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Everything posted by Justin

  1. I think this thread is pretty much done. My question was answered, and the debate is pretty well over. Copy, delete, reply, paste, submit. -Justin
  2. I need some banners, and damn good ones. Make them in multiple sizes, but I'd like two general size ranges, specifically: One to use as a display in a thread(so, quite large) and the other for signatures. Make as many as you desire to, and the more you make, the more likely I'll choose yours. The artists I choose to feature in this event will also receive special consideration for contributing to upcoming events. I need them to say "The Otaku Thread of Board Records" I thought about making this a private invitational thing, only; but I figured "why not make it a small event unto itself?" Hit me with your best shot. Do this for me, and you will receive many babies. -Justin
  3. You may be semi-aware of what this thread is about already. If you're not, I'll brief you: Shy, James and I have been deliberating on a new kind of Pokemon RP. One set in a more realistic world, with very 'true life' events occurring around that world and one particular set of adventurers in it. The setting will be New York City, or any major city, for that matter. Those playing will be involved in a special investigations unit to deal with crimes committed by or against Pokemon. Think Law and Order, except with Pokemon. The Pokemon of this world aren't the cutesy little cartoon we know them to be in the actual Pokemon world. I wish we had time to somehow redraw them into a more realistic style, but I personally don't. But imagine them, and describe them in your posts as more like real animals, or people. Make their personalities real. Make their situations real. The way I would set it up would be in episodes. Just like Law and Order, each episode would begin with a date and time, and perhaps a location. You would be provided with a cut-scene-styled post of the crime, or some related event. Then, the characters would begin solve these crimes by detective work; following trails implanted in the story via my posts, Shy's posts, or James's post--if they are willing. The way I see it, if they're willing, we would rotate. I'd do an episode, Shy would do one, then James. I/we may be willing to open this up to others, as well. This depends on Shy and James' willingness to participate, as well as general consensus. The main point of this underground is to see how many of you are interested in this plot. If I get a reasonable turn-out, we'll do it. Read, and discuss. -Justin
  4. I have, in fact, missed you. And you make a valid point. Well said. I am not a regular smoker, myself. Thus, the legal state of marijuana is not a big concern of mine. Though, I will say this: It is no more dangerous than alcohol. In fact, I've seen far more damage done by consumption of the latter. The whole stigma surrounding weed stems from an early 20th century attempt to find the Devil in all things pleasurable or new. Typical American Puritanism. In fact, there was a massive propaganda campaign launched against the drug in the first half of the last century by the federal government, which was shortly discounted by some of their own researchers. Of course, with the populace already up in arms against this new threat to their homes and families, the feds weren't about to back down and face the real enemy--economic irresponsibility. All that said, when someone says to me "You shouldn't smoke marijuana." I, in turn, ask them "Why?" There is little argument against that, save for "It's illegal." Which, of course, if it were made legal, that argument would be invalid. It's all a matter of discretion, as with most things in life. It [i]can[/i] rule you, and I've seen that. So can alcohol. So can nicotine(this I'm all too aware of). But with the proper restrictions in place, and with proper discretion on the part o the individual user, it will do no more harm than those aforementioned substances. In fact, I imagine it would be a two-fold blessing to this country; or at least our politicians. If it were legalized, the crime surrounding its illegal distribution would all but cease. This would save quite a bit of time and money prosecuting offenders. Also, like tobacco and alcohol, it could and would be taxed. Thereby bringing more money into the purses of the politicians. So, why not make it legal? Simple. P-O-L-I-T-I-C-S. And typical American Puritanism. -Justin
  5. I'd like to add an article. [B][U]WAR[/U][/B] WAR, as its first iteration was titled, was a poorly organized, poorly structured RP based very loosely upon the Dragonball universe. It was also among the oldest (if not the oldest) RPs in the Board's history, and it was the first franchise RP, spawning six sequels. The game was played in the Dragonball forum, as there was no forum designated for such things at the time. WAR 1-4 were mainly just trips through the adolescent, DB-obsessed minds of will2x and thimoc, with WAR 5 likely being the high point of the series. However it was concluded in the most ridiculous deus-ex-machina of fashions, with famous Marvel comics characters showing up in the final moment to destroy the villain. It ended rather quietly with WAR Legends going unfinished. [B]Iterations:[/B] WAR WAR 2 WAR 3 WAR 4 WAR 5 WAR Legends [B]Notable players:[/B] will2x thimoc TOPAZ Hbomb KAMAKAZI Oblivion Cloud [B]Notable