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Everything posted by Hayashi Hansuke
Mostly of my drawings, I just use different grades of pencils. Mostly I use pencils with the grade HB, 6B, H, 2H but I also use other grades. For Galaxy Girl here is another guilty gear character that I just finished drawing.
Thanks for the compliment. Actually I just like to see some of my drawings with color because some people requests me to do so. Even sometimes I excel in pencil and charcoal I still like to have some extra points on color just for emergency purposes I guess. Well thanks for the comment anyway. I didn't expext that you will like it. Thanks a lot!
This is my first drawing on a character in Guilty Gear. I know that this one is not an anime character but a game character but for me Guilty Gear is like an anime made to be a game that's why I think this one should be posted here (and besides this is one of my time consuming but best drawings :D ). Her name is Baiken. For the ones who played the game I think that at first you think that Baiken is a boy not just of the outside appearance but also of the "Himura Kenshin" aura she has. I drew this with just pencils with different grades. I like to color this drawing when I acquire a Photoshop but I really refer my drawings to be just pencil and charcoal but some people around like my drawings to have color that's why sometimes I just give it to them and let them color it for their liking. I posted my drawing here so because I think that the comments I will get here will help me to realize to appreciate color and also to help me with my coloring skills because I ADMIT THAT I REALLY S**K IN COLORING DRAWINGS. Any comments are open and I thank you in advance for viewing or giving your comments because it will really help me a lot. Hayashi Hansuke
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]OCC: Guys sorry for the inconvenience of my character. I got my internet connection disconnected but I am finding another way by now for I don't want to miss this RPG that I'm into. So please accept my deepest apologies. And by the way I like the way you are suspecting my character ^_^[/size][/font] [size=2][/size] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][i]"I think what happened on our last mission will lead my comrades into confusion. I just hope that they would not easily judge me for what happened that time."[/i] Magnum told to himself, with a lighted cigarette in his lips. The memories of the last mission still haunts and puzzles him. Memories that still leaves a big question mark on the inner side of his mind.[/size][/font] [size=2][/size] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][i]"Well I guess I should have a little relaxation for myself."[/i] Magnum exclamied pulling out his two Ballers and making them spit out bringers of death into the target dummy positioned in the target range of the AD-O HQ. Magnum almost emptied all the bullets from the two "doombringers" to the helpless dummy if someone can tell that it is a dummy after Magnum peppered it with bullets.[/size][/font] [size=2][/size] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][i]"I think that's all for my therapy right now."[/i] reloading back his guns and putting it again on their holsters Magnum puffed the cigarette one last time and throw it away when he heared a loud sound of explosives and gunfire coming from the mansion. [i]"Wait a minute? Gunfire in the mansion?? MAN this is gonna be fun!"[/i] Magnum unholstered again his guns and started to run to the source of the gunfire where he saw two men that look like elite forces by the way they look runnning towards him and started to spray bullets to him. Magnum hurriedly went for cover and then returned fire to the two elites with their brains busting out of thir skull and dropped their lifeless bodies to the floor. [i]"Damnit! I hope the others are alright! I don't want to put their lives in danger ever again!"[/i] Magnum said darting out to the direction of the rooms of his fellow assasins.[/size][/font]
Magnum again released a puff of smoke from his cigarette after he noticed that his comrades had already arrived at the mission area. He started to unpack all of his instruments and started to assemble it and positioning it on the ledge of the building just near the Pope's Palace. He double checked all of his equipment before lighting another stick of cigarette and started to smoke. [i]"Looks like the'll having some time to party? I guess I'm not invited. Oh well that's the consequences of my position. I hope that they just do their job real good so there is no need for me to go headhunting."[/i] Magnum said rising from his position with a lit cig on his mouth. [i]"I wonder how long will they move their bodies at the dance floor? Oh heck, why am I thinking about that. Better concentrate on the mission now."[/i] Grabbing the pieces of paper on the table, Magnum started reading and analyzing every detail of it focusing on his big part on this mission. [i]"It looks like I'm in the perfect position now. "[/i] Magnum told to himself throwing the depleted cig and looked again at the sightscope of his rifle. [i]"But in the ladies really look captivating or is it just my imagination. I hope not!"[/i] ================================================== OCC: I'm sorry for the delay of my character. I'm having internet problems since last 3 weeks. And also thanks amgoddess for keeping my character alive. Hope I didn't spoiled the fun?!
