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Everything posted by Justin

  1. Well, I guess you could say something like that happened to me. My best friend(though, he wasn't at the time) saved my life(or at the very least a good pair of boxers) once about 6 years ago. It was actually pretty brave of him. I doubt I would've done the same considering the situation. -Justin
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] they wouldn't because they're not trying to show it on a kiddies channel :cross: [/B][/QUOTE] Thank goodness... I think America's obsession with not offending religous organization often goes too far. In this case its just rediculous. Thankfully I don't have to count on CN for my anime... -Justin
  3. I remember watching a few episodes a few years back. It seemed a little weird to me. The only people I can really remember are the boy and girl that kept talking about how they got married at some kind of fair. Or maybe I'm confusing that with something else :drunk: -Justin
  4. Does it really matter? I mean not that its all that hard to tell anyway, but just watch before the fight or wait until the fight is over with and I'm sure the answer to your question will become even more obvious than it already is. -Justin
  5. Well, first of all, welcome to Otaku :) But, advertising is only allowed in your signature. Thread Locked -Justin
  6. I really think that everyone should just drop everything and head down to Panama City. That place is UNBEATABLE for Spring Break fun within the US borders. I make the trip every year! *Runs off somewhere dancing wildly and exclaiming "Happy-happy-joy-joy!" over and over again* -Justin
  7. "Commander-present!" sounded a sgt. at the head of lines and lines of men. "As you were Sgt. Yohan." Gordon muttered to the sgt. "At-ease!" Sgt. Yohan called out. Then Gordon turned up to address the awe-struck men."Brothers!" he started, "Now doubt you have read the files on me. You know that on paper I am Lt. General Gordon Jennings. However, you all also know that to be the biggest load of bullshit you've ever read!" he smiled."You all know perfectly well who I am; and you all know perfectly well why I've come to you the way I have: We're on the brink of Civil War. But, that is all but irrelevant to why you're all standing here. You're all here because I've found a perfect opportunity to invade the Fukowlong home-world. This mission is strictly voluntary. But know this: The Seven will be awaiting any of us who return. There will not only be one battle for whoever goes but there will be one...[i]and[/i] a war waiting when we get back. If you are with me, your General Alexander Meridius Fitch, then I ask that you file into this transport here. If you are not. Then this meeting never happened." Gordon finished his short dictation and stepped down. Slowly men began approaching the transport. One at a time at first...then they gradually began coming in by the rows. "This is it, Alex." Yohan said to Gordon. "Yes, it is. Upon our return to Bismin, we'll set up a new regime. This planet will no longer be dominated by the Seven Families nor will power go to the Seven Clans. The People will run this planet, and so, run this galaxy." Gordon finished. Then the two boarded the space-craft." "Hurry, Sethi!" Lidan shouted a whisper to Sethi. "I think this is it." "This is Danser's Peak. And this is the only space-transport on it." "That cabbie was quick. Even moving through these mountains." Lidan said. "Yeah...cabbies are insane sometimes. but, let's go ahead and sneak on." With that, Sethi and Lidan stuck on-board. -Justin
  8. "If you refuse I'll just have some MP's take you to a holding cell." Gordon said firmly. "You wouldn't dare." Sethi said. "Sethi, I think we better find a place to lay low." Lidan said. "What? Since when do you agree with him?" Sethi asked. "Do you really want to spend a week in another holding cell?" Gordon asked impatiently. "Damn it, Gordon! You're such an *******!" Sethi said as she stormed around behind the tree. "So you do know of a place where you can hide?" he asked. "Yes." she said sternly. "Good. Lidan, Sethi: Until we meet again." he bows and then walks off into the compound. "We're going to follow him." Sethi said. "How?" Lidan asked."We don't have any way." "I'm sure we can figure something out." -Justin
  9. They were off-planet when Frieza(sp?) blew it up. Maybe you could have figured that one out on your own had you tried... -Justin
  10. Well, if you shouldn't really be asking this question if you believe in one, [b]all-powerful[/b] God now should you? Because if he is [b]all-powerful[/b] then he can do whatever he wants can't he? But, seeing as that's not an answer to your question: In Christianity the Trinity is God. God-the Father, God-the Son, and God-the Holy Spirit. Now, the way I percieve this concept is this: Your God decided that he wanted three different ways the manifest himself. One as the all-powerful and unseen diety that you pray to, one as his physical manifestation: Jesus, and the final as his effects on your everyday life(ex. Divine intervention). I hope that answers your question. And by the way, I'm not Christian. I just like to study religion every now and then. -Justin
