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Everything posted by Justin

  1. Flynn smiled. "Heh...so what I heard is true [i]Alexander[/i]." "It'd be wise not to provoke me." Gordon said staring at the ground. "[i]Alexander[/i]..." said to herself trying to recall why the name sounded so familiar. "Don't worry about it." Gordon commanded. "How, exactly might we go about getting these things off, pal?" he said to Flynn. "Hmm...like I'd tell you." He said. "Oh, you'll talk. I have ways of making you talk!" Gordon said. "I bet." Flynn said. Gordon reaches in his coat pocket and pulls out a knife. "Do you value your pride?" "I say: You don't have the balls to do it." Flynn said cockily. Suddenly Gordon lunges down with the knife, nearly stabbing Flynn's groin. "Holy ****!" flynn said as he cringed. "Don't you tell me I don't have the balls." Gordon said. Then, he grasped Flynn's groin in his gloved hand and sqeezed. Flynn wrenched with pain. "Now...you will talk or I'll only sqeeze all the harder." -Justin
  2. "It depends. Which one of my enemies hired you? Nevermind, it doesn't matter." Gordon said. "Oh really? And why is that?" Flynn said. "Because you don't matter." Gordon said. "You talk big for someone with a gun to your head." Flynn said. With one swift motion Gordon pulled the man over his shoulder. When he hit the ground Sethi moved and intercepted his gun as he fell. Gordon then drew a gun from his pocket and aimed it at the man's head. "Who's talking now?" Gordon said. "Who are you? Who sent you and how much were you to be paid?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You see. He's strong." said the old man in purple. "Strong, yes. But he is too bound to his two sisters." said another old man. "You will see that that is the source of his strength. I do not believe they know he is related to them yet. But, they may. You will see what I mean, soon enough." said the old man in purple. -Justin
  3. "We aren't stopping." Gordon said. "Who died and made you God?" Lidan said. "Hush. We'll get something to eat when we get to the club. We'll drop off our two 'friends' up here at this alley." He answered. "I'm beginning to wonder if there even is any club or if you're just killing time." Sethi said. "Oh, its just up here." Gordon said. "How many more times is it going to be 'Just up here' before it is just up there?" Lidan said. Gordon ignored the comment and proceeded on. Then he grabbed the girls and pulled them into an alley. -Justin
  4. I've seen a few comments I'd like to comment on myself... 1) FUBU: aka For-Us-By-Us. What do you think they mean by that? 2)Confederate Flag: I think if you wear it to symbolize your hate for other races you're guilty of a hate crime. If you wear it to show pride for your heritage then you're ok. I was raised in a home by parents who tried to teach me to "Keep the Stars and Bars a'flyin'!" And "Rebel Pride" is the motto most of my friends live by. It isn't for racism; its for pride. I'm not big on it. I prefer to wear other clothes than to wear Dixie Outfitters(a brand which puts the Rebel Flag on all its merchandise) but I ask you: Don't judge people as racist and bad because they wear the Confederate Flag. My friends and family are those people. If you criticize them for that, make sure that they do it simply to show racism. If you're not from the South, you probably wouldn't understand the South. -Justin
  5. YIKES! Well, being from the South(which is infamous for its racist problems)I think I have a special view on the subject. Firstly, it isn't so one-sided. All races participate in it one way or another. Blacks call whites 'crackers', whites call blacks 'niggers' and any other racist slurs you can imagine are traded back and forth between the various races. Whites wear the Confederate Flag(we prefer to call it the Rebel Flag down here)and blacks wear FUBU(both of which are considered racist by many). Its really all very stupid. The South has many 'tolerated' problems. Racism and everything that results from it is only one of those problems. Also, I think you could have come up a better name for this topic... -Justin
