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Hayashi Hansuke

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Everything posted by Hayashi Hansuke

  1. I also like GGX2 it's because JAM KURADOBERI and BAIKEN is there and also don't forget DIZZY!!!!!! ^_^. For that move of that chicky you said which is named I-no, the move your'e saying is really one of her most brutal moves eventhough whe you use her you cannot access that move. That move has a pattern like the orbs going upwards (crouch at the other end of the screen), the spiral (stay at the open space between the spiral and also the spiral moves so move with it also and you will notice that you are walking closer to I-no) and last is like the full screen (at first I thought this move is "unblockable because dodging this one is tricky. You will exactly jump over I-no the moment she will release those orbs or use your guard using your power bar, the one used for a super move. Just press both light punch and light kick or []&X in a ps controller and you will notice that you will be covered by a shield that will deplete your power bar instead of your life bar) If you are playing it in a ps2 console, I suggest you complete all fo the characters by mission or story mode (I completed it by story mode!) and I promise you, you will not be sorry. Plus in story mode I suggest you get a walktrough because you must get 3 ending EACH character. I think it took me 5 days or a week to complete it but after that I got the ultimate price (hehehe it's for you to find out) Hope I helped you in this GGX2 business. Just post anything you would like to ask okies.:)
  2. [center][font=Times New Roman][color=red][b]This would be my second rpg since I signed up. Hope you will like this one.[/b][/color][/font][/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][color=red][/color][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][color=red][b]Name:[/b] "Grimface" (still unknown) [b]Gender:[/b] male [/center] [/color][/font][center][font=Times New Roman][color=red][b]Age:[/b] 3,000??? [b]Creature Type:[/b] ½ zombie ½ human [/center] [/color][/font][center][font=Times New Roman][color=red][/color][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][color=red][b]Weapon:[/b] A 5' double edged sword, 2 daggers strapped in his legs, a shield strapped to his back and his body will do. [/center] [/color][/font][center][font=Times New Roman][color=red][b]Description: Grimface[/b] stands about 7', with a powerful, bulky and muscular body. His face and othe parts of the body is covered by an ancient armor said to be worn by the gods (tha's why he is still alive). His armor is made of a special ore called Mythrill a mineral ore used by the elven blacksmiths to forge armor for the gods. His armor is colored pitched black and his helmet only shows his red, fiery eyes that he often use to scare away innocent people. By the way you look at his armor, you can say that it's about 2" thick and it could weigh double of his body weight. His shield is also made of mythrill but some people say that it's his sword and his shield that sucks the souls of the people Grimface killed. They say that you can still hear the screams of the tormented souls encased in Grimface's sword and shield. his shield is marked with a "grim" face of a demon that became the source of his name. Also his fighting skills in hand to hand combat is good even enemies think that he is slow because of his bulky appearance. But he can crush a man skull in his very own hands.[/color][/font][color=red][font=Times New Roman] [b]Personality:[/b] Grimface is almost quiet. But sometimes he can be seen playing with some children and you can still hear his "laughter" even for his enemies is the "laughter of death". He has a soft spot for innocent people even many of them is scared of him. His past is still unknown to others. (except me ^_^) [/center] [/font][/color][center][color=red][font=Times New Roman][b]Weakness:[/b] Like I said, he has a soft spot to innocent people especially children. He will not kill an innocent person even that person wishes to kill him. Also, if some of his past is being said in a fight or battle he will surely (and I REALLY MEAN IT) kill that person and go on a rampage hurting anyone on sight until that person is brutally killed (decapitated, skull crushed, body torn apart and SOUL SUCKED). [/font][/color][/center] [center][color=red][font=Times New Roman][/font][/color] [/center] [center][color=red][font=Times New Roman]:devil: Man am I really that brutal??????:devil: [/font][/center] [/color]
  3. For me it would be Naruto and Ruruoni Kenshin esp. Heart of Sword. And I also like the opening theme of Thousand Arms and also the music of all Final Fantasies.
  4. If there is a chance you can combine two animes/anime characters into one, what would it be????? Mine would be the Knight Hunters (Weiss kreuz, Weiß Kreuz) and the Knight Sabers (Bubble Gum Crisis Tokyo 2040 AD). so that i can easily pair them of. 4 on 4 Aya/Ran on Priss, Omi on Nene, Ken on Linna and Yoji on Sylia. I would really like to see them in one anime.[img]http://otakuboards.com/images/smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
  5. Yes! I would like to include this pic with the phrases "No one can escape the shadows of an Oboro!" I would really appreciate it and also can u be one of my OB family (i'm just starting on it). Thnx for the help!!!
  6. [color=blue][size=1]Since I'm new here, I would like to try this one. Hope you guys will like it.[/size][/color] [color=blue][size=1]Name: RedShadow (Hansuke Hayashimada)[/size][/color] [color=blue][size=1]Age: around 18-20 [/size][/color][color=blue][size=1]Gender: male [/size][/color] [color=blue][size=1]Faction: unknown[/size][/color] [color=blue][size=1]Appearance: He wears a tight fitting full body skin like armor and a helmet that has four red "eyes" that glow in the dark that is the trademark of his clan, the "Oboro".[/size][/color][color=blue][size=1] [/size][/color][color=blue][size=1]Mech: His mecha is a customized Shadow Crow but without the wings and beak. Plus, it has the "trademark" helmet of the pilot and it's speed is much more improved. [/size][/color] [color=blue][size=1]Other Weapons: His legendary Kusanagi no Katana and shurikens. [/size][/color] [color=blue][size=1]Position: He is not in the military but known as a mecha mercenary.[/size][/color] [color=blue][size=1]Bio: No one really knows RedShadow but himself. For some Zeons, he is a hero. but for Humans, he is more like a cold-blooded killer for all the brutal killings of human mecha pilots. But the truth is......... RedShadow is human![/size][/color] [size=1][color=#0000ff]RedShadow is raised as Hansuke Hayashimada by a clan of ninja assasins called "Oboro". Because of the reputation of the clan "to get the mission 100% accomplished", they are always used by the Human race to obliterate innocent Zeons. But not all Oboro clan agrees to every mission the Human race gives them. His father Nakatori Hayashimada and half of the clan believes that Humans and Zeons can live together.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=#0000ff]Because of his beliefs, the Human Conglomerate decided to wipe put all Oboro clan members whether they side with the human or not. Because of the large army the Humans have, the Oboro clan is wiped out but luckily Hansuke was rescued by a Zeon known as "Neoz". That Zeon was the one who took care of Hansuke and the one who made his mecha and his skin like armor known as the "ectoplasmic endoskeleton" that can give the wearer 10 time more power and speed of a human or zeon has. [/color][/size] [size=1][color=#0000ff]Right now, Hansuke's major goal is to get revenge to the people who are responsible for his clan's obliteration and the unification of Humans and Zeons and as of now his whereabouts is still unknown.[/color][/size] [color=blue] [/color]
  7. Can someone please help me and make me a shinobi (game in ps2) banner. I would be really thankful. And also can u add me as buddy. I'm new here. pls. pls. pls.
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