  11. Justin


    Love is often a misconcieved emotion by most people. Some people may think that they are in love, and indeed they may care very much for that person; but its not really love. Or, at least, that's my general understanding. As Cera says in her signature: [quote] You [b]like[/b] someone in spite of their faults, You [b]love[/b] someone because of them. [/quote] Of course, if you look at all the people who have felt 'love' for someone else, it seems like the emotion itself is as varied as the people that it affects. So maybe there's no real set-in-stone feeling that defines 'love'. Ah well...enough rambling from mesa... -Justin
  12. "Here we are, Prince." the deer carrying Gordon said. "Thank you, deer." Gordon said. "Let's get moving." Sethi said. "Yeah. The main barracks are up there. But we have to see General McMortor first. He'll help us out, I'm sure." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "General Fitch to see you sir." One of McMortor's aids said in awe. "Greetings, General McMortor." Gordon said with a smile. "Uh...Good to see you, General Fitch." the man said with wide eyes. "Let me guess: You thought me dead?" Gordon asked slyly. "Well...when the [i]Dragon[/i] exploded...well, yes." McMortor said. "Hmph...my men?" Gordon asked with a cold look. "Surely you don't expect to just walk in my office for the first time in years and me just turn your men back over to your command?" "Actually, I do. I have a perfect opportunity to infiltrate the Fukowlong home-world. But, I need an invasion force to invade with." Gordon said. "You know I can't do it. According to all records Supreme General Alexander Fitch is still M-I-A. I can't just give you your troops back. Besides. The Seven will strip of your rank if they know you're here. Now that they have the power, they'll want to bring everything back to the old ways. I think you were the biggest icon in Bismin's governmental-reform." "And I'm sure the Seven were more than happy to see me go." "In fact, they'll likely have you killed. If they find out you're still alive." "Then they don't have to know. Register me as Lt. General Gordon Jennings. Then, transfer the bulk of my men to me. Then, have them meet me at Danser's Peak. That's an order, General." "Well. I actually don't have to follow that order because you're not in uniform. But..." McMortor fumbled through a few files and finally pulled one out. Then he signed it, "They're all yours, Lt. General Jennings." "Thank you, sir." Gordon said. Then he saluted the General and walked out to Lidan and Sethi. "I did it." he said with an excited smile of victory. -Justin
  13. I STILL go back and forth between the two. I enjoy silence and solitude but, I find it hard to obtain sometimes. I have many [i]aquaintances[/i] and only a few [i]friends[/i]. The first being what most people call 'friends' and the second being what most call 'close friends.' Between the two and everything else Life throws at me, I'm very pressed for time. -Justin
  14. The style Gokou learned from North Kia is Kio-Ken(sp?)...which IS fictional. Other than that, DBZ makes no reference to any other style except Kung Fu once in Dragonall. But I can assure you, the style they use is NOT Kung Fu. -Justin
  15. I believe my spring break starts in two or three weeks. I'm not sure which. But, I know when it gets here I'm spending the whole week in Panama City, Florida! *runs off and does his happy-dance* -Justin
  16. "And don't call me 'Alex' either. Just call me 'Gordon'. It's easier that way." Gordon said. "Once we get out of the forest I'll have to send you two to get a few things for me in the nearest town." "Why can't you do it?" Lidan asked. "Too risky. Everyone on Bismin knows the face of the Black Prince." Gordon said with a smirk. "Incoming ship, indentify yourself." a man said over the com system. "We're an escape craft. Our mother-ship was raided by pirates. We're requesting entry." Sethi replied to him. "Very well. Land on Space Platform F. A security and medical squad will be awaiting you. Planetary Guard, out." the man said. "Open the main window, Sethi." Gordon said. "Ok." when she did this the three siblings were greeted by the awe-inspiring beauty of Bismin. Sethi began crying. Gordon put a gentle arm around her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Squirt." he said. Then he turned to Lidan. "You think you can land us in that soft patch there, Li?" "Sure." she said. Moments later they were standing in a patch of soft mossy-type grass."We're pretty deep in the forest here." Gordon said."A lot deeper than I intended to be. But, we need to put as much distance as we can between us and that ship." so, with that, he led the way into the wooded area. -Justin