  6. Sethi now giggled at Lidan's comment. Gordon looked at her with his eyes flaring. "Something funny?" Sethi then went from a small giggle to a laugh. "Damn you." Gordon said with a smile. "We need to get a move on. I know a few people who own this small club. We're going there to see if we can get a ride to Bismin. I don't know if you've noticed but that little shuttle we stole won't get much farther." "Ok." Sethi said as she switched back to a more serious mood. They continue down the street. -Justin
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by demimonkoumon [/i] [B]Great!!! Wonderful!!! But why do they say Taisho or Diamyo after "yes"??? [/B][/QUOTE] Well...a Taisho is an army general. So they say 'Taisho' in place of 'General'. And as for Diamyo: that is the name of the leader of any one of the great clans in fuedal-Japan. -Justin
  8. "Stop!" one of the officers said. "What the hell?! you don't understand. I'm after the leader of a crime gang!" Remmington said. "I said stop! Put your hands up!" "Heh..." Remmington jumped over the security blockade. "I said, STOP!" the security guard fired and hit Remmington in the thigh. "Ah, ****!" Remmington said as he dropped to his knees. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "What the...did you two hear that?" Gordon asked. "Yeah, it sounded like gun fire." Sethi said. "It was gun-fire." Lidan confirmed. "Gordon, I think we need to get done what we are going to get done here and go." Sethi said. "That we can agree on." Gordon said. "I want you guys to be ready. Its a pretty ugly place where we are going. I may need help if a fire-fight erupts." "Gordon Jennings: asking for help!?" Lidan exclaimed. "I did say 'I may need your help' " Gordon said as he smirked. "Hehe" Sethi giggled at Gordon's smirk towards Lidan's comment. "Is there something funny?" Lidan turned to Sethi angrily. Sethi suddenly realised she had just in a sense taken Gordon's side in Gordon's and Lidan's unofficial ego battle. She found herself without an answer to Lidan's question. Lidan rolled her eyes. "I thought so." Lidan said. "Ha ha!" Gordon laughed. -Justin
  9. Well, I hate to say it but: You can't expect any better when relying on CN. I suggest you try buying the subs. -Justin
  10. I'd like to see a Macross section. But, I'd sooner like to see a few others go up. Though, I understand why they may not. -Justin
  11. If you mean Gilly the board member, I'd suggest you NOT tell her business here. She might get pretty pissed at you. As for me. I have been in several weird situations before. I won't mention any of them here, though... -Justin
  12. "I want you all to wait in the ship." Gordon said as the flew into Laporin's atmoshpere. "Why should we trust you? Knowing you, you'd turn us over to some crime family for money." Lidan remarked. "Well, you could not trust me.Hell, you could kill me. But if you did that, then you would all be lost. Remington, though capable, only knows what I tell him. You'd all be lost without my help right now. So if you want to get rid of me, I suggest you do it at a better time for you." Gordon said with a cocky smile. "Bastard..." Lidan said in disgust. Sethi pulled a gun from her pocket and pointed it at Gordon. "Or I could make you tell us what you know." she said. Gordon looked Sethi dead in the eyes. "Could you?" Sethi dropped the gun and recoiled to the nearest chair. She looked like she had just seen a ghost. "What'd you do to her?" Lidan demanded. "Nothing. Nothing at all." Gordon said as he eyed Sethi. "I've had about enough of you!" Lidan reached for Gordon's throat but he was too quick. He grabbed her hand and pulled her into an arm-breaker hold behind her back. "Deal with it, Lidan." Gordon said as his eyes flared. "Let's get this over with, Gordon." Remington said. "Very well." he released Lidan from her hold and she dropped to the floor. "Land this thing." he turned to Sethi, who was chewing on the tips of her gloves. "It will be all right." Sethi looked up at him. She wasn't scared, but she was warey of him. She refused to respond and she stopped chewing her gloves. Her gaze turned cold. "Hurt my sister again, and I'll kill you." she said. Gordon drew away from her. For a moment he seemed to fade back into another memory, but he quickly caught himself and went to the controls of the ship. They had begun to land. -Justin
