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Hayashi Hansuke

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Everything posted by Hayashi Hansuke

  1. I really liked all of your banners. I liked the blending of the colors i the three banners. Also the font you used in the 3rd banner is cute. I also like the way you improved the second banner b'coz it just gives the banner more life I guess?
  2. [color=#800080]Name: Mikoto "Red Sun" Kurogane[/color] [color=#800080]Age: 20[/color] [color=purple]Eye Color: Brown[/color] [color=purple]Hair Color: Black[/color] [color=purple]Gender: Male[/color] [color=purple]Personality: Mikoto is just a speed addict. He is Japanese but his family built a house in downtown L.A. He like all things to be fast as it could be. He also likes to be always on the move. He always crave for the rush of adrenalin when driving his Honda Civic especially bursting out it's nitros[/color] [color=purple]Appearance: Mikoto also likes to skateboard that's why almost all of his stuff is skateboarding related. [i]He likes to wear[/i] [i]blind t-shirts [img]http://home.wi.rr.com/tosaguys/LOGO%20-%20BLiND%20SKaTeBoaRDiNG1%201%201.jpg[/img] and also Vans shoes [img]http://www.zappos.com/images/V/Vans61/Vans61nrwt.jpg[/img][/i][/color] [color=purple]Gang your in: Mikoto is once a member of a street racing gang in Japan called "Team Kamikaze". Once they lived in L.A., Mikoto doesn't have any gang but it doesn't bother him because he can prove to anyone that he can stand on his feet.[/color] [color=darkorchid]Car Make: Honda[/color] [color=darkorchid]Car Model: Honda Civic 95 Edition[/color] [color=darkorchid]Car Color: Blue with red and black (exterior) Blue (interior)[/color] [color=darkorchid]Horse Power: 515 hp (w/o NOS) 650 (w/ NOS) [/color] [color=darkorchid]Modifications: NOS with customized ALPINE Snap-off control and system panel with customized fabricated steering wheel. Also has GPS satellite tracking device.[img]http://www.tekniqauto.com/gallery/Alpine_Civic2.jpg[/img][/color] [color=darkorchid]Picture of car when stock: [/color] [img]http://www.honda-experience.com/modellbau/civic.jpg[/img]
  3. Oh heck! I guess tastes may vary, but I find it so ********d up if a guy likes to have his gf breasts big. Also some guys want their girlfriends to change the way they look so that guy will love him. those kind of guys are ones that make me usually pissed off. Well for me, as long as the girl has personality and attitude, she's ok with me. For me some women want their breasts big so that they can get more attention and be more popular (well I guess not all but most of them do). I will not tell my gf to change her breast size just to satisfy me. But as long as she wants it to do to boost her self confidence, I will not object but it must not so obviously large And also, it's the affection that is required for a relationship to work. Affection is the feeling that you want him/her just the way he/she is. It's not on how she/he looks. (Am I right everyone????:cool: )
  4. For weapons, it would be... Guns- Trigun would be one. The guns of Vash looks like a combined magnum and Robocop's gun in 1. And also Nicholas Wolfwood's gun designed as a cross that has handguns installed in its horizontal bar and a giant gun when it's transformed. Swords- Ruruoni Kenshin has the reverse-edged sword, a sword made for humane purposes. But Final Fantasy VIII has the Gunblade. Imagine slashing and blasting your enemy at the same time. Strings- It would be Kadsuki of Getbackers and Yoji of Knight Hunters. Also their characters are made to be loved by girls (hmmmmmm why is it so????:confused: ). Misc- Himiko of Getbackers uses perfume like potions that bring different effects Ninjutsus in Naruto (i can't decide if ninjutsu is magic or not but for me it's not magic but powerful ninjutsus can be since they can do amazing and unbelievable things.)
