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Everything posted by Justin

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baby Kiwi [/i] [B][color=crimson]I do see this from your guys' points, but you do have to think of what kind of church group that has been burning those books. Not all churches are like that, so dont go thinking that if one church does that, all of them do. It was probably some extremist church that is very strict with their beliefs, kinda like the puritans back in the 1600s. My church, a Southern Baptist church has no say in what its members or other Christians do with their leisure reading; its all up to their own discretion. If they think it is secular, they just dont read it. They leave it up to the individual. I think thats what all churches should do, but most aren't as liberal as mine. :rolleyes: [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I think that most of them are fairly lenient on things that would have been considered secular 100 years ago. I'm not religous myself, but I have been to several churches before, only one one of which was extremist. I already mentioned that one. So, no, people shouldn't get the idea that ALL churches are like that, just because a select few are. -Justin
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]Yea... toilet papering houses and keying cars... and egging... The fun of the running away... so glorious...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] You can't find anything more productive to do? I got arrested in the 8th grade for fighting in school. It was pretty stupid, but it seemed like a just-cause at the time. -Justin
  3. Justin


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B] Thats funny, cause I've seen a hell of alot more anime then last we talked Shinji-chan. A hell of alot more anime Shinji-chan, I've see the latest anime released online, burn it, and keep it. I've got at least right now 400 Gigs of anime off my comp, the small list was just whats on my comp, I'm not giving ppl like on here full access to all I have, thats crazy! And Shinji-chan, just to let u know, I do support the companies that release anime as well, i've bout at least 100 tapes from them, but i dun want to transfer them to my computer cause the quality will suck alot! By the way, blood rocks! [/B][/QUOTE] Gendo, shut up. That's enough of this immature pissing contest. As for Blood, I really liked it. The animation was great. However, like Seppy said, it was only 45 minutes long. If they had put about another hour's worth of storyline into it, it would've been really good. -Justin
  4. I [b]think[/b] that Sephiroth, the religous figure, was suppose to be some sort of fallen angel or demon. I'm not really sure, but that sounds right. It has been a long time since I attended church regularly. As for the Sephirotic, Sephiroth himself has explained that already. -Justin
  5. I thought that the LCL liquid was to oxyginate the blood directly so that the pilots don't need to breathe air. -Justin
  6. Well, first of all, it would be nearly impossible to organize something like that. Secondly, as far as I'm concerned anyway, there are only a few people I'd be willing to meet here. So you probably wouldn't find me there unless one or more of them were there also. -Justin
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]I took a picture of a red F-150 today...and thought of you ;)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Heh...want my truck [i]that[/i] bad, do you? *runs and install an "Anti-Jenna" security device* You won't be stealing mesa truck anymore! :D -Justin
  8. Please excuse me, but I'd like to put in my nickle's worth here. PLEASE, don't allow Daily Otaku to come back. Thank you. -Justin
  9. Wow, that [i]is[/i] a sexy vehicle...But, its not my truck. *hugs trucks* [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Honestly, I'm not that vain, I swear! :p[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Ah, yes...but, you shold be ;) [quote][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve[/i] [b]Hmm... I like that car... but... I like Gackt more... wouldn't you like to stare at Gackt or even... ride Gackt ::cough:: more than that car?... ::cough:: I would... ::whistles off as if nothing was said::[/b][/quote] *Puts on headphones and cranks up volume to max* -Justin
  10. Stupid as he may be, my best friend and I share a bond that is unbreakable by something as trivial as sexual preference. I'm not homosexual, I very much doubt I ever will be. But, to reject ANYONE simply on that basis is immature and stupid. -Justin
  11. Once again, the stupidity and arrogance of the human condition fails to surprise me. Something similar to that happened here. A church's(which my cousin attended) youth pastor set up a CD/Tape/Video/Book/etc. burning event about a year ago. Now, my cousin just happens to be one of those people who believes that if it is condoned by her church it MUST be right. Having said that, she took $185 worth of things to that bon-fire and burned them. I did nothing but roll my eyes at her. It also happens that she has no common sense in any other area either, so I wasn't very surprised at all. I think that people who are stupid enough to do WHATEVER someone else says is right are very niave. If everyone did it the way that was "right", where the hell would we be today? -Justin
