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Everything posted by Justin

  1. After I got my god-daughter out, I would probably go back in for my Pappenheimer Rapier, its my favorite of all my swords, and...oh hell I guess I would rescue my roomate since I know he would be too stupid to rescue himself... -Justin
  2. I would walk up to him with a big smile on my face, then I stick my hand out grap his testicles and squeeze until he was so constricted he couldn't move, afterwhich I would cuss him to hell and back, release him, and when he hit the floor from pain I would spit in his face. But, the intellegent thing to do would be to talk to your mother, and then try to get some peace in your life now that he's out of it... -Justin
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Outlaw [/i] [B] I agree. You do resemble her......alot........only sexier. Man, all these posts show either one of 2 thing. We have alot of nice ppl on the boards who want to compliment you, or we have alot of desperate guys who think your hot. [/B][/QUOTE] Its all the same thing, Outlaw, either way she is getting complemented. Just some faint or have to take a second look. :shifty:*looks at picture again*:shifty: What? Like [i]you[/i] guys didn't look again... -Justin
  4. It actually sounds like a good movie but, alas, I can't help you. But, I suggest you follow the advice given to you by Lady M... -Justin
  5. Justin


    As I said in [b]the other X topic on this page[/b], I was thinking about buying it but I bought Akira and the new Nickelback CD instead. Although, now after seeing the endless ramblings of Gendo up there I might actually go back and buy it on payday... -Justin
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud Strife00 [/i] [B]i was hoping for gundamX [/B][/QUOTE] Err, let me ruin one surprise for you buddy, Gundam X isn't very good. As for G Gundam, I really enjoyed the subtitles as far as subtitle enjoyment goes, but i probably won't buy the dubbed version until later, much later... -Justin
  7. I don't care to see G-Saviour, I strongly recommend G Gundam though... -Justin
  8. I'm sure it is, but I don't really care for post-Sengoku, there wasn't much action... -Justin
  9. I was wondering whhen it would come to something like this... -Justin
  10. Well, I agree with Transtic here, I think the parents should learn that their perfect little angel is not so perfect any longer. I think that all parties involved are at fault though. The boy is wrong for breaking the law and having sex with someone two years younger than himself, and the girl is wrong for having sex period. Although, I shouldn't talk too bad about the girl it wasn't long after 13 that I lost my virginity. But, that's the past. I think that once you are old enough to be responsible about it, then you are old enough to have sex, clearly neither of the two were old enough by my standards... -Justin
  11. Damn, you're pretty. I never knew you had posted an earliest pic... -Justin
  12. It looks like I'll be home for Christmas. Its a bit chilly tonight, but, I thinnk I can safely say we won't be having a white Christmas in Dixie :)... -Justin
  13. Sengoku: "Country at War" Time in Japanese history(1400A.D.?-1600A.D.) when the entire country was at civil war. Tokugawa: A clan of fuedal Japan which ultimately defeated all others. Shogunate: Supreme military ruler, actually supreme ruler period, as the emperor was just a religous figurehead. Shogun: Short for Shogunate. Kawanakajima: A vast plain where 5 battles were fought between Taisho Uesugi Kenshin and Taisho Takenda Shingen. The 4th was one of the bloodiest and most famous battles in Japanese history. Sun Tzu: Chinese author/general/philosopher. He recorded the sessions which became [i]The Art of War[/i] in 400 B.C. Uesugi: Clan of feudal Japan which ultimately succumbed to the Takenda clan when Takenda Shingen had Uesugi Kenshin assasinated. Taisho: General. Sekigahara: A battle at the beginning of the post-Sengoku period. Takenda Shingen: Taisho who battled the Uesugi clan at the Kawanakajima plains. He ultimately won through assasination. Uesugi Kenshin: Taisho who battled the Takenda clan at the Kawanakajima plains. He ultimately lost because he was assasinated. Details about his assasination are, for the most part unknown but, most say it happened at his out-house. In the most popular version the ninja who killed him is said to have waited UNDERNEATH Kenshin's rest area for 3 days and nights awaiting Kenshin to come and use it. After Kenshin finally did so, the ninja killed him... Now you know... -Justin
  14. Yay! Another piccy of Jenna! *clicks the little blue underlined text* ...not a pic of Jenna...freaky pic...but not a pic of Jenna... -Justin
