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Everything posted by Justin

  1. Here's one: There was this guy. Now, this guy was INCREDIBLY niave. This guy decided to try and take over a message board. So this guy gets together with another guy, and together the two of them hack this message board. But, then the guy lets a dedicated member of the message board in on the fun. Then, the member deletes the two guys and bans their IP addresses. Damn! Now that was funny! BTW, regardless of whether or not this is suppose to be a game or story it still belongs in G/S... -Justin
  2. Ugh...that sucks. I have been having a rough week also. I don't feel like explaining mine though... -Justin
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Undying Angel [/i] [B]I would probobly have the power to control time... Which is what I've always wanted. [/B][/QUOTE] Egads...Pink text in siggy, young blue-haired female avatar, *pokes Undying Angel* BabyGirl, you never told me you had a little sister... -Justin
  4. I don't have an answer nor, a question but, I do have a suggestion. Next time a thread like this is posted let it be in G/S not, General Discussion... -Justin
  5. Heh, yes, I do martial arts. I teach Taiji. I have mastered it and karate and [i]studied[/i] Kung Fu . Kung Fu and Taiji aren't done with a belt system, but I am a 5 crown black belt in Karate... -Justin
  6. I can't decide whether you are bashing your own abilities as a moderator, or trying to get back your former slot as one... -Justin
  7. If you abandon your "friend" due to sexual preferance then your were never friends with that person at all. Let alone best friends... -Justin
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]-_- * Age is a number Tori!!! shaddup! :rolleyes: :cross: He hasn't pissed me off yet, so he can't be that bad, you've gotta admit that...... cut me some slck here! Look at what we have to pick from in good ol' JC! leave alone! :bawl: Nuthin wrong with my Tyler....... nyeh :cross: :whoops: [/B][/QUOTE] I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you two have some kind of inside joke going on here. Anyway, loving someone is making quite a commitment. It can, at times, be a trying situation. But, at the end of the day its all worth it. I just happen to be having a bad day. That should explain my previous post... -Justin
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] ::runs after you with broken hockey sticks swinging them wildly:: Yes BG, hehe... if I can get a side dish it would be Kyo... [/B][/QUOTE] *Whips out rapier* Well, its not Kenshin's katana but, it'll do.*battles Transtic* Well, if I had to own a person, I would own Bill Clinton. Now, that would be a true conversation piece, no? -Justin
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] lol... thats not even close... Yours would be something along the lines of: Jasuten This things problem is that it goes with character matches.... like if your name is, lets use Justin for example.... Ju - should be pronounced Ja... no Ju (jew, lol) as it is said, but it just matched those two up. S - since ST is not in the Japanese language, it has S as Su.... Su is generally never pronounced "Su (Soo)"... just really fast that all you hear is the "s" then then next consenant. (ie: Sanosuke is pronounce Sah-No-Skeh) Ti - should be pronounced Te... as in Ten... however since your name has Ti, the program matched it with the Japanese Ti, which is pronounced chi in this case. Yes, there is a Ti, but it's a special combination of symbols. Generally, Chi is used to respresent the sound Ti (as in tee or tea)... the I in Japanese is always long... pronounce "E" as in the letter "E" N - which should be the same, they just matched it up with Nu... because alot of words generally end in vowels... apparently they forgot about the symbol for the sylable "n".. which is the only pronounced symbol which doesn't have a vowel. There ya go :p Thats why that program doesn't work correctly [/B][/QUOTE] I didn't think it was very correct. I'm taking a course in Japanese but, I should say its not my best course -_-;;... -Justin
  11. Justin


    I haven't played either. But, I think this should be in Sony, if it was made by Sony... -Justin
  12. Heh, this actually made my day a little better. Well, I very seriously doubt this thing translated my name corectly but, here goes: Jusuchinu. -Justin
  13. At this point I'm so damn sick of people in general I don't think a girlfriend, let alone a fiance', would be a good route for me... -Justin
  14. Can you answer this riddle: This topic belongs in G/S. Try it... -Justin
  15. Also, I hate it when people act like something they are not... -Justin
  16. Do you have a shotgun? If not that, then what abouta large car or truck? Any one of those will solve you problem quickly and efficiently... -Justin
  17. I hate it when people have bad breath. That is truly nasty. I also hate excessively loud or talkative people. I hate immaturity to a certain extent, and I hate dealing with ignorant people... -Justin
  18. How about just, not much of a gamer all together? Naa, I used to be a big time Actual Gamer but, I lost interest... -Justin
  19. I'd like to own Kenshin's katana. That would be a real prize. And Transtic, you should really see a counselor about that kind of obsession...just playing don't hurt me!*runs really fast* -Justin
  20. My computer will not play it. Even though I [i]do[/i] have Windows Media Player. I shall try to download it again. Pehaps I did something wrong... -Justin
  21. Damnit! Someone got my avatar. I hate it when people get my avatar. The Lord of the Rings is a continuation of The Hobbit which is, indeed, a good book... -Justin
  22. This is the second spam topic you have made today. That's not a good way for you to start off... -Justin
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]wolverine is the best x-men character, period.... [/B][/QUOTE] That is twice already you have gotten in the post i was going to make before I made it. But, I think that by what I just said you already know my opinion... -Justin
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]I would rather swim in a pool of sulphuric acid than watch the harry potter film, I've been flaming the damn film for the last 3 months.... [/B][/QUOTE] I TOTALLY agree. I see no point in going to see that movie. I made an attempt to read the first book. It was a BIG failure. I don't know what your reasons are Seppy but, I agree with your conclusion about it... -Justin
  25. I read The Hobbit and saw the animated movies when I was younger. I don't think I will be going to see it unless compelled to do so by certain forces which are beyong my control... -Justin
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