  12. You know, if you want to talk about it you can find me on AIM at TIGERS6434, right now. I'll be more than happy to talk. -Justin
  13. I'm sorry, Cera. I hope she gets well soon. -Justin
  14. That what very well written. I'm impressed by you. I have, however, heard the population-compression lecture before. It is enlightening to think about the world from that perspective. -Justin
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zero-Sama [/i] [B]I'll Take [b][SIZE=100]GOD[/SIZE][/b] as my choice......You people have no sence of religion.... [/B][/QUOTE] That's starting something that needn't be started here again. So, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop before someone else says something arrogant. Thank you, buh-bye. Some of my favorite leaders would be: Admiral Yamamoto Julius Ceasar(Oh, GG, back then it was just Rome. No Italy.) General Sun Tzu General Cao Cao Uesugi Kenshin Note that I base mine on their effectivness in battle. Not their politics. -Justin
  16. Well, I'm half Italian. However, my family name itself is Irish. I'd just say I'm American. -Justin
  17. Ack...sorry about this guys...it completely slipped my mind until DK made his post. The old fighters from the trilogy and the books written afterwards are out-of-date. However, the same designs(such as X-Wing) may be used, but it would be wise to modify their weaponry slightly. Trust me, fire power will play a big role later on. So from here on out, here are the rules on fighters: [b][U]New Republic[/U][/b] Standard: ZX- 101(X-Wing IX) Bomber: YB-10(Y- Wing II) Guerilla Fighter: E-834(E-Wing II) Ground Assault Fighter: GA-95(G-Wing) Snow Speeder: ECF-0(Snow Speeder) Space Combat: B-65(B-Wing VI) Fast Fighter: A-114(A-Wing Red) Escort Fighter: A-84(A-Wing Black) [b][u]Pirates[/u][/b] Standard: Z-101(Headhunter UG) Bomber: YB-5(Y-Wing Custom) Guerilla Fighter: A-115(A-Wing Scarlett) Snow Speeder: N/A Space combat: B-12(B-Wing SC) Fast Fighter: A-115(A-Wing Scarlett) Escort Fighter: Z-101(Headhunter UG) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Those are only the fighters. The cruisers and transpost may remain the same. I, however, suggest adding a few customizations to them. Oh, let it be known: That is only a rough estimate of what pirates use in general. They can have anything. That is just what you will see me using. Again, sorry for this. -Justin
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B]In the harsh deserts on Dantione (thats right, there is a planet called Dantione) a Master Sith trains his apprentice. [/B][/QUOTE] I know. But, its spelled Dantooine, I believe. I've read quite a few of the books so I do know enough to run this story. I like your opening, too. I just hope we can get more people to join. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Justin: Master Horn, how is the Academy going? The new students, I mean. Master Horn: Not as promising as I had hoped...but, i know you already know that, Master Skywalker. Luke: You are a great Jedi, Conner. It was a pleasure teaching you. I'm sure, once you've had time, you'll become a marvelous instructor for the padawans that come through this school in the future. Master Horn: Thank you, Master. You are too kind. Luke: I'll be leaving my apprentice, Justin, here with you. I wish for him to endure the trials while I am away. He has learned all that he needs to learn. Master Horn: Yes, sir. Justin: Thank you, Master Skywalker... Luke: Now, I'd like to have some time to meditate before I inspect the knew students, and assign them individual instructors. Justin: I'll go to the top of the temple. The sunset will aid my relaxation. Master Horn: The class will be waiting for you when you wake, Master Skywalker. -Justin
  19. Ok, here are the rules. First of all, this is a Star Wars rpg. If you don't know what that is then, well its a long story and you would probably be lost if you tried to play ;) This story takes place 90 years after the defeat of Admiral Thrawn(which took place 6 years after the battle at Endor). All the characters from the original trilogy and all the books written so far are now dead. You must make up your own. You can be any race you want and have any occupation you want. However, I'll except no Jedi Masters and 3 Jedi Knights...and if things get too extreme only 6 padawans. The same thing goes for Sith Lords and apprentices. If you select a Jedi or Sith, I will decide when you advance. Other than that, everything is up to you. My character will be: Name: Justin Greywind Race: Human Occupation: Jedi Padawan. Age: 17 Bio: He is a young Jedi Padawan on the verge of becoming a Jedi Knight. He was blessed as a baby by his current master, Luke Skywalker. [COLOR=royalblue]A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...