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Everything posted by Shiro_Ryuu

  1. I started watching anime when I was 8, I was watching Sailor Moon, I also saw anime on Sci-Fi channel when I was 10 and saw stuff like Akira and Tenchi in love. I then started watching the stupid stuff (DBZ, pokemon, etc) when the Sci-Fi channel stopped showing anime at around 13 and later watching some real stuff in Cartoon Network like Outlaw Star and Tenchi Muyo and later on at age 16 I began to watch Adult Swim anime and anime DVDs. I also rented some anime movies from Blockbuster. Right now I have Digital Cable, I watch anime on the Action Channel, International Channel, and G4TechTV. I really want the Anime Network.
  2. I can't pick just one best, there are too many to name but lemme start with Evangelion. I can't believe nobody has said this one already. Its really controversal, has some characters that I really like(Rei and Misato) and some that I love to hate(Gendo and Ritsuko), great music, great storyline, what else must I say? Another one is Rurouni Kenshin because it has plenty of interesting characters. The OVA is much better though because its more serious, WAY better animation, and better fight scenes. As for the worst, I have to say Dragon Ball Z because its just a 15 minute stare-down, characters are ridiculously strong, and the fights take about a kazillion episodes(obviously, I'm exaggerating).
  3. I did sort of dream of anime but it is more like people who exist in the real world looking like an anime. I had long white hair, a scar across my face and a katana while all of my friends and family looked the same except, well...anime! I had super strength and speed and was able to jump very high, enough to jump across buildings. I was protecting the girl that I had a crush on from a group of thugs and I killed them all with my katana. Then a demon attacked me but I killed him and I woke up.
  4. I like the ending themes to Furi Kuri, Gundam Seed, Cowboy Bebop, all of the ending themes to Inuyasha and Rurouni Kenshin. I also like anything from Yoko Kanno like Cowboy Bebop, Wolf's Rain, Escaflowne, and Turn A Gundam. Yoko Kanno is definately one of my favorite composers. I also like the music from .hack/sign because it can be very melancholy sometimes. For video games, I think Nobuo Uematsu makes the best stuff, especially "One-winged angel", the final boss from FFVIII, "Eyes on me", and that electric guitar song from FFX. And I like that song from the Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust trailer by Do as Infinity, does anyone know the name of the song?
  5. In high school, there were some losers who think of anime as Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z. There were a few people who knew about animes like Trigun and in one of the school computers, someone I didn't know had a screensaver of Rei on it. I was happy to know that I wasn't the only anime fan in the school then. As for family, my brother is totally into Gundam but only Gundam, I'm the only one who watches other animes.
  6. Lemme see, I think I can identify with Spike, we both hate kids and women with attitude, we like practicing martial arts, we enjoy eating bell peppers and beef, I know this girl who I love whom I feel I will never see in a long time, and we're both cool and level-headed. I also identify with Squall from Final Fantasy VIII although it really isnt an anime because we're both antisocial, trying to be in the military, and a loner. I think that Van from Escaflowne also reminds me of myself because of our pride and bravery.
  7. I think that Koga and Kagome would really be nice together, if Koga would stop being so one-sided and saying stuff like "I'm gonna make you my woman", he might be happy with Kagome, but I'm not loving the Kagome/Inuyasha thing, I am just not feeling it. Vegeta + Bulma just does not make any sense, they just married out of the blue and that was that. WTF!? I don't really mind Kenshin + Kaoru too much, Kaoru may be so whiny at times but she can also be very nice. Tenchi + Aeka is not really so bad either, Ryoko is cool but Tenchi is too boring for her, Ryoko deserves better Tenchi and Ayeka look to be made for eachother. I really like Cloud + Aeris, a flower girl and an ex-military guy, its like a pure heart and some tough guy, I think it looks good, opposites attract. As for Hiiro + Relena, Hiiro is deos not seem to be interested in such things as love. Rei + Shinji = bad because Rei is awesome and Shinji is so whiny. Lafiel + Jinto is not good because Lafiel belongs to me. :love:
  8. I saw Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust and I think that it was very awesome. D is one of the coolest characters ever, and it had great animation. I also like vampires and those kind of things. I totally recommend this movie. I also like Rurouni Kenshin Trust and Betrayal OVA. I thought that it also had really good animation.
  9. I would love to room with Spike because he is a martial artist like me and we could be sparring with eachother. Rei would also be cool because she won't be so bitchy all the time. I would NOT like to be roomates with Asuka because she is too aggressive and would be annoying to live with. Chibi-Usa would also be annoying, so would Usagi. I wouldn't mind living with Minako.
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