  15. Riobella:*thinking* There's the battleship. And the Eva is aboard. I wonder if he can do combat underwater...Let me see now... *His dorsal fin suddenly splits and the two fins begin growing, then he leaps from the water and flaps the two fins as they continue to grow into wings. The he allows the remaining shark-like shape to return to its humanoid form. He then flies toward the battleship, slowly, so as to give the Eva time to react.* Riobella: Heh, I think I like this thing... [b]Back at the Mafia HQ[/b] S 1: Was it really necessary to avoid telling him about the Fallen Angel? ??: If he knew what it was, he might not do it, and he is our last hope. If we are to get Adam for our own use, we must have Riobella pilot the Fallen Angel. S 1: I know this much, sir. But I feel like he should know about the others... ??: The death of the weak mean a better existence for the strong. In this way the passing of the other two test subjects means more power for the Fallen Angel, and that means more power to Riobella. S 1: But what if, Riobella becomes consumed? ??: Then, I dispand the Mafia, comit seppuku, and die in much more peace than the rest of the world shall. Now, fetch an old man a cup of coffee. S 1: Sir... -Justin
  16. Well, in actual battle, just let Devil Gundam loose and he would kill all the bastards. As for which is the better anime, well, I watched 2 eps of Zoids and got sick of it. I think that even Gundam X beats that out. And Gundam X should never beat anything. So, Gundam 100% -Justin
  17. So it does make reference to Sun Tzu. If the Tokugowa had already taken the position of Shogun then it is post-Sengoku. Damn the Tokugawa! Uesugi should've won! -Justin
  18. Is it a account of the actual Sengoku period or post-Sengoku? Both are considered fuedal Japan. If it is actually Sengoku, does it include any account of any of the 5 battles on the Kawanakajima plains? -Justin
  19. Pilot: Watch out for the sharks. Riobella: Indeed. *He watches the transport plane that took him to the shore take off, then he turns to face the ocean. He grew very still...the grew to an incredible size* Riobella: Wow...now... *A bulge appears at his waist. He grasps it, and draws his gun, which ahs also grown.He then aims it at the ground, and fires.* Riobella: The bullets have grown as well.Hmm *He remembers the Pilot saying, "Watch out for the sharks."* Riobella: Shark... *He walks into the water, until it is up to his waist, then he grows still. He begins taking a cylinder-like shape, then it sprouts curve triangles on its top, bottom, and on the end, a cresent. He became a giant shark* Riobella:*thinking* Heh, now for that battleship. *He begins swimming, amazingly fast, out into the sea* -Justin
  20. S 1: Now, Riobella...we can't honestly, completely prepare you for what you are getting ready to experience. However, you can tell you a few of the hazards and advantages of the Fallen Angel. S 2: Firstly, if all is well and good, you should be able to grow to an ENORMOUS size. Riobella: Equal to that of the Evangelion Units? S 1: That is the hope. S 2: Now, with size, of course, comes strength and speed. Those are given. But, the one thing that is brought to mind is-- S 1: The AT field. Riobella: TThis thing has one? S 2: No. That is where it falls. But, that is why we picked you. ??: Yes, Riobella. We knew that you could approach an Evangelion with no trouble. Stopping everything else is entirely up to you. Riobella: I thought I was suppose to combat both the angels and the evangelions. S 2: Well, the main target is the eva's and the NERVE. Riobella: I should've known. ??: That is what worries me Riobella. If you don't hate them, how can you fight them? Riobella: I can follow orders... S 2: Anyway, its all controlled in your mind. You can make it do something just like you can make yourself walk. Riobella: I have noticed. S 1: As we said we don't know exactly what this thing is capable of. We hope it can do much more than just increase size. But, that is up to you to figure out. Riobella: What about weaponry? S 2: You must equip yourself before putting on the suit. Then it is simply a matter of allowing whatever weapon you have to raise itself to the surface. Riobella: But, it that is the case, then my guns won't grow and I won't be able to use them against the eva's or the angels. S 1: Not entirely true. Focus your mind and raise your firearm to the surface. Riobella: Ok...*He does so, and a bulge appears at his hip, which soon forms into the shape of a pistol.* S 2: You see, now grasp it and draw it. Riobella: It is covered in the bio-suit too. S 1: Yes, and via the Fallen Angel it is also fused to you, thus making it difficult to be knocked from your hand. You can however, cause the Fallen Angel to retreat from it and it will return to normal so that you may drop it. Riobella: I see... S 2: And the system of raising also works in reverse. All you have to do to equip another gun is press it to the Fallen Angel and allow it to fuse. ??: Now, for your first assignment. There is a battleship in the ocean. It seems as though it may be a target for the angels and it also seems as though EVA unit 00 is aboard. We want want you to use this as an opportunity to test Fallen Angel. Riobella: Indeed, I shall. ??: The best of luck to you. Riobella: Thanks... S 2: Try anything you can think of on your way. The [b]possibilities[/b] are nearly endless. Riobella: heh...we will see how great this...thing is.... -Justin