Magnum followed Jalena into his seat. He noticed that all of the other assasin's have "suspicious looks" on him. " "It's not surprising me though." he told himself. By his observations, Ice can tell that all of the people around him right now are top-notch assasin's. "Guess I'll got to show them what I can do in the mission I suppose?" Ice said pulling his beloved ballers "Cold" and "Frost" and started to clean it. "Hey Jalena!" "What's the prob Ice?" "I just like to remind you that the position I always want is to be the sniper. But if you have any positions for me I'll just accept it I guess. But you know that putting a cold bullet at the target's head is the only thing that completes me" Ice said making his hand look like a gun then "BANG!". "I always remember that Ice" Jalena said turning to the plane's control panels. Just when Ice is gonna return his Ballers on his side, Easy suddenly appeared on his back and tried to grab his guns to Ice's surprise. Ice tried to retrieve his guns but it is already in Easy's hands. "Nice guns! Two .45 caliber Ballers with customized silver casing and pearl handle plus upgraded grooves for maximum power. Man, one of this alone can cost about $ 500,000 to $650,000. I have dreamed having these babies." Easy said playing the guns on his hands showing some exhibitional acts. "I give you 3 seconds to give it back to me" Ice said focusing his icy blue eyes on Easy. "Three" "Two" "On..........e" In just a blink of a second, Ice is already pointing two Sig P90's, one on the head and one on the heart of the surprised Easy. "Just give me my babies or your'e history" Everyone was surprised on what they are seeing right now. "Stop it! Both of you!" Jalena yelled walking between the two assasins. "We are allies here remember. We work as a team. Easy just give his guns. You don't know how much it means to him. And Ice..." Jalena stared to him like fire versus ice "Please lessen your temper. I don't want a mission to be a failure just because of a stubborn teamate that has a short temper." After saying such words, Easy handled the Ballers to Ice who is lowering the pointed guns and slowly the two seated and became silent just like two kids having scolded by their mother.
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][i]"Yeah! Would you nail that Mikoto?!"[/i] a teenage voice yelled coming from a bunch of kids that are skateboarding and watching some of their comrades hit the rails.[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]*showing a thumbs-up* [i]"No problem bro!"[/i] a boy said wearing a black 'Blind Popsickle' t-shirt passed by the spectators and nailed a 360° kickflip then followed by a BS Smithgrind going down the long stairway rails and landed smoothly on the concrete cement stopping and kicking his board upwards which is followed by applauses by some of the teenage spectators that have witnessed his talent.[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][i]"You can really beat it Mikoto! The tricks you performed are awesome!"[/i] a boy said followed by heads nodding in approvement. [i]"Man you can compete in the next X-Games and kick Tony Hawk's ass!"[/i][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][i]"You guys know that I didn't want to join those kind of tournaments. And also Tony Hawk is one of my idols. Beating him is one of my dreams but I have a long way to go and do it. Besides, it's racing I really want. Skateboarding is just my past time, you know."[/i][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]Suddenly, a silver Porsche came speeding off the pavement that really made Mikoto and his friends turn their heads. the sound of the engine and tires against pavement really made a sweet melody into Mikoto's ears. Even the Porsche have dissappeared, Mikoto still agze at the direction the car is going when one of his friends got up and said [i]"I bet that car will go to El Casa de Gato. I heared it's one of the places underground racers meet and decide to have a race. I bet the'll be having a 'meeting' up there right now."[/i][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][i]"Then I think I should participate."[/i] Mikoto smiled back to his friend still puzzled. His eyes full of excitement and his hands are already shaking, craving to feel the need for speed.[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][i]"But you don't have a car, do you?"[/i] on of his friends asked. [i]"I mean, I haven't seen you in a car since you moved here two months ago"[/i][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][i]"Oh about that, My parents bought me my own warehouse as a garage. Sorry I haven't told you guys about that. So wanna go there and see my little 'baby'."[/i] Mikoto's smile becomes interesting for his friends. [i]"Let's skate all the way there. It's just five block from here. We must hurry or else I'll be late on the 'session'. You know time is gold for us racers."[/i] Mikoto laid his skateboard and started to roll with his friends at his back[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][i]"Sayonara! Masashi-sensei!" .[/i] The little children still waving their hands in goodbye said to their teacher after a tiring day at school.