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About Seibzeihn
- Birthday February 23
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One to be born from a dragon, hoisting the light and the dark, arises high up in the sky to the still land, veiling the moon with the light of eternity. It brings a promise to mother earth; a blessing, a bounty and a mercy.
Guardian Angel
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Member (2/6)
[quote][size=1][b]OOC: I took out a good amount of guardians here, but I didn't want to make an amazing fight since there'll be better ones in the future. Seibzeihn, you should tie up any loose ends you may have, since after I sort out a few more things I'll be killing you.[/b][/size][/quote] [color=darkred][size=1][b]OOC: Mhmm...I have no idea why you just decided to state that for the world to see, as I was told A) That Asariel's death would occur at the end of, or very close to, the story, and B) I've got quite a few scenes left, so I've been told by the administrator of this story. If everyone knows how this all is going to end, then I'm a bit out-of-the-loop, but it's my reasonable belief that some parts of this story all still supposed to be unexpected. Apart from the issues I stated above. I'll continue when I'm good and ready.[/b][/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1]Asariel allowed Reoan to walk forward to...greet...the three Zodiac reluctantly. His steps mirrored those of David as the two took positions at either of Reoan's shoulders, close enough to intervene should things take a turn for the worst. Tapping into his energy, the fallen gave David the equivalent of a mental poke. [b][i]Do we...?[/i][/b] The Grigori shook his head slightly. [i]Wait. Reoan wants to see what they desire.[/i] [b][i]I thought they wanted her dead.[/i][/b] [i]So did I.[/i] As the two other Zodiac -- Zane and Ima -- raised their guns, Asariel drew his glaive and spun it quickly, pointing the tip at the offenders. David stiffened suddenly, ready to spring into action. But Asariel had already brought his weapon to bear, and was covering the situation as best he could. Kariz walked forward to address Reoan; Asariel did not let his gaze stray from Zane and Ima as he delivered an ultimatum in a low voice. [b]"You're free to start shooting, but I assure you it will be your blood that stains the pavement when I am done with you. Let Reoan speak, if she chooses to do so, before we start attempting to destroy each other. Though I consider it blasphemy that you should dare ask anything from her."[/b] Asariel resheathed [i]Ashen Hand[/i] across his back, but did not allow himself the chance to relax. He withdrew a few paces, placing him behind Reoan's shoulder. The fallen's eyes were chips of crimson granite as he gazed at the Zodiac impassively, ready to place himself between Reoan and any harm that should befell her...[/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1]As the illusion swirled and faded, there was the resonance of another's energy, throbbing in time with the waning powers of Half-Brother. Like a curtain they fell over the dreamscape, veiling everything in white. There was...a familiarity this time that did not exist with the weaves that Half-Brother wove to create his illusion within Reoan's mind. A sweet, sickly magic this was -- and Reoan recognized it easily. But beneath the surface, she felt something that had not been revealed before. A coldness, like silk veiling steel. A voice pierced the haze of whiteness, echoing faintly. [b][i]We both know death isn't the end.[/b][/i] The familiar image of Asariel stepped from the mists, his white longcoat trailing out behind him like a cape. He was a few steps away from Reoan, unarmed -- his appearance was just as Reoan had found him. The fallen's hair was a brilliant silver, and his eyes shone with something different from their usual seductive smoulder. Almost...a malice. Or determination. Reoan opened her mouth, but Asariel cut her off. His voice was now clearer, and rang like hammer striking anvil. [b][i]You hid your feelings, as I did. Do you see now why I did not speak openly about my past? Why would I choose to speak of something that would only cause me more pain? For the sake of understanding, perhaps...but that is where the fault no longer becomes my own. You have reasons to not trust all those that you encounter, I am not questioning that. I do not want you dead -- my word may only extend so far in your mind, however. The rest is up to you, to believe, or not believe.[/b][/i] [b][i]This something that tears me apart inside...Why would I want to remember it? Or want anyone else to remember it, for that matter? Don't you see? By the same logic that you try not to burden me with your pain, I try to spare you from my own.[/b][/i] Asariel waved one hand through the mists absently, and for a moment there was something in his eyes -- a brilliance, a radiant positive energy that pulsed in them. But in a moment, it was gone, and he crooked a smile at Reoan. [b][i]Do you think I expected this? I did not, not truly. Nor did my consciousness, the mind that still exists as a remnant from my days as an Angel, which is why I am as I am now. The two powers fight for dominance, the shadow of sadness and the light of love. When one succeeds, it destroys the other, or damages it beyond repair. I walk now that fine line...though in the end, it is obvious which side is the victor. At least to me.