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B] [color=crimson][size=1]Is that seriously what that consists of?!? That is totally off the wall sickness there...I couldnt' imagine a tomato beer type drink...I don't like tomato drinks enough as it is...although I do like tomato sandwiches...AH get me away from the tomatos!!!!!!! *runs off screaming*[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, actually it tomato juice and vodka, I believe. I have a book on bartending...:blush: -Justin
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B] [color=crimson][size=1]So are you saying mix up a tomato in a blender with a beer and drink it and that will be good for you??? What do you MEAN?? :drunk: That sounds sick...*shudders*[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Ever heard of a Bloody Mary? ;) I like the way [i]most of us[/i] have picked up ourselves in this topic and come to agree, or at least tolerate one another's opinions. 'Tis a very good sign. As for the whole "drinking is good for you" thing: Yes. Drinking alcohol [b]in moderation[/b] is very good for your heart. Whether or not its better than a good old-fashioned run, I can't say, but it won't do you any damage. For everything else: I've stated my opinion already. -Justin
  19. Ok, first of all I'm sorry to anyone who finds the following post offensive. I'm in a bad mood and now I have to defend myself. So here goes: Yes, I do drink. No, I don't drink to please others or to be "cool." I do it for my own pure enjoyment. Granted, it is illegal for me to do so because I'm under-age. However, that's my issue. If people who drink or smoke or do drugs bother any of you, I suggest you not hang around them. No offense, QA, but I don't think that you took the feelings of those who do drink/smoke/whatever into consideration when you posted this. -Justin
  20. "The controls on this thing are different than I expected." Gordon said as he buckled up. "I took a course on [i]fighter[/i] spacecraft at the Academy, but not civilian transport. I don't suppose this thing has any shielding or any weapons to hold off the security patrols coming up behind us does it?" Gordon asked. "The only thing this ship is capable of is short bursts of speed to escape a hostile situation." Sethi answered as she fumbled with the control panel. "I think this situation is hostile enough." Lidan said as she threw the throttle forward. Then after a few seconds of accelerating speed she released it and it drew back. "Where did you learn how to pilot, Lidan?" Gordon asked. "I spent a lot of time hanging around freighter pilots. I picked up a few skills from them at least." was her answer. "Well, if the Fukows find out it was us who escaped that ship, they'll come after us immediately." Gordon said. "Listen to me: When we arrive on Bismin you MUST follow my every command. I know its not in either one of your natures but it is neccesary that you do so. If all works out as it should, we'll be going through a lot of security checks and classified compounds." "What if it doesn't go according to plan?" Sethi asked. "Then I'll have to do a few things the illegal way. So long as I make to it to my men, we'll be safe. When I reestablish myself on Bismin I'm going to take you two to a place where you'll be safe. I'll return for you when I'm done with what I need to do." Gordon tried to close the conversation. Sethi interjected, "Uh uh, bro. You're not just going to put us in some 'safe-house' while you go off galavanting around the galaxy." "Yes, Sethi, I am." Gordon walked to a window in the transport. "To be honest I doubt I'll return for you. The Seven won't just turn power back over to me. In fact, they'll likely have me arrested when they recieve word of my arrival. I won't only be fighting against the Fukows. I'll probably be fighting a civil war, as well." Gordon turned back to Lidan and Sethi. "Politics. Don't we all love them?" he asked retorically. For the first time the true sense of who they were standing in the room with struck Lidan and Sethi. They both realised: 'Gordon isn't just some regular guy. He's the heir to all of Bismin's military.' "You intend to pull a coup on the Seven?" Lidan asked. "Perhaps. I will do whatever is needed to remove the Fukow threat..." Gordon trailed off. He seemed, for a moment, to be holding something back; then he returned to the window. -Justin
  21. Well, I would at least pick out your favorite of the five and give her one more try. Just so you're sure youd on't like her. After that, its your call. -Justin