  5. From where I came from (actually 'hEvN and I are in the same country:D ), in the Philippines you can say that anime is so popular around here. You can always hear children even adults talking about anime and sometimes anime is used by many people for pastimes and sometimes trends in different ways. Did you know that some local channels in our country made a daily an anime hour or two and every day it shows different series. And on mondays they show some anime movies that really made anime a big thing in our place. We also had our own "pledge" for an "Animenation" because our country is really strucked in anime by storm. You can also find shops here that sell only anime (yes peepz! for me that's anime heaven hehehehe ^_^) where you can find anything about anime. Also many anime conventions had been set here and thousands and thousands of fellow anime otakus go and join in conventions like that (actually I have been 2 times already and heck there are so many of them including HOT CHICKS (hehehehe :D :devil: :D hehehehe)
  6. I know that every otaku has a favorite line/phrase/satings/verses in their favorite animes. I just want to know what are them and explain why they liked it and if that line/phrase/satings/verses affected their outlook in life. For me, It would be the verse in Ruruoni Kenshin OVA 1 or 2 (can you tell me what OVA no. is when Kenshin fights a group of rebels where Yoshi idolizes one of them because their will is like the will of Yoshi's father?) "The greatest skies is infinitely high and crystal clear!" For me, It means that it's not impossible to dream. It teached me to dream for myself and my loved ones. It teached me to dream without limitations even if my dream for others is impossible but if I will be determined to do it, I can achieve that "impossible dream"
  7. For me, it would be Evanessence (am I right?). If you really don't want to waste your money for some crappy albums, I suggest you buy this. You will not be sorry. I bought their album as well that I'm really captivated by the voice of their female lead vocalist name Amy/Amie Lee. i especially like her voice in the song "My Immortal" and "Broken" with Seather. I like how she really put her emotions in her songs. In "My Immortal" you can feel the pain and anguish of that someone who misses his/her "special one". And in "Broken" which is one of the OST of the movie "The Punisher" shares the same anthem as "My Immortal"
  8. [font=Century Gothic][size=1][i]"Goodbye Mr. Grimm!!!"[/i] Little voices of children were heared from the distance, waving their little hands in goodbye. [i]"Come back and play with us again ok!!!"[/i] [/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][i]"Don't worry, I will"[/i] the walking suit of armor replied back, also waving his arms with the crisp sound of metal to metal contact is heard. [i]"Go home now and sleep early. Or else I will not play with you tomorrow![/i][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][i]"Don't worry! We will!!"[/i] And the children raced back to the comfort of their homes.[/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1]Walking in the forest path alone, under the bright light of the moon, "Grimface" as he is called suddenly heard footsteps of human and horses from a distance. [/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1]Even he doesn't want to, he hid himself in the tall trees along the path where the footsteps are going.[/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][i]*Laughter* "If I see a creature right now, I will tear it's head off right now so that I can get a promotion!".[/i] A rough voice said followed by another bunch of laughters.[/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][i]"Now, it's like we have the right to do anything we want! We can kill anyone and just tell that the person we killed is a creature of the night. Or we can terrorize people and threaten them that we will not protect them if they will not give us some pay or something. I can't wait to try that!"[/i] a small but terrible voice said.[/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][i]"Hey!"[/i] another soldier said. "[i]Why don't we start over there!" *soldier pointing to the town where Grimface have been* "There's a town there!"[/i] [/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1]Hearing that, Grimface's eyes turned red like it is burning. [i]"No, not the innocent townsmen!"[/i][/size][/font] [i][font=Century Gothic][size=1]"Okay, men! Let's go to that town and implement the orders by King Damien. Remember, no mercy for those creatures!"[/size][/font][/i] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][b][i]"Goodbye Mr. Grimm!!!"*hands waving goodbye "Come back and play with us again ok!!!".[/i][/b] These scenes flashed back into Grimface mind, imagining those children will just end up in the hands of those greedy footmen.