[/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS]"Go straight home now, all of you! And also see you till monday!". A man said, standing beside his motorcycle dressed in white longsleeves folded up to his elbows with an identification id pinned on his left pocket that states "Masashi Raijouku" and black khaki pants with a pair of shiny black shoes. "I guess that's enough for the day?!" [/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS]The man then suddenly put on his helmet and stick the ignition keys and started his "little devil". The bike roared it's engines until it just sounded like a soft purr then it rolled into the pavement and in just seconds it became out of sight.[/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS]"Another day's work again. Well I'd better be going or else." Masashi said putting his helmet on and started his [URL=http://www.granbymotors.co.uk/images/996.jpg]Ducatti 996[/URL]. "It's really nice to ride this baby in this kind of day." [/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS]And then, the wheels turned, burning rubber on the concrete road making a screeching sound and white smoke with the smell of foul burning polyester. And as Masashi let go of the brakes, the motorcycle sprinted out for "another day's work".[/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS]Arriving at "Raven's Flat", STNJ's headquarters, Masashi rolled his two-wheeled devil into the plaque saying to himself "At least they keep it clean.". Sticking the ignition keys out and removing his helmet, he walked straight into the elevator with his security card flying in front of him like he's playing a coin. With the elevator in front of him, he casually slided the security card and entered the no. of the floor he's going and then hopped on. After several minutes, the elevator door opened exposing him into a "busy atmosphere". Walking like he's on the moon, he walked past the conference room then suddenly stopped for a moment and stared at the "big boss' room". He murmered somthing to himself the went to the circular table where he saw three familiar faces already sitting at their posts.[/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS]"Good morning ladies! Hope I didn't interrupt some girly talk in here." He said while taking his seat.[/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS]The three girls just gave him angry stares that would have made Masashi fall off of his seat.[/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS]"Hey! Don't look at me like that. I'm not tasty for breakfast you know!"[/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Hope you will like this one! Tell me if there is anything you want me to change okies?![/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Name: Masashi Raijouku [/color][/size][/font][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Age: 24[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Sex: Male [/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Craft: He can seal or cleanse souls using the sealed [i]Oni [/i]in his left hand. He also knows a little martial arts but really excels in the art of exorcism using scrolls and paper seals. The [i]Oni [/i]in his hand can also take over his body for a short period of time.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]History: Masashi grew in a village at the mountains somewhere in Kyoto where the act of sealing and cleansing souls is teached or passed down by the family clan of Raijouku. This clan is also a connection of STNJ where almost all of it's members are active agents. In his family's blood runs the blood of powerful ancient high priests that can seal not just ordinary souls but even can make a pact with powerful spirits like the [i]Oni[/i] and sealing them in any part of the body so that the power of the Oni can be used in fighting anything with dark and evil souls. One evening, when he went home from a exorcising session, he found his parents lying on the floor. When he looked at them, he was suprised when he saw a seal in each of his parents foreheads. Masashi knew that having your soul sealed and be tormented in some other dimension is much worse than a painful death. It's beacuse, the abuse and torment the soul recieves will show on the sealed soul's body thus also killing it. The sealed soul will feel all the pain even if it's body is buried. It's like being tortured forever even in death. [/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]After the burial of his parents, Masashi made a pact with an Oni to be his "other self" in which he sealed it into his left hand. He went a series of trainings so that the Oni and his body can move in harmony. He needed this training because the Oni he summoned After training is a neutral Oni, the most powerful kind of Oni because it is a combined good and evil Oni, Having a neutral Oni is like having two personalities which Masashi must control. It also gives the bearer the ability to choose whether to seal or cleanse a soul. Masashi left his village and searched for the STNJ HQ where his parents and relatives worked. After hearing that he is a Raijouku, the STNJ tested his power and after a series of tests, Masashi became a Hunter. [/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Also Masashi has two reasons why he signed in the STNJ.....