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Everything posted by Justin

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sweetreyes [/i] [B][COLOR=blue]That seems like a good thing...but I ask why....Why were newbies hated in v2???? (just curious!!)[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Because, we were all morons. The older members and newbies alike. A small percentage of newbies acted like jackasses and got away with it and thus, all newbies were hated... -Justin
  2. This is a good idea. Hopefully, those that are included in the 1% will be more motivated to post actual discussions now... -Justin
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]I can't leave the boards, james and adam have be locked up in a basement, chained to a wall, with this crap computer in front of me, and there's a security camera with a gun attached, which shoots me whenever I am not on otaku.... [/B][/QUOTE] Justin:Those over-bearing, half-wits! I'll liberate you Seppy! Never fear, Justin's here. James: Oh, really? Adam: Is that so? Justin: No, masters, I'll get back to working on the big, 1000-foot-high wall I was instructed to build all by myself... Sephiroth: Ha ha! James: Shut your mouth, slave! Sephiroth: Yes, almighty master... -Justin
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kid buu [/i] [B]yeah, i grew out of this place in 3 months when it was version two, as much as i tried, because i loved this place. i only signed up here because i thought this was going to be different, like version one. the thing i remember the most was the thread were the guy kept saying jesus was the only answer in dbz. i attempted to post again, i guess me going on now was an attempt, but things just arent the same. [/B][/QUOTE] That [i]was[/i] Ultimate Saiyan. He was, not your average DB/Z/GT fan. I remember he came for a couple days a while back and tried to "Save the Boards from and Eternity in Hell" as I think I remember him saying... -Justin
  5. I believe that post count doesn't matter. This is a discussion forum, the key word being [b]discussion[/b]. I understand that to some, post count is important and, I respect their opinion and, frankly, its not my business what they wish to do with their time here. I just know that if taken too far, they will get their just rewards if you understand my meaning... -Justin
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]You do it the same way you would do it in an ordinary post. Just [.size=#]insert text here[./size] and [.color=###]insert text here[./color] or if you wanna do both, [.color=###][.size=#]insert text here[./size][./color] Pretty simple, you should have been able to figure that out on your own :p Dont put the periods inside the tags, I just did that so it the tag wouldn't work And for the numbers for size: 1 is the smallest, then 3, then 4 and color is whatever ones are listed in the drop-box in the normal post area thing... :confused: lol[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] That pretty much covers it. You see, there are no buttons for changing color and font in your profile as there are for your posts. I'm sure that is what you were looking for... -Justin
  7. I didn't like what I saw of Tenchi very much. I've heard that Ranma was excellent. I don't want to see Fushigi Yugi. So, I can't say really because I haven't seen but two of the choices... -Justin
  8. Goodluck. Don't hurt the little prick too bad if you can avoid it. I'd hate to see you have to leave due to losing a battle, in court... -Justin
  9. err, be careful. You wouldn't want to wind up hurting someone. As for the Senior, I agree with Noryko, pass on that one. For the one is "in love" with you, take good care of her. Or, her feelings at least. But, when making your choice, bear in mind, your future... -Justin
  10. Ah, I just came out of a three-year relationship as well. It was great, to start off. But, towards the end, it soured to the point where it disgusted even myself. [i]That[/i] was something I never should have allowed to happen... -Justin
  11. :laugh: Uh, I think not. Shy and stuck up, usually don't go hand-in-hand... -Justin
  12. I don't know anything! I swear, it wasn't me who bought that illegal shipment of women's stockings! No, but, I also admit to having a few, erhm, [SIZE=1]illegal[/SIZE] items and I also admit to having sold a few of those "items" but, I don't think it really screws the companies who market them as much as they would have you believe... -Justin
  13. Justin


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Navi [/i] [B] How is your spelling? [/B][/QUOTE] My thought exactly. ShadowGohan, English is one of, if not the, hardest language to learn. Especially when you are used to another, simpler one... -Justin
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Frankie5 Angels [/i] [B]Yeah,I didn't think we would get the E-forum anyways. Justin,you may have heard them before you just dont know it. "ana's song" is the one that most people know.Download it and check it out. [/B][/QUOTE] Your probably right. A lot of the time I will hear a song, but won't listen to the title or artist at the beginning or end of the song... -Justin
  15. Justin


