll blend right in with the filth on this side of the city." Justin said. "You don't have a high opinion of Coruscant, do you?" Jenna asked as she released the body. "It looks better when you're approaching it from space..." Justin answered. "Where are you from, anyway?" Jenna asked. "Well, I was born here...but I was--for the brief time I was with my family--raised on one of the moons of Alderaan." Justin said. "Heh...and some good ole' Jedi took you under his wing at a young age, eh?" Jenna said. "Pretty much." "Typical...All Jedi are arrogant. Even female ones..." Jenna said. "What's with you and that bounty hunter?" "Fayde? He's an old 'friend' of mine." Justin said sarcastically,"It's kind of personal." "I could just probe your mind." Jenna said with a playful grin. "No, you couldn't." Justin said as he reentered his apartment. He walked to one of the chairs, and sat down. Jenna followed him in, but she sat behind him on the pallet. "You see what I mean? You're a Jedi, and a man...that makes your arrogance twice as bad." Jenna said. "If you say so..." Justin said. He closed his eyes and began to meditate. Though she found his actions rude, Jenna chose not to bother him. He clearly had something heavy on his shoulders, and he was being an *******. She decided to let him get over both. She laid down for a quick nap. In the solitude of his meditation, Justin could converse with his former master, Jake Angelwalk. Jake had met his death at the hands of Fayde 4 years ago on the planet Nal Hutta. Justin often spoke freely with his master, as he would a friend, but occasionally he brought matters of some weight to his mentor. "She's just...I really can't explain it." Justin said. "Of course you can't. It happens to all love-struck young men. Concentrate, Justin. Remember, she is no longer a member of the Jedi Order. This makes any relationship absolutely out of the question." Angelwalk answered. "What would you have done, my Master?" Justin asked. "I like to think I'd have turned her in. But then, I wasn't in your position. She's not wholly evil, from what you tell me, but surely you can't see any good of her going free. People who become consumed by the Dark Side are incapable of love and affection. Turn her in, Justin. It is the only way to avoid both personal suffering, and the suffering of others." Angelwalk concluded. "Yes, Master. However, I sense that more than just she is at work here. I sense something darker. I don't think she knows, but I think she may be a mere puppet for a larger evil. Independant as she is...I feel she is serving someone else's ends. Intentionally or not." Justin said. "There is always a shadow looming in every corner. That's why the Force is never fully in balance. The Dark Side [i]has[/i] someone to cling to. Or maybe it's only feeding off the collected actions of many, either way...it's hard to defeat it. It may be the Dark Side's [i]attraction[/i] to her that you sense, young one, and not an actual being behind it all." Angelwalk said with his profound wisdom. "I will take your advice into account, my Master. But I'm afraid I must go. I have business off-planet." Justin said. "Very well. I'll not hold you any longer. Goodbye." With that, Jake disappeared from Justin's sight, and Justin awoke. Immediately he sensed danger and he ignited his lightsaber. It's glow filled the now dark room. Behind him Jenna was asleep, and Justin sensed that she was not faking it. Where, he wondered, could the danger be. He stretched out with the Force, and scanned the room beyond his view. He sensed that everything was normal...but something caught his attention. He sensed a very small--minute, even--sliver of metal hovering in the room between him and Jenna...it was a Assasin Droid of some kind. He could sense the circuitry inside it's tiny shell. He could even sense the poison in it's tip...which was pointed right at Jenna."This woman has too many enemies." He thought to himself. He piveted on his foot and cut the droid down with his lightsaber. The small thing was entirely consumed by the blade. Suddenly, the door to his apartment flung open, and two cloaked men stepped in. Both ignited emerald-green lightsabers... -Justin
