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Everything posted by Justin

  1. heh..I haven't watch Transformers in a long time so i don't remember... -Justin
  2. Well, I think they are just made up. As a matter of fact I know they are. I just chose Vegetunks because I like it... -Justin
  3. I didn't know " boy " was a racist term. But anyway I just avoid predjudice terms altogether if I can... -Justin
  4. See you, Space Cowboy...anyway as far as maturity levels on this board go: If you don't like someone as a result of their age, then thats discrimination. If you dislike someone as a result of the way they act, then it is understandable. I personally don't have any problems with anyone here at all. As far as regular posters go everyone that I am aware of is fairly respectable in his or her own way. I see a little immaturity but its something you will have to deal for the rest of your life..so why not just deal with it here too? -Justin
  5. On the occasion that actually drink coffee, I take it with a little cream and a little sugar... -Justin
  6. Hey, congrats. May you and your wife-to-be have a long and happy life together. I will be sure to say a prayer for you. In fact, I'll write one and give it to you later. As for a new God, count another vote for Transtic Nerve... -Justin
  7. Well..the way i see it..you can be young and still be mature. Granted its a rare thing to see an 11 year old who acts like he's 17, but I've seen it before(I've also seen a 17 year old who could pass for 11 but that is another story). Maturity, in most cases, comes with age. However, in some cases you have those who never mature and those who mature too much for their age as a result of things beyond puberty. It can be confusing but those are the reasons I don't judge people by age alone... -Justin
  8. Ki manipulation is possible just not in the forms of those big *** light beams Altron was talking about. You can use it and be taught to manifest it in a physical form, but it can't leave your body it can only come directly from your body and be transfered into whatever you force it onto. This is what we like to call: Transference of Momentum... -Justin
  9. Double gatling guns all the way..although I do happen to like Altron's Dragon Fangs and Wing Zero's TBR... -Justin
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by george [/i] [B]:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: look gay smilies!! theyre having butt sex!! [/B][/QUOTE] oo big man..he can say sex now without having to look around the corner and giggle../dude you have turned into such a complete loser...I don't think you ever had a life outside of Otaku..maybe you finally found one guy that would let you tag along so now you feel cool... -Justin
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tyco [/i] [B](Yawn) your insults dont ever hert me. Just knowing they came from your mouth is proof enough to me that your just a little **** that needs to get a life , rather than insult me like this. And if your gonna insult me , give me some good crap , none of this "ohh you like to sleep with your sister". Cant your brain process some other insult???? Guess not :) [/B][/QUOTE] You are one to talk about getting a life. You thought people respected you for your post count..hardly..you say you earned your posts...bullshit...you think I wasn't watching. I saw you post in the test forums like crazy. You weren't tasting you were spamming under the disguise of testing. Now you think you can come here and talk your **** like you own this place..ha what a laugh..pack your bags and leave because I'm waiting to see if you will stay gone... -Justin
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nemesis [/i] [B]thats alot, the highest person ive seen before had 6300sumthin how long has this board been around cuz the post counts aint that high here [/B][/QUOTE] It has been around for a loong time. But we just moved from UBB to vBB so thats why the post counts aren't that high. I myself have been with Otaku since January.... -Justin
  13. Oh my god..please don't tell me you are going to start in on your Mod Bashing again Ulitmia. Enough already. The mods and Adins are fine and no one is perfect. So don't even start... -Justin
  14. Mr. Satan + Choutzu= Mr. Choutan Brolly + Oolong= Broolong(That would be a really weird one) Android 17 + Roshi= Android Sennen Kami-san + Mr. popo= Mr. Papo-san Kami-san + North Kio= North Kami Lunch + Vejita= Vejitunch Daaangg, I didn't know that I could be that stupid... -Justin
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiden [/i] [B] I ment Kung Fu, and it wasn't a real fight, just a flashback [/B][/QUOTE] In that case, you are right because Kung Fu is distinctly Chinese... -Justin
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiden [/i] [B]Heres the part with the most info. He was once in a restaurant, and a younger man challenged him, but he refused. The younger man stared causing a riot. The monk couldn't refuse anymore. They both stood up. The monk did an energy blast on the other guy. The other man didn't die, he just got paralized. And there was this american scientist who said this was very possible. O n the Chinese call energy waves Demock, we americans call it the Death Touch. For d flying thing. I say it's true. Becuz 4 those of u who take karate u should no about lifting and grounding your energy. I'm not saying people can fly right now. I'm saying people could float a long time ago (chinese people). Why u ask becuz ancient chinese people were more devoted 2 karate then anyone is 2day. I'm not forcing u 2 believe what I believe, but it's just like the saying, seeing is beliving. And I 4 1 believe. [/B][/QUOTE] This statement is very generalized and shows how truly ignorant you are. Karate is not a Chinese art it is Japanese. Everything you said you attributed to the Chinese. And I seriously doubt that they filmed a bar fight on the Discovery Channel. And also..while Ki waves are possible and can be performed they cannot be seen as light. They are invisible streams of energy.[quote][b] I'm saying people could float a long time ago (chinese people). [/b][/quote] and that is the most ignorant phrase I have ever heard in my entire life. Levitation is possible but only to certain extent. The human condition won't allow for any extreme floating. While you seem intellegent perhaps you should rethink the way you just thoughtlessly blurt your opinions... -Justin
  17. Yeah these are very nice avatars...but really why are you all dieng to have a custom one? Its not all that great, its just the same as any other one... -Justin
  18. Thanks for providing a list. Moe told me he was adding them but he didn't tell me what they were. Maybe because I didn't ask... -Justin
  19. Kuririn from the Dragonball series. **** that annoying little man. Especially in the dubs, I'd like to see the person who did his voice in the dubbed version shot and hanged from a 200 foot pole by the elastic of his underwear... -Justin
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]and if you were tired of some of the crap going on here, you'll still be tired of it, cause it's probably gotten worse to an extent..... [/B][/QUOTE] Preach it brother Transtic... He is probably correct. Whatever it was it probably is worse by now. Although I may be wrong Adam did say he was " Proud " of OB after the move to vBB... -Justin
  21. Hey what's up I haven't seen you around in a while...no no no this isn't Justin the former administrator...this is KAMAKAZI..the guy that everyone loves!!! -Justin, eternally, [i]KAMAKAZI[/i]
  22. Viruses are never good. I myself have never gotten one that my Virus scan couldn't pick up thankfully... -Justin, [i]Kamakazi out[/i]
  23. These kind of posts aren't very popular with the moderators. As a matter of fact, they aren't very popular with anyone. Otherwise, I think we would be seeing more of them. I give this post's time being open...however long it takes TN or BabyGirl to read it and close it... -Justin
  24. Well, GW isn't a bad series but it most certainly isn't the best of the Gundam's. I like 0083 and Gundam X the best out of the ones I have seen so far. I don't hate GW I just agree with Safer, it is very over-rated but it is still decent... -Justin, the original [i]KAMAKAZI[/i]...
  25. Camping is pretty fun...if you are an " great outdoor's" kind of person. I like it, but I guess you don't... -Justin, KAMAKAZI
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