[/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1]And the horses whined, the wheels of their chariots started to roll and the soldiers started marching to "fullfill their mission".[/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][i]"I will not let you do that. *gripping his sword tightly* Death in hell is not appropriate enough for your dark souls."[/i] Grimface whispered. [i]"And also Damien, I promise you, I WILL and I really WILL crush your head in my hands *staring at his hands* after I crush those of your greedy and corrupt men.[/i][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1]Upon saying this, Grimface started walking back to the town where the soldiers is going.[/size][/font]
  9. [left]Still staring at his sword, Hansuke still is haunted by the past that he cannot escape.[/left] [left][i]The jounin with little Hansuke successfully escape the fields of battle. But the jounin didn't knew that there are already Human soldiers awaiting for escaping Oboro members.[/i][/left] [left][i]"They're really gonna wipe us out." the jounin murmured.[/i][/left] [left][i]"What's the matter?" little Hansuke asked.[/i][/left] [left][i]"Ah, It's nothing my Master!" the jounin said still with bitterness in his heart.[/i][/left] [left][i]"There they are! I see some Oboros!" a voice of a man yelled. "Don't let them escape!"[/i][/left] [left][i]After hearing that, the jounin took action and ran fast like the wind. But the Human soldiers had this some kind of tracking device specially designed for the Oboro.[/i][/left] [left][i]"Oh man! We cannot even leave them behind! There is no good alternative but to fight them.[/i][/left] [left][i]"Please!!!!! Don't fight them! I don't want to be alone! if you fight you will also be killed![/i][/left] [left][i]"I know. But as a loyal Oboro clan member, it is my duty to protect my master at all costs. And besides you're our new Master now. The power has been passed to you by your father. This sword *shows liitle Hansuke the red-sheathed katana" is the seal of yourself being our leader. All you need to do now is to grow strong and rebuild the Oboro once again. Remember *grabs Hansuke on both shoulders* we will always be at your side as we are your shadow!"[/i][/left] [left][i]Then a gunshot was heared. Blood spurted out from the left shoulder of the jounin making little Hansuke cry.[/i][/left] [left][i]"If only I was big enough to fight them, I will KILL them all!" Hansuke said still crying.[/i][/left] [left][i]"Don't worry, you will be my Master! the jounin said unleashing his sword on it's sheath. "Now i want you to escape NOW!" pointing at the dark alley with the red-sheathed in his hands. "And also take this and be a honorable Oboro!".[/i][/left] [left][i]Still scared, Hansuke took the sword and fled. While he was running, sword clashes and gunshots are heard. [/i][/left] [left][i]Then there was silence........................[/i][/left] [left][i]Tears are now flowing steadily out of Hansuke's eyes. Gripping the sword tightly, he heard a voice coming from behind[/i][/left] [left][i]"Here little one. Come over here or you will be caught by them!" The mysterious voice said.[/i][/left] [left][i]"Where are you?!"[/i][/left] [left][i]"I'm here" And Hansuke saw a hooded man coming out of the dark. "Come! There is no time to waste!"[/i][/left] [left][i]Realizing the enemies are closing, Hansuke ran to the hooded man where they again vanished into the darkness.[/i][/left]
  10. Well okies. I will add you up now in my OB family and you will be my sister okies??? Thanks again for the banner!! Arigato gozaimasu!!!
  11. That's right! Lucky 7 is a special attack in FF VII that when the characters life is 7777, he/she will flash and goes on a rampage (according to you that I totally agree!). For me, I know that in Lucky 7, the character will strike 64 times (if I'm right) with 7777 damage each strike(7,777x64=497,728) and if all characters go into Lucky 7 it would be 497,728 x 3 = 1,493,184 (hehehehe) And Ruby and Emerald weapon only has 1 million life each excluding their parts but heck they will be killed if the body is massacred (hehehehe for me that's the WORD for that:) ). I did it with just materia mastery and some calculations. I'm not being selfish but I don't want to share my computations. It's just like evryone that hears about it like my friends tried it and the truth is IT WORKS and anyone can do it. it would just take a liitle devotion and computations in the game. Because of that achievement I became a "legend" at the place I was playing to. I know that you can also do it. It just takes time and hardwork. And also I had my Master Summon, Master Magic (as I remember..) and The Knights Of The Round as well in disc 1. (no joke I really had it!)