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]Answers (I hope) 1) Danthomir 2) blue 3) the crystal and the power scource 4) a street urchin who turned to the dark side 5) ?, Coruscant? 6) ?, perhaps metal :laugh: 7) At the Jedi Academy 8) Streen, Dorsk 81, Kyp Durron 9) ???????? 10) green [/B][/QUOTE] 1) Correct 2) wrong 3) Correct 4) Correct 5) Wrong 6) Wrong 7) Wrong 8) Good enough 9) I [b]believe[/b] Jenna has this one. 10) Wrong There you have it...there are still a few more to answer. Oh..and Windu isn't the only with a purple lightsaber. Jaina Solo's saber was also purple. And the thing that determines the color of the blade is the color of the crystal used in it's construction. At least, that is how it's been in every novel I've seen it explained. -Justin
  8. "Curious." Justin said eyeing his door from the walkway. He approached his foor with caution. What he saw inside made him want hit something. "I thought I told you NOT to open the door for anyone but me!" He said to Jenna. "I didn't. They [i]let[/i] themselves in." She said pointing to the door. "Did you find anything out from them before you killed them both?" He asked eyeing the two dead bodies, one he thought was still alive. "Yes. It seems your buddy isn't quite dead yet. And you seemed so powerful too..." She said with a teasing tone. "I knew he wasn't dead. At times I wonder if he CAN be killed." "Well...he sent these two after you apparantly." She said. "I doubt he would've paid them if the HAD caught me. You didn't quite finish that one off." He pointed to the body slump on the floor in front of Jenna. "Allow me." Justin ignited his saber and thrust it's auburn blade through the thug's neck. "You're not the Jedi you pretend to be." Jenna said. "What's that suppose to mean?" "I mean that you act all proper and ****, like you're dead set to follow the Code, but you're as quick to kill as...[i]me[/i]." "I never said I was the purest Jedi ever," Justin said,"but I don't commit cold-blooded murder, either." He finished. "What does that mean!?" Jenna stood in protest. She felt insulted, though she knows she has done what Justin accused her of. "I sense the Dark Side in you. Too much of it, for my comfort." Justin responded. "So you [i]are[/i] going to take me to the Council?" She said with an amused smile. "I don't know. They will kill you if you won't return to the Jedi Order. That or they'll throw you in prison." "I don't think you'll take me to the Council. You've been infatuated with me since you first laid eyes on me." Jenna said confidently. "You're flattering yourself." Justin said in an angry tone. "Oh really?" Jenna said. "Yeah, really." Justin turned and looked down at her. "I can tell when a guy is into me." She said. "I'll bet you can..." Justin said, sarcastically. -Justn
  9. "Master Dupree, do you know the wherebaouts of Master Yoda?" Justin asked the tall man clad in Jedi robes. "Yes, Justin, I do. In fact, I just left him. He's training the younglings in the remote room." The man responded. "Thank you." Justin said as he started off. Justin turned the corner, and then slowed down so as to approach Master Yoda with respect and dignity. "Master Yoda." "Younglings, younglings...a visitor we have." Master Yoda addressed his class of young Padawans. "Say hello to Master Justin." "Hello, Master Justin." The class said in unison. Justin nodded at the class then proceeded to talk with Yoda. "Master, I've come across a vergence in the Force." "A vergence, you say? Our missing Jedi, is it?" Yoda asked. Justin stopped to consider whether or not he should tell Yoda about finding Jenna. He couldn't understand why he found himself at conflict. But his master had always taught him to settle all enternal conflicts before presenting himself before any audience. "No, Master, I'm afraid I have not found Jenna." Yoda pused at Justin's answer. "Sure, you are, that found her you have not?" Yoda asked with prying eyes. "Yes, Master Yoda. But I'll keep you informed." "Then why consulted me, have you?" Yoda said as they continued to walk. "I wanted council on my...problem with a bounty hunter." Justin tried hard to cover up his secret. "Fayde, you mean?" Yoda said. "Yes.He's becoming a serious problem for me." Justin said. "Follow your training, you must. Allow your rage to get control, you must not." Yoda said wisely. "Thank you, Master Yoda." he said as she walked away. Once he was away from Master Yoda Justin let out a sigh of relief. He had no idea why he couldn't bring himself to tell Yoda who was hiding in his apartment. He decided to meditate on the issue. -Justin
