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Everything posted by Justin

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Just as anything that's Immovable is Immovable. And who says that this Immovable Object can be grinded through? Nowhere along the line did it say that.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, maybe "grinded" wasn't the proper terminology, I meant that perhaps the unstoppable force could push its way through the immovable object. Or, if that isn't possible, then maybe the unstoppable force would work its way off of the immovable object over a period of time. Thus, the immovable object hasn't been moved, and the unstoppable force, hasn't been stopped. -Justin
  2. Well, Gokou died because he used instant transmission to teleport himself and Cell to King Kia's planet and then Cell self-destructed there. But...Cell survived his own self-destruction and returned to Earth. Then, Android 16 talked to Gohan...and then Cell destroyed Android 16 and sent out his 'Cell jrs.' After this, Gohan went into a rage and went ssj2. Which ultimately resulted in Cells destruction. -Justin
  3. Uncut SM is pretty much hentai with a story line. A sorry story line at that. I don't much care for SM... -Justin
  4. Seppy: This ain't cool, yo! Justin: Once again your mindless jibber-jabber frightens me. Seppy: Come on, man...lets skip this shizzy and go find Tifa! Justin: No, the time for peace is over. Now, rebellion from the general populas is imminent. We must take part. Seppy: Forget the general pop--popu--pimple or whatever...I WANT TIFA!!! Justin: I'll get you a Tifa plushie if you shut up... SeppY: Promise?! Justin: Pinkie promise... SeppY:YAAAYY! Justin: Shut up and get in the back-pack! Seppy: Yes, ma'am. Justin: -__-;; Grrr... Seppy: Yipes! *Seppy crawls into the back-pack on Justin's shoulders* Justin: And stay in there... -Justin
  5. Whoa...Cera, let me pop a few of those Tylenol too, please. Well, there is no answer to that question because, it couldn't happen. I suppose if those two forces clashed that the unstoppable force would win though. It would eventually grind its way through the immovable object without moving it. -Justin
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B][COLOR=chocolate]And I agree with Crazy White Boy, Jar Jar was pretty cool, even though he did seem like a racist stereotype.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I don't understand where in the world people get that from. But we need not start that here... -Justin
  7. ack...what the hell happened to this topic? Listen, no invinciblity and no members trying to be moderators, get over yourself or don't play.(with the exception of SG) Name: Justin Weapon: Any of the EVA's, a beserker mode, and a Pappenheimer rapier. Or whatever else I pick up on the way. Pets:...when did pets come into play? Oh, well....my pet's name is Seppy. He's a little silver monkey with an obsession for Tifa Lockheart. status: member...*points to rank* duh... bio: If you don't already know then you'll just have to find out. -Justin
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink] :alcohol:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] And yet...it is so much fun on the way to :drunk: is it not? Star Wars is a better storyline overall. From what I've seen of it Star Trek is a lot more high-tech and more rounded than Star Wars, perhaps that is why I like SW more... -Justin
  9. I went to a party with my girlfriend, Katie(Jenna, one of the many stories I'm waiting for a chance to tell you) and a few other friends. We drank, we laugher, we hugged, we kissed and we had a damn good time. Then I brought Katie back to my house and we slept from about 5:30am until about 1:00pm... -Justin
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink] [i]By the way Justin, your second email cracked me up, and I was literally laughing out loud....hehe :p[/i][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I knew it would...heh...that's why I sent it. Remember, always use the real thing not the fake, home-made kind. ;) -Justin
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyaman [/i] [B]They should make a sticky topic where you post the pictures and just lock up all the other picture topics. That would solve everything. [/B][/QUOTE] No, then they would have to make a sticky for pets and shoes and anything else that may become popular. We should just stop making new topics for something that already exists. -Justin
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B] Good point, Justin. While we're at it, shouldn't your post be on the suggestion board?:butthead: [/B][/QUOTE] Because...I don't need to post in the Suggestion Forum. The moderators and administrators are all well aware of the picture topic problem. In fact, I've spkoen with James about it already. And kuja, and a few other moderators. I've suggested a sticky topic for pics...but James gave a very good reason why he wouldn't do that. He said that we will all just have to learn to reuse topics as much as possible. Don't tell me where posts belong, I assure you, I know. -Justin
  13. Star wars, no contest. Although, I might be bias because I was raised to like it... -Justin *EDIT*[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink][size=4]Star Wars!!![/size] Hehehe, yay! I'm a true Jedi...Jedi at heart always and forever ;) I just bought the Episode I DVD today, I already had the VHS, but since everywhere I went was sold out of Moulin Rouge, I got Ep. I instead. The extra features seem pretty awesome so far! And if anyone thinks that they're a bigger Star Wars fan than I, or who thinks they know more than I do...try me :smirk:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Oh, Jenna...I'll take you up on that. Unless you're scared... -Justin *EDIT*