Characters:[/B] Will/Will2x Thimoc Tank Ricco Gochan Attila Kamakazi/Gail Sephiroth Oblivion Goku's spirit Seed WAR Evil [B]Power Levels:[/B] Perhaps the most interesting quirk in the storyline was the ridiculous power levels achieved by the characters in the game. Here is a list of all those I can recall: Saiyans: Oozaru Super Saiyan USSJ SSJ2 SSJ3 SSJ4 Golden Oozaru SSJ5 (presumably 6-9 were achievable, but I can't recall them being used) SSJ10 Ultra Saiyan USSJ2(Achievable only by Kamakazi, due to his cybernetic upgrade) Ultra Oozaru(Similarly, only achievable by Kamakazi) God form(Achievable only by Thimoc, due to his mysticism) God form 2 God form 5 Infinite Oozaru(Achievable only by Kamakazi, by Thimoc's mysticism) Infinite God(Similarly, only usable by Kamakazi) Humans: Super Human SHJ2 God form(Achieved only by Will2x, due to Thimoc's mysticism, and by Oblivion, due to his close relationship with the gods) That's all I can remember. -Justin
  6. I think that idea is absolutely incredible, actually. PM me, if you're really interested in doing it. -Justin
  7. An Otaku Awards shindig is already in the works. However, I do like your other idea. It would be difficult to pull off, and it has the potential to be a bit explosive. But I like it. We would have to moderate it strictly, to prevent an intelligent debate from become a pissing contest. We'll talk more, via PM. -Justin
  8. As the title suggests, this is the official thread to suggest all of your Otaku Event ideas. Many were already suggested in the Event Master Auditions thread, I ask that they all be re-posted here. I'll be more than willing to work alongside members with good, viable event ideas. Let's brainstorm. -Justin
  9. I understand that the rules in the Anthology forum are loose as it is, but I have a suggestion. I have a story that I'm using the Anthology forum for; not only to showcase it, but to post it as I write it. Now, I've been here a long time. I was here before most of the rules of this board were, and contributed my own part to their creation. Thus, I understand the rules about double posting. And, as I understand them, the rules preventing double posting are in place not to prevent double posting for double posting's sake; but rather to prevent pointless ramblings, spam, and the absolute domination of a discussion. My thread was edited by Lady Asphixia, in accordance with the board's rules, and she merged three of my posts into one. My problem is this: In a forum such as Anthology, and in a story such as mine, most readers (of the few that will follow such things) aren't going to post after [i]every[/i] one of my installments. That would be somewhat ridiculous. However, if I have to merge all of my new installments into a post I previously made, simply because no one else has felt the need to comment, my thread is going to disappear into the back pages where no one will see it, and fewer will bother to track it down. Hell, after a point, I won't bother. So, would it be possible to loosen the constraints on double posting a little in the Anthology forum? I've done these kind of stories many times over the years, and this kind of double posting has never been a problem before. But I think perhaps, the rule in this case is being enforced for the sake of it being a rule; and perhaps the point of the rule is being overlooked. -Justin
  10. Metalcore is not the bane of all existence. Me and Jake harp on it a lot because of the fact that the metalcore that is popular now is more than just metalcore. It's faux metal. It's metalcore with a true metal aesthetic; thrift store music with a designer tag. The Gallows isn't that original, on a full timeline of aggressive music. They are, however, the best hardcore punk band since Minor Threat. That said, it's been a [i]long[/i] time since hardcore saw a band as good as the Gallows. What you're hearing as screamo isn't screamo. That's what hardcore is supposed to sound like. What you're hearing as metalcore isn't metalcore. That's what hardcore is supposed to sound like. That 'rock-and-roll' sound comes from their immediate relation to punk, and their two-steps-away relationship to rock-born metal bands like Motorhead and metal-born rock bands like AC/DC. The Gallows do hardcore right. -Justin
  11. I hate every single one of those bands. They have no musical value beyond the realm of ****-tastic pop rock, and you should tell the Librarian that TRJA isn't metal, either. What do hardcore kids here think of the Gallows? -Justin
  12. Careful, careful, Gavin. A 'no offense' tacked on to the end of a potentially offensive statement does little to lessen its inherent offensiveness. ;) -Justin
  13. I just went through my PM folder...I was an *** of a moderator. But, by God, I got the job done. I also discovered how much fun I used to have with members I'm not so much associated with according to Otakupedia. People like Sara, Queen Asuka, and Piromunkie. Bah...we were all hella' mods. You modern moderators. You don't know what it [i]means[/i] to mod! (Yes, I also read that MAMA article in Otakupedia. I found it quite funny.) -Justin