  10. If you really want my advice on how to get revenge: Have the dog checked out if it dies. If the surgeons can find the cause of death, beat your neighbors the legal way. They'll suffer more in the end if you do it that way. -Justin
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]My heart belongs to Justin...and only Justin :smooch: He's such a :devil:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] lol...You never fail to bring a smile to face when I need it most. :) That's right guys...She's all mine! :devil: -Justin
  12. I like to see Dark Empire go on film sooner than I'd like to see the Thrawn Trilogy. I think it was kind of cool when Luke turned to the dark side. But anyway, to the point of my visiting this topic: RANDOM QUIZZY!!!! 1) What planet does Jedi Padawan Tenel Ka hail from? 2) What color is Jacen Solo's lightsaber? 3) What are the two main components of a lightsaber? 4) Who is Zekk? 5) What planet is Brakiss from? 6) What did Tenel Ka use to construct the casing of her first lightsaber? 7) Where were the Solo twins first trained with lightsabers? 8) Name three of Luke Skywalker's original class at the Jedi Academy. 9) What was Corran Horn's astromech droids ID #? 10) What color is Lowbacca's first lightsbaer? -Justin
  13. "Then where are we going?" Jenna asked. "Right now...we're headed to my apartment. I'm going to drop you off there. You can stay if you like, or you are free to go about your business." Justin said as he looked back and forth between Jenna and traffic. "Why, after all that work, are you just letting me go?" Jenna asked. "I have my reasons." "Something personal? Tell me, who trained you?" Jenna asked. "Yes. And my master was Jake Angelwalk." Justin replied. "Oh..." "And yours?" Justin asked. "Heh...mine was Yoda himself." Jenna responded. "That's almost funny..." Justin grinned with amusement. "What?" Jenna questioned, trying to decide whether to take the comment offensively. "That one of Master Yoda's students would go rogue." Justin responded as he turned his full gaze upon Jenna. "Well--" Jenna was cut off. "We're hear." Justin said, "are you planning on staying at my place or should I just let you out and keep going?" Jenna stopped for a moment to consider, "I guess I'll stay here for a while" she said...."[i]Or at least until my arm stops throbbing.[/i]" she thought. Justin looked at her with a slight smirk on his face, "Alright...here's the key. Try not to wreck the place." Justin said as he tossed Jenna to keycard to his apartment. "Ok..." Jenna said. "Oh...and Jenna...if anyone comes to the door other than me, [b]don't[/b] open the door." Justin warned. "Sure." Jenna said. "I'll be back shortly. If you decide to leave before I return, please leave the keycard on my counter. It's really expensive to buy another one. Goodbye." Justin closed the door to his cruiser and drove off. -Justin
  14. ANYONE who has the courage to die for others is a hero. And I spit on anyone who says otherwise. I think that America's involvment in Vietnam was stupid, but the men who died in the war are heros, nonetheless. The same goes for the ANZACs. Now, for those who say that the men who gave up their lives were stupid and ridiculous, consider this: You're(whether you like it or not) forced to fight overwhelming odds, and SOMEHOW you survive. But when you return home, after having seen so many of your comrades fall in blood and chaos, you are spat upon for having 'wasted your time'...if you can honestly imagine that scenario and not feel robbed, then congratulations--you're not human. -Justin
  15. Well, I hate to be mean...I really am sorry for you...but 15 is VERY old for a dog. I'm sure you'd rather have him pass than have him live in suffering. Again, I'm sorry for you. -Justin
