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Everything posted by Justin

  1. Well..let me break my thoughts down for you like this: Mesa will believe, when mesa see it... -Justin
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B]Yes Transtic, we get the point, Lotsa ppl have the name justin [/B][/QUOTE] Thank the lord spank the monkeys someone sees the light...my name is so over-used its almost funny... -Justin
  3. Well, we have a lot of people I like here. In fact there aren't but a couple I don't like. But i just happen to think its Safer because he is just hella cool... -Justin
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B]i look forward to seeing the return of you kamakazi. if only we had vecon with us... i dred the return of you mike !!!:mad: :flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] I know Vecon's AIM name if you want it... -Justin
  5. Attila sits in a tree overlooking a vast field wondering about his dead father, Kamakazi. And then, he thinks to himself... Attila:[i] Father...you were such a great warrior...you taught everything I know...and now with Evil and all his minions back, how can we dream of fighting without you...[/i] Attila flies towards Tank evergy reading and lands near his house. Tank:You look familiar...hey Attila Attila: Hello everyone...so, I guess this is serious isn't it? Tank: I would say so... Attila: We need to find Will and all of the old M2S. Gotank: Assuming they are alive... Attila: Yeah...I hope they aren't all like my dad... Jen: I'm sorry about Kamakazi, Attila... Attila: Its alright... -Justin
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Justin's so hot[/B][/QUOTE] -_-;;; Let me just pretend like I didn't read that... -Justin
  7. [b]Kamakazi[/b] [b]height[/b]-6'2" [b]weight[/b]-195 [b]race[/b]-Saiya-jin [b]attacks and abilities[/b] KameHameHa, Masenko, Makanksappo, Kamikaze attack, phase out, Instant Transmission, Bakurihimaha, jukujutsu, Genki Dama. [b]levels and transformations[/b] Android Upgrade SSJ1 SSJ2 SSJ3 Golden Oozaru Ultra Saiya-jin 1 USJ2 USJ3 Ultra Oozaru Ancient Saiya-jin1 AS2 AS3 Ultimate Oozaru AS6 Ancient Oozaru Chaou Saiya-jin 1 CS2 CS3 CS4 Chaou Oozaru Second Android Upgrade God Mode(x 1-5) Oozaru God Infinite God Mode Infinite Oozaru God ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kamakazi skips a lot of stages because of his ability to control his Oozaru transformation and also as a result of the two android upgrades. He is still pure Saiya-jin except for a small device in his brain that WAR and his minions put in to attempt to keep Kamakazi evil. Whenever WAR or the Evil desires to do so, they can have the device pump a chemical into Kamakazi's brain to pump up his power but surpress his good intentions to make him evil. However, once they have givin it to him he can access it at anytime... -Justin
  8. heh heh...silly God..don't you know...Teachers override students in all cases..even if the students are all powerful and supreme and stuff... -Justin
  9. Heh...the Gundams haven't a chance in hell against any of the EVA mechas. Although I'd like to see Shinji and Heero in a fist fight... -Justin
  10. Thanks Vegeta...also i seem to remeber a couple of levels you didn't include. God Mode: The only ones I know of that achieved this were Will2x, Vecon, and Kamakazi. Oozaru God: Only Kamakazi ever used this transformation because he was the only character capable of going Oozaru. It was achieved by first going God then going Oozaru. Infinite God: First achieved by Kamakazi after he died the first time. Will2x and Vecon both achieved while alive and then all the M2S's achieved it after death. those are all I can think of at the moment. Maybe you included the two God Modes just with a different name but just in case there they are as I remember them... -Justin
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]BTW, I love yer sig. heh... [/B][/QUOTE] Thank ye, thank ye...thank ye very much... -Justin
  12. I could swear i already posted this but this is great. Its time to bring WAR backa nd show all these guys what a RPG really is. Consider the infinite Kamakazi back. I wish someone would give me a link to TOPAZ's site becuase I'd like to see the WAR pics again. I tried to get Mary to do a Kamacon2x fusion pic a while back but she never got around to it... -Justin
  13. SSJ5 Vegeta, I respect you as I do everyone..but those who are punk do not call themselves punks. Sure they know they are..but they don't say they are. I respect everyone..but i have a particular respect for punks. I don't know what it is, but I just find something special to respect about them. I'm not one, of that I'm sure. But i am good friends with the oddest person you will ever meet. He is a combination of every kind of person there is. He walks alone, he sits alone, he is quiet most of the time, and really doesn't give a **** what you think about him. He has ear piercings and he comes to school everyday wearing dress clothes. Clothes I wear on the rare occasion that i go to church. He has a big silver Rolex watch and leather Timberlands. He is probably considered to be the biggest "prep" in school other than myself and most of his friends are just that. But he is different. He only really talks to about 4 people at all, myself included. He is a punk by my definition and if you knew him I'm sure you would agree... -Justin
  14. :rolleyes: post counts don't matter all that much you know..anyone can make a lot of posts but it takes a special breed to make them count. You know what they say: Its not quantity its quality... -Justin
  15. Well I don't know about the guys but that girl in it...VRRROOOOMMM...she gets my engine started for real... -Justin
  16. Good grief..some of the things some people find to do in their free time. It makes since though... -Justin
  17. Ah yes...the infinite Wisdom Teeth... I got those out 3 months ago and yes they were hella pain when they were beginning to grow in. Welcome to hell until you get them removed or it stops hurting... -Justin
  18. Hey, I don't think these boys know what WAR is all about. But what the hell lets bring it back again. Count Kamakazi as officially in this again... -Justin
  19. Let me just say that I agree with transtic..I myself lost a baby cousin in the tradgedy but life must go on... -Justin
  20. That pic is good but it isn't how I remember him...but the last time I saw any episodes with him in it was in 1997 so I really wouldn't remember... -Justin
  21. Why would I do that when I have my own car to carjack? -Justin
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B] Actually Cloud Strife meant the different stages of the development of SSJ1. SSJ1 has four different stages in its own. First Stage Super Saiyajin 1- Gokou vs. Freezer Second Stage Super Saiyajin 1- Vejita vs. Cell(He is NOT USSJ, because he does not lose speed, yet he does not have the power of a USSJ, he may be beefed up but he is faster than USSJ Torunkusu.) Third Stage Super Saiyajin 1- USSJ Trunks fighting Cell.(Now this is USSJ, where his speed is vastly affected) Fourth Stage SSJ1- Gokou and Gohan after Room of Spirit and TIme. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh ok thanks Altron and sorry about that Cloud Strife...consider that post deleted... -Justin
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt.D [/i] [B][color=rainbow] I will never go on a Motorbike in my life! I saw this picture on a site, and this guy got half his face ripped off in a Moterbike accedent. It was sooo gory I threw up. Anyways, i'm glad that didn't happen to you, Safer.[/color];) [/B][/QUOTE] You must mean the pic that used to be on rotten.com...my dad told me about that one it was rather nasty. As for motorcycles...I got one when I was 14 and then when it was legal for me to get a bigger one I got a new one. BUt they are sitting in my parents garage because I got a car 4 months ago... -Justin
  24. Lets see my name, I don't really care about that but my wish would be to get away from my life... -Justin
  25. You act like it is a competition. Why do people care so **** much? -Justin
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