  14. I was hoping Jake would cover this, but he didn't, so I will. Metal has nothing to do with your perceived 'youth and hotness.' It's about original, powerful music, and has absolutely nothing to do with age or beauty. The fact that Light This City sounds like Arch Enemy is the [i]problem[/i] with them...they aren't original. This isn't pop music. It isn't a world in which you get honor for clinging to another bands coattails and milking the genre for everything it's worth. This is metal. You're remembered for your contribution to the advancement of the cause. Your mistake about Amon Amarth showed your ignorance. But ignorance is a correctable problem. But what you said about Arch Enemy being of less value to you than Light This City, due simply to LTC's "youth and hotness", is what sickened me. That shows that you're just a tool of the machine. And it is that machine that true metal stands against. It is why we exist. We are the undercurrent that keeps the river flowing, and drowns out the weak. I hate to deride you again, but I hate more that you [i]needed[/i] it. -Justin
  15. No, but it's on my list for albums to review. I've already read and heard a lot of great things about it. You have done damage to me, Jake. I've found that I can no longer live without Agalloch in my life. Curator's new albums is going to be released online early in 2008. Originally, I was suppose to be handling all the vocal duties, but the drummer wants some of his associates on it, as well. So, I'll probably only be handling three songs. But I'll make sure that my stuff is the stuff that goes up. The other vocalists that are going to be on the record are really not good at all. I'm kind of disapointed by DJ's decision to permit that. -Justin
  16. Your dad should be ashamed. Plant is one of the greatest frontmen to ever have lived. From his voice to his stage presence, that man is the god of frontmen. Jimmy Page was good, but he's the most overrated member of the band. He didn't do anything that Hendrix didn't do first or Iomi didn't do better. John Paul Jones was no more talented than any other bass player in some of the larger rock bands of the era. John Bonham is a mastermind of percussion, period. What Led Zeppelin had was good chemistry. They weren't all the best--like so many give them credit for--but they were geniuses when it came time to pen good songs. My favorite Zeppelin tunes are Ramble On, Kashmir, Black Dog,Houses of the Holy, and Immigrant Song. -Justin
  17. I have only one contribution to this thread. Yea! Only one small word by which to shock and awe you denizens of the Lounge. In response to your topic, but one thing have I to say: Death. -Justin
  18. The cliquishness came to an end for the most part when I hit high school. At Central High School, drugs brought everyone together. The only areas in which there were any (real or imagined) cliques were actually in the more 'outcast' groups. They tended to see everyone as against them, which of course, made many dislike them in reality. I floated. Like I said, most of the divides were dropped in high school, except for more extreme ends of the spectrum, when drugs became popular. Therefore, it was an easy culture in which to have have many different friends and associates. Most kids trying to reflect a certain label or style hardly know what that label or style truly represents anyway. -Justin
  19. I would trade you a dollar for a million dollars. -Justin
  20. This is a one-time deal to see me--the real me--in my most natural environment: on stage. [IMG]http://b0.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/01388/07/43/1388153470_m.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://a265.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/26/l_3623f3daea580dcac126d633facb5330.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://a25.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/1/l_990f5eeb77428e94828fe77507a0a318.jpg[/IMG] The most recent of these are the two obviously taken at the same show, and they re nearly a year old. They're the most recent I have on hand at the moment, as I don't pose for the camera often. -Justin
  21. HELL NO! Amon Amarth is not metalcore. Dude...whoa...that hurt my feelings. They belong over in the heavy metal thread. Dude, I think I had something else to say, but you just disturbed me at the sub-metallic level. I won't get into the problems with what you said about LTC or AE, but I will say they both belong over there, as well. Dude...I have control. But lock your doors and board up your windows. Jake will be coming to pillage your home and end your bloodline forever. -Justin
  22. Can I look in the mirror? So long as I'm not on acid. Anyway, you should leave this situation alone, man. If the guy getting cheated on here is that good of a friend, just tell him, and then leave it alone. Aside of that, I have to agree with 13thMan here. It sounds like you might be being a bit overbearring and judgemental. Welcome to OB, man. We're honest. -Justin
