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Everything posted by Justin
lol...you show the bastards who's boss, Adam. ;) -Justin
"Who are you?" the angry man said with a fierce glare. "Heh...all in due course." "I don't have time for this." "You are unimpressed by me?" asked the man in purple. "Why be impressed by some old man in a bath robe?" the man said with a smirk. "Very well, your name is Gordon Jennings, however you are often called the 'Bullgod' because you are famous for nearly every bad and or immoral thing one is capable of doing." the man in the robe said with confidence. "Well, you make it sound as though I were bad...but I'm still not impressed. You could have papers that would tell you that." Gordon said with another smirk. "Fine. You want to be tough I'll tell you something no papers in existance can tell you. Your real name is Alexander Fitch and you had an illegal memory alteration done against your will 4 years ago. However, the operation failed. Two weeks after it you had regained all your past memories, unknown to those your work for who ordered the operation. So you continued to play along, living out your life as someone you know you are not." the man said with further confidence. "Alright...now, I'm impressed." Gordon said. "But I have better things to do than playing psychic with an old man on a street corner." he added. With that, Gordon hopped in the skimmer and took off. Again he was bound for the bar. -Justin
I was part of a gym for about 3 months when I was 16. Then my dad got a Boflex(guessing that is how its spelled). Anyway, it IS a gym. Then there is always my dojo. It is sort of like a gym. -Justin
Let me make this clear. We Will Not Have Another Picture Thread Craze! Clear enough? Now, I'm going to close this topic. You may delete it if you want and post your pictures elsewhere. -Justin
"Blast!" the mysterious man who had helped Sethi scowled at his room. "They hit me!" he screamed out again. His room was in utter ruin. Drawers pulled out, cabinets opened, papers all over the floor. He screamed out again, "Son of a *****! They took the damn files!" He was obviously upset. He stormed out of the room and ran down stairs. It seemed as though he covered miles of steps in seconds for within the blink of an eye he was at the bottom floor. He burst through the double doors of the hotel and glared in the direction of the bar he had just come from. He drew a pistol and got into his skimmer. He was bound upper levels of the building the bar was located in. Where the crime syndicate he worked for had their secret headquarters. This wouldn't be pretty. -Justin
[i]In the woodlands of Shinano.[/i] "Diamyo! There is an emmisary approaching!" called a soldier in a watch tower. "What did he say?" A short, gruff man said to someone sitting across the table from him. "He said an emmisary is approaching, Leige Lord." replied the man. "Impossible. This camp site is secret is it not?" Asked the short and gruff one. "No one outside of our great clan knows of it, Majesty." the man across the table replied. "Have the emmisary stopped. Then, I want him brought to me." the gruff man said to his subbordinant across the table. "Yes, Lord Uesugi." Lord Uesugi(by full name: Uesugi Tomooki)was fairly short, unlike both his sons. He was, as mentioned, very gruff and mean in overall appearance. Yet, he showed signs of age, experience, and wisdom. "He is here, Lord Uesugi." said a soldier at the entrance to the tent. "Send him in." "Yes, Lord." "Ah, the Great Lord of the Uesugi Clan!" exclaimed the emmisary. "How did you find my camp?" Uesugi Tomooki asked gruffly. "In this time of great trouble throughout the land one's sword may be all he can trust. Surely the sword of a friend can be useful in these times. Better than that, the sword of a enemy-gone-friend." the emmisary replied robotically. "Listen. You are in my secret camp. I want to know how you found my secret camp." Lord Uesugi leaned in as he spoke. "Lord Shimazu sent me with this peace treaty. He would like for you to ally yourself with him. He sends his best regards about your son's having come of age." replied the emmisary frantically. "How did you find my camp?!" Lord Uesugi screamed. "I payed a small peasnt boy one pound of koku to tell me!" he replied in recoil. "Very well. Tell your Lord I accept his treaty. I expect to hear back from him as soonas possible. However, should he forsake his honor and attack me, let it be known, I will retaliate." He said as he rose away from the crouching emmisary. "You are free to go." he added. "Thank you, Great Lord!" he said. Then he promptly exited the tent and left quickly on his horse. "Come here." he gestured to a subbordinate. "Yes, Lord?" he questioned. "Have our archers kill him. Then send his head in a basket back to Lord Shimazu." Uesugi Tomooki said. "Yes, Great Lord." the subbordinate said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Basically what I'm trying to do right now is get you introduced to the main characters. I promsie the actualy plot of the story will pick up after that. -Justin