  12. For me, this just some of the funny moments I watched . Getbackers- When Ginji run away from Akabane that Akabane is still behind him. After he ran, he thought that he had left Akabane behind that he started saying "Akabane-chan?! Akabane-chan?!" And then Akabane said "Hai!" Ginji's face is just like :eek: Naruto- It's always when Naruto uses his "Sexy no Jutsu" in Iruka, his second trainer (I forgot the name) and esp. Jiraiya that made Jiraiya called himself as "super pervert" (hehehehe :D :laugh: :D :laugh: ) Ruruoni Kenshin- It's always when Kenshin gets a "smackdown" from his friends like Kaoru and Sanosuke. (hehehehe :D :D :D )
  13. [QUOTE=Balmon]How did you get RUBY to put your characters in lucky 7s? With Emerald, the Aire Tam Storm makes life very easy... but Ruby? Please explain. Phil[/QUOTE]Can you clarify the question??? Are you asking if it's how did I make RUBY Weapon cry (hehehehe ^_^) by using Lucky 7 or how I have put all my characters into Lucky 7 and used it to kill RUBY?
  14. i'm really thankful for the banner you made for me. I just want to know if your'e a gril or a boy so that i can determine whether your'e my sister or brother
  15. Oh man. It's my first time to view that "miniclip". And all i can say is [font=Arial Black][size=4]IT ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/size][/font] [font=Arial Black][size=4][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1]I will also save all of this in my computer.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1]Keep it going DW. I will await your'e other episodes!!![/size][/font]
  16. Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!! My banner is done!!!!!!!!!!!!! But how can I attach it. I know the old way but since OB had a makeover, I don't know now how to attch it. Can you please teach me....... And also what position in my OB family do you like????
  17. Mabuti naman at may kababayan ako dito sa Otakuboards (It's good to have someone who lives in the same country as me that's in Otakuboards.). Add mo naman ako saOB family mo oh. (Add me pls in your OB family.) PM mo naman ako minsan ok?:D Also I'm in Sampaloc,Manila. And you?????
  18. For girls it would be the 18th birthday or so called "debut". But for men it would be 21. I'm just excited because here in my country if youre 18 then youre on your own. Unlike in other countries even youre younger than 18 you can do anything and no one will scold you. And also i can go to adult places now (hehehehe ^_^)
  19. I came from Manila in the Philippines (if you know that!). I always open my computer early in the moring startin about 7:00 AM up to 12:00 NN. I have been an adiict to video games and anime since I was 4. That's why I'm always at my hangouts playing videogames or watching anime in the Internet. I really want to live in Japan because I almost all of the anime and video games start there (hehehe ^_^) Right now i'm not studying an also i'm turning 18 this october (can u all come????? hehehehehe ^_^) well that's for me. :D
  20. "Giving a character Lucky 7 is hard but giving three is insane". That's my friend said to me when he saw me fighting one of the boss with Cloud in "lucky 7" format. When he said it, I loaded my saved file, the file before fighting Ruby. Then my friend said "You do not intend to fight him in your current situation don't you?" I just smiled and said "Just watch me fight" After approaching Ruby weapon and the screen blurred, I put down my controller and yawned and said. "Can u please wake me up after the battle?". my friend's jaw dropped when he saw all of my characters is in Lucky 7 that he said to me "Are u a demon or what????" I just smiled:)
  21. Staring at his Kusanagi No Katana, Hansuke sees his reflection. But that reflection doesn't just only show his being but his "inner side as well". The event happened in the past is still fresh on his mind....... [i]"But if we don't accept their missions, they might treat us as enemies or allies of the Zeon forces!" An Oboro jounin said.[/i] [i]"I already know that." Nakatori Hayashimada, leader of the Oboro replied.[/i] [i]"But we all know that It can be possible for the Humans and the Zeons live together. I know that many people from both forces are already tired of this war so why don't we give unification and peace a chance."[/i] [i]"But you know also that we the Oboro is still no match for the Human forces even if fight for what is right."