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Everything posted by Shiro_Ryuu

  1. I have Rurouni Kenshin Meiji Kenkaku no Romantan(aka Trust and Betrayal) and I really loved it. The animation and mood of the storyline was very dark and more serious than the tv series. I really want to see the movie and Reflection.
  2. Hey there, welcome to the path of the Buddha. Nice to meet a fellow Buddhist. I too was once a Christian and didn't like it. I left it when I was 12 and I now walk the path of the Buddha. Well as far as I'm concerned about going to the temple instead of church, I just hope she changes one day. You never know because as you get older, parents do that. I hate to say this but you might have to wait until you are older. Sux that your parents are forcing you to be a Christian.
  3. I would definately try to get Evangelion, you can't have an anime collection without it. The rest is up to you. btw, I think buying anime is more important than clothes especially if you have enough to last until you go to the laundry.
  4. I've seen the entire series, both 1st and 2nd stages and I thought it was pretty cool. It had some good music, a good storyline, and very interesting characters. I think all of the characters there are cool except for that annoying girl who [spoiler]keeps spying on Hibiki and Dita all the time.[/spoiler]
  5. I think that the coolest weapon in an anime is the katana that Jubei uses in Ninja Scroll not only because I like katanas but also because it has a string tied to the sheath so if his sword gets knocked off and its too far for him to pick it up, he can use the string to drag it next to him.
  6. I worship Rei Ayanami because she is so cool and her doesn't give a hoot attitude. I pity and at the same time worship D. Pity because of the way he is hated by humans and vampires and thus is always alone and worship because of his cool personality.
  7. I don't really have many friends so I never lived a social life so being alone is not the problem, niether is being able to survive, the only thing I wouldn't like about being in an island is no TV and video games.
  8. Coolest: Seta Sojirou (Rurouni Kenshin) - I like the way he tried to shut away all of his emotions making it seem like he has none until his second fight with Kenshin Dorkiest: Ginyu Force (Dragon Ball Z) - The way they do all those poses is pretty corny Best: Naraku (Inuyasha) - the way he makes people suffer all the time for his own enjoyment is kinda sick, which is why he's so cool Worst: Majin Buu (Dragon Ball Z) - What's so special about some pink blob, and it eats candy too. Smartest: I dunno, alot of villians in anime are smart, otherwise they wouldn't be worth being called villians. Dumbest: All the villians from Sailor Moon
  9. This question is too broad and tough to answer. I have too many favorite characters like Miyu(Vampire Princess Miyu), Van(Escaflowne), Hitokiri Battousai(Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal), Soujiro Seta, and Aoshi Shinomori(Rurouni Kenshin) but mostly, I'm gonna say D from Vampire Hunter D because he is always so emotionless and is so cool. I also like Rei from Evangelion for the same reason as D.
  10. I wouldn't want to go out with Asuka from Evangelion because she is so easy to get angry, very arrogant, aggressive, b****y, annoying, obnoxious, what else do I have to say?
  11. I have a brother who looks like Tenchi and many of my friends say that I look like Mamoru from Sailor Moon. I used to be looking for a Minako look-alike and sometimes looking for someone who looks like Rei Ayanami.
  12. I personally don't have much of a problem with girls who are shy, like Miu from Gatekeepers 21, I really like her kind personality. I can't stand girls who are total b****es and act so tough, aggresive, and heartless like Asuka from Eva. I don't know how anyone can handle being with her for even a second. As for strong personalities, I like Minako Aino and Rei Hino from Sailor Moon and Megumi from Rurouni Kenshin.
  13. This world is so full of idiots and hypocrytes. What kind of people would want to ban anime? Freedom is the soul of this country so you and everyone else who loves anime should be allowed to watch it. It shouldn't be banned, that would just be going too extreme. As for the whole influencing the mind thingie, live action movies that are violent are violent in a more realistic way and although some anime can be violent, it is animated and less realistic so a live action violent movie would be worse IMO. And if they DO ban anime because they influence the way people think, I would hope that they ban hip-hop and gangster rap too.
  14. Shiro_Ryuu


    Trigun totally rocks. At some moments it is totally hilarious and Vash would act like a total dumbass and then the story would get really dark and extremely tragic. Its like a tragic comedy.