[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]1. He knows that a powerful Raijouku must be a STNJ agent. If he is in the organization, he can find information and clues about the "one " who sealed away his parents.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]2. It's one of his parents' wishes to make him join the STNJ to make sure that he will use his talent in eliminating evil not to be evil itself. [/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Personality: Masashi usually likes to be alone but he is very much approachable though. When he is not at work as a Hunter, he is usually found teaching children at a private school. He always rides his bike when he wants to go nature-tripping (He likes nature anyway because he grew on the mountains.) and also when his on a mission. When he works as a Hunter, he still judges if he would give the culprit a second chance since not all people or thing that he had hunted really is bad. If he knows that the "hunted" is just being controlled by someone, he will go for the ckeansing process. But if he knows the "hunted" is a pure souce of evil, then surely he will suck and seal it's spirit so that it can't roam the surface of the earth again for it will be sealed forever.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Appearance: See attachment[/color][/size][/font][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue] [/color][/size][/font]
[center]Hahahaha! I'll await that trilogy of yours DW. But still I'm against your invasion![/center] [center] [/center] [center](LOLZ!!!!)[/center]
[size=1]For me, OB's precious moments since I renewed my account (~aya kinimoto~) is[/size] [center][font=Arial Black][size=4][b]THE INVASION OF DRAGONWARRIOR ON OTAKUBOARDS[/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][font=Arial Black][size=4][/size][/font] [/center] [center]and[/center] [center] [/center] [center][font=Arial Black][size=4][b]THE OPPOSING OF PIROMUNKIE IN THE INVASION OF DRAGONWARRIOR ON OTAKUBOARDS[/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][b][font=Arial Black][size=4][/size][/font][/b] [/center] [left][font=Tahoma][size=1]where is choose to side with Piromunkie!!!!:cool: [/size][/font][/left]
BF & best friend troubles, all in one!!
Hayashi Hansuke replied to Redemption's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=wrist cutter] How on earth is she not accepting reality? She's just being pissy and jealous. [/QUOTE] The reality there is that her bestfriend (amgoddess) and another bestfriend (amgoddess' bf) are together. She still wishes that she and amgoddess' bf will be together. "Jealous" is also a good word but from the way I see it, she is obsessed with amgoddess' bf. [QUOTE= wrist cutter] Thanks for proving you have no idea what being narrow-minded is. That's called "obstinance", not being narrow-minded. [/QUOTE] I think that this "meaning of narrow-minded" thing will get us nowhere. I think the reason we have different meanings it's because I can call that girl in my language "makitid ang utak" in english "narrow-minded". Also I can say that your'e english is much more deep than mine so to end this I will say that we are both right. The true reason why I'm posting here is the way "someone" who doesn't really know me called me as a "smart guy wannabe". I just dont really like it because I have no intention to look smart. I just want to give my side of opinion, that's all! So let's stop this ok and stick to the topic and wait for the outcome of amgoddess' problem.;) -
BF & best friend troubles, all in one!!
Hayashi Hansuke replied to Redemption's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='wrist cutter'] Do you even know what 'narrow-minded' means? Because if you did I can't see how you can apply it to the situation given the information in the first post. How is she refusing to listen to the other side of the debate when THERE'S NO DEBATE?? HMMMM???[/quote] The reason I say "the girl is narrow minded" is beacuse she still does't understand the position she's into. She still doesn't accept the fact of reality and that's the reason for her narrow-mindedness. The word "insecure" can also be applied to that girl and I agree with you. Also I agree to you that THER IS NO DEBATE! But the thing is, a debate is not always needed for a situation so that someone can call a person "narrow-minded". For me, narrow-minded persons are persons who really understands reality but still they oppose it and do things that they think can change reality but the truth is they are just making reality more "painful" for them. I can relate them with "selfish" people. If you have another description for narrow-mindedness, I don't care. [quote name='wrist cutter'] Stop throwing around buzzwords to sound smart[/quote] And also, I'm not trying to sound smart. I'm just saying what I want to say and if anyone has a problem with it, then I don't give a f**k for it is me and that's the way I am. I have the freedom of speech so no one can ever tell me what should I say! And if they doesn't understand me, then better consult a dictionary hon! -
BF & best friend troubles, all in one!!