  21. No, not for some time now. But, honestly, you should have gone to her forums and asked her. Or, PMed someone and asked them. The forum space ain't free yanno... -Justin
  22. I looked at this topic and thought that you were talking about me. Heh, but no, I have never heard of it. It sounds...interesting...-___- -Justin
  23. Do you have to conform to the basic Evangelion story?(as in using the already created EVA units) If it isn't, then I have a great idea, if it is, then I think its too late for me here... Thank you, Anti. As for my idea, here goes: Name: Riobella Age: 20 Appearance: He has dirty blonde hair, he is often seen in a leather trench coat(ranging from red to black to brown), black leather boots, and either a dress suit, or a utility suit with straps for guns, knifes, supplies, etc. He sometimes grows a go-T. Background on Mafia: Riobella is an agent of the Mafia. It first formed from a bunch of criminals but soon turned into a great power amongst the humans. Before long, they had come up with a technology to combat both the Angels(who's presence they were also aware of and they were also tracking) and the NERVE organization, whom they hate for some long forgotten incident. It is called, Project:Fallen Angel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Riobella: I'm ready, Boss. ??: Indeed you are, Riobella. You have been far more effective than any previous agents ever have been. Even those with vast amounts of experience. You are, a prodigy. Riobella: Too kind, my Lord. ??: No, there is more. As you know we have been working on Project: Fallen Angel, for some time now. Riobella: Yes, what about it? ??:Well, its completed now. Well, so we hope. We want you to be the first to test it. Riobella: But, I'm an assasin, not a pilot. ??: Heh heh, all in due course my boy, all in due course... Riobella: Indeed... ??: Come, we must go to the basement laboratory. Riobella: Alright... *They make their way, through a long corridor and into a garden* ??: So, Riobella. All this time you have worked for me, yet I know nothing of your home, of your life beyond all of this... Riobella: Its simple, there is nothing to know. I've been with you ever since I was 9 years old. ??: You have no family, nothing to go home to? Riobella: This is my home. ??: Well, when this is all over we shall have to remedy that. *Suddenly, something catches Riobella's attention. In a split second a gun shot fires...and he is standing, gun drawn, facing the bushes* ??: My god, Riobella! That was the fastest draw I have ever seen! Riobella: That's my job. ??: Who was it. Riobella: Someone with a gun, that's all I know. ??: Come let us continue. *They arrive at a small, plain door at the end of the garden. They enter.* Riobella: Nice... ??: Indeed. Here is your next assignment. Scientist 1: Here. Press this button and hold on tight. Riobella: O...k... *Riobella presses the button and at first, nothing happens. But Then...* Riobella: What the hell?! Scientist 2: It the Fallen Angel Suit. It is a bio-suit. Riobella: Get this thing the hell off of me-- *He is completely consumed by a grey and red mass* ??: Riobella? Are you there? Riobella: Yes...I feel great! What does this thing do? S 1: It is a bio-suit, it makes it so that you can do combat with both the Evangelions and the Angels! Riobella: Indeed...hmm heh heh... I hope that is suitable -Justin
  24. My life-sized poster of Jenna that I MADE! My crolage(I know that isn't spelled right at all but I hope you understand) of all the pictures of Jenna she has ever posted, that I MADE! All the thousands of copies of her pictures I have hanging all in my house, my hand painted, photo-realistic portrait on Jenna on the hood of my truck, my tattoo of Jenna's face on my arm. BEAT 'DEM BEANS KUJA!! But, my most treasured possesion has got to be my god-daughter, awie she is so perdy. Well she isn't technically my possesion but, you get the idea... -Justin
  25. I believe Jenna posted once that a friend told her that, she and sexual were synonymous, well, to make my point from that I will take that and make my own quote... [quote] Justin, Friday/Saturday night, and drunk are, under most circumstances, found frolicing joyfully hand in hand in hand[/quote] Drinking is not something I suggest you allow to become habitual... -Justin
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