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Everything posted by Justin
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B] [FONT=century gothic]Jenna, you are a beautiful, strong person. Your brother is blessed to have a sister like you, and I am convinced that you will make a wonderful mother as well. ;)[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] I far beyond agree. Its obvious that you are a special person, Jenna. Whenever you have a child, I can tell he'll have a great mother. -Justin
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B] OK! you dont understand, if its a brainless child that would never do anything other than sit and breath and sometimes forget to do that and die while im asleep then whats the point? you go ahead and have a kid like that...as for me im not. [/B][/QUOTE] That's completely ignorant. As I already said its sad the way you say what you say. How could you say something like that? If only you knew how deep you're going. It takes compassion to be human. I'm very sorry to see that you have none. -Justin
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B] ok not all do, but either way id be ending up taking care of someone that doesnt understand anything at all, cant hear me and cant see. 20 years later itll be about 4'2 id have to spoon feed alot and if its not that bad it wont try and take off its diper and poop on the floor. i just dont understand, wheres the love in that, if it had the ability to learn math be able to read with some help and like be able to have feelings then thats defently something to keep. i wouldnt want a child that would jus sit there and stare blankly into the sky and every once and awile forgets to breath and has to have check ups once a week for the rest of its life sucking my money dry. that would not be anything anyone would want would they? i mean it wouldnt matter if i loved it or hated it wouldnt understand at all..i mean me and wife would be better of without it and so would it. [/B][/QUOTE] Its very, very sad that you would say that. I've read this entire topic and I'm very unimpressed to say the very least. If you want to be absolutely factual, you and your wife would be finacially better off without any children. Hell, you'd be better off, financially, if you didn't buy a house or a car and just went to work everyday and lived your life out as a homeless miser. But you would do that? I think not. The fact is, if you had a mentally challenged child, and you were willing to give it a chance, you'd more than likely find yourself attached to it. Do you truly know what is going inside that child's mind? How can you say that it doesn't understand love? Of course it would. Even if its in a simpler sense than what we are used to thinking of as love. It would love its mother and father as unconditionally as you'd likely find yourself loving it. Will, it helps to show a little compassion every now and then. It really does. You make it sound as if "normal", whatever normal may be(I could go on rambling about tha, but I won't), people are better than handicapped ones. We're all people. Like it or not. Some need a little help, but in the end, we're all the same. -Justin
Name: Kallabow Age: 35 Gender: Male Job: Swordsman Limit Break: Berserker. Kallabow will run, weapons drawn, at whatever opponent challenges him. He'll then do his absolute best to hack them into niblets. hp/mp: 90hp/25mp. -Justin
Well...I have dreams pretty regularly. Most of them are fairly nonsensical and some of them are even funny. But occasionally, when I meditate mostly, I have a reaccuring dream that disturbs me a little. I start of in a pitch-black feild or room, with one single light focused on me. Then a single voice peirces utter silence. Its a lost little boy. He walks over into the the light and stands with me. Then, another presence enters the room. Its moves in and out of the light at first, kind of like its taughting me, then it starts moving in and hitting me and the boy. So, I take to protecting the kid. Then another presence enters the dream, he just pretty much stands there. Then I notice I'm holding something in my hand. The object begins to burn my hand, so I throw to the third presence. He takes it and slams it down on the ground. Then there is a sudden feeling of dispair in the dream. Then, a blazing white animal comes and takes me and the boy up and out of the black field, leaving the third presence to be assaulted by the second. -Justin
I actually enjoy going to school. I haven't got much to do this semster at all, actually. The only core-class-subjects I have to worry about are english and calculus. Other than that, I have studio art and welding. I purposely packed all the hard stuff I could into the first three years so I could breeze through this last one as easily as possible. -Justin
Yes, I would. In my opinion it would heartless to kill it it or get rid of it, simply because it is retarded. Although I should say, Navi gave a very good point. But, if its my child I would love it no matter what. -Justin
DBGT ended in 1996. So yes, they have an ending for it. And yes, Gokou absorbs the dragonballs and leaves with Shenron, I think. But, you had better wait on someone else to answer before you do anything important with that information. It has been a long time since I watched DB. -Justin
