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Everything posted by Justin

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] While you have a point, the only legal abortions are that in the first trimester.... in which the fetus has barely grown and technically isn't really alive yet. (if you were to give birth in the first trimester, the baby would be dead... it wouldn't be able to survive) which is why they are legal. Some people respect a woman's right to choose whether or not, some people say it's murder, both are good arguments, however not one is right. Like I said, it can't be murder if it's not alive in the first place. It only has potential to be alive. Plants and trees are alive.... we kill them all the time.... so we can make ourselves happier... I don't see any difference from killing a full grown healthy tree and a fetus which technically isn't a live yet. BUT! I think you are absolutely correct in one aspect. If you can't be careful when you have sex, you need to pay the consequences... Look at my brother.... 16, he had a kid. He paid the consequences. But then we'd be overpopulated with kids from bad families and it would be bad.... I guess it's more political than anything. However I don't understand extreme anti-abortionists. My dad doesn't like them either. And they contradict themselves. First they protest the killing of babies, then they go out and kill the doctors who do this..... so it's ok to kill a healthy grown man or woman, but to kill a fetus which isn't alive yet is wrong?.... please... I dunno about you, but that kinda fits your definition of stupid.... Well anyway, we shouldn't go into the argument, cause then it'll get long and there is no right answer, just like the religion debates we had here before..... [/B][/QUOTE] I guess it is just my morals and ethics. I think someone should pay for their mistakes, rather than getting off easy. Pro-choice doesn't bother me, its just someone elses opinion. I was angry about how lighty several members made reference to it. I don't think they know what they are speaking of. And I understand that the fetus isn't alive yet but, does that make it right? But, as you said: We need not get into this topic... -Justin
  2. Well, I have a simple answer to this simple question. If they bother you once, ignore them. If they bother you again, tell on them. If they bother a third time, slap them and give them a swift kick in the lower leg. That ought to do the trick... -Justin
  3. I can't believe any of you even put that you would have an abortion. Grr.. you don't punish someone for your mistake! If you got pregnant, dammit, you pay for it not the kid! There is only ONE excuse for killing the unborn and that is: If both the mother and the baby will be lost. Its pitiful that any of you would even dare to joke about such a thing. Just think about if your parents had done it with you. Grr, I swear this world is so stupid. I am highly disapointed in everyone who said they would have an abortion. Its pitiful, cowardly, shameful, lowly, irresponsible, and it is also murder. When my roomate told he was pushing his girlfriend to have an abortion do you know what I did to him? I put him in the hospital until the pregnancy was over and she had already had the child. Maybe you should all think about your opinion... -Justin
  4. -_-...There are times that I feel so incredibly left out... -Justin
  5. heh, Afroman...the song is funny because it is so incredibly stupid. But, that song has been warn out here and I'm sure it will be down there as well... -Justin
  6. If a girl goes off on you and starts beating you then you should take SOME action. You should never actually strike a girl. All I would have done is push them to the side and keep on walking. If that much didn't work and they kept on coming I would just block all of the punches. And if that still didn't work I would just take it. Afterwhich, I would report them someone of high authority... -Justin
  7. Justin