[/b][/i] Reoan opened her mouth again, but Asariel held up a hand. [b][i]No. I will not remain here and argue this issue with you, while there is yet work to be done in the physical world. But I ask that you consider a few things, while we earn our rest. Life has no more meaning than you give it, Reoan. Your life will have as much meaning as you believe it to have. If you believe it is meaningless, so be it. But you do not seem to be an unreasonable person -- you do care about the pain of others, else you would not be here right now. So instead, think of this: Your death will bring about much sorrow. It is not necessary for your vengeance -- you may believe it to be so, but it is not. Vengeance is an act of retribution, it has nothing to do with personal sacrifice. Your vengeance will be complete when Adoil is dead. In addition, those near to you have already formed emotional bonds. That is unavoidable, and it has already occurred. In death, you will bring upon these people the same pain that you have sought to protect them from. [/b][/i] Asariel gritted his teeth and whirled around, so his back was to Reoan. Clenching one hand into a fist, he watched it shake with concealed anger and frustration. His voice grew harsher, more pained, as he sought to drive his point home. [b][i]Don't you see!? You are turning us into mere playthings, to do away with whenever you desire, with careless regard to what we experience, think, and feel! Those people out there, David and Amber, Kraven, me -- we all care about you! You know that the pain of love is the most terrible thing one can experience, we both know that! Why then would you seek to inflict upon us this same pain!? Reoan, do you think those who died for you, died so you could achieve your vengeance!? No, they died so you might be content in the end with what you have achieved -- to be happy with the world and yourself, when all is said and done! You think anyone would die so that you could kill Adoil and then go to your own deathbed?! What kind of a miserable fate is that? [/b][/i] Tears vanished into the mists. Tears of anger, tears of sadness...there was no difference from the tears that flowed unheeded from Asariel's eyes. The whiteness that surrounded them drew in upon itself, concealing the Fallen Angel from sight as the illusion collapsed, drawing Reoan from the dreamscape. As if from afar, Asariel's voice rang out. [b][i]Your fate, your life, is what you make it. Don't be afraid to realize what everyone has wanted all along -- your happiness. Don't be afraid to realize your own happiness. I did, once. And only pain and sadness awaited me at the end of my road. It was then that I chose. I chose to believe in my own happiness. Believe, Reoan, and LIVE![/b][/i] -------------------- Asariel's eyelids fluttered briefly, then steadied. Peering upwards, as if from a deep sleep, a crooked smile spread across the fallen angel's features. He reached up slowly with one hand and touched Reoan's face as she knelt over him, his head resting upon her lap. His fingers caressed her pale cheekbones, smoothing back Reoan's dark hair as he lay prone along the clifftop, energy slowly returning to him. His voice was quiet and low. [b]"Miss Reoan. You came."[/b][/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=1]Reoan touched Asariel's ashen face gently, brushing back lengths of his hair. From between his brows, fingers of light began to radiate upwards, and her eyes mirrored the energy the filtered forth...Slowly, surely, the light began to grow. It illuminated everything in white brilliance, and suddenly -- Reoan was somewhere else. -------------------- Towers spiraled up into the sky, alabaster temples and crossroads of marble and stone. Winding through the cityscape were countless figures robed in white, their long hair of silver or gold waving slightly in the wind. None acknowledged Reoan's presence. She instantly recognized one of the many cities of Heaven's kingdom. "Who has brought me here?" She wondered aloud. [b]I did.[/b] "Where are you?" Reoan spun around, but the voice appeared to have no source. Nor did any of the angels weaving their way through the city bear notice to the sound. [b]Here. Right beside you.[/b] There was a form beside her. Reoan could not make out exactly what it was -- standing about the height of a man, the figure was surrounded by shadow, save for his eyes. They were similar to Asariel's, both crimson in color. The darkness writhed about his form like a cloak of clouds, concealing his shape from Reoan's eyes. There was no signature of energy, to denote a living being...but then again, Reoan felt nothing in this place. [b]You may call me Half-Brother. I am the one who has called you here, through Asariel's power.[/b] "You're Asariel's brother?" [b]Among angels, there are no true kin. But I am the one whom he was closest to, and my energies are now bound to him from my death. So I am called his 'brother.'[/b] The scenery shifted, and Reoan's breath caught in her throat. Adoil was in full splendour, white wings billowing out behind him as he walked the lines of young angels in armor. One, at the end of the line, Reoan seemed to recognize. She stepped forward to get a closer look, wincing slightly as she passed directly through the image of Adoil. Even though it was all an illusion, the pain of emotion still resided in the heart. [b]Yes, that is Asariel. Before he fell, when he was a soldier in Heaven's army.[/b] Behind Half-Brother, images danced quickly, of battles between Angel and Demon. Asariel could be seen in several, wielding his glaive expertly. Reoan turned back to the shadowed one. "Why did you bring me here?" [b]To show you what has happened to Asariel.[/b] Half-Brother's eyes flashed briefly, and Reoan found herself in a chamber of some black stone. Asariel stood chained to the far wall, his features torn and bruised. His armor lay ripped and tattered, and his glaive had been broken in two. For a moment, Reoan could feel his pain, not just the physical pain, but his anguish that seemed to be unexplainable. It was not the capture that pained him -- it was, something else... [b]Asariel knew all along that the reasons he fought for Heaven, or fought at all, were flawed ones. He didn't understand the reason why the two sides had to be at war -- why they had to destroy each other.[/b] Reoan drew back as an image appeared mere inches from her face. A demon by the wings, the image had long, flowing black hair and hard green eyes. Her high-cheekboned face was beautiful, marred only by a sadness that seemed to surround her like a veil. [b]Asariel's captor was a kindred soul, despite being a demon. As soon as she realized that she and Asariel were of the same mind, she agreed to release him and escape with him, to a place far away from the war.[/b] Pain. Asariel bellowed in agony, his arms and legs bound by glowing chains of white. An Executioner Angel, his face covered by a helm that left only his eyes visible, swung forth a massive greatsword. The other angels of the judicator court betrayed no emotion as judgement was dealt, and the demon slumped lifeless to the ground, blood pooling beneath her form. The spectacle now over, Asariel was dragged off, screaming like a wounded animal. Soon, Reoan knew, he would be banished to Hell...she knew that much about him. [b]He did not understand why his loving was a sin.