[/i] [i]"I will not allow that to happen!" Nakatori rises from his seat. "I don't want to waste any Oboro clan member for this useless and pointless battle!"[/i] [i]"Sir" a voice coming from a speaker is heard. "A vast force of Human mechs is coming this way. They said that we have a minute to surrender to them or they will take some rough actions. They say that............ Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!"[/i] [i]"Tower 1 report. Please comply!"[/i] [i]"It has started!!!"[/i] [i]Suddenly a massive explosion was heard all around the Oboro HQ.[/i] [i]"All jounins and chuunins please report immediately. Prepare for battle!"[/i] [i]"Stop this!" Nakatori said. "I will negotiate with those forces"[/i] [i]"But father, they might kill you" Little Hansuke said clinging to his fathers legs.[/i] [i]"Don't worry about me." Nakatori kneeled in front of his son. "I rather die and make sure you will live life as it should be than live and see you suffer because of the cold sadness that this war can bring you. And just always remember; An Oboro is your'e shadow. Wherever you go I'll always be with you." Nakatori hugged his son tightly with tears slowly forming in his eyes.[/i] [i]"Nakatori Hayashimada!!!! We order you to surrender! Please don't make us unnecessary actions!"[/i] [i]Hearing the screams of dying Oboro members and the crying of their young is so much for Nakatori to bear. He walked straight to his battle gear and loudly screamed "No one will ever escape the shadows of an Oboro! All units engage in battle now!"[/i] [i]He called one of the jounins and whispered to it...."I want you to make sure that Hansuke escapes this place when the battle starts. And also make sure he will have this sword for he is now the new leader of the Oboro clan. I rely this one to you.[/i] [i]"I will offer my life to fullfill that mission Sir!". And the jounin picked Hansuke with the sword in it's hand and vaninshed into the darkness.[/i] [i]The scream and cries of little Hansuke is still heard. Thus Nakatori said "I will be your shadow now my son". Then he vanished in a thick pack of smoke.[/i]
  22. Mine would be....... FF VII- when i trashed out all the Weapons Ruby and Emerald in just 2 minutes each. Imagine all your characters going into "Lucky 7" (hehehehe). If you don't know what "Lucky 7" means PM me. GGX2- The story Mode in this game really knocked off my seat when i finished it. Imagine battling a full bar enemy with your health bar is 5% only (Hard difficulty) That's some of my achievements. I'll remember some of it soon......
  23. [left]Name: Sieg Platinum[/left] [left]Age: 19[/left] [left]Appearance: He is a "funky" person. Always have his hoverboard with him, he almost look like Zell Dincht (FF VIII)[/left] [left]Team: Solar Winds[/left] [left]Weapon: Platinum Gauntlet[/left] [left]Magic: [/left] [left]Haste[/left] [left]Shell[/left] [left]Protect[/left] [left]Cure[/left] [left]Abilities: Mug and Mad Rush[/left] [left]Special Attacks: Duel (is this ok??)[/left] [left]Bio: Sieg is a happy go lucky person. He is raised as an orphan by a man named Martine who taught him the art of hand to hand combat and martial arts and also some white magics. When Sieg grew older, Martine let him go on the world on his own since it's Sieg wishes to travel on many places. Sieg on his travels met many people that he usually help for his money and other needs. But usually Sieg helps everyone around him even playing with children. Eventhough he is on his own, Sieg will always remember his home with Martine. [/left] [left] [/left] [left]Please tell me if there is anything i must change![/left]
  24. Hehehehe i guess it's just by destiny (hehehehe lolz ^_^) and also you really like to start the fun do you???? (hehehehe ^_^)
  25. Oh i see..... Well if you really like the arcade version have you seen GGX2 Reloaded. I mean is when i played that game thought it's the same, the cpu fighter trashed me out on the first stage (oh man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). i think that game has already gone into your place (here in the philippines we Filipinos also love ARCADE!!). Also the difference in GGX2 and GGX2 Reloaded is that ggx2 has robo-ky as a secret character (i don't know how i can access him in arcade though) but in ggx2 reloaded he is one of the characters (that's why i'm working on the story mode of reloaded right now). And also I can do a 20 hit combo with Testament (the guy with scythe) hehehehe ^_^
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