[/COLOR] [b][COLOR=orange]His life prolonged by his strong connection the mystical power known as "the Force", the aging Luke Skywalker was on the way to Coruscant, to see a child. For over 20 years there was utter peace in the galaxy. However, for 15 of those 20 years, Master Skywalker was plagued by a vision. A vision of impending doom. A vision of a battle, between two forces never imaginable to him. The arrival of the one, inevitable force for evil, the Gyundi, was fast approaching. The only way to avert the wake of darkness which will follow him was to find the force for the Light Side. The Gyundo. Skywalker believed that this boy was the Gyundo. All the while, a military force was massing along the Outer Rim. Its objectives and its chieftan were unknown. Now, 17 years have passed since then. The boy has grown into a powerful Jedi Padawan. The military force has disapeared without a trace.[/COLOR][/b] Justin: I have a bad feeling about this. Luke: I've had a bad feeling about this since before you were born. Relax. Focus your mind on what you must do. Justin: The word from Coruscant is that the Republic is mounting a fleet to visit the outposts near the Unknown Regions. Luke: I know. Justin: *thinking* Is there any use in talking to him?* Luke: Well, you won't be able to teach me anythingbut, i can guarantee you that you didn't learn all that you know by ignoring me...*thinking* Did you?* Justin: *thinking* Of course not.* Luke: We're here. Justin: It has been a long time since I saw my old quarters at the Jedi Academy. Luke: You'll find this new crop of students isn't very promising. Justin: I'm sure that Master Horn will inform us of that. Luke: He will. He has become the image of his father. Justin: His son is the image of him. I suppose it runs in the family. Luke: It does. It will for many more generations to come. Justin: Come, Master. The students have come to greet you. Luke: Like I said...they won't be very promising. ooc: Now, the next registree will pick up his/her beginning, where ever that may be. -Justin
  20. Allow me to clear this up. If it says that the administration has closed registration then I think what it means is: The administration [i]did[/i] close registration. -Justin
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]I find it disturbing that so many people got me as #1 on their list results O_o;;;;; [/B][/QUOTE] Just face it, Seppy. No one is like you. You are, instead, like them... -Justin
  22. I don't know about the cable thing. I can say I've never heard of it. Yes, there was 15 year old who crashed a plane. He also wrote a letter supporting Osama Bin Laden from what I hear. But, I don't know if that part is factual. I believ Hbomb works on another site or something. Or perhaps he just lost interest. Because, if you think about it, why does there need to be more than two? It isn't because he's a bad admin...it just isn't necessary. Yes, when he wants to. -Justin
  23. # 1 Sepiroth " Cool" # 2 kuja "Kuji - Wuji" # 3 James "Smarter AND more powerful than you" # 4 Transtic Nerve "Gackt!" # 5 Cera "The Cynic" # 6 Forte "..." # 7 Noryoko Angelcry "The Ultimate Gamer" # 8 Babygirl "Jedi Master" # 9 Queen Asuka "Otaku and all around nice person" # 10 Shyguy "Sorry, you should have tried harder" # 11 Thimoc "Legendary Spammer" # 12 Ginnylyn "Digimon Goddess, Watch out for her mod rod" # 13 Lady Macaidoh "One of Adam's Angel's" # 14 Newbie "My power level is higher than yours!" Well, what a surpise. It looks like I'm most like ole' Seppy. -Justin
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Well, sometimes I think about my various fantasies and the guys I'd like to [i]have[/i] those fatasies with...:naughty: Tonight I'll probably be thinking about Cowboy Bebop, since all of the episodes are so emotional (to me at least) and one time I even cried myself to sleep after watching it (Session 5, Ballad of Fallen Angel). I get weirder every day, don't I? Heh :p Actually, I think that Cowboy Bebop in particular just brings out all of these emotions because it is so masterfully done...it's a really amazing anime. Wait, back on topic... Um...I forgot...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] That's funny...my eyes watered up after I watched the last episode. I didn't actually cry though. On the subject, I always find bad memories and thoughts before I go to sleep. I think, very, very deeply about my past and the people I've known and the ones I've forgotten. I usually find myself wondering about an old friend who died when I was 14. Things like how would she be now and trying to picture in my head the way she might look if she were still alive. I think about ex-girlfriends and my family. I think about stupid thing I've done and stupid things my friends have done. You know, the kinds of things that keeps you from being able to sleep. -Justin
  25. Justin


    I'm on a 56k modem. I want a cable connection, though. Alas...the payments... -Justin
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