[/b] "I fail to see what all this has to do with me," said Reoan quietly, after a brief pause. She did not like her emotions, her sadness to show through -- but out of respect for her friend, one who served her loyally, she allowed her sorrow to seep through. In grief for Asariel's loss. The image of Asariel opened wide his arms. He was smiling, a brilliant smile unlike any that Reoan had seen before. His wings were peal-white, the garb of nobility swirling about his person in a slight wind. From the whiteness came forth the figure of the demon, running into his arms. Reoan averted her eyes slightly. The pain of love was still near to her as well... [b]Look, Reoan. Look.[/b] Reoan felt the image change, and her eyes rose to the image of the demon once more. But...not a demon any longer. Her mirror image buried itself in Asariel's arms, and his image hugged hers tightly. His white wings wrapped around them like a shield, his face alight with a happiness that he had not shone for anyone. Reoan's mind scattered, comprehension lost. "What--is this?!" Half-brother's voice came, as if from far away. [b]The pain of loving can be healed. The power of the Angel Asariel stems from his emotions. It was the corruption of those emotions that stained his features in darkness, and his heart into shadow. Now, recovered once more, his hair shines silver, to signify.[/b] [b]The pain of loving can be healed, if one wills it.[/b] The illusion began to fade. [b]Would you have your heart be healed again, Reoan?[/b][/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1]"This had better be good," frowned Kraven absently. [b]"At least she knows we're concerned."[/b] Asariel shrugged his shoulders. [b]"It's a start."[/b] "Whether or not she'll [i]address[/i] those concerns is another matter." The demon turned his eyes scornfully to the main road, his gaze following David's car speeding away from the mass of humanity that surrounded them. "Who knows..." Allowed a brief moment to collect his thoughts, Asariel couldn't contain a quiet smile that spread across his face. Her very nearness, her touch, had reminded him of the times long ago when things had been simpler...only a bit simpler, but enough so that Asariel was able to be closer to Reoan on a regular basis. Now, it seemed that he was constantly being sent to run errands, away from her -- maybe they'd have some time together at the apartment. If he was lucky. He couldn't help but wonder if she knew what had happened to him, why he had sought her out to begin with. Asariel doubted it, considering that it wasn't widely spoken or known of, even in Heaven's ranks. But still, it was advantageous for a leader to know why her followers fought, no? -------------------- [i]Is it...a sin now? What I've done...?[/i] The young angel cradled the lifeless body of a demon in his arms. All around him, the eternal fire roared, crackling and writhing about the small platform of rock suspended over a sea of inferno. His fingers ran through her long dark hair, along the curves of her high cheekbones. [i]Loving is...a sin?[/i] His armor torn and his body covered in the wounds of past battles, the angel's long silver hair draped across his face like a veil as he wept, clutching the body of his beloved tight against his chest. And the more tears came forth, the more the pain in his heart intensified. [i]How could this have happened? How...how can this be?![/i] He ground his teeth as the pain within him seared his veins, burning nerve endings to ash and laying waste to the sanity in his mind. The sadness and hurt over his loss turned quickly to hating and the angel tried desperately to reason out why his love had been slain, and he, condemned to Hell for loving a demon... [i]There is no justice left in Heaven! God's laws have faded into nothing, they are NOTHING![/i] The armor ripped from his body. With his own two hands, the angel wrenched at his tunic, allowing his pearl-white wings to burst free. Almost instantly the flames surrounded him, scorching feathers and flesh and sending Asariel cowering to the ground beneath him. Still, his grip never loostened on the one thing he had cared for above all else. [i]WHY?! WHY WAS I CREATED?! DO I EXIST JUST FOR YOUR SICK AMUSEMENT, MASTER OF PUPPETS?! [/i] His cries shook the foundations of Hell. Deep within him, he turned from the last remnants of his loving and took Hatred like a firebrand, searing its mark deep into his flesh. With that power he stained his features in darkness, his silver hair becoming a deep violet and his eyes to iridescent crimson. His blackened wings unfurled as he roared out his defiance to the Heaven that had condemned him. [i]NO LONGER SHALL I BE THE ONE WHOM GOD HAS BOUND! I AM ASARIEL, AND FROM HENCEFORTH, THEY SHALL CALL ME THE ONE WHO BEARS FANGS AT GOD! I WILL NOT REST UNTIL ALL YOUR WORLDS ARE WASTELANDS, AND YOUR KINGDOM A RUIN! I SWEAR IT![/i] -------------------- Asariel took wing instantly, surrounding himself with an aura of illusory energy so that those nearby would take no notice of him. To Kraven, he shouted, [b]"I am certain you can take care of yourself. I will see you at the apartment."[/b] With that, he winged high into the sky. The past always brought back the most horrible memories...and even now, the present was of little comfort. His eyes scanned the landscape below for a location of quiet and solitude, one where he could work out his thoughts for a moment in peace. The first fifteen minutes of his flight was rather uneventful. Spotting a rather perilous-looking clifftop jutting out above the ocean, Asariel descended rapidly. Set in a rather inhospitable area of the wilderness, the fallen angel touched down lightly on the pinnacle, looking out across the horizon. There was a sudden weakness that washed through his veins, a light-headedness that forced Asariel to his knees. A vision danced unbidden in his mind, unclear and hazy. [i]Reoan.[/i] Was it Asariel's own voice he heard in his head, calling to her? The angel doubled over, gasping for breath. He could feel his strength waning, as if several thousand years of battle had finally caught up with him. The muscles in his body turned to ash as Asariel knelt on the ground, clasping his head in both hands. [i]Reoan.