Hayashi Hansuke replied to Redemption's topic in General Discussion
For a friend that says rude and hurtful things about her friend just because her friend is the gf of her male bestfriend. Man she is such a narrow-minded girl (sorry for the words, I'm just talking myself out). Is she is really a friend and if she really loved that boy, then she must give freedom to you two. I mean, she must accept the fact that you and your'e bf are in a relationship right now and she mustn't be jealous of you two. And also, youv'e said that both you and your bf has been very long and good friends of this girl. For me, years of friendship is enough to be treasured by someone. Also if your friend really values friendship, she will stop the blabbering and just stay as a good friend for you and your bf. For the thing you must do....... you must talk with her about her attitude. Explain to her that it's not right for her to intrude you and your bf's relationship. If you really are lacking time for your bestfriend, then I suggest that you must budget your time between your bf and your bestfriend. I'm sure that your'e bf will understand if you say it to him. Besides your'e bf already knows your bestfriend so there is no problem about that. And also, please tell your bestfriend to stop going to relationships that are already closed, for the people who sees what she's been doing will have negative points at her. Tell it to her as a friend who also cares about her friend. I'm sure that you're bestfriend will understand and she will realize that you really treasure her as a friend because of the affection that you show to her. Hope that helped you from your problems. Just ask anything and I will post a reply immediately. Hayashi Hansuke- Dr. Love of Otakuboards -
I like DW but it looks like that he/she is going "too high" on his popularity (hehehehe I'm not jealous though:) ) It's just he's trying to conquer OtakuBoards (LOLZ!!!!). So count me in as one of OB's saviours! (hehehehe /gg LOLZ)
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Name: Kei "Red Moon" Akatsuki[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Age: 19 [/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Gender: Male [/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Apearrance: [/color][/size][/font][url="http://aoi-t.vis.ne.jp/cg/ori/cgart/bishounen.jpg"][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]click here[/color][/size][/font][/url] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue][/color][/size][/font] [color=blue][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]Weapons: [/size][/font][url="http://www.hit-squad.net/weapons/hit-squad_m10.jpg"][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]Favorite guns.[/size][/font][/url][/color] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue][url="http://www.concentric.net/~stircraz/PA-7842.jpg"]Favorite knives.[/url][/color][/size][/font][url="http://www.concentric.net/~stircraz/PA-7842.jpg"] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][/size][/font][/url][color=blue][/color] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Short Bio: Kei's history is really unknown for he is a known bounty hunter in the underground world of bounty hunter. But Kei's codename "Red Moon" is really famous because of his past achievements that show 100% success completion.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1] [/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Personality: Kei is just an ordinary happy-go-lucky kind of teen ager in the eyes of the people around him. He always have a smile on his face that makes the people around him to trust him more and it makes a good cover for his real identity as a bounty hunter.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1] [/size][/font] [color=blue][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]Occupation: Bounty Hunter[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][/size][/font][/color]
OOC: I just want to ask when can we start this RPG. I mean how many people should sign up to keep this RPG rollin? ;) (just asking??? :confused: ) Thanks for letting me in! :cool:
RPG Whispers of Darkness [PG-13 for Language and Violence]
Hayashi Hansuke replied to Katana's topic in Theater
[size=1]It's already past midnight when the soldiers got in the town where Grimface has been. All the townspeople are sleeping soundly inside their homes when one of the soldiers blew his horn that woke almost the whole town.[/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1][i]"We are here by orders of King Damien to search this place and also interrogate some of you for information of creatures that have passed this town. Anyone who does not cooperate will be punished and shall be treaten as a traitor. We expect your full cooperation."[/i] , the captain of the soldeirs shouted.[/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1][i]"We are just ordinary townsmen here. Even all of us are afraid of those so called creatures so we don't know anything about it.",[/i] the town chief said to the captain.