  22. "Gidian Fukowlong...." Gordon muttered. "We need to get out of here, Gordon." Sethi said. "No. Maybe we don't. This could be my chance." "Gordon. They aren't just a gang they are a galactic power. You don't have an army." Sethi said. "Oh, but I do." "Where?" Lidan asked arms crossed. "My troops are still loyal to me...on Bismin." "But that's there, Gordon. We're here!" Sethi exclaimed. "Damn it! Ok, look....no...nevermind." Gordon paced. He paced to and fro with the glare in his eyes of a madman. "Maybe if I...no...I'd never get through." "Will you tell us what you're talking about?" Lidan asked. "You wouldn't understand." Gordon said pacing. Then he continued his rambling, "Perhaps if I were to...yes!" "What, damn you, what?" Sethi said. "The pods on this ship could get us from here to Bismin. However, Fukowlong would never let an armada...especially not the Bismin Armada just cruise up to their base planet. But...oh, but...if I could get to Bismin...then get the armada here, to this ship, we could board it. Then, we could surprise the Fukows!" "Gordon, you've lost it. You're talking about something that would take days. We'll be at Plinic in about two hours!" Lidan said. "And that's assuming that you could even get your men to your side again." Sethi added. "Damn it all. There would never be such a chance in Hell..." Gordon said as he began trying to calm down. "We'll take one of the pods...They'll get us to Bismin from here. But, it'll take another day or so." "Ok...that's better." Lidan said. "Yeah..." Gordon said."I'll go break into one of the escape pods. You two get your things together and meet me down the hall." -Justin
  23. [quote] "No, son. When you take the control you raise you trail-hand. Like this." General Fitch demonstrated to Alex what he was speaking of. "I don't like these kind of blades, Dad. I want to use a two-handed sword." Alex said. "One thing all us gentlemen must learn to do is put up with what we do not enjoy. I don't like them either but for social reasons we are forced to learn how to use them." the general said. "I thought I was to be a soldier." Alex said. "You are. Part of being a soldier is being honorable. However, society's version of the way a man shows honor and chivalry continues to change from time to time. I personally think that fencing is a waste of time. But, you [i]will[/i] learn to do it. Do I make myself clear?" "Of course." "Daddy?" a small voice sounded out behind the general's back. "Yes, Sethia?" "I want to play guard with Alex now." "He is busy. Go back to the house." he said eyeing Alex. "Yes, Daddy." Sethia said disappointed and waved goodbye to Alex as she left. "You've been letting her handle weapons?" General Fitch asked Alex with a glare. "They're never loaded." "Not only swords, but guns too!?" "I'm sorry. I never let her take the scabbard off." "It doesn't matter. How is she going to become a nice young lady with you letting her tag along with you?" "She's only 8 years old, Dad. She'll lose interest in my training soon enough." Alex pleaded. "I don't want her to be a tom-boy. You [i]will[/i] stop letting her handle weapons. Understood?" "Yes, sir." He said then he turned and mumbled, "*******..." "Dismissed, Cadet." The general said. Then Alex saluted him and the general returned the salute. "You got in trouble!" Lidia exclaimed. "Aw shut up..." Alex replied. [/quote] "Lidan." Gordon spoke up softly when he woke. Lidan looked up through her tears. "Yeah?" "You're an *******." Gordon said with a reassuring smile. "Heh...'Glad to know you're thinking of me..." she said then she quietly returned to her knees. Gordon then began thinking to himself. "[i]I guess we'll head on out of here tomorrow. We should be damn near Bismin right now...[/i]" -Justin
  24. I'm going to skip the opening of the window part and just work with the rest or your post. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gordon dreamed of his past... [quote] "I'm telling Dad!" Lidia called out. "Go for it, [i]bugger[/i]." Alex yelled back with a laugh. Sethia watch them both intently. She didn't understand why they fought so much but she knew one thing: Alex was always right. "Alex?" "Yeah, Squirt?" "Why do you and sissy fight so much but me and you don't?" Sethia asked. "Because you're too pretty to fight with." Sethia was comforted by Alex's usual complimentary answer to her question. "Alexander Fitch!" a loud voice sounded out loud enough to wake the dead. "Uh oh.." "Big trouble, Alex?" "Yeah, Squirt. Big trouble." Alex concluded as he walked head down to his father. "Sethia Fitch. You go inside young lady." their father command as he took Alex by the shoulder. "As for you, buck." he said towards Alex, "You're getting some nice training in the obstacle course." Sethia turned to Lidia who was smiling a grin from ear to ear. "Why'd you tell on him?" Sethia sked. "Because." "Because why?" Sethia demanded. "Because I wanted to." Lidia said then quietly walked off leaving Sethia with the explanation she got from everyone except Alex. [/quote] "Alex..." Sethi said in her sleep. "Huh?" Lidan turned around. "Daddy..." Sethi continued to mumble in her sleep. She said several other things Lidan didn't recognize. Lidan looked out of the porthole into deep space. "Mugi...tresanda tere ha dumege." "Life...I wish it was that simple." Gordon said with a laugh. The he rolled over and went back to sleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I ain't never gonna tell...bastards..." Rick said. "Heh hmm...so you think, sir." said the tall man in black. "So you think." -Justin
  25. Well...I'm not going to bash you for your beliefs. No one else will either :). But, I am afraid I'm going to have to close this topic because it doesn't belong in this forum. -Justin
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