  15. I can speak Japanese pretty good. I learned with just a book and when I talked to a Japanese friend of mine in Japanese, he said that I spoke like someone who came from Japan, he even called me "Japanese". Nihongo o narau koto wa yasashii desu. Ore wa Shiro_Ryuu-sama desu. Saigo no samurai da. Nihongo o yoku dekiru ga nihonjin ja nai, amerikajin desu. Ore no nihongo o dou omoimasu ka? (How do you guys think of my Japanese?) I'm watching Japanese news regularly from the International Channel so I'm right now learning how to understand it. I am glad to know that I am now more able to keep up with the language than I was before I was learning but many of them speak fast, I can understand the people that speak slow very well. Looks like I'm on my way to Japan! :)
  16. Female vocalists huh? I think I know quite a few good bands with a good female vocalist. For lead singers, there is Evanescence which is probably already mentioned. Then there is Lacuna Coil, Nightwish, and Kittie. As for a background female vocalist, try out Cradle of Filth, many of their songs have a woman singing in the background.
  17. if its made by the creators of Cowboy Bebop, then it must be cool but I don't know about the hip-hop thing, not a big fan of hip-hop but I guess according to what I hear about this series, the anime seems to be worth it. I think Jin looks totally cool with the glasses and all.
  18. well, if she keeps telling the guy who likes her "no" and he still follows her around not understanding the meaning of "no", what other option is there? Maybe sometimes, words alone won't do the job.
  19. Try getting a boyfriend. I know how it is to be in that guy's shoes and its not pretty. I really pity him. If you get a boyfriend, make out with him while the guy who likes you is looking, he'll stop going after you. I don't think that there is anyway to get him off of you unless you are really cold and harsh with him. Maybe rejecting him is nicer than what i have said, you can try that to. Just say "No" and if he persists, use my advice from earlier as a last resort.
  20. Any guy who wants his girlfriend to have breast implants is either a total loser, an idiot, or both. I wish people were more people like you guys in the threads. Some people are not as smart or mentally advanced as we are and they think that the rack is everything.
  21. Like Dagger said, I also think that smaller breasts are more attractive than big ones. If you read a thread in this forum about "what attracts you about girls?", you would know that I am totally turned off by girls who use plastic surgery, especially if they are too big. There were girls in my school who were trying to hit on me but I wasn't attracted to them, physically and personality wise while the girls I had a crush on were almost flat-chested. Personality is way more important than such unimportant stuff. Even if I was looking for physical attraction, a pretty face will always go before chest size.
  22. Physical: Any color hair is good as long as its straight and simple, I don't mind short hair like the way Rei from Eva has it, any color of eyes is alright with me, MUST be shorter than me, I don't like chicks being my height or taller, like 5'0 is nice, I like thin, slender girls, I like light skin, and she must look cute. Personality: Must be kind, sweet, and caring. I like girls who are cheerful and optimistic to add some color and brightness into my life. She must also accept the things I like, like anime and martial arts(even though it could be violent). She must be open-minded and accept me for who I am. Turn-offs: bad-girl attitude, plastic surgery especially when it makes her look unnatural, being taller or heavier than me, smoking or drinking.
  23. I think of myself like Ryu from Street Fighter, we both are serious about martial arts and we both want to be the strongest fighter. I also see myself like Squall from Final Fantasy 8 because we are both anti-social, and have a soft side for a certain girl. I'm also like Seta Soujiro because we both look like we are harmless and innocent but are more than we look. Another character I think of myself as is Daria from that MTV show of the same name. We are usually emotionless, sarcastic, and don't give a hoot about anything that goes on. In high school, we are also considered the "wierdos".
  24. Sevothart, I totally agree with you about Rei being too cool for Shinji and I think that her(Rei, not Shinji) and Kaworu IS a much better couple, Kaworu is cool enough for Rei and they are pretty much the same. Anyway, Shinji [spoiler]ends up with Asuka in the End of Eva, he and Asuka are the only ones left remaining, pretty much like Adam and Eve and they bring back humankind.[/spoiler]
  25. In order for an anime to be really great, it must have a good storyline, characters that are interesting, and have some attractive looking female characters. I wouldn't mind if the plot is too morbid, but I like it if there is some humor as well. I would like if the character design and artwork is good but that is something that is more opinionated. It does not have to be realistic but should not be ridiculous like DBZ.
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