[/size] [size=1][/size] [i][size=1]"We will still implement the order. And also by the way you talk, it looks like that this town have hidden something behind their backs. Alright men! *drawing his sword*. Search this whole place. If any evidence is found *pointing his sword to the town chief* you shall all be punished!"[/size][/i] [size=1][/size] [size=1]Following the captain's order, every soldier raced to different houses and roughly raided it not for evidence but for it's precious belongings. Some of the villagers tried to stop the soldiers when they recognized that they are just stealing their valuables and supplies but they are helpless. Some of the people who tried to stop the soldiers are killed or attacked by the greedy footmen of King Damien.[/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1][i]"You can search all day if you want. You will not find a single piece of evidence in us because we are innocent. And also, you said that you will just search for evidence. But it looks like you and your soldiers are just robbing our homes. Is that also an order of King Damien to all of you. Well I don't think so.",[/i] a man shouted bravely.[/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1][i]"I don't care."[/i] the captain yelled back. [i]"My men can pick anything they want as long that they see it as evidence. And as for the supplies, let's say that it's your'e donations to us soldiers that protect you in the danger of those night creatures. So I see nothing bad about it."[/i][/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1]But some of the soldiers carry "planted" evidences so that they can still punish the townspeople eventhough no evidences is found. Suddenly, a soldier ran at the captain showing a piece of cloth that looks like a shirt with is stained with blood.[/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1][i]"The blood here is still warm. The creature should have passed here not a while ago. And also the marking on the shirt shows of that is ripped off by a powerful force with sharp claws."[/i] the soldier, still lying, said to the captain.[/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1][i]"Oh, I see."[/i] the captain muttered. [i]"So how can you explain this?"[/i][/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1][i]"Maybe it's just a shirt of one of the villagers attacked by bears in the forest. The living of some of the men in this town is to hunt bear for it's fur and meat. I swear to God that no creature whatsoever passed this town. So please, I beg you to just leave us alone. Please leave us in peace. You can take all you want just leave us alone."[/i] the town chief begged, now down on his knees pleading to the captain.[/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1][i]"I'm afraid that's not acceptable."[/i] An evil grin formed at the greedy face of the captain. Then with no futher words, he slashed off the head of the town chief killing him instantly in the surprise and horror of the women and children watching.[/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1]Driven by the will to fight the corrupt soldiers, some of the town's men armed themselves with knifes, swords, spear, crossbows, anything that can be used as a weapon. But some of them perished at the hands of more skilled and more armed soldiers of King Damien.[/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1][i]"I guess..."[/i] the captain ascended his horse. [i]".... I'll just have to kill you all anyway.[/i][/size] [size=1][i]"Alright men! Kill anyone on sight right NOW!"[/i] he shouted.[/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1]A woman with her child was about to be slashed to death by one of the soldiers, when a big shadowy figure suddenly appeared behind it and slashed it's head off flying to the feet of the evil captain.[/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1][i]"Who in the world........",[/i] the captain said still horrified to see one of his men's head in front of him.[/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1][i]"Death is not appropriate to all the evil things that you have done. Your souls must be tortured forever in hell!"[/i], the big shadowy figure said.[/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1][i]"It's Mr. Grimm!!!!!"[/i] some of the kids shoutde in joy. [i]"Can you help us Mr. Grimm? They've already killed some of our parents, friends and relatives and maybe us too!",[/i] the children cried in despair.[/size] [size=1][/size] [i][size=1]"Hahahahaha! How brave of you to oppose us men of King Damien. You'll regret to play hero here since you will be dead."[/size][/i] [size=1][/size] [size=1][i]"Correction!"[/i] Grimface took his helmet off exposing a skull with some torn flesh in it. [i]"I'm already DEAD! And I swear to all the innocent you've hurted and killed, I'm gonna kill you all including your king![/i][/size] [size=1][/size] [i][size=1]"He's a creature! ALL OF YOU CHARGE AND KILL HIM NOW![/size][/i] [size=1][/size] [size=1][i]"This will be again one hell of a night for me."[/i] Grimface said unleashing his sword and shield charged at the men whose only vow is to kill him.[/size] -
Yey! I'm gonna start hacking now (hehehehe ^_^) Thanks Kyo!:D
OCC: Did I reached the limit on time???? Am I one of the hackers???