  14. Losing dogs isn't all that uncommon for me. My dad has a kennel with over 50 dogs, and 25 of them are my responsibilty. I lose puppies all the time because they are so fragile and occasionally I lose adults because of old age or irreversable health conditions. So I'm not particularly affected by losing a dog. -Justin
  15. For goodness sake...stop posting picture topics, its getting annoying. We have over 5 on the front page! Use one of them and save some space for a change. If this keeps up they will have to rename General Discussion, Picture Forum, or something... -Justin
  16. Admiral: Alright, pilots. Leading this operation will be Lt. Mac Castilonge. Follow his orders and I hope you will al survive. Good luck. Mac: Thanks, Admiral. Now, pilots, listen. We are going to split our forces a little so pay close attention. I want Sniper Gundam and its company of regular soldier units to attack from the right. Push them back and to the left. My gundam and my company will attack at the full center and take them straight back. Any volunteers for taking the right to left position? Xander: My company is a group of long range units, sir. Mac: I know. You are going to shoot them from a distance and then keep pushing them with as much fire power as you can muster. Xander: Understood. Mac: Now, any takers for the remaining slot? -Justin
  17. Riobella:[i]What the hell! There is a buzzing in the back of my head.[/i] *Riobella turns around and looks behind him, seeing the battleship and EVA 00, holding the lance of longinus.* Riobella:[i]Oh...my...god...[/i] *Riobella pulls his wings back in and falls into the ocean, he then allows his suit to shrink back to normal size.* Riobella: Grrr...I'll never catch that damn jet now... -Justin
  18. Justin


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj chic [/i] [B]yea when i was 6 i took tyquando(sp?) can't spell it....oh well [/B][/QUOTE] Its Tai Kwan Do. Or maybe Ti Kwan Do, no wait...that doesn't look right, Tai Kwan Do it is. But, I've had more than my share of fights in the past. Most of them resulted from my ignorant, immature stupidity that, thankfully, seems to be leaving now that I can clearly see just how stupid I have been. But I can tell you, no one goes uninjured if they go around fighting... -Justin
  19. Its...1:38pm, New Years Eve here in Alabama. I await 12:00 for I have a very special person to kiss tonight... -Justin
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [size=1]Now, now...there's room enough for you both. ....oO(Did I say that or just think it? ...Uh oh...)[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I think you did...you won't have to worry about me, Shinji. I'm waiting for Jenna to come back. James' presence frightens me to the point of nearly wetting myself. Until I realise, he's just a faceless name, on my computer. -Justin
  21. This will be the beginning, pilots. Good luck... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mac: What's taking him so long? Gren: Its hell if I know. Mac: For an Admiral he isn't very punctual. Gren: I bet you wouldn't say it to his face. Mac: Heh, don't put too much money on that... Garret: Hey, Admiral on deck! Mac: 'Bout damn time. *Mac, Gren and Garret all exit the mess hall and enter the main hangar of the Soldier Unit Carrier, [i]Dragon[/i]* Admiral Takeda: Men, this is most of you all's first assignment. You look, eager. You should be...you've been out here for, what is it...8 months now? This will be one of the few battles you will have, and believe me...there will be many, but this will be one of the few you will have that will forever stick out above th rest. Not only is this your first assignment as full G.I.F. pilots, but it is also a keystone-mission, in the recapturing of Lenox-8, which we all know is one of the most strategic asteroids in the solar system. So...for us, and for you, make this mission...a succesful one. Crowd: Sir, yes, sir! Admiral Takeda: Thank you, dismissed. Cptn. Quarra: Everyone, get to your units, pronto! Mac: So...what about him? Gren: The admiral? Mac: Yeah. Gren: He's alright. Pretty generic pep-talk, though. Mac: Yeah, I've heard it all before. Gren: It looks like you got assigned to a gundam. Mac: Yep, Celestial Gundam. Its the best on the carrier, or so I'm told. Gren: And to the best pilot it goes. Mac: Thanks...what'd they stick you with? Gren: Some P.O.S. standard unit with juiced up accelerators. Mac: Ah well...I got your back. Gren: I'll be needing that, more than likely. Mac: Ok...see you around. Gren: Bye. [i]Both pilots head to differnt areas of the hangar to get to their soldier units.[/i] -Justin
  22. I like it. I'm afraid I don't have any ideas, but I did enjoy reading it. I await the continuation... -Justin
  23. It makes sense. I suppose there is no disproving it. But, unless I'm mistaken, the disorder you spoke of isn't a disorder, but it is a disease. And for your theory to occur there would have to be another disease which made people age slowly, or a cure for the already known disease that works too well. I'm not dismissing it, nor am I saying that I'm a phanatical believer in it. I'm just saying, its doubtful. -Justin
  24. Vegeta, this topic is like two weeks old or more, why did you bring it back? -Justin *EDIT* Oh, well. If it was on the first page then it was ok. It just seems like this topic should be much further back... -Justin *EDIT*
  25. So will I. I tried posting fan fics here before and no one seems to care, but hopefully you'll keep at this one... -Justin
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