  13. Horn: Students, this is Master Skywalker. [i]Whispers can be heard from among the lines.[/i] Luke: You all know why I am here. I hope you are ready. You may tell any of your classamtes who did not wish to join us that they will be expelled upon my departuer. This is my pupil. His name is Justin. He will be your secondary instructor to Master Horn until I return. Justin: Anyone of you who wishes to seek my council may do so at any time I am in my quarters. I rarely sleep so don't worry about disturbing me in the night. Student: You are of no higher level than we are how is it you out-rank us? Justin: Because, my talents are greater than any one of yours. Student: Arrogance appears to be a atrong point for you. Justin: I'm not arrogant. I'm just better than you. Luke: *[i]Cool it, Justin[/i]* Justin: 8[i]Yes, Master[/i]* Luke: Justin will be your counselor. You will obey him unless Master Horn says otherwise. That is the end of this discussion. Now, you may approach me one at a time for inspection. -Justin
  14. I injured my back in the summer between 6th and 7th grade. We were water rafting in North Carolina and I fell out and hit a rock the wrong way. I forget exactly what happened but it couldn't have been too bad. Seeing as how I'm able to walk and be an active athlete. It sure did hurt, though. -Justin
  15. "Remington!" a low whisper catches Remington's attention. "Who's there?" Remington asked as he search the room with his eyes. "Here, in the air vent." the voice beckoned. "Gordon?" Remington asked. "Of course its Gordon. Open the damn vent." Gordon demanded. "Ok" Remington did as Gordon asked of him. Then Gordon's tall figure rolled out of the tiny vent and hit the floor below. Lidan found this very entertaining and laughed. "Oh, shut up." Gordon said as he rolled u to his feet. He stood approximately 6' 5" at Lidan's estimate. His brown hair was cut short aroung the sides and back and the top was combed forward. His eyes were a hypnotising shade of deep green. But he was still able to turn to the group with his trademarked icy glare. "We need to get out of here. Its a bit inconveneint that I rammed my skimmer into the wall to get in here. We will have to steal some wings and get off-planet. Or myself and Remington will anyway. As for the two of you, you are free to go. I just advise you run when we get out of here." "Shouldn't we take them with us?" Remington asked. Gordon turned his glare to Remington and immediately Remington knew the answer to his question. Gordon then stalked over to a window and looked out over the city. Allowing himself to slip back into a memory. [quote] "Alex!" called a woman from the veranda of Alex's home on Bismin. "Yeah?" answered Alex. "Come on its tiime to go!" she answered. Alex came running up to the veranda and swept the girl up in his arms. "Oh, Alex." she said as she laughed. "What?" he said with a smirk. "Nothing, let's go." she said and grabbed his hand and pulled him to their skimmer. [/quote] He pulled himself back from it. "Well?" Sethi said with sarcasm. "Is this supposed to be a rescue or a campout?" Gordon looked at her and laughed. Then he drew a gun and blasted out the window. "There you go. A way out." Sethi folded her arms across her chest. "You're so funny." "Come on. There is a small hanger at the top of this building. They have a few skimmers there, I'm sure." Lidan said as she head down a hall way for an elevator. -Justin
  16. "Lord Takeda! Your son, sir." a man dressed in a robe said as he bowed. "Shingen..." Lord Takeda said as he overlooked his battle-dressed son. "You have grown into a fine young man, son. You will bring great honor to our clan." "Will I be sent to engage Uesugi Kenshin at Ida?" the boy asked. "No. Not right away. You will be sent to engage Tomooki at Kia. It will be me who engages Kenshin at Ida." Takeda Shingen looked at his father, Takeda Nobutora with an angry glare. They were both big men. Roughly 5 foot and 8 inches, both of them. Shingen was built like a rock. He had long awaited his coming-of-age and had long awaited his chance to best Uesugi Kenshin in battle. The two had disliked one another since childhood. "Why can't I fight him? You think me weak?" Shingen asked. "No, son. But I know that Kenshin is a tender spot for you. I would like to have some experience before you fight him." "Yes, Diamyo." With that, Shingen left the room, leaving Nobutora in quiet reflection. He thought of how great his son would become. And he knew that he himself would not survive the battle with Kenshin. He and his armies would be cut down like wheat. May Buddah's compassion go with them. -Justin