Name: Kyoya "Testament" Takeuchi Age: 19 Gender: male Apperance: just like in the pic but without the scythe and crow. Net Appearance: [img]http://www.gamecombos.com/ggxx/images/charcolors/testament-p.gif[/img] Bio: Kyo (his nick) found out his career in hacking when he accidentally hacked the American, Japanese, British and German army database and also the CIA and FBI databases in New York when he was 9 years old. Because of this, Kyo was arrested for cyber crimes but he was not imprisoned for the reason that he is still young. When he was captured, many reports about him was broadcasted that made him popular not just in the real life but in the underground life of hackers where he is known as "Testament" as "One of The Gods of Hacking" The High Courts just gave him a sentence of rehabilitaion without any technical gadgets (cellphones, laptops, PDA's etc.) until he grows at the age of 18. After 9 years, Kyo was freed from rehabilitaion and thus had the freedom to hold again electronic gadgets. But the whole hacking ability "slept" within him because of the long years he haven't used it. Until his family was abducted by a group of terrorists that demanded his service to their propaganda. Kyo once used his hacking abilty to save his family, but to his mistake, the terrorists still killed his whole family; father, mother, older and younger sister right in his own eyes after using his intellectual abilty. Being held like a prisoner, Kyo used his hacking abilities to save his life and escaped the hands of the terrorists. After that, Kyo lived in the underground hackers society where he still lives today known as "Testament". Any Additional Info: He had an X scar in both of his hands. Those scars are given by the terrorist when he first refused to their demands. Who Are You: Hacker
I give compliment to your achivements in FF VIII but for us here in our place, it's just a plain thing. Final Fantasy VIII Final weapons of all characters, all level 99 with maxed out stats "255 all" with all the limit breaks in disc 2. "The End" by Selphie in disc 1 All cards. Make Squall always do a Lionheart in all of his battles (it just take proper junctioning) Do a "My Final Heaven" of Zell in disc 1 (this is easy LOL!) And also in FF VII, Having the "Lucky 7" is hard enough for some players. Because it requires proper materia combination and some computation so it's not just a normal thing. But I really aggree in the way you battle Ruby. (that's cool!) In Onimusha 3 Obtained Highest Rank- S 'offense' All my kills are criticals (I took the black vest but I NEVER used it!). Those criticals are plain criticals. Wipe out Phantom Realm with chain criticals! (hehehehe hitokiri battousai!)
Anime Anime that need a sequel/continuation
Hayashi Hansuke replied to 5th Hokage's topic in Otaku Central
[font=Verdana][size=2]For me, it would be Flame of Recca. I haven't really seen the OVA that my friends are talking about. But I can really say that it has a sequel but not in a series format because it's the OVA. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Also at the end of Flame of Recca, the characters said that there are still so many answers to be solved. Like the illness of Recca's mother, Ms. Kagero, how Anna Yanagi got her powers?, does Kurei will attack again the Hokage ninjas? and some more (i forgot some ones.....)[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Also I'm intrigued by the game of Flame of Recca in the PS2 titiled Flame of Recca: The Final Burning. I'm just thinking if it's storyline has something to do with the anime:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: [/size][/font] -
For me, if my gf wanna break up with me, it's ok as long she has a very valid reason. If the reason does not really justifies our breakup, I will object. But if that reason is like "she doesn't like me anymore", then for me as his ex-bf, will let her go so that I can show her how much I love him. I know your'e suprised for me being a boy giving help in this kind of relationships. Trust me, I've been on almost many kind of situation like that because all of my friends seek advice from me. But the best way you should do is to talk to him and explain why you want to break-up. If he really loves you, he will understand. And besides, you are still good friends. You say your'e inlove with his good friend? Definately, he would be hurt. That's why you must explain clearly your side to him. I'm sure he will think and imagine so many things like "Is there something wrong with me? Am i ugly? Am I not good?" and those things will surely make his self-confidence goes rocketing down. I'm sure, you as a friend won't like to happen this. Remember just talk to him and say your side to him clearly and also you must hear his side too. If he wants a second chance and if he is really worth it, why won't give him a chance. Hope I have helped you a little bit in your problem. Hayashi Hansuke- Dr. Love of Otakuboards:cool: