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Candle Jack

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Everything posted by Candle Jack

  1. Crap forgot an important part of the classes. Gods Laws: Angels and all heavenly beings much not interact with Humans or fight demons with out Gods permission first. And since he isnt playable to anyone, just add in some where in your post that you have permission or not to do things. Demons and all Helish creatures simular to above, cannot attack or bother with out Lucifer's permission. OH AND I FORGOT ANOTHER MAJOR PART! blast me. You can have two NPC's. So, in a way you can have two or three characters. Oh and once two people claim Lucifer and Michael we can start.
  2. "[I]By the end of the morrow we shall be at the battle, oh joy.[/I]" Henry thought to himself. "[I]If it wasnt for those idiot humans coming along and ruining our siege King Damien's kingdom we would have won this petty disbute.[/I]" For the most part of that days journey he sat there brooding to himself. Then dusk came and they sat up camp for the night. Henry sat by the fire looking straight into it. As if he was searching for the soul of the flame. It was a short while later he viewed his loyal vasil Vinny sitting by herself under a near by tree. He was getting curious to why she was just sitting there. He shrugged as one of his servants brought him his favorite dish, Stew. He happily ate it. Stew always put him in better spirits for some odd reason. After finished his third helping of Stew he stood up and poped his neck said in a rather loud voice. "[B]In the morrow we head into battle, make sure you rest well tonight and enjoy it while you can. We shall not rest until we arrive to our destination.[/B]" And with that he went into his tent and went to sleep.
  3. A Sudden Loss of Sanity There once lived an average cat, named Sanity. He had a average job, an average wife, and two marvelously average kids. He loved his average family dear. His average job was an office job. Day in and day out he would sign his important papers and converse with his average co-workers at the average water cooler. But his average life change one day when a new supervisor was brought in due to the previous one dieing of an average heart attack brought on by the average stress that his type of position gave him. The new supervisors name was Insanity. He was a care free cat who loved to chat with his co-workers and tell them stories of his exploits. He was tall and handsom, loved to explore, and every one loved him. He and Sanity first met in the boad meeting that was created to introduced Insanity to his co-workers. From that moment on Sanity and Insanity became fast friends. They did every thing together. They explored, they caused mischief at office parties, they even went camping a few times. Sanity's family treated Insanity like a part of the family. The kids called him Uncle, the wife called thought he was a joy to have around, and Sanity called him Bro. They often did things together on Sunday's. They loved to Bar Be Que, some times they camped out, and almost always they sat around the living room and watch movies while eating take out. Then the day came for Insanity to go on his hard earned Vacation. He pulled some strings and got Sanity and his family to come along with him on a paid vacation. They family was very greatful for Insanity doing this. A few days later they all met up at the air port in a average tropical resort. Through the course of the vacation they did all the average things there are to do at a tropical resort. They where having a good time. Til one day Insanity started to feel quite ill. No one thought anything about it, due to in the previous day he had one to many average fruity achoholic beverages. But as the day passed he slowly became more ill, the family was started to feel concerned for him and they took him to a hospital. Shortly after their arival, Sanity became feeling ill himself. The doctor rushed them into quarentine, where they soon discorvered that Sanity and Insanity some how contracted a new previously undiscovered disease. The doctors tried to find out how these two cats some how got an unknown virus in such a controled inviroment. After several hours they discovered the cause, it was something in the average achoholic beverages. It turned out that they fruit in the beverages came from a third world country that had no food safetly laws. So the diseased fruit was shipped to the tropical resort where all who drank the beverage would contract the illness. Soon they had an epidemic. Poeple all over the tropical resort where catching this new illness. The goverment quarantined the whole resort and quickly started looking for a cure. The spent weeks and weeks working in the cure for the illness. Til one day, they noticed that only one group on the island didnt have the illness other than themselves. Sanity's average family. They conducted test on the family to see what causes their resistance to the illness. For days they family was poked on, x rayed, and experimented on. Til one glorious day they discovered why they where resistant. All of the family excluding Sanity had a rare blood type that seemed to have a resistance most illness's. Using this knowledge, they quickly made an antidote from the families blood. And administered it to all of the people on the island. But sadly, it was to late for Sanity. He died the night before the cure was discovered. Insanity was crushed. All that night he watched his friend slowly die. When he recovered a few days later thanks to the antidote. He made a vow to himself. He vowed that he would take care of Sanity's family as if they where his own. And that is what he did. When they got back, he had them moved into his large house and he bought them clothes and fed them good food. A few months later, Sanity's wife and he began to start a relationship and not long after they fell madly inlove. A month later they where married. The children called him dad, and his wife called him honey. They where a happy family. Though Insanity and his family never forgot their friend and loved one Sanity, he never really came to mind that much any more. The End
  4. [QUOTE]it's confusing, you cant keep track of all the charecters......so, are we gunna start this? i dunno if we'll get anymore people....5 is fine ^-^[/QUOTE] I talk through pm with the people in my rpg via and help them form stories in my rpg, which main plot is set in stone, which is mine. The other players stories can branch out in any patern they wish. What happens in my story effects their stories etc etc. blah blah blah
  5. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]4 peeps in an rpg? That is blasphemy, I like lots and lots of people in mine. I can get more done story wise that way.[/FONT]
  6. Name: Cirus Onacy Age: 22 Gender: Male Class: soon to be lord of Hell Description: short black hair, redish brown eyes, about 5'8, 130 pounds, lean muscular build, a tatoo of an 8 ball in the palm of his right hand, loose fiting pants, loose fitting black shirt with the words "Goblin" on the back. And lastly a scar across his chest from a recent bar fight. Personality: Usually calm and collective, but at times he loses himself in anger and lashes out on the nearest person. He is also a Egomaniac and he is often to Alpha Male in a figureative sense. Background: (Read half my first post for it.) Abilities: none as of now, but He'll learn some down the road. Weapons: He'll get a pair of gauntlets down the down.
  7. Name:Lord Henry Talbot ( pronounced:Ta-Hal-But) Gender: Male Age: 32, looks 8ish or 9ish Creature Type: Elf Weapon: A broad sword made of Lupus ore. It is about 5 feet long, the blade itself is a blood red color and the hilt is black with red trim. Also at the hilt are four thin spikes that act as the finger gaurds to his sword. The sword may look like it weighs a 100+ pounds but it is in fact only 20 pounds, so it is easy to use. Description:He is 5'8, 145 pounds with a lean muscular physique. He wears a regal black coat with his crest on the back of it, black loose fitting pants, black boots with red trim, a black regal shirt, and black leather gauntlets with a red flame like patern on the palms of the guantlets and thin plates of Lupus Ore on the top part of the guantlet's. He has white hair, and his eyes are yellow. He also has a thin layer of Lupus Ore sown into his regal coat and under shirt. Personality: He is always calm and aware of his suroundings. He is often cold and harsh to all around him. He dislikes happy go lucky people, for they remind him of how he used to be when he was younger. He also dislikes just about every person of every race other than his fellow elfs for the sole reason that his family was killed in the cross fire of a assasination attempt of his predisessor, Lord Hamilton Orious. The Assasination attempt was conspired by several other small kingdom's who wanted Lord Hamilton out of the picture so they could claim the Kingdom's vast amount of Lupus Ore, which is three times as strong as steel but it is very very light weight. Weakness: His hatred blinds him. He cannot see the good points in people, he only see's the flaws. He also has one other Fatal Flaw, his strange trust in the Goblin race. He thinks with some work, they shall become as grand as the Elf Race. But they are just about a lost cause and they often conspire against the elf's of Henry's Kingdon.
  8. Things you need to know before posting: basic plot summary: A young man named Cirus Onacy lived a life of chaos and lunacy and loved every minute of it. He caused many people pain and suffering, with no remorse at all. One fateful night he and a few friends were drinking 120 proof liquor when Cirus had an idea. The idea was to go to a naibors house and trash their car. The others agreed and they went on their way. After 30 minutes they found a real nice car. Cirus picked up a near by brick and his pals allready had some heavy sticks and a lead bat in hand and they proceded to bash the hell out of the car. They were having the time of their life, so naturallly they didnt notice the cars owner come out of the house with a fully loaded shot gun. Cirus jumps on the hood of the car and smashes in the window with the brick and screams with all his might...then he heres a load bang and he felt a warm wet feeling on his shirt and he looks down and see's his shirt drenched in blood and he colapses. The last thing he see's before fading out is his friends running for dear life. Cirus closes his eyes and he could feel a floating feeling. But, he didnt want to open his eyes for the fear of what might be happening. Then it he felt like he was being dragged down. It seemed like hours that he was dragged...then it stoped. All was quiet till he heard a voice whisper in his ear: "Open your eyes child, for you have arrived." Heasitantly he opens his eyes and he see's total darkness. All around him was the deepest black he had ever seen. Then he fearully mutters: "Where am I?" then the voice replies: "Child, you know where you are. you in my domain. The realm of the damned, the last stop of all sinners, and most likely the most feared demention in excistance. Welcome to Hell, dear child." And with that a flashing light dispelled the darkness and Cirus saw the most horrible thing he had yet to see. Millions of demons, lost souls, and the damned all being tortured. their shreeks filled his ears and the images of their faces would haunt him for his eternity. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Class Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are places where your character can be. Heaven, Hell or Earth. In hell, you can be a demon, a lost soul, and the damned. Demons can look like anything they choose, and basicly can do anything they choose to a person as long as it fits into the Laws that were putting upon them by God. Lost Souls are the wanderer's of Hell. Regular humans who where sent to Hell but their sins where either to great that the demons dont want to mess with them or that that they are not important enough to be messed with. The Damned are the lords of Hell. Ones that truely belong there. They are bestowed with powers above the likes of demons and are favored my Lucifer. They are often chosen to do his important matters in other Etheral Planes. Heaven has three classes aswell. Angels are Gods messengers. they also do many important jobs like saving souls, protecting humans, and they often run shops/stores/taverns in Heaven. Archangels are Heavens version of Knights and foot soldiers. They are extremly powerful and can easily defeat an entire army of demons. they're power is equal to the Lords of Hell. Saved Humans are normal humans that made it to Heaven. They usuall run busnesses in Heaven or they could become an Angel or Archangel if they choose to do so. And there are also some Limeted Classes. Prince's of Hell: The highest class in hell, you would have had been a vile evil human being in life to ensure this class in death. This title is usually entitled to Demons who had instigated many of evil in the human realm. They're power is far greater than most angels and only a few Arch Angels are strong enough to take on a Prince. Arch Angel Elite: The highest class in Heaven. They are Heavens generals and commanders. They're sole purpose is to combat Lucifer's plots. And here are two Clases only two people can have so some one better be quick on taking them. Lucifer: Master of Hell and King of Earth. He governs all demons and Princes. He is the by far the smartest creature God ever created. He was once God's favorite angel. but Lucifer tried to take Gods throne and was cast down to Earth and was given the key's to Hell. He was the Strongest of Angels. Michael: The Strongest of the Arch Angels. He govenerns Heavens army and protects important humans on Earth. He often does the what God tells him too. but on occasion he'll free lance and sometimes wonder Earth looking for a good fight. And on earth there only two classes. Humans, can work for either Side and have Given powers depending on what side your on. Or they can be free lance. such as Bounty hunters, demon hunters, or if you choose the be the bad guys you can be an Elite. Which are humans chosen by Lucifer to do his bidding on Earth. You get assorted powers and privledges. Fallen Angels: The angels that where cast from Heaven along with Lucifer. some chose to follow Lucifer in to Hell and rule there but a few decided to spend the rest of eternity on Earth, where they are free to choose their own path and live their own lives. Basic Rules for the classes: Hell: You cannot Directly attack a human with out permission from a superior being. Example: If a demon wanted to posses a human, they would have to get permission from Lucifer. Heaven: You cannot directly interfere with humans. And the permission rule is the same with angels. Example: A person who is about to get ran over by a car, an angel cannot just teleport next to the person and push them out of the way. For they cannot directly interfer with humans. It is God's decrere for them to be subtle. Humans dont have to seek clearance or permission. seeing how they are free lance. Fallen Angels: They can either be truely evil or they can be utter pacifist. Some recide in Hell and help Lucifer run things and some try and take over both Heaven and Hell. but most live on Earth and enjoy the freedom that they have found. They have no real guidlines as far as rules go. So that makes them a threat to both Heaven and Hell and are usually hunted by extermination squads from either side. tho Heaven would only send theirs if the Fallen was truely evil while Hell would send theirs if the Fallen is a threat to Hell itself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Info about Hell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The realm of Hell is not really a place at all, but rather a state of mind. It is in the angles, and within you all the time, wherever you go, no matter how pure your heart is or how good your intentions are. Although every human being knows what Hell is, its meaning differs in endless ways. In other cultures, it has been known as Hades, Hela, or Hiyoyoa. Each religion, each era, each culture has its own view of Hell. And, quoting the Phantom Stranger : "Within each Hell are many other Hells, as varied as the sins that built them. Between Dante's Inferno and Sartre's Stark room lies an immense expanse, as yet unexplored. For as soon as human thought conceives a new version of Hell, that Hell exists." Hell and Heaven But even though Hell is a relative creation, a creation of mind and fear and faith, some of its incarnations are more persistent than others. If enough people believe Hell is a burning pit oozing of sulphur, that's what it is. It is true that Hell, the many and the one, is different to each and everyone who experiences it. But it is equally true that Hell was created at the dawn of time as Heaven's shadow, or rather, Heaven's dark reflection, created to harbor those stained souls who do not deserve eternal salvation. The origin of evil in cosmos has never been fully explored. One explanation points at the forbidden experiments conducted by the Maltusian scientist Krona at the dawn of time, although this is clearly a more "scientific" version of many mythological legends like that of Pandora's Box. Some people claim that good and evil define each other, that one cannot exist without the opposite. Whatever the case, Hell, forever marked by sin, doubt, and regret, is the most extreme incarnation of evil ever seen. The idea of an infernal realm is not confined to Earth beings. On the contrary, almost every civilization in the known universe has some version of it as part of their