  23. I'm reviving this little story with Raiha as my partner. Hopefully, you'll enjoy our efforts, and if you do, you'll find this story has a prequel [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/index.php?/topic/7246-star-wars-our-way/page__hl__%2Bstar+%2Bwars__st__80"]here.[/URL] I highly recommend that you read that first. I'm going to give official titles to these two installments now. The first will be called [i][b]Star Wars: Dynasty Born[/b][/i]. The second will be, [SIZE="3"][i][b]Star Wars: I, Skywalker[/b][/i][/SIZE] When he awoke from what seemed like an endless fall through a black abyss, Justin found the world around him a distorted vision of a medical lab in pale blue. It only took a momentâ??s timeâ??and the sudden, rushing pain in his torsoâ??for him to recall what had happened. Jenna had attacked him. Not only that, she had cut him down. The world heâ??d known for the last few weeks was just a whirlwind. It was more than a waste of time on his part; it caused wounds that will leave scars for the rest of his life. And some scars are more than skin deep. Heâ??d began that time searching for a rogue Jedi. What he found was a hole; a wound in the Force. A Force-sensitive so fucked up that she drew on the life of the Galaxy around her to survive. And he loved her. Hindsight is twenty-twenty, for humans. He didnâ??t rightly know other sentients expression for that sentiment. But he did see then why he wasnâ??t a Master. Though, heâ??d liked to have believed being a Master wouldnâ??t have made a damn bit of difference. He wanted to believe Master Yoda wouldâ??ve fallen for her, too. She had passion. She had beauty. She was intelligent. She was gifted, and a far more powerful being than he. The worst part was that he wanted to believe she could be saved. He wanted to believe he had that kind of influence. And more painful still, now that he knew heâ??d been wrong, he wanted to believe there was good enough left in her that maybe, one day, he would be able to come back for her. Heâ??d be lucky if the Order would even have him back. No, he hadnâ??t fallen off the slippery slope yet, but heâ??d come damn close. Heâ??d seen the pit of existence, and he knew now what few Jedi would ever know: There are places in the Force no soul should ever see. He could now say that heâ??d seen two examples of exactly what the Dark Side can do. Heâ??d loved one. Sheâ??d loved the other more than him. Yoda would have him working in the Temple for years for this. After that, they would assign him as a member of a lesser Council on Dantooine, or somewhere. Heâ??d never see action again, or get an apprentice. He would spend his years teaching others, at arms length, the lesson he learned, but never got to apply again. He wanted to persist in loathing himself, but he couldnâ??t. He remembered her face just as she cut him down. In one moment, it had been cold and emotionlessâ??controlled. The next, she fell with him. He knew that, while sheâ??d failed to kill him, sheâ??d succeeded in what Exar Kun designed. Justin knew that when she cut him down, it was her that died. The pain of what she had done, along with her already blackened heart, destroyed all that was good inside her. One moment of mourning her lost soul, then a lifetime of murder, decadence, and power-mongering would follow. And he knew heâ??d never see her again. The Council would see to that. He was glad, too. If he ever saw her again, heâ??d give in. Maybe heâ??d join her, maybe heâ??d kill her. Though, he was sure heâ??d have no choice but to kill her. She made her misgivings about their romance all too apparent. Some high-strung philosophies about â??dooming their offspring to follow a dark path.â? Bullshit, as far as he was concerned. He barely had time to finish the thought. As soon as he thought about children, something struck him in the Force. There was a child. Not yet, of course, but she would notice soon enough that her cycle was late. Then, sheâ??d know too. While he was falling through the abysmal darkness of broken-hearted unconsciousness, heâ??d seen it. It had only been in flashes, but he had seen it. Not just one child, but two; twins. There would be a boy and a girl. He even knew their names: Seth and Sarah. Recalling the vision, he realized he hadnâ??t been swimming in a void of emptiness at all. It had been one big flash of two lives he created, but would never be a part of. They were doomed. He saw them, not clothed, but [i]enveloped[/i]. Their bodies were covered by the blackness that flowed from their mother, a woman whose face was vaguely familiar, but wholly unknown to Justin. It was the face of the woman heâ??d once called Jenna. Now, in this shifting world of aqua hues and distorted monitors, a name was whispered to him: Darthâ?¦Darthâ?¦Darthâ?¦Darth [i]Panthes[/i]. The mother of his children would be a Dark Lady of the Sith. The only father theyâ??d ever know, a Dark Lord. They, dark heirs to a throne destined to crumble. This time, his sleep was too deep for visions and dreams. When he awoke, he had decided, he would awake a Jedi no more. This was too much. -Justin
  24. There is no source of information greater than personal research. You can't expect to know as much as I or as much as Jake, regardless of what source you use. Why? You haven't immersed yourself in it for years. There's no substitute for that. I'm personally a pretty damn big fan of Nevermore. Though, I don't own a single album of theirs, the newest is on my wish list. -Justin
  25. The thing about Europa is that it is a planet covered in a MASSIVE glacier. Beneath that glacier is some sort of ocean, and when that glacier moves it cracks, sending water shooting breifly to the surface before it freezes over again. Thus, the temperature of that planet is extremely cold. Therefore, the only life possible on that planet would be sub-surface life. And according to most speculations I've read, the atmosphere woudn't be very life-friendly anyway. Not saying it isn't there. Just saying this "earth-like" thing seems to be a better bet, if even half of the speculations are true. -Justin
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