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Everything posted by Justin

  1. When you return..many things will have changed...until then...goodbye...and for you a prayer.... [b][i] I pray that you have many adventures, all filled with wonder and excitment, and, that by the end of your journey, you will have become a great and famous warrior...[/i][/b] -Justin..forever KAMAKAZI..
  2. Well, you know what they say...when in doubt go to God...So bend over and pray to yourself...( no offense to any religous people who might want to hurt me) -Justin
  3. I have a dog and 6 horses. I, of course, voted for the dog. His name is Dakota and he is a Siberian Husky. The horses names are as follows: My dad's: Sparky My mom's: Lady Mine: Ghost My little brother's: Vegeta(go figure):rolleyes: -Justin
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I don't like to dance, but I can if I wanted to... i think.... Gackt however, can't dance..... neither can Laruku.... [/B][/QUOTE] Ok, Ok, Ok... I know who Gackt is now but who is the other guy? -Justin
  5. although...now that I think of it...the difference between ep. 1 and the original 3 was pretty big James having pointed out the romance of it. If you actually read the books though the story gets deeper but it still retains the basic good versus evil story line... -Justin
  6. Episode 1 added more taste and prestige to the the Star Wars story line. Episode IV-VI had a more grungy, dingy space ship feels about it to me. See, you aren't the only ones... -Justin
  7. Its fun to get pumped up for a game. That's why I'm glad the season has finally started( We beat county 61-0 Friday night,woo hoo ). It is a lot of hard work to be a football player and all but my heart goes out to you cheerleaders...I have watched them practice, and, while pleasurable to see it the thought of actually doing it scares me... -Justin
  8. well... I personally take care of my bestfriend's kid all the time. And I want kids, I just haven't found the right girl yet... -Justin
  9. well, I have only been in 4 serious fights( serious being outside of a martial arts dojo ). I won them all because I only have one person that I know personally that can match my ability. He kind of sucked at the finals for last weeks tournament though... -Justin
  10. I like dancing..its not a personal obsession...but hell, I like it... -Justin
  11. Panthers... that's our rivals mascot... anyway, I have school spirit in abundance. I'm the starting half-back on Varsity..they call me Cadillac. So when it comes pep-rally time and they introduce the starters Coach does that Caaadillac thing and then my last name. Then Swweeet Veetonn and so on down the line. But everyone on the starting line has an " official " nickname... -Justin
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Ugh, I hate that term. The whole thought of sex and pre-marrital pregnancy makes me mad...guys see it as some sort of game where they can just do whatever they want. Well do you realize that it's the chick who ends up having to deal with those consequences for the rest of her life? "If you're going to lay around and play around, at least be man enough to stay around." (~[i]Kirk Franklin and The Family[/i]) :rolleyes: Grr...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] abso- ****ing -lutely. My best friend got his g/f pregnant when he was 17(he is 20 now). He told me he was going to leave her, and at first I agreed with him and when he turned his back to me I kicked him up against the wall and dared him to leave her. I can't stand fathers without responsibilty. Its a pet peeve of mine. He is 3 years older than me and twice my size but he will still do whatever I want whenever he knows I'm serious...don't ask why but he acts scared of me sometimes... -Justin
  13. Well, I know you... you used to be called Heavy_Metal_Papillion (sp?) and you live in Alabama I think. You haven't been posting much though so I haven't really noticed you lately... -Justin, Kamakazi...yeah him...
  14. Once again I protest that society cannot exist without social class. It may not always be fair but we human are social creatures, therefore we must be together with other humans. And there will, undoubtedly, be confrontation, which of course leads to fighting in one form or another, and whoever comes out on top has claimed a sort of " betterness" over his oppenent. And when one finally has defeated all challengers he has become the leader. Thus, social class is inevitable... -Justin
  15. Well...it was good for a dub..I wouldn't have watched it if Shinji hadn't have told me it was a good dub... so I have him to thank for that one...but yeah it was alright... -Justin
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]Ya I remember that, TOPAZ's leave was more sad than this one. No offense DS, I've just known TOPAZ longer than I've known you.. so thats the main reason..[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] So..you are PyroDragon after all...I couldn't tell if you were because there are so many **** Pyro's here nowadays but at least I know you are the original... -Justin
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] HAHAHA! true... Anyway, Japan won't be whiped off the face of the planet cause well.... many many many countries depend on them.... but if it were, it would certainly be rebuilt into a stronger nation. [/B][/QUOTE] Too many nations rely on Japan. They wouldn't ever have to fight a war because they would have so many allies to fight for them. And to reply to piromunkie's comment Japan is a far greater nation than the US... -Justin
  18. Ceaser wasn't just one man you know there were many Ceasers. But society cannot exists without a currency. It would be nice if there was some way around it but its just that...the human condition is such that we cannot exist that way...in fact, we cannot exist without social class either. Its simple..in a complex kind of way... we are like one bif wolf pack. We have our leader, who is represented by the Alpha male of a wolf pack. We have all those who are well off but not as well off or powerful as the leader,they would be everything between Alpha and Omega in a wolf pack. Then you have those at the bottom. represented by the Omega member of the pack. But all the pack members no matter what their class have a place. Even the Onmega who is the one who eats last, gets picked on, gets ran over, and gets all the anger of the pack taken out on him, has a place and is loved. Once, while a man was filming a wolf pack the Omega was killed by a puma...the entire pack morned the death of him for nearly 6 weeks. Such is the same with humanity...everyone has their place... -Justin
  19. I sure as hell wouldn't go to FUNi they are anime's worst enemy... -Justin
  20. yeah, I remember pogs. I had a pretty big collection of them actually. No telling where they are now... -Justin
  21. while Transtic has a point I look at fighting from a sports prespective. I know and teach Taiji and Kung Fu. My style is mix of the two. I spice it with a bit of base karate which gives it more general, all around feel because Taiji and Kung Fu are two distinctly Chinese styles and karate is a distinctly Japanese style. Although karate has become more americanized than Dragonball I learned it from a the same Chinese master who taught me Taiji and Kung Fu. Don't ask me where he learned karate but Taiji and Kung Fu runs through his family. So I know his versions of Taiji and Kung Fu are pure... -Justin
  22. yeah..Will2x was talking about one big Otaku reunion at one point. It was pretty wild because they had it all organized and everything...then I can't remember if it was me or Shinji who came in and told them all to be realistic first. I think Shinji got his post in first because he typed it faster or something but I remember SSJGoten IMed me and told me I was an asshole... -Justin
  23. yeah I remember when he first came here...I remember his very first siggy...it said " Some day I'll draw as good as TOPAZ" I think. And when TOPAZ announced she was leaving he drew a pic of Vejita waving goodbye and crying. Geeze, that was a long time ago...oh well..meeemmooriiies... -Justin
  24. well you know who to IM if you ever need a babysitter... -Justin, KamakaziVashta or TIGERS6434...
  25. well...there was a guy named GOKU SSJ2 on the v2 boards that I know...sorry to say he is a complete and total idiot but what the hell, it counts doesn't it? -Justin
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