    The purple hair is just how TOPAZ did her pic of Gogeta. She does Vegeta with Red hair, its just her style. There is no such thing as SSJ5 my friend... -Justin
  8. I myself have too many ties with them for my own good. I'm not in it, nor do I ever plan to be, but I do, however, have a couple friends who are, one who's family has been with it for decades, so I could, technically, be a target. BUt, they would come unarmed against me I don't care how many they think they would send to try and jump me... Oh, which reminds me: Safer, whenever you get around to seeing this, I got that rematch with Cornett... -Justin
  9. And this was a guy? You should report his sorry *** to the office for assault and harrassment. I think every last one of the little bastard guys in your class who didn't help should also be punished. A guy attacking a girl, sorry ***, low life, idiot. I would've knocked the little punk to hell and back again... -Justin
  10. Uh oh...don't get anyone else pregnant, Safer. And hold on now, you can't take Transtic without taking me! *grabs onto the tail of Transtic's plane and jumps off as the plane flies over Safer's house to the airport. Afterwhich, busts down the door* Give me Party, or give me death! -Justin
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]A...gang?! I don't believe I know the meaning of that word :confused: (I'm joking...don't quote me and explain it please). Poor little sheltered girl from rich, white suburbia...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I know all too well the meaning of that word. I had a friend who got involved with the Faulk and was killed by a member of the Blood before they were pushed out... -Justin
  12. 1. Do you have a sexually transmitted desiesed? No 2. Do you know anyone with a Sexually Transmitted desiese? Yes 3. Are you a virgin? No 4. If not, how many times have you had sex? Heh, more times than most people my age 5. If you are then when do you plan on having sex? 6. How old do you think a person should be to have sex? Until they get the urge 7. Do you think its right for preteens to have sex if they love each other? Not preteens..they haven't hit puberty yet... 8. Have you ever got anyone pregnant, gotten pregnant? No 9. What would you do if you found out you was pregnant or your partner was pregnant. I would make the best of it and probably ask her to marry me... 10. What would you do if you found out you had a desiese? Get treatment. Oh yeah and the bonus- My parents know already. Hell, what would you expect of your 17 year old son living by himself? -Justin
  13. The two strongest down here are Faulk and the Mafia. They are affiliated and the last remnants of their only rivals, Blood, have been wiped away from this area of the country. The Crypt was down here for a while, but, they moved on on their own... -Justin
  14. I'm just not a fan of Doom Rock. Overall I prefer Punk and Heavy Metal to anything. I also just like regular Rock. But, I think THE BAND is without a doubt [i]Linkin Park[/i]... -Justin
  15. I have heard one of their songs. It was pretty stupid. I have to agree with you white out... -Justin
  16. Yeah, all of the ones you mentioned(except Devon) are here. I'm still here and if you read my signature you will know who I used to be... -Justin
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mike [/i] [B]Is it just me or is anyone else lost?! One minute Kamakazi was with me and my kids and wife..then next he's with seph discussing the next crystal holder.. Also, Ricco disappeared...-_-...this is just like the old WAR...it's going down the drain cause it's confused. [/B][/QUOTE] Erhm..allow me to explain: We all split up. You were to foloow Vecon and Kittie and Ricco and Kamakazi went after Sephiroth. After realizing Sephiroth was who he was Kamakazi sent Ricco to get Attila and pursued Sephiroth alone. That is how we got to were we are... -Justin
  18. Justin

    ok now

    I do it because I like to see what I can come up with. I enjoy seeing what I am capable of... -Justin
  19. :D Yes indeed, the rolled up magazine! Ha ha ha! The very same one I used on you at our last confrontation! You know, the one from beside God's toilet that I snuck out while the real Janitor Angel wasn't looking. Oops, I've said too much now... -Justin
  20. That wouldn't be very nice of you...I might have to wack you witha rolled up magazine if you do that... -Justin
  21. No one does, Satan for you see I, the eternal Archangel, Justin am here to save the day! (note to Warlock: Please avoid any comments about janitors or God's toilet. Thank you.) -Justin
  22. That would be about the only thing the image code would be good for... -Justin
  23. Simply put, no. A TV series perhaps but a movie, I think not... -Justin
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Aren't you doing the same by assuming Auburn will too? Florida ALWAYS makes it to a bowl game.... whether it be the championship is another story.... I have faith.... Auburn got luvky.... 3 points... thats nothing.... Florida always comes back.... Auburn may be undefeated now, but they won't be for long... come sometime within the next few games, I predict a loss.... BTW Who might they be playing in the comming weeks? [/B][/QUOTE] Next week: Louisiana Tech. University (I predict a win with no trouble) Following week: Arkansas University( A win with a little trouble) Following week: Georgia University(A possible loss here but I predict a slim victory) Following week: LSU(Always a tough one to call but considering how poorly they have done this year I predict a win) Final Week: Alabama University(You can never call this one) To tell you the truth, the only game I expected to lose this season was the Florida game. But, we were defeated by Syracuse and then beat Florida. Of course, I'm not counting Syracuse for this discussion because it is out of conference but overall it is a loss. I don't really see any more losses for Auburn. I can't honestly say that they won't because with the exception of one game the remaining games are all in conference. But, I predict it will be Auburn and Florida, again, in the SEC Championship and I predict Florida to win it by at least 10 points... -Justin
  25. I never thought about the four devils thing. Once again another epiphany has dawned upon me thanks to you, Shinji... -Justin
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