Wow, someone really brought this back from oblivion. Oh well, if someone is still interested I guess I'll continue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Conner: So, Justin. Luke wishes you to endure the trials? Justin: Yes. Conner: *thinking*The boy is as cold as Master Skywalker.* Justin: And I know all his tricks as well, Master Horn. Conner: Heh...I assume you'll be eating dinner tonight alone. Justin: No. I will wait for Master Skywalker to finish his meditation. When he is prepared to eat, I will eat with him at the place of his choosing. Conner: Very well. But it'll do you good to lose the attitude. There is still much for you to learn. In spite of what you know, you are not Luke Skywalker. Stop acting like you are. Justin: Yes, Master Horn. Master Skywalker will be waking within the hour. You had better cut Mess short a few minutes to have the [i]students[/i] get ready for inspection. [i]Conner walked away eyeing Justin[/i] Justin:*thinking*Sassy bastard* -Justin
I think that the Canadians were ripped off. though, upon seeing a clip of the eleged 'miss-step' the Russians made, I couldn't tell the difference. But I guess that's why I'm not an ice skating judge. -Justin
Well, seeing as how I'm better than you, I won't flame back. And I doubt you will have to leave on your own. Thread Locked. -Justin
Uesugi Tomosada emerged from his tent into the early morning light. "Taisho! Your father's camp was attacked! He has deployed your brother with an entire army!" said one of Tomosada's Quarter Masters. "How did this news come to you?" questioned Tomosada. "A messenger has arrived in the camp." he replied. "Send him to my tent at once." "Yes, Taisho." Tomosada was a fairly large man. He was a very famous general among his clan and the news that his 16-year-old brother had been dispatched with full command of an entire army puzzled him. He had not been givin any such command tasks until he was nearly 25. Why did his father trust his brother with such a responsibilty? "You summoned me, Taisho?" asked the messenger. "Sit." Tomosada said abruptly. "The word is that you have a message for me." Tomosada said inquiringly. "Yes, Taisho. Your father's camp in Shinano was attacked two weeks ago by Takeda forces from Kia. He dispatched your younger brother, Uesugi Kenshin with a full military strike force to invade Takeda Nobutora at Ida." "Why Kenshin? Why didn't he send for me, or send Yamayoshi Hirochika?" Tomosada inquired. "Lord Yamayoshi was killed in battle with a Hojo invasion force. And he believed you to be too preoccupied with the Ikko-Ikki threat here in Kaga to be brought all the way down to Ida." "So he had my brother leave Mutzu and head all the way through Echigo, Etchu, and Shinano to invade Kia and push through to Ida?" Tomosada was obviously very troubled now. "No, Taisho. He sent the army on boats to Ida." the messenger replied lowly. "He has never put any army on boats before!" Tomosada was losing his temper. "I don't know why he chose to do what he did, Taisho. Really I don't." the messenger was getting frantic. "Go. Tell my father that I [i]am[/i] too preoccupied to help." "Buddah's compassion go with you." "Indeed." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, if anyone likes this story I'll be glad to continue it. Note that while a few of the characters and positions of those that are real may be fictional, all the places/ranks/clans are all real. -Justin
Well, I agree with your brother, you shouldn't have said he was bi without his permission. But, you won't get any cussing out from anyone here. They'll have to answer to me if they do. It is good to see you back again. If memory serves you haven't posted in several days now. -Justin
Sidone` L' Tarr was sitting on top of his Sith Infiltraitor meditating. Over his dead body would his pupil, Geuy Gigia, catch him by surprise. Suddenly, Sidone` lept to his feet and ignited his lightsaber. The red blade sizzled as is clashed with some unseen foe. Then, with a sharp kick Sidone` knocked his students stealth haze off; as well as knocking his student off of the ship. On his temples direcitly below his dirty-blonde hair, a vein could be seen pulsing under his sweat-moistened skin. He was a human. A big one at that. His student rose from the damp earth. "Sorry, Master." he said with his head held low, "I failed again." "Why did you stop. Geuy, you are pathetic. You strike only once and instead of allowing your anger to grow when you are bested you allow it to subside. Do you not understand, the Force's most violent and effective power can only accessed by one who lets his anger and hatred flow through his every motion. Imagine yourself as a river of blood. As fluid as water yet thicker for drowning your enemies better." Sidone's very words seemed to resinate with the Dark Side. "Yes, Master. I will try harder next time." Geuy said weakly. "You will die next time if you do not." Sidone` said with a death-glare in his eyes. "Yes, Master." Geuy said accepting his fate. -Justin
The mommentary stare-down that Sethi and Liden were having was broken by a deep, male voice. "Girls, girls. Let us forsake adolescence and behave like adults, shall we?" he said as he glared at Lidan. "She hit me first." Lidan said as she slowly recoiled from his path. "Here, let me give you a hand, Sethi. After all, I summoned you. Sethi glared at him cautiously. From her vantage point he was a giant. He stood over her with his hand extended down as if he were God reaching out to Adam. She slowly grasped his hand and held on as he nearly threw her up to her feet. She immediately lost her balance and began to fall again. However, she was able to catch herself by grasping the inside of his trench-coat. Upon doing this she noticed he was carrying quite an arsenal. She would have grabbed one them and made her escape had he not caught her into his arms and thrown her over his shoulder. "There isn't anything in there for you right now, miss." he said with a a sideways glance. He looked over at his colleagues and said lowly, "I'm taking her to the infirmary. I'm going to get her some pain medicine and then I'll bring her back myself." Sethi saw another man walk up behing Liden. Before she could see what would happen her carrier had whirled around and begun walking down the corridor. She would've killed him, had she not felt so weak. -Justin
I disagree with abortion unless the conditions are the following: She was raped. Otherwise, there are other, and in my opinion, better options. I know I'm not a woman, so I can't relate to this topic as well as a woman could, but I would not push my girlfriend/wife to have an abortion. I'll also be watching this topic. The first person that I catch flaming will have to answer to me. -Justin
To answer your question about Goku: Well, he no 'sides'. He is 100% saiya-jin. He was just raised on Earth, that's all. He wasn't raised around other saiya-jin, so he wasn't raised around people who have that kind of mentality. Thus, he grew up like any normal human in his position would have. To answer your question about Krillen: I guess he is just attractive in some odd way. -Justin [size=1][color=indigo]I hope you didn't mind my intrusion on your post here Justin, just making this thread a bit cleaner by merging the threads and putting your two different posts into so it didnt appear you double posted. Thank you.[/size][/color] [size=1][color=red]Not all all Piro. Not at all. :) -Justin[/color][/size]
Well, I'd have to say 'War of the Mod Rod'. Also, I'm moving this topic to G/RPG. I think it is more related to that forum. -Justin
Here is Justin's simple solution to a simple problem: Problem: BulmaVegeta1 is getting aggravated because Cartoon Network is playing the same old episodes of dubbed DBZ over again. Justin's Simple Solution: Buy the newest tapes at the FUNi store. They have one completely new set, and the first tape of another new set out now. Or, you could fish around other sites(such as eBay)for some of the subs. If I were you, I'd go for the subs. -Justin
October 3, 1530 It is now late Fall. We have gained out first victory over the Ikko-Ikki. Kaniisumi Nagashige led a force of 100 yari spearman into the Noto peninsula: the Ikko-Ikki's northern-most province. He left in his place the young, Shibata Hidenobu. I must admit, the Shibata family has a great reputation and this one seems to show particular skill in the art of stratagizing. I await his rise as a great Taisho. Elsewhere, all goes well. We've yet to be attacked by any other opposing forces and I have decided to begin working more on economics. I have ordered all provinces to begin working on better farmland and I have ordered Dewa, Sado, and Echigo to begin constructing mines. It also appears that the Diamyo of the Shimazu Clan in the West sent an emisary to see me. He has not yet arrived at my castle but I have recieved word that he is on his way. His proposal had better be exceptable. Otherwise, he'll go back to Lord Shimazu, carrying his own head. Now for the highest note of my entry: My second son was born today. He was named Uesugi Kenshin. I will make more of an efforst to train him personally than I did with my eldest child. Kenshin will be great. I promise you that. He will learn bushido as soon as he is able to walk and talk. He will be a master swordsman by the time he is 10. Indeed, he will win this war. His brother is a good Taisho; but I'm sorry to report that he lost his first skirmish to a group of Ikko-Ikki Yari Samurai. A disgrace considering he out-numbered them 11 to 6.
This is a fictional diary I created of the father of the famous Uesugi Kenshin. His name is Uesugi Tomooki. It takes place in fuedal Japan, around the year 1530. The whole country was at war. The great clans fought for one thing: Absolute military rule. The fought for the right to be called: Shogun. [b]Things you need to know:[/b] Diamyo: Leader of any one of the great clans. Shogun: Military ruler in Japan. He was the true ruler of Japan, as the emperor in Kyoto was just a figurehead. Ikko-Ikki- Rebels and Ronins. Mutzu: The capital province of the Uesugi lands. Shinano: The key province of the Uesugi lands. Through it, everything in Far Eastern Japan can be easily accessed. [b]That's all you need to know for now.[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ August 12, 1530 I am Uesugi Tomooki. This is my first entry as diamyo of the Uesugi Clan. My eldest son, Uesugi Tomosada turned 16 one week ago. On the same day that Japan declared war on itself. My nearest neighbor, the Hojo Clan is mounting an army the likes of which I've never seen. Though, I'm on good terms with its leader, Hojo Ujitsuna, I do not trust him. I know him far too well. I saw him execute 40 trusted soldiers for losing 40 pounds of his koku to 25 Ikko-Ikki warrior-monks. An impossible victory to say the least. I fear he will soon attack Shinano; and Shinano is my most prized posession. It is the portal to all that is mine. To counter the Hojo-threat I've selected my finest Taisho to guard all my provinces. For Shinano, I have chosen Yamayoshi Mitsuharu. His military training will be invaluable since he is adjacent to the Hojo, Takeda, and Imagawa clans. For Hida, I've chosen the ever wise Date Masatsuna. For Echigo, Kakizaki Hyogo. For Sado, I've chosen Kaniizumi Nagashige; whose blood runs rampid with hatred towards my western-most neighbors, the Ikko-Ikki. I myself have chosen to remain at my capital province, Mutzu and I have chosen to leave Dewa free from martial-law for now. It is my sincere hope that the diamyo of the Imagawa Clan, Imagawa Yoshimoto, will not begin an eastwardly assault. That will give me ample time to build an insurmountable force to crush the Takeda forces at Kia. Then I will move against the Hojo Clan. Then, all of Japan will be mine. Total war has begun... -Justin
We can very much tell your posts from all others, hot head. I'm closing this topic, just for general lack of intelligence. Also, kuja would like you to know that he deleted one of your posts because there were already threads like it in existance. Please, make sure, when posting, that there are no previous topics like it. -Justin
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][size=1]- Where OtakuBoards is the world's most popular forum ;)[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] There is no Utopia James. Hmm...my perect world, eh? My perfect world is a place where there are dojos that teach multiple forms in all cities. In perfect world politicians would cease their pety ways and work for the good of mankind. There would be a global reform of the stupid people. Man would come into a new age of discovery. The overly-religious would have to keep their opinions about the world amongst themselves and in their churches/monasteries/convents/temples/mosques/shrines/etc. There would be a new age for the Martial Arts. And all who were interested would recieve free traing. And, of course, I would live in a huge castle on some high, misty mountain in China; and I would be the greatest Grand Master in all the world. -Justin
*looks up* Wowie...a triple-post. I think that's the first I've seen in a long time. lol. I think your friend has some serious issues that she consult with her parents about. It would be hard for--No wait. I'll stop with that comment right there. But, I think you should assure your friend that Vejita-sama is NOT real. Oh, and Seppy, don't make me use [b]it[/b] again. You might not survive this time. -Justin
It is VERY good. And I'm not just saying that. ;) If there is more, I'd love to see it. -Justin
It is very good. I'd like to see it continued. I must see the end of it if I'm going to beat it. -Justin
Oh, my dear goose. I completely forgot how the boards looked back then. I wonder... -Justin