  16. Justin's eyes narrowed even further, "Fayde..." "That's right, Jedi. I'm harder to kill than that!" The thinly built man said. "But you know what, Jedi? I'm not going to kill you just yet. It seems you've done the job I wanted you to do, you've found my quarry, after all." "You mean you're working for a bounty hunter?" Jenna asked of Justin. "Not exactly..." Justin said. "Maybe you're not as powerful as I thought..." Jenna remarked. "Stop bickering!" Fayde said. "I haven't killed in 3 days now...I'm getting anxious...and the bounty for you is as much dead as alive, Jenna. Say goobye to your little lover, Justin." Fayde said as 4 little needles fired from his leg armor. Jenna caught 3 of them with her lightsaber, who's light now mixed with the light from Justin's. However, the 4th dart caught her in the arm...much to Fayde's delight. "You see Justin...Jedi aren't as hard to kill as they seem." Justin looked down at Jenna where she lay and a sudden wave of rage came over him. Fayde was someone who had long tormented Justin and now he had killed a fellow(though, rogue) Jedi. "You'll pay for that, Fayde." Justin said through his teeth. "And I suppose you're the one who's going to make me?" Fayde said, implying a challenge. "I suppose so." Justin said. Then Fayde found himself pinned beneath Justin's boot. "What the hell?!" "Die, Fayde." Justin said. Just as Fayde thought he would feel Justin's lightsaber stab through his forehead he found himself being raised into the air. He looked around and saw that Justin had not moved from Jenna's side. "How did you--" "You're easily fooled, Fayde. That was a mind trick. THIS is real!" Justin said. Then Fayde was crushed by the invisible force that held him aloft. Justin lowered his hand and then looked down to Jenna. He picked her up into his arms and began running down the street with her sheltered in his cloak. -Justin
  17. The two men walked swiftly through the dingy streets of lower Coruscant. "Do you sense my quarry, Master Jedi?" one of the men said. "No, Fayde...I don't." Justin said. "Try harder!" Fayde said as he pressed the blaster deeper into Justin's back. Suddenly, Justin did a complete backflip behind Fayde and took his lighsaber from Fayde's belt. Then, he ignited it and the orange light filled the area. "You're not as good as you think, Fayde." Justin said just before he stabbed his adversary through the chest. Justin turned off his lightsaber and tucked it underneath his black cloak. Then he continued to walk through the dark street. He came upon a foul stench and some dead life-form in the street, but he already knew exactly who's handy-work that was. It was the work of a rogue Jedi(much like he was becoming) named 'Jenna'. Justin thought that that was an awfully feminine name for someone who was supposed to be the largest threat to the Jedi Order since Darth Vile over 1500 years ago. He figured that he would meet this man somewhere here on the capital soon enough if he followed the trail that Fayde had found for him. However, he sensed that there was something deeper than just a rogue Jedi at work here. And he sensed that Master Yoda knew of this, but was not telling anyone. "You're a long way from the Jedi Temple." a beautiful young girl said as she stepped out from the shadows. Justin turned to face the person who was addressing him and found himself in awe at her beauty. "Uh..uh..." Justin stuttered as he tried to regain his calm. -Justin
  18. I want to see the rest of this story, CWB. I advise you post it... :devil: :devil: :devil: -Justin
  19. I somehow doubt that either side would launch a nuclear strike on a country right next door to them. I [b]hope[/b] people aren't that stupid. Either way, India and Pakistan are like Palestine and Isreal: It's going to happen whether the rest of the world likes it or not. They'll fight eventually, but I don't expect to see WWIII [b]or[/b] a nuclear strike of any kind when that happens. But if there were a danger of nuclear strike, I would like to see George W. try to avert the threat with military force if need be. Even if it meant war with one or both of the threatening countries. We(the US and all Allied Nations) simply should not allow a nuclear war to take place. -Justin
  20. I take a blend of styles called 'Taiji'...I've studied a few others loosely(Kung Fu, and Tai Chi) but I mostly stick with what I'm good at. -Justin