Seppy: Our orders are to head to the rebel base ASAP, boss. Justin: yes, I know. Seppy: Well...WHY AREN'T WE HEADING TO THE REBEL BASE!?!?! Justin: Because, I have to find someone. Seppy: Who might this someone be? Justin: Tifa's head on the end of EVA 01's horn if you don't shut your mouth! Seppy: Noo! You leave leave Tifa out of this you big ugly smirf! Justin: That's it..she's dead. *Justin pulls out a Tifa plushie and rips it head off* Seppy: :eek: *Seppy falls over, has a few random convulsions, and finally, all movement ceased. Justin picked Seppy up and put him in his back-pack.* Justin: Finally... Kuja:[i]It really is time you got here now![/i] Justin: Oh geeze...I thought I turned this thing off... Kuja: [i]Enough searching. You've had more than your fair share of search-time. He's gone.[/i] Justin:Bah...all I have to do is find and old thread he lived in, then I can reincarnate him. Kuja: [i]No. Now, get over here.[/i] Justin: As you wish... *Justin disapears and nothing but a cloud of dust is left behind...but, when it clears, the ever-mischievious, Seppy, is left, lying in the dirt...* -Justin
I hate to burst your genki-dama DBZman...but it didn't work for me either. -Justin
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mstyrios WX [/i] [B]A sword is the weapon of my choice... A japenese Naginata specificly.... You can block bulles with it,it's that long and big. A Katana to start me out though. Fear the blade... (XXXXXXXXX(|)===================================> [/B][/QUOTE] A naginata is a blade indeed. That thing is less like a sword and more like a giant meat cleaver-gone rabid. You'd be lucky to be able to hold it, period. Let alone hold with enough stillness to be able to use it properly. So, yes, a katana would be a good starter...along with excessive weight-lifting and balance training. Then, maybe when you're about 25 and HUGE, then...you might be able to hold a naginata with enough control to begin training with it.;) As for me...no naginata's here. -Justin
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]:rotflmao: Perhaps I could even pose as Leia in her slave outfit...that would be sure to convince them to let me use their image :smirk:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Ouch...I sure hit that floor hard...If you do that then you had better send me the pic...I'll have to show it to Jarvis, heh heh... -Justin
Well, I normally like western fencing, which, of course, demands a western blade. My preferred western blade is a Pappenheimer Rapier. Although I've picked up an interst in Chinese straight-blade fencing lately. Its fairly similar to western fencing, except it can supplement my martial arts a little better. *chops Jenna in the back of the neck* *Jenna falls out* So much for the powers of the Jedi... -Justin
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B] Well, as my dad says, 'life's not fair- and then you die!' lol........ [/B][/QUOTE] Or like Kuj--I mean felix says...'Life's a *****, then you marry one. So just kick life in the *** and move on. But, I serioulsy don't know what to tell you. She hasn't really done enough to press charges. But if she continues to harrass you then that is what i suggest you do. -Justin
That sounds like a royal pain in the gluteous maximus to me. Sorry woody, just forget about her. That's about all you can do. -Justin
Voodoo hit the nail on the head with a sledge-hammer. Well, for the most part. I don't don't know why it is but [i]a lot[/i](not all) girls just don't seem to understand than guys are every bit as human as they are. I could type out a list of names...*cough*Leslie*cough*...but I won't do that. -Justin
If getting guys is anything like getting girls, then its all a lot like fishing. You just bait your hook and let it sit out in the water. When you get a keeper you keep it. When you get a little rascal, throw it back. -Justin
*In the GS forum* Justin: Seppy, get out here. Seppy: :sleep: Justin: WAKE UP! Seppy: :wigout: Justin: I want you to listen out for Warlock...I might not sense him. I can escape him as long as he doesn't catch me off-guard. Seppy: Roger! but...what if Wartlock [i]does[/i] show up? Justin: Don't you mean [i]Warlock[/i] Seppy: That's what i said...[i]Wartlock[/i]. Justin:...Indeed...well...if he does, then I will use the only physical technique I know...Instant Transmission. Seppy: Well, if it'll get me to Tifa faster...let's do it now instead of frolicking in this dump! I WANT MESA TIFA!!!! Justin: *pulls out Tifa plushie and puts a knife to its head* Shut up or Tifa gets it... Seppy: Oink! *Seppy crawls back into Justin's back-pack* -Justin
I think between Soccer and SepNIN the whole Buu sage has been put into a nutshell and thrown neatly to you, Spikey. Except, if I remeber correctly Gokou destroyed Buu on the new planet Namek...not on Kiao-sama's planet. But i could be wrong, its been a long time since I watched anything remotely DB... -Justin
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Adam [/i] [B]Street Fighter The Movie, and it's also the best movie ever:). -Adam [/B][/QUOTE] I wish you would explain your obsession with the "best, yet worst" movie ever made... I personally think that the worst movie I've ever seen is Pokemon: The First Movie. My little brother simply insisted that I watch it with him. I did...much to my regret. -Justin
Well as long as the cash keeps coming in for it then I guess it doesn't hurt. But, I think maybe your mom should go to counceling if she is willing to shell out $50 everytime the dye begins to grow out. But...oh well...more cash for you, I guess. -Justin
I like Gladiator, Star Wars(all four ;) ), The Fast and the Furious, Pearl Harbor and Training Day. That's for American box office movies. As for anime movies I like Ghost in the Shell and s[b][SIZE=3]i[/SIZE][/b]n the best. -Justin
And there is no need for new moderators in General Discussion or Introduction. If there was, there would be new ones already. There's no point in removing TN and BG from the moderator column, its not hurting anything. -Justin
My truck...heh heh heh...*hugs truck* I loves mesa truck. -Justin
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]He certainly isn't! I know for a fact that tursi is a huge fan as well as myself ;)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I just noticed your new avatar, Jenna. If that doesn't demonstrate your fanaticism then nothing does. -Justin