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lotus [/i] [B]1. Do you believe in ghost? 2. Have you seen a ghost? 3. Was anyone die in the house you're live in? 4. If you believed in ghost, do they ever bother you? 5. Where do you think have a lot of ghost? 6. Why do ghost exist (if you believed in ghost)? 7. Do you afraid of ghost? 8. Share your ghost's story or experience. [/B][/QUOTE] 1. I have yet to see proof enough for me to believe. 2. Not that I can remember. 3. Not that I am aware of. 4. -- 5. If ghosts exists then they would likely haunt Ireland and the Southern US(where I live -_- ) the most. 6. Because they either don't believe they are dead, or because they have some sort of unfinished business. 7. No. 8.-- -Justin
  16. If I am correct, then Adam/James is attempting to cut down on some of the unwanted spammers and people who register, but do not post. Unrivaled message boards does this. Granted, it is a little extreme, but, I think the end justifies the means. Or, I could be wrong. Adam/James may have another reason for closing the registration... -Justin
  17. I can't say I've ever heard of them. As for the Entertainment Forum, good idea, but, it has been shot down before for the simple fact that, this is an Anime/Gaming Board... -Justin
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]ROTFLMAO!!! Ok, now [i][b]THAT[/b][/i] [i]was[/i] hilarious! I think Justin/Kamakaze takes the cake on this one :laugh:[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, I was wondering who would pick up on that first... -Justin
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]most of the time it ends up rotting the mind of the user.... basically they think they are the best.... some hot shot if you will.[/b][/quote] This happened to me when I was young. Then I met my current roomate and bestfriend. At the time he was way more advanced than myself. He was the one who was so kind as to "show" me the hard way... -Justin
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Ya, I remember on the old old old Boards when Justin was Kamakazi and I was PyroDragon13, I do remember him saying something about going to learn some martial arts stuff from this one guy of whom he respected very much or something to that effect. So, Anti, he's telling the truth.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Thank you, Pyro. I only actually said that once I didn't figure anyone would actually remember. But, I did study it with a Grand Master for a short time. Then he passed away. But, not before implanting a few of the basic exercises in my brain. And, you know what they say, every little bit helps. But, I studied with him from age 7 until age 16, when, as I said, he died. So, I learned enough to say, I have studied it. I am indeed sorry I jumped on you, Anti. You caught me at some what of a bad moment but, it does seem like you have been on my case as of late... -Justin
  21. Justin


    From certain angles the US got what was coming to it. I don't think the acts are by any means justified and I hold quite a grudge against terrorism because my baby cousin's life was claimed in the event. But, the irony in this is, when we killed Bin Laden's right-hand-man in a bombing we celebrated. And all that was heard about was his death. There is no telling how many others died in the bombing. How many innocents, I mean. The Taliban is purposely putting military establishments near civilian facilities to make the US look like terrorists themselves. We are bound to have killed quite a few civilians by now with the Taliban doing this. I also consider that an act of terrorism. Except, the act is commited against the Taliban's own people. This shows either stupidity on the Taliban's part or just that, they don't give a damn... -Justin
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B] ok first i am going to coment on this.....Mastered Kung Fu!?!......A. Kung Fu does go by a belt system... B. their is no possible way unless you have spent you entire life and now are really old you could master Kung Fu.... C.they won't give you a black belt until you are at least 18!! I should know a world renowed Grand Master is the Teacher at my school......oh and it spelled Tai Chi!! anywho I do KungFu. I am a Blue belt but have been doing Kung Fu off and on since i was 6.....if i had stuck with it i would be Brown with a Black stripe......Their are also many different styles of Kung Fu....mine happens to be a Northern Style Called My Jhong Law Horn...my teacher is Grand Master Johny Lee....for anyone who might know who he is.... [/B][/QUOTE] I did not take Kung Fu at a conventional dojo, my friend. It was not done in a belt system. And, unless I'm mistaken and I will check, I said I have mastered Taiji, not Kung Fu. And Tai Chi and Taiji are two separate things entirely. And, also they will give you a black belt below age 18, not all dojos are the same. On top of that, how do you know I'm not already 18? Unless you have been watching my posts closely, which I don't believe you do, because I know I have never told you considering I have never talked to you until today, when you suddenly began trying to trip me up like I've done something to you. If you wish to flame me do so via AIM, my name is tigers6434. Otherwise, shut your mouth because I won't be filling the boards with trash by dealing with your problems with me... -Justin
  23. Webmasters have to make the money back [i]somehow[/i]... -Justin
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B]Justin what is with you and saying where every post should belong...? This belongs right where it is because it is a general discusion..... [/B][/QUOTE] Well, because, Anti, I was around when the G/S forum was created and it was siad at that point that G/S will be used for: Games, stories(the obvious), riddles, and [i]jokes[/i]. I believe "Gendo's comedy corner" falls under the catagory of [i]jokes[/i]... -Justin
  25. Justin


    Well, that would be nice, if only some members knew how to debate maturely. It was made painfully obvious to all of us that so many members can't handle debating maturely by, The Daily Otaku. The crap that went on among some of its members is the definition of immaturity... -Justin
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