[/i] An unseen energy laid waste to his senses. Before all consciousness was lost, Asariel sent forth a desperate cry though his mind, one he knew to be his own. [b][i]Reoan![/i][/b] The angel lay limp, unmoving. His eyelids fluttered briefly for a moment, and then all was silent. His breathing slowed, so that it was difficult to tell whether Asariel was alive or dead. Across the empty clifftop, the breeze cast his hair across his face, gently tugging at the edge of his longcoat. His hair, rather then being its normal violet color, was now silver. [/color][/size] [size=1][b]OOC: The usual. PM if you need anything changed ^^[/b][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1]Asariel felt his stomach turn. [b]"You're sure of this?"[/b] he questioned Kraven. "I just know what I feel, Asariel," a frown creased Kraven's features. "There's no other explanation for it..." He trailed off and glanced south-east, Asariel following his gaze. The fallen angel spoke what was on both their minds. [b]"Reoan's moving."[/b] Kraven nodded. "I think it's time to go, then." [b]"I agree. What of the girl, Kariz?"[/b] "If she desires to come, she'll find her own way. Like us." [b]"So be it."[/b] -------------------- [b]"I still don't see why this is necessary,"[/b] muttered Asariel darkly to Kraven. They were waiting on a long line to board their flight, bound for...well, wherever Reoan was headed. Neither had bothered to look at the plane's specific point of landing -- they had simply booked the second flight behind the one Reoan had taken with Rubedo. Crossing his arms over his bloodred longcoat, the fallen angel eyed the line of humans before him disdainfully. [b]"I can probably fly faster then these human machinations, at any rate."[/b] Kraven sighed and his eyes rose to the ceiling, as if seeking patience. "That's out of the question. Not to mention you have no idea where we are going anyways." The fallen waved one hand impatiently. [b]"You know I can just follow the signature of Rubedo's energy, he's bound to be where Reoan is anyways."[/b] "Just give it up, we're taking the plane whether you like it or not." [b]"This is an insult to my ability--"[/b] "Asariel, [i]get on the damn plane.[/i]" The line filed absently forward, and in a few moments, Asariel presented his ticket to the attendant with a cold expression on his face. Moments later, the demon followed. Choosing a seat beside the window, Asariel was silent through the runway and takeoff of the plane. Kraven glanced at him sideways once the plane had reached cruising altitude; the fallen angel was staring absently out the window at the darkening sky outside. His brows were drawn together somewhat, giving the demon the impression that he was deep in thought. Kraven had not figured Asariel to be the contemplative type -- but then again, he didn't know much about the fallen angel. Crossing his arms, Kraven attempted to do the same...after all, he too had much to think about. Lucifer...could he really have returned? And what of Reoan...? But despite his mind's wanderings, a cross between annoyance and curiousity over what could cause Asariel to brood so much drove him from silence. "What are you thinking, Asariel?" he murmured, without looking at the fallen angel. Asariel blinked a few times and shook his head slightly, as if to clear it. His eyes, somewhat glazed from thought, quickly solidified into crimson-purple orbs once more. Leaning back in his chair, the fallen angel sighed quietly. [b]"About a lot of things, none of which I should be thinking about..."[/b] He touched his forehead with one hand and closed his eyes. "I see." Kraven's response was neither a statement nor a question, but something in between. [b]"Miss Reoan has changed, hasn't she?"[/b] This time it was Kraven's turn to sigh. "Yes. There was a time when she would have welcomed back her old allies..." Asariel nodded. [b]"I can't begin to assume what's happened over these past years, but it would take something significant to inspire changes of the kind we've seen."[/b] Kraven shook his head. "I don't know what it is...We're going to have to keep our guard up from now on. Nothing's as it seems anymore." Something tugged at the back of Kraven's mind. "...Why would that matter to you? As a fallen angel, I'm sure you're used to not being liked. What consequence is it if Reoan doesn't welcome you with open arms?" A shadow passed across Asariel's face. For a brief moment, Kraven could swear he saw tears in the angel's crimson eyes...Asariel averted his gaze, and returned to staring out the window. When he spoke, his voice was so soft that Kraven had to strain to hear it. [b]"I don't know. It shouldn't matter..."[/b] [b]"....should it?"[/b][/color][/size] [size=1][b]OOC: Hope that's OK, Fallen. PM me if you need me to change anything.[/b][/size]
[size=1][b]OOC: No worries. Just remember that Asariel is not weak by any means.[/b] [color=darkred][i]At last...[/i] Asariel picked himself off the ground, cursing inwardly at his overconfidence. Blinded by rage and aggression, he had launched an attack without considering his tactics, or the powers of his intended enemy. [i]Serves me right for being a fool,[/i] thought the fallen angel. [i]That will not happen again, I will make sure of it. Not to mention I looked like a fool in front of Miss Reoan -- little good that will do for my reputation. Time will earn me my name once more, however. I will see to it.[/i] Leaning idly on his glaive, Asariel watched as several paces away Reoan and Kraven exchanged a few words, and then the Guardian -- Rubedo -- vanished without a trace. Despite the truce between the demon and the Guardian, Rubedo was bad at hiding his anger. Or perhaps Asariel was more attuned to it; at any rate, the fallen angel knew that the Guardian was not happy about the way things had unfolded. That was no concern of his, though. Studying his tattered overcoat disdainfullly, Asariel removed it and cast it to the ground. The long leather tunic he wore beneath it was sleeveless and open at the chest, revealing black straps crisscrossing Asariel's well-muscled physique. Choosing one, the fallen angel severed it with a quick spell, allowing his black wings to unfold and stretch to their full length. Asariel flexed them powerfully, his rage feeding the infernal power within him, his jaw set in a thin line. Pulling his glaive from the ground with one hand, he twirled it expertly and sheathed it across his back. His gaze returned to Reoan, and a familiar smile blossomed once more. Three long strides took Asariel to her side...or her back, rather, as she was still facing Kraven and the direction Rubedo had vanished. Allowing his wings to expand and encircle her in an angel's embrace, the fallen angel looked her over as Reoan turned to face him. She appeared to be in good health, which was excellent -- she was as beautiful as he remembered, dark hair framing her high cheekbones and pale skin. Placing one hand against his chest in a salute, Asariel bowed his head once. [b]"It is a pleasure and blessing to see you well, Miss Reoan."[/b][/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=1]Asariel glanced at Kariz, then back at Kraven. [b]"A Guardian, you say?"[/b] the disdain was thick in his voice. [b]"What makes you think he can kill Reoan?"[/b] "You'd be wise not to underestimate him," grunted Kraven without taking his eyes away from the road ahead. [b]"Au contraire, you'd do wise not to underestimate Reoan either, I think."[/b] The fallen angel laughed quietly to himself. [b]"Or me, for that matter."[/b] Kraven sighed impatently. "I know the powers you both possess." Asariel waved one hand absently. [b]"Nevermind. Let's just get there before everything goes to Hell, if you'll ignore the expression."[/b] "I intend to." As the car sped onwards, Asariel propped his glaive against one shoulder and leaned back, arms folded against his chest. Each minute brought him closer to Reoan -- to where he should be. And this Zodiac they had picked up...Asariel never understood their purpose in the grand scheme of things. Why did they exist, for what reason? It seemed like they were choosing sides much in the way that Asariel and the other disciples of Reoan had. But either way, it was not Asariel's matter to consider. This was not a time for thinking -- it was a time for action. And the fallen angel intended to make the most of every opportunity he was given.[/color][/size] [size=1][b]OOC: Short post, sorry about that >.>[/b][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1]..... ................... ........................... Something tugged at his mind. ........................... .................... .........[i]Awake[/i]. Asariel threw himself from the hotel bed, one hand catching the hilt of his glaive. Landing in a crouch, the fallen angel allowed himself a moment to listen. Only the silence of night reached his ears; he could see nothing out of the ordinary. Letting out a breath, Asariel rose to his full height, propping [i]Ashen Hand[/i] against the wall absently and turning on a small lamp beside him. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he pondered for a moment what could have awakened him from such a deep sleep. The angel's senses were better than most humans -- he had felt something was wrong...but he could sense nothing now. Why? What was it.... In the faint glow of the lamp, the figure next to Asariel stirred. The girl rested her hand lightly on the angel's bare shoulder, shaking back lengths of dark hair from sleep-weary eyes. "What is it?" Asariel turned his face to hers. [b]"It's nothing, dearest. Go back to sleep."[/b] The seduction was rich in his voice, like silk and blood. She complied, pulling the covers up under her chin and giving a small sigh of satisfaction. Asariel allowed himself to grin in the darkness. A beautiful girl, one of the attendants at the hotel where he had set up for the evening, easily coaxed into his arms. The angel had not forgotten the pleasures of the flesh -- he considered them among the mortal world's most prized aspects. And, of course, he missed no opportunities exploiting his own expertise in that area. But something was different now...as he looked at the girl, his smile grew wider. Dark hair and pale skin, with eyes that shimmered -- except for her eyes, the girl looked just like... [i]Hahaha...I amuse myself sometimes,[/i] thought Asariel. .........[i]Awake[/i]........ There it was again. A tugging at his mind. [i]Reoan.[/i] Asariel dressed quietly and quickly, strapping his glaive across his back. Striding easily towards the door, the fallen angel paused and looked back at the girl still slumbering in his bed. Something stirred within him -- an ill will about leaving her so alone. [i]Am I going soft?[/i] thought Asariel bitterly. [i]To Hell with it all...[/i] Weaving a simple spell of memory, Asariel let the unseen weave fall around the girl's temples. In the morning she would awake and remember none of what had transpired that night. Pushing aside the aching emptiness in the pit of his stomach, Asariel's hand fell on the doorknob. [b][i]"My fate lies not with you,"[/i][/b] he whispered quietly, and the door clicked shut behind him. Reaching out with his mind, Asariel struggled to feel the resonance of Reoan's energy. After scrabbling a few minutes blindly, he consented to locate Amber and David, close followers of hers. They were easier to sense, a tad closer than he had expected...he would remain with them until Reoan's energy appeared again. Following the resonance of Amber's power, Asariel departed the hotel and headed off into the night. [/color][/size] [b][size=1]OOC: Just figured I'd establish Asariel's basic character once again, before I sent him off after Reoan. Hope that's OK with you, DC ^^[/b][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1] [b]Name:[/b] Asariel ([i]Whom God Has Bound[/i]) [b]Age:[/b] 20 (Around since Mesopotamia era) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Side:[/b] With Reoan [b]Race:[/b] Angel (Fallen) [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24528&stc=1]Here[/URL] Asariel stands at about 5'11'' and weighs 151 lbs. Tall and physically attractive (albeit in a somewhat feminine way), Asariel's eyes appear to range in color from deep purple to an almost blood-red, depending upon the light and his mood. Well-muscled despite his slender build, Asariel exudes an aura of dark seduction or sin, akin to a slow-burning flame within one's veins. [b]Personality:[/b] Contrary to his cool and collected exterior, Asariel hides within him a storm of emotion. Prone to furious outbursts and fits of rage at times, the fallen angel is otherwise darkly calm, a perpetual teasing smile upon his face. Though he tends to end up at the center of attention, Asariel sometimes prefers to work from the shadows -- though he understands and respects direct confrontation, as it has its uses. Though cruel and merciless in combat, Asariel has a caring side as well (though most of the time, only if it benefits himself) and will fight to protect those he believes are worth protecting, or those who have gained his respect. But most of all, Asariel embodies worldly pleasure, lust and jealousy. Like the twisted emotions he represents (love, lust, ire and envy), Asariel can be seductive one moment and furiously vicious the next, depending on the situation. [b]Weapon:[/b] A glaive called [i]Ashen Hand[/i]. The spearhaft is six feet long, and of black metal inlaid with silver spiraling designs. The blade of the glaive is straight and double-sided, keener than a razor and created of a brilliant silver metal of some kind. On the blade, the word [i]Lachryma[/i] ([i]Tears[/i] in Latin) is engraved. Asariel also carries two semi-automatic pistols, or a sniper rifle (depending on the situation) [b]Bio:[/b] Once an angel like the others, Asariel was a Second Lieutenant in the battle of Heaven and Hell during the time of the Crusades. Though an excellent fighter, Asariel was still unsure of himself and his position in God's army, as he was still a 'young' angel at the time. During one such battle with the demonic army, however, Asariel was wounded and captured by the enemy. Tortured for information (and for the sheer delight of it), Asariel began to form a strange connection with the interrogation leader, a female demon who called herself Saithe. He came to care for her and became like a pet to a mistress, guarding her against all dangers. During the time they spent together, Asariel learned that Saithe was weary of war and merely wished to live her own life, apart from Angels and Demons. She believed that God was the cause of such wars, and accused Him as being corrupt Himself. Together, the two hatched a plan. They were going to escape the war and travel far away, where they would start a new life together. However, on the eve of their departure, Angels attacked and reclaimed Asariel from the demonic prison. Brought on trial, Asariel was charged with treason and conspiracy, as well as love for a demon (his greatest crime). Saithe was also captured, and executed immediately the following day -- as Asariel was forced to watch. Banished to Hell by God, Asariel was later reincarnated in a human body on Earth, thanks to Reoan's war against the mortal world weakening the celestial powers that held his soul in the infernal Pit. Determined to strike against God for the sin of loving, Asariel inherited his mistress's masochistic tendencies, as well as a portion of her beauty, granting him all the tools he needed to manipulate mortals to suit his needs. With a hidden rage that knew no bounds, Asariel resolved to make Earth -- and one day Heaven -- into what God despised. A land of sinners. Having heard news of Reoan while within the world of fire, and knowing of Adoil as well, Asariel set out determined to find this fallen Guardian who had indirectly caused his release from Hell. He felt as if he owed her something, and Asariel hated being in debt. In addition, though he preferred to work alone, Asariel knew that what they both desired was similar, and therefore he saw it as a way by which his plans might sooner come to bear fruit. Asariel was quite sure that their combined strength would be more than enough to lay waste to Earth... [b]OOC: Yes, copy-pasted from Thinning Time :P Asariel really hasn't gone through any significant changes since then, and the few that he has I will let the story reveal.[/b] [/size][/color]
[color=darkblue][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Ethan Rainheart [b]Age: [/b]20 [b]Bio/Desc:[/b] Ethan's a second-year in Cal Poly, the local tech school in California. He's a mostly introverted young man, with a double major in Computer Science and Philosophy. He loves to write or program, and is an avid computer gamer. Ever since word of Dance was released, Ethan's been following it with gusto, eager to play the game as soon as it was released in the 'States. Aside from that, there's not much to Ethan -- he's very devoted to his studies and hobbies, leaving room for little else in his life. Aside from the fact that he doesn't have what most girls are looking for, Ethan's accustomed himself to a solitary life, one that suits his needs well. He's a little above average height, standing at 5'11'' with black hair that extends to his shoulders. Ethan's eyes are a gray-green in color, and he's of athletic/slender build. Born in California, Ethan's lived all over for most of his life. His father was in the military, and therefore wasn't around much, while his mother worked odd jobs at whatever base they were currently stationed at. As such, the only person who really saw Ethan grow up was his mother. When Rainheart Senior died overseas during a revolt, Ethan's mother packed up their bags and moved back to California, which she always felt was where they belonged. Earning enough money at her clerical job to support both herself and Ethan, the young man did his part by earning good grades in school and eventually applying for admittance to several prestigious colleges. Now, attending Cal Poly, Ethan lives by himself in an apartment not far from campus. //----------------------------// [b]Character Name: [/b]Ashurei [b]Character Age:[/b] ~20's [b]Character Appearance:[/b] See attachment [b]Character Weponry: [/b] - [i]Persona[/i] (Longsword, Level 3. Pictured) - [i]Lust[/i] (Long Dagger, Level 1) OOC: I hope this is sufficient ^^ [/color][/size]
[color=navy][size=1]Synfall paused, letting the wind catch the edge of his long black hair and sweep in across his face. Amidst the giant trees, the undead mage shifted his staff to the opposite hand and surveyed the greenery around him. He smelled company on the wind...or at least, a nearby presence. Unsure of whether or not he was being followed, Synfall took his next steps as quietly as he could towards the forest clearing up ahead. He had expected increased paranoia from the Humans -- what with the destruction of Stormwind -- but the Night Elves were generally wiser than their mortal kin. At any rate, the mere sign of undead presence was now cause to send out a full regiment in search of Forsaken or Lich King stragglers. The mage sighed wistfully. Intentionally or not, he had made an enemy out of all -- just as he had accused Sylvanas of. At least in his case, Synfall was certain that this was the path he was supposed to take. The mindless slaughter of the Lich King's armies and Sylvanas's Forsaken despite their one-time alliance was a path not fit for any, mortal or not. A sudden crackling of leaves nearby drew Synfall from his inner thoughts; drawing his wits about him, he took another step towards the clearing. Having little natural sense of direction in a forest such as this, it was likely that he had become turned around at some point. He cursed mentally; that would mean that he had backtracked to the Night Elf village Synfall had been trying to stay away from... Leaning against the massive trunk of one of the trees at the edge of the clearing, Synfall peered cautiously around it. Yes, his suspicion had proved true, as there in the forest opening were several treehouse-like structures. He quickly spotted the source of the leaves rustling, a young night elf woman who was emerging from the forest several meters from him, carrying a staff mounted with a crystalline orb. Synfall's eyes followed her up the trunk of the nearest structure, the largest building in the small village. There was muffled words spoken, but Synfall couldn't make them out without trying to inch closer -- which he did not relish attempting. Instead, he waited patiently, wondering why he did not choose to turn and retreat as quickly as possible. Though the similarity between the make of his own mage-staff and that of the Night Elf's were intriguing... Deciding a shift in position would benefit him, considering that a few Night Elf sentries were glancing in the general direction in which he was hidden, Synfall stealthily wove a path to the left, circling around to a mostly unoccupied side of the village. His gaze lifted upwards, towards what appeared to be a residential structure's balcony. [i]Good,[/i] he thought, [i]unoccupied.[/i] At that instant, a twig snapped underfoot. Synfall went rigid, lifting up the offending foot and scanning the grounds for anyone who might have heard. Luckily, there was enough activity in the forest so that his blunder had gone unnoticed. Cursing his own bad luck, Synfall failed to hear footsteps ascending the opposite side of the tree-home, instead preoccupying himself with sweeping away the ground on which he stood with his opposite foot. [i]Blasted forest...curse it all...[/i] Gesturing with one hand, he straightened to his full height and dusted off his robes. A slight prickling along Synfall's spine caused him to look upward once more. There, on the balcony above him, was the night elf woman he had seen before. She was leaning against the railing, a look of distant thought on her face...until her eyes met his. A single thought ran through Synfall's mind. ....[i]Oh no[/i]....[/color][/size]
[color=navy][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Synfall Winterchill (formerly Orrean Victus) [b]Age:[/b] 28 at time of death (current age unknown) [b]Race: [/b]Undead [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance: [/b]See attachment. In most cases, Synfall keeps hold of his magical energy, ready to unleash it against an opponent. As such, the aura of dark mana hides his face from his adversaries, leaving only an empty space that shines with green energy. The eyes atop his wyvernskull headpiece gleam as well, unless Synfall ceases to hold his magical energy; whereupon his face becomes clearly visible. His eyes are a deep violet in color, his skin gray but not decaying (yet). He is rather attractive, for an undead at least, meaning that his body is relatively well-preserved thanks to the considerable amount of mana flowing in his veins. Should Synfall's skin been a normal color, he might have been able to pass as a half-elf -- at least in face. His chosen garb easily gives away that he is one of the Forsaken. [b]Class:[/b] Mage [b]Weapon: [/b]Evoker's Staff (as shown in the picture) [b]Spells: [/b] 1. [i]Arcana[/i]: Synfall can conjure elementalless mana, forming it in several different ways. His strongest Arcane ability lies in being able to manifest numerous small "missiles" which speed towards a target and strike it, causing damage. Synfall can also charge his body with Arcane energy and release it in a nova-esque attack, striking all around him. However, this ability drains him considerably and he has yet to master it enough to make it truly useful in combat. 2. [i]Frost[/i]: Conjuring ice mana, Synfall can form the chilling air around him into a shield that offers additional weapon resistance, and releases a joint-numbing burst of ice energy every time a melee weapon attempts to penetrate the shield. He has heard stories of mages that can call freezing rain from the skies, but has yet to advance far enough in his training to ever consider weaving such an ability. [b]Personality: [/b]Synfall is cold and calculating -- quite appropriate, considering [i]what[/i] he is and all that he's been through. He has a tendency to think in terms of numbers, making the individuals behind those numbers meaningless. As such, he is rather well-versed in the art of war, but offers no compassion for those fighting alongside him. Death is merely another part of life, and perhaps those that die on the field of battle might be granted the rest that Synfall desires. When he fights, Synfall has been known to show no mercy to his enemies, and relies upon a will far beyond his to keep him going in a fight. Outside of the battlefield, Synfall doesn't really know how to act. At least, it would seem that way to many around him. He prefers to sit alone, in silence, perhaps somewhere where he can see the sky. Much more at home in the nighttime environment, it is not uncommon to see Synfall staring up at the stars for hours on end, comtemplating his path, or trying to forget his past. He is a no-nonsense, hard-bitten individual who has little patience for jokes, games or drinking (considering that he's undead, his taste has diminished somewhat). Rarely finding himself lonely despite lack of company or traveling companions, Synfall believes that he 'deserves' all of the pitfalls, pain and shortcomings of his life -- for reasons he keeps to himself. He is often prone to sparks of anger or jealousy for seemingly trivial matters, thought to have been left over from events in his previous life. All in all, Synfall remains largely a mystery; even to himself, sometimes... [b]Character Snippit: [/b] [i]"The flames of Hell are beckoning to you, traitor!"[/i] Synfall faced his one-time companion, wearied, hands loosely grasping his staff. Several paces away, Ras conjured a fire spell, his eyes alight with fury. Synfall ducked at the last moment and twisted to one side, as a column of fire shot past him to illuminate the dark forest in nether fire. Regaining his footing, the undead mage tapped his magical energies, forming a shield of frost around him with the little mana that remained within. His opponent began to channel again, another fire spell; Synfall took this opportunity to shout across the night-darkened clearing. [i][b]"We are all traitors, traitors of the Lich-King who created us! You are no different than I!"[/b][/i] [i]"Silence!"[/i] bellowed the older mage, his face a mask of cold fury. [i]"Lady Sylvanas will destroy you for what you have done!"[/i] [i][b]"She is a fool!"[/i][/b] Ras's eyes widened at this comment, but Synfall continued unabated. [i][b]"How can she not see -- she has made an enemy of the whole world! Defying the Lich-King...AND the Last Resistance -- how can she possibly hope to achieve her ideals when every being on Azeroth opposes her?!"[/b][/i] A jet of fire caught Synfall in the shoulder, striking the shield and dissipating it in a burst of frost magic. His black leather armor was singed in many places, and he leaned heavily upon his staff, energy all but spent. Meanwhile, Ras was further into his berserker rage, sending gouts of fire into the darkness that surrounded them. [i]"Lady Sylvanas is immortal! Our cause cannot be stopped; our purpose is to serve the fate of all Azeroth!'[/i] Synfall shook his head sadly. [i][b]"If that is what you believe, then there is indeed no hope for the Forsaken. I will seek my answers elsewhere..."[/i][/b] [i]The reason...why I am still alive...[/i] [i]The reason...why all this had to happen...[/i] [i]The reason...why we exist at all...[/i] [i][b]"...And maybe then I'll find the purpose that our bodies lack -- a greater purpose than Sylvanas's, or the Lich-King's. A purpose free of the shackles of Undeath...a purpose that might give me life once more." [/i][/b] A column of fire left Ras's hands, speeding straight for Synfall's heart. There was a terrific roar, followed by a mighty nova of fire that swept across the clearing and into the forest, setting the dead trees alight. And when the smoke of the explosion cleared, the undead mage was gone, vanished into the darkness of the forest. Releasing his channeled magical energies, Ras pounded the blackened earth with one fist, bellowing into the darkness. [i]"You can't get away that easily! The Forsaken will never forget your betrayal! The next time we meet, will be the death of you!"[/i] At the opposite edge of the forest, Synfall heard his one-time comrade's words echo. [i]I hope so...[/i][/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1][b]OOC: I don't think I need to tell you again that everything you posted is fine, heh, considering I already did so via PM :D[/b] [i]I was frozen in time, but I feel as if my time is just beginning...[/i] .... [i]I have waited centuries for this moment. The rivers will flow with the blood of those who oppose us...[/i] .... [i]For Kraven, and for all those who gave their lives in vain...We will finish this![/i] Asariel's glaive became a blur as he spun it with one hand almost effortlessly, his jaw set grimly. One he had respected has given his life to fulfil what they had all set out to do...but it was far from over. The fallen had never looked upon martyrs with the respect he now felt for Kraven -- but that respect had brought nothing when he had drawn so deeply upon the fires of Hell, sealing his own fate. Asariel had felt helplessness like that only once before in his long lifetime, and it was an event he wished every day that he could forget. And he felt deep within himself, next to another name engraved in flames upon his heart, Kraven's name burned alongside it. His sacrifice would never be forgotten. So Asariel swore. Now, face-to-face with the remnants of those Kraven had given himself to destroy, Asariel was filled with a cool, slow-smouldering fury that spread through his body. Every muscle tensed, battle-light shining in his violet eyes. Back to back with K, the only other who bore with Asariel the weight of Kraven's sacrifice, Asariel roared to the foes that surrounded him. [i]"We are coming for you, hellspawn! K and I shall be the dark wings that carry you all to your deaths!"[/i] The clash of steel heralded the start of the battle. [/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkred]Asariel pumped his wings, rising above Azrael's head as K brought his axe to bear, facing the wounded angel. Maimed and bleeding heavily, Asariel knew that Azrael's minutes were numbered. Finishing him off quickly was of essence, considering that he could feel something happening with Reoan...she was moving. There were others also, weaker life-forces like those of average humans, along with her. The police, perhaps? [b]"Something is happening to Reoan! We must finish this NOW!"[/b] bellowed Asariel to K, who nodded his head grimly. Azrael, seeing K avert his eyes to the fallen for a moment, took the opportunity to charge forward, sword held high. Seeing him react not a split-second too soon, Asariel summoned a burst of air and fire and hurled it at K. The unseen waves pushed him backward, the angel's blade cleaving the air where he had stood only seconds before. Tucking his wings against his body, Asariel dove and slammed into Azrael from behind, knocking him off-balance and putting him closer to K. Azrael snarled and turned to face Asariel as K's axe cut a horizontal swath in the air, meeting resistance in the form of the angel's calves. Bellowing in pain, Azrael collapsed forward, no longer able to stand. Swinging his glaive expertly, Asariel disarmed the angel, sending his flaming sword skittering across the ground. As Azrael's lifeforce waned, the flames around the blade began to die down, and both Asariel and K approached the angel from opposite sides. [b]"It's over, Azrael."[/b] Asariel wore a smile once more. "NO!" The angel wormed his way along the floor with his hands, toward the sword lying on the floor several meters away. "I...cannot be...defeated..." Asariel was wiping the blade of his glaive casually on the ground as best he could. Without looking at K, he spoke. [b]"Finish him off, and let's get out of here."[/b][/size][/color]