perception of the afterlife. The planet Thanagar, for example, has seven official religions, therefore seven Gods, seven Hells, and seven Devils. The ancient beings known as the Quantum Mechanics, on the other hand, had no perception of afterlife at all, and therefore Hell was not an option for them. Geography As stated above, Hell is different to everyone who experiences it. Still, one can talk of some consistent "geography", for example: the river Styx dividing Hell from the world of the living, the water of which feeds from fears and nightmares; the many gates of entrance, all accessed with one single key; the Burning Pit (also known as the Abyss or Masak Mavdil), the sulphur-reeking flames of which are made up of the first souls damned; the Suicide Forest, consisting of souls who took their own lives; the feudal land of Effrul; and in the very center, the Capital City of Dis. According to some lore, there are seven levels of Hell: Gehenna, Sha'are Manet, Sha'are Zalmanet, Be'er Shahat, Tiit Ha-Yawen, Abaddon, and Sheol. Because of the constant "landmarks", maps of Hell have been possible to make. They are rare, but they do exist, allowing beings to find their way in...or out. Although Hell is easier to access than Heaven is, leaving it is an entirely different matter. The realm of Hell seems to be part of the bigger plane of the Afterlife, of which Heaven, Limbo, Purgatory, and the passage known as "the Region of the Just Dead" are also parts. Heaven and Hell appears to lie in proximity (although maybe not in a physical sense) to each other, but few can travel between the two. Other mystical realms, like the Dreaming, the Domains of Order and Chaos, Asgard, Mount Olympus, Heliopolis, the Necropolis Litharge, and the Land of Faerie also seem to lie close to the Afterlife and can possibly serve as passages to Hell. "Between" Heaven and Hell lie at least two realms. One is Purgatory, the Hall of the Unjudged, a gray, lonely home to all the lost souls who wander aimlessly until they themselves or the Presence decide where they belong. The other "between"-realm is the so-called Between City, where voluntary outcasts of Heaven have settled down. HISTORY Before even Lucifer or any fallen angels came to Hell, the being known as the First of the Fallen was its ruler. Originally created as a companion for God, the First opposed the Creator's idea to create a race with instinct and free will. The Almighty then cast the First from Heaven to Hell, where he became the sole inhabitant and ruler. However, when Lucifer and his minions later plunged down to Hell, the First found himself deposed from the throne. Originally named Samael, Lucifer (also known as the Morningstar or Lightbringer) is the demon most well known in mortal realms. Samael was the first angel to rebel against the Creator, and the first to fall to Hell. Though being the most powerful of demons, he rarely ventured from his throne in Dis. His reign in Hell dating back almost to the Creation itself, Lucifer was the undisputed Lord of Evil for ages. (Note: Other accounts tell us that Hell did not exist before Lucifer fell and that the Lightbringer created Hell from his own being. This may be equally true.) The Damned Awaiting the soul who has been damned to Hell are an infinite number of punishments that even Hieronymus Bosch himself would not have been able to imagine: being barbecued over open fire and eaten while still conscious, having to crawl for centuries in a sea of leeches, being force-fed hot lead in every body opening, demons playing soccer with your head...and that is just the beginning. Some punishments are even impossible to phrase. Often, it seems that the punishment is connected to the sins you have commited in your life, i.e. a man or woman guilty of gluttony gets overfed, the victim of lust gets sexually abused, and so on. At other times the punishment seems randomly chosen only for the reason to hurt the damned soul as much as possible in every imaginable and unimaginable way. There have been questions as for why God would permit such a place of evil in his divine creation, and the answer always comes down to "free will". Formerly, it was generally believed that evil and sin was what made a soul go to Hell. Others reasoned that the lack of knowledge of, fear of, and commitment to God damned a soul eternally. These days, a favoured explanation is that the souls who go to Hell do that because they, deep down, believe they have sinned so much that they deserve to be punished through eternity. They are stuck because they want to. Hence, there must be a Hell so that those souls stained with sin can punish, and hopefully redeem, themselves. This theory suggests that any soul would be able to leave Hell if he/she realized that he/she has damned him/herself to suffering and was willing to redeem him/herself. However, such self-insight is rare, and fleeing Hell without redemption is not allowed. Others have been able to visit Hell without being forced to stay, like the Italin poet Dante who was given a tour of Hell to give the human world some insight on how the after life works. There really isnt 9 layers