  21. [i]Greygg landed his ship in the hanger. Upon getting out he realised how much he hated these spaceports. Then his attention went to a more important matter. Nal Hutta was such a filthy place. Of course, it was run by the Hutts...so, what can you expect?[/i] Tech Droid: May I help you sir? Greygg: Where can I find a deep core runner? Tech Droid: I'm sorry, sir. The Hutts no longer engage in trade with Imperial planets in the Deep Core. Deep Core runs are illegal. [i]Greygg ignited his lightsaber and cut the droid asunder.[/i] Greygg: I hate droids anyway... [i]Greygg made his way to a near-by cantina where he hoped to find a smuggler or someone who might know someone.[/i] Greygg: Give me a Rodian Blue on the rocks with Corellian nut-cakes. Bartender: 'Essir. Peddler: Wanna buy some deathsticks? Greygg: You don't want to sell me deathsticks. Peddler: I don't want to sell you deathsticks. Greygg: You want to go home and re-think your life. Peddler: I want to go home and re-think my life... (lol) [i]The bartender brought Greygg his drink and his food.[/i] Bartender: That'll be 10 wuppie-wuppie. Greygg: You don't need money. Bartender: I don't need money. Greygg: You want to bring me an entire pitcher of this drink and you want to tell me who that man in the corner is. [i]the Bartender hands Greygg a pitcher of Rodian Blue[/i] Bartender: That guy is Maco, I hear. A Deep Core runner. Greygg: Really? Bartender: 'Essir. Greygg: Your ale is flat. [i]Greygg walked over and took a seat at Maco's table. Maco looked sourly up from his dinner.[/i] Maco: Can I help you with something? -Justin
  22. Justin


    I disagree. Life has meaning. You have to find the things that bring you joy. For me, it IS the simple things. I would just as soon sit on my porch and listen to the crickets at night as I would go on a safari or something special. Sure, it can seem(or even be) futile at times, but you have to try to live your life and enjoy living it. If you leave your mark on society in the process--good for you. As for an afterlife, the existance or non-existance of that is disputable. But that is a whole other topic. -Justin
  23. Greygg: Nal Hutta...the capital of the Hutt's financial empire... [i]Greygg flew right in through the planet's atmosphere. This surprised him, as he had heard that Nal Hutta's security was among the tightest in the Galaxy.[/i] Greygg: No patrols. No planetary defense. No anything. There's a spaceport. [i]Filed into the circling crowd of ships waiting to land.[/i] Greygg: I guess spaceports are the same all over...I don't have any connections here, so finding a deep core runner will be difficult...though, I'm sure someone will do it with the right motivations. [i]Greygg rubbed his hand over his lightsaber and smiled an evil smile.[/i] Spaceport: [b]You may land now. Hanger B-415.[/b] Greygg: Thank you. -Justin
  24. [i]Greygg flew through hyperspace in his modified TIE-Advanced. He still had a day or two before he arrived at Nal Hutta so he emersed himself in deep meditation. In this state he was able to sort the confusion of life. Greygg had always lived by an ancient proverb which he had tatooed in an ancient language on his upper-arm:[/i] [b]In light there is security. In darkness there is safe passage. In rage there is vulnerability. In calm, invincibility. In life there is confusion. In meditation, time to sort it. In pain there is pleasure. In pleasure there is loss of self. In the serpent that swallows his tail there is eternity. In the serpent who cannot find his tail, an end to his beginning. To fail is to fall. To believe in what one is capable of is to have victory and honour.[/b] [i]Greygg couldn't take the visions and images that haunted his meditation any longer. He broke it. With a deep breath he clutched his lightsaber and felt the smooth cylinder that was it's handle.[/i] Greygg: Heh...Brakiss... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]In his mind Brakiss heard the voice of his friend, Greygg.[/i] Brakiss: Yes? Greygg: [b]Do you sense this power that Master Kueller speaks of?[/b] Brakiss: No. But I do sense [i]something[/i] where you are headed. Be wary. [i]Something[/i] IS there. Greygg: [b]I know. I have encountered things you wouldn't believe in my meditation.[/b] Brakiss: I do not doubt it. Greygg: Farewell, my friend. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Greygg broke the conversation. Then he sighed, and fell into a deep sleep.[/i] -Justin
  25. And again the idiocyof the people of this planet continues to amaze me...I hate people like that...I really, [i]really[/i] hate them... Palpatine is white! I'm filing a suit!!! -Justin
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