  17. "You'll learn better than to steal from me!" Gordon shouted as he slammed a man against a wall. "Where the hell are my files!?" "Heh...it doesn't even matter anymore, Gordon. They know. They know more than you would have ever allowed them to and before long they will know it all. All about Atticus, Bismin, and of course, Alexander. Heh...I think at least one of them remembers [i]Alexander[/i]." the man said as he stuggled with pain. Gordon's cold stare met that of the man's. "You will die along with all your comrades. [i]Alexander[/i] is dead. But, I think you'll find his replacement kicks *** just as well." Gordon said with a smile. "Now die." Gordon pulled the man to his feet. Then, he wrapped his arm firmly around the man's neck...and broke it. [b][i]Gordon allowed himself to fade into a memory...[/i][/b] [quote] "Alex!" screamed a man on his battle-mount. "The general is going to order a retreat. There are too many! "We came here to die. We aren't going to quit until we do." replied the man known as Alex Fitch. "Dammit, Alex! You're crazy!" screamed the man. "Alcohol, women, and guns do that to men." he said with a smirk. Then, his eyes switched back to their almost standard cold, foreboding glare. "Are you going to order a charge anyway?" the man asked. "You know as well as I do, that it is I who controls this army. I will take command if the general faulters. I will order the charge, yes." Alex said. "Will you go home tomorrow?" "Yes. I have things that bound me to living now. A home, a woman, and the harvest." "Will I?" "If you fight, your honor will go home, anyway." "I will inform the men." "Do it." Alex concluded as he revved up his battle-mount and sped to another section of the line.[/quote] [i]He slipped out of the memory and returned to the present.[/i] "[i]I need to find the way down to the holding cells. That's where they will be. Hopefully, there will be no more interuptions. Hmm...its been too long.[/i]" Gordon thought to himself. Then, he made his way out of the door and down the hall. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Elsewhere[/b] The room was circular. In the middle stood the old man who appeared to Gordon. Around him, seated on high marble balconies, were other men and women in robes. The old man was speaking to them. "He's strong." said the old man in a purple robe. "That is a fact we already know, Gyan. But, his personal bonds with his former comrades is too strong. It would stand in the way." said another old man sitting on the highest balcony at the far edge of the room. "You're wrong. In addition to his physical and mental strength he is also emotionally strong. He is able to take emotional stress easily and without it interrupting him. He can deal with pain...in all its forms." Gyan said. "You will continue to watch him. If he starts falling again, he is to be forgotten." the man on the highest balcony said. "So orders this court." "Very well, sir." -Justin
  18. I have a lot of trouble sleeping. Even after that thing that TN didn't mention I have trouble sleeping. If it gets so bad I can't stand it I might get up and exercise until I get tired but, other than that, I just lay there until I go to sleep. -Justin
  19. Luke: Justin... Justin: Yes, Master? Luke: I've had my vision again. Justin: I had it in my wake, Master. Luke: It came to you while you were awake? Justin: Yes, Master. Luke: That's unusual. We will discuss this later. The students are ready now, let's go. Justin: Very well. This is going to be boring. Luke: Remember, Justin. For the next few weeks you are going to be one of these students. Granted, you are much stronger than they are...but you must come to respect them. Justin: I will do my best. But my best may be resisting to snap their throats. Luke: Ha ha...anger managment is s kill you can only master when you have a padawan of your own. Patience is the key, Justin. All great Jedu need patience. You are great, of that there is no dispute. But, my father was great when he was where you are now. Look what happened to him. Justin: You don't suggest-- Luke: I suggest nothing. I'm just saying: Beware the Dark Side. Even in an attempt to do good you can use it. It is powerful. Not even I can escape its call. The students are lined up just around this corner. I want you to smile. Be friendly. Justin: Yes, Master. [:rolleyes:] -Justin
