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Everything posted by Justin

  1. I didn't think he would just post something like that without cause... -Justin
  2. Well, the FUNi store is probably the best place to look. For the fansubs I would look on ebay... -Justin
  3. Kamakazi: I hope you are both hungry, I have made some soup. Cecil: I'll be glad to take some Im starving. Tallime: Sure.. Kamakazi: Come in then.. [I]He opens the door to his hut..but when the door open they see nothing but the entrance into a cave.[/I] Cecil: What is this? Kamakazi: This is the school of Vashta. Tallime: It looks oddly like a cave to me. Kamakazi: Just come this way... [i]They walk further into the cave[/i]
  4. Personally i can't say if another guy looks good or not..or even if they are ugly or not. To me a guy is just another guy. But I know that there are people who can tell if a guy looks good just like they can tell if a girl looks good. So naa it wouldn't bother me... -Justin
  5. Whoa...that's almost a scary thought...naa just playing congrats to you and the mother to be... -Justin
  6. naa..I've never heard of it. It sounds fun though... -Justin, Kamakazi with a new name
  7. A nuclear war, or whenever we run out of cheese...whichever comes first... -Justin, no not that Justin...
  8. [quote] [b]Yes, it is true that we are different, but I very much respect that difference...and I'll do my best :D [/b][/quote] No violence children. Transtic, you go to that corner and be good. BabyGirl, you go to that corner and be good. If anyone spams throw blocks and them and everything will be ok. Just no throwing blocks at each other or its time out and I mean it! -Justin, that guy...
  9. Gladiator is my all time favorite...then Braveheart...then the Highlander series(except for Highlander 2 renegade version... idiotic) Justin, the original [i]Kamikaze[/i]
  10. Scotland, that is the land of my ancestors... [i]Kamakazi[/i]
  11. Congrats to best choice...I would've picked you as well... -Justin, the men you once called KAMAKAZI...
  12. Geeze, thats never good. What kind of club is it? -Justin, KAMAKAZI reborn...
  13. Well Adult Swim is a special cartoon network is going to be doing.Its suppose to be for those over 17, but please, do they honestly expect children not to watch. And if dubbed Bebop is as good as Shinji says then I'll definately be watching it... -Justin, the KAMAKAZI one...
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