of hell, as people often confuse. The entire thing was to educate Humanity on what exactly damns them to Hell. The Demons The tormentors of these unhappy souls are known as the Undead, Devils, or Demons. It is rumoured that, millennia ago, Earth was completely ruled by demonkind. These demons were eventually banished to the Netherworlds by mystic beings known as the Timeless Ones. Since then, most demons cannot access the mortal realms easily, but have to use a vessel of sorts, such as a human conductor, a talisman, a spell, or a portal. The denizens of Hell use a mystical device called "Chymic Windows" to watch Earth from Hell. The origin of Hell's Demons is under some dispute. A number of them are known to be fallen angels, who rebelled against God's will at the dawn of time. Others may be former deities of forgotten pantheons, corrupted long ago. Still others are born in Hell, although that's an extreme rarity. Many experts, though, believe that most demons were once living men and women, so twisted with evil that, when thay had died, they actually preferred the misery of Hell to that which they experienced when they were alive. Ironically, the Demons of Hell have one sole purpose in their existence - they are assigned to punish the damned souls so that these can ultimately reach redemption and eternal salvation. In that aspect, the demons actually work for the ultimate good according to God's will. However, that hardly bothers most demons who thrive in tormenting the stained souls. After all, redemption in Hell is such a rare thing. Few demons try to escape their duty, but there are those who have managed to leave Hell because they didn't agree with the ways of demonkind and fled to Earth where they can live the way they choose. Hell's Hierarchy Hell is an ancient realm, with its own set of rules and rulers. Though the ultimate function of the netherworld is to punish the damned, many demons excel in obtaining power, forming socio-political structures on their own. The oldest demons are also the most powerful, and they traditionally use antiquated feudal systems of rulership to govern their infernal domains. There is a complex hierarchy of Kings, Queens, Princes, Lords, Arch-Dukes, Dukes and other rankings. Among the most prominent demons are the Rhymers, who speak in rhymes as a sign of their social status. Other gifted creatures are the Succubi, female demons who seduce men, and the Incubi, male demons who do the same to women. The lowest cast of demon is the Abortives - creatures born in Hell without a language or the ability to travel. (The Abortives can only escape Hell by inhabiting a "hollow" - a human without a soul.) While Hell's former ruler Lucifer never thought much of the hierarchy, using it mostly as a way to manipulate his competitors, it's a necessity to many of Hell's denizens. "Satan" When people refer to "Satan" or "the Devil", they can actually mean a lot of major demons. One could possibly say that all demons are just different aspects of the Evil Whole. But the demonic incarnations of Evil are varied and different, with their own purposes and modus operandi. The mightiest demons have always struggled for power in the netherworld. Rules and Weaknesses The rules are many, and surprisingly highly regarded given the traitorous nature of most demons. These rules can sometimes be their weakness, for example making them vulnerable to magic spells or certain objects or substances, like crucifixes or holy water. The opinions differ whether one can actually kill a demon. The mightiest of them seem to be able to wipe out their brethren from existence, but it has also been indicated that demons cannot truly die, since they are already part of the afterlife. Many demons who have been thought destroyed were resurrected later. Only one artifact is known to kill them for certain, the legendary gun known as the Ace of Winchesters. Which has been long hidden by side of Good till it is needed. Infernal Business Many demons are devoted to trading and bargaining. Faerie and Apokolips are among the realms Hell is known to conduct business with. To sell one's soul to a demon is a classic theme of old lore, and it sure happens, even though Lucifer himself never bothered with "trivialities" like that. Humans and Demons Even today, there are numerous cults and churches on Earth devoted to demonic worshipping. However, with few exceptions like the Brujeria or the Brotherhood of the Cold Flame, most of them never had any contact with real demons. Many people have attempted to exploit demonic power, but few have succeeded. However, it must be said that dealing with a demon can be very dangerous, as they are normally treacherous and destructive by nature. [B] These are what?s needed: Name: Gender: Age: Class Type: Weapon: (If any) Description: (Please be detailed!) Personality: Powers:[/B] Eh, lesse. A MAximum of 20 peeps can join at any time during the story. Any questions? PM ME. Other than that sign up folks.
  9. I love the Manga. It's my absolute favorite manga in SHonen Jump. By the way, Im a noob, pitty me.
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