  20. Gordon sped off. As he was flying down the street the man stepped out in front of him again. This time, the man stuck his hand out and the car stopped. It had going nearly full-speed! Gordon got out of the car and faced the man with an angry gun-hand clinched into a fist. "You old bastard!" Gordon said. "Why can't you leave me alone!" "Its simple. Do you want to die?" the old man said with sarcasm. "What, if you don't mind, is so important that you keep stopping me?" Gordon said. "As you know, the Trict Five and their subserviant crime syndicates now have in their possesion two women." the man said. "Yes, I helped them get the two. What is your point?" "These two women are sisters." "I know that too. That evidence was in the files they took from my apartment. That is what I'm headed to retrieve. They can't know about their past." Gordon said with urgency. "You'd like them to know about it, wouldn't you?" the old man said with a smile. Gordon's face now turned from slight anger to shock; then it turned to calm. "I'd like it if none of this ever happened. But, what's done is done. Nothing will change the way things are. Nothing will change the way things will always be. Its just better if they don't find out now." "You shouldn't try to hide them from it. They aren't the little girls they used to be. And you aren't the big, strong boy to them anymore. They can protect themselves." the man said with finality. "What I do is completely my affair." Gordon replied through clinched teeth. "Fine. I'm here for something different anyway. Gordon, you've been called upon." "By whom?" "Others, like myself." "You mean more old guys in purple bathrobes? Or do they come in assorted colors?" Gordon said sarcastically. "Will you at least come with me?" "No. I have something else to do. Come again when I'm not busy." With that remark Gordon hopped in his skimmer and left again. "Stupid boy..." -Justin
  21. "Lidan?" Sethi said questioningly. "Yes?" Lidan replied. "Do you believe them; About the sister thing, that is?" Sethi answered. "Do you?" Lidan said without turning. "Do you believe them about the memory alteration?" Sethi said without an answer to the previous question. "I don't know. I just hope he gets them." Lidan said. "Who?" Sethi said. "The man who helped you back at the bar. His name is Gordon." "What's so great about him?" "He gets the job done." Lidan said with a firm tone. "Oh..." "Why?" "I got a weird feeling when I saw him. Even weirder when he grabbed my hand. He seemed so familiar." Sethi said as she gazed off. "Hmm...I don't know. I had a thing for him once. He's great if your his friend. But, I pissed him off one day...and I've been on his 'bad list' ever since. I guess, after a while, I got to where I didn't like him either." Liden said. Sethi leaned back against the wall. She could feel a cool breeze seeping into their cell, carressing her skin. She looked over and noticed that Lidan was allowing herself to get momentarily lost in the same breeze. Then, the door to their cell flew open. "Dinner time, [i]girls[/i]" an overweight prison guard said with a smirk. The guard slammed their plates of food down on the floor at the front of their cell, then he walked out and locked the door behing him. The food looked like pig-slop. "Is this what we are to eat?" Sethi asked with a slight cringe on her face. "The food was better last time I was here." Lidan replied. "Oh well; its likely all we'll get today. Better eat up." "Ok..." -Justin
  22. 1) What is the difference in power level from Son Gokuu with weighted clothing to Son Gohan when he is very angry (which Radditz stated to himself from his scouter), in the Radditz saga? [b]YOu must be joking...[/b] 2) What is the name of the planet that Bejita-sama and Nappa stopped at on their way to Earth, destroying it along with two lovers on it named Atlia and Lemlia? [b]Arlia, I believe[/b] 3) How old was Son Gohan (presicly) when Bejita-sama and Nappa arrived on Earth? [b]3[/b] 4) How many Saibamen did Nappa plant to fight against the Z-fighters? [b]7[/b] 5) What are the names of the two illusionists who pose as Nameks when Buruma, Son Gohan, and Kuririn crash land on their planet? [b]ha ha...you're funny...[/b] 6) How long is a Namekian year in earth days? [b]180 days...I think[/b] 7) How many times did Piccoro enter the Room of Spirit and Time? [b]2[/b] 8) What plan was discussed in bringing Son Gokuu back to life after he died by Cell? [b]Traveling to New Namek to use their Dragonballs...[/b] 9) At what Super Saiya-jin stage did Vegeta fight against Kid Buu? [b]2[/b] 10) True or False? Bejita-sama had the ability to go Super Saiya-jin 2 before he became Majin Bejita-sama. [b]False[/b] I doubt that I got many of these right. I haven't watch any DB/Z/GT in a long time now. -Justin
  23. "Come, Guey. They've landed." said Sidone` with an evil smile. "Yes, Master." Guey responded mechanically. "We will be representing the Old Order of the Sith. We mustn't let the New Order overtake our traditions!" Sidone` exclaimed. "They are convinced they can break us." "We will see who the Dark Side favors today. They cannot defeat the Jedi scum is they are fighting a civil war!" "You, sir, are a genius." "And here you are, being taught by me. You'll be a great Sith one day. That I can foresee." "You are too kind." With that the two sprand into their ship and jetted away to some other part of the planet. -Justin
  24. Well, my name is Justin(obviously). I enjoy studying certain forms of the Martial Arts and I like playing football. I teach Taiji(A derivative of Tai Chi) at a local dojo and I drive a very big, green and beautiful Ford F-250 that I love dearly. My favorite anime genre is Mecha, also. Though I make an exception and call my favorite Cowboy Bebop. But, other than that, I'm a Mecha Man. -Justin
  25. "Send for General Amakazu." Uesugi Kenshin said with sternness. "Yes, Taisho." answer his escort. And with haste, his escort made his way below deck. "You summoned me, Taisho?" humbly asked a tall, yet bulky man in light armor. "General Amazaku: In the skirmish we had with Hojo forces before leaving Mutzu's shores you ordered a retreat of the unit under your command. I wish to know why." Kenshin said with a condemning tone. "Well, sir, we were hopelessly beaten." he said timidly. "Then why did we have an overwhelming victory?" Kenshin said, moving closer to the Amazaku. Who was obvioulsy frightened yet, not reliquishing any ground to his superior. "My unit was the first into battle. Please, Taisho, you must understand--" "I must understand nothing, General." he said, now easing away and lowering his tone. "We won, sir, because you sent in heavy calvary that overwhelmed their No-Dachi Samurai. But my Yari Samurai were hopelessly out-classed in close quarter combat." he said, now with renewed confidence. "So, you ordered a retreat, in spite of the fact that I sent aid?" he said questioningly. "Yes, sir. I ordered it because my men were worn and still being beaten. Casualties would have been much higher had I not ordered it." he said. "You have lost face, you know that, don't you?" Kenshin asked, almost retorically. "Yes, Taisho." he said, now with any confidence at all. "Then why do you stand before me?" "I have not committed seppuku yet, Taisho." "You have lost your honor, yet you have willingly chosen to walk about alive?" "Yes, Taisho. I need a witness, Greatness." "Then ask for one. Some would call you coward." "Some would die if they spoke." "Get off of my deck. I don't want to see you again. You have forsaken your honor. Thus, you have forsaken the Uesugi Clan." Kenshin said. "Yes, Great Taisho." he said lowly as he walked away. Then a shorter man with an unsheathed katana joined along-side of him. Then Kenshin though quietly to himself, "I hope father is happy..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, i only have one more character to introduce before I kick everything into motion. -Justin
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