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Everything posted by Seibzeihn

  1. [size=1][color=gray][i]And all was pain...[/i] ---------- [i]He stood atop a ridge of stone, overlooking a barren wasteland. A sickly red-brown light suffused the landscape, as clouds gathered overhead, obscuring the sky. Katsuhito gradually became aware of a presence near him, another person he could not see. The Silver Mask appeared in his hands...puzzled for a moment, Kat followed his instincts and placed the mask over his face once more. Looking through the mask's eyes, the light changed to a deep, blood-red. A figure materialized before him. It appeared to be another man, taller than Katsuhito by a head or so and more sturdily built, also wearing what appeared to be a replica of the Silver Mask. From what Katsuhito could tell, they were different, however. The man's Mask possessed twin lines of a silvery-blue metal running down from beneath each of the Mask's eyes, which Katsuhito recognized as tearstains carved into it's surface. He heard the man's voice echo in his head. [b]Your path, the path of the Brotherhood, is fraught with blood.[/b] A rain began. A rain of blood, staining the landscape crimson. [b]May you never have to bear the sorrow that I have. May your Mask never reveal the tears that your soul may shed.[/b] Katsuhito didn't understand, but felt it would do no good to question the man. This matter was obviously beyond his comprehension, and would be revealed to him in due time. But how could he protect his comrades, and himself, without knowledge of how to activate his Silver's power? [b]Lachryma Deo Aeternum -- Crucis![/b] The man's voice echoed in his head as Kat's vision began to give out, the images before him growing blurry. [b]Lachryma Deo Aeternum -- Crucis[/b] Kat would not forget those words.[/i] ---------- Coughing violently, Katsuhito returned to himself. He was lying in a white medical bed, with an IV in his arm -- the student felt his whole body afire with pain. Remembering Toji's cry, the Cross, the blast of light...the past ten minutes collided with his psyche like a brick. His head pounding violently, Katsuhito attempted to level himself up with one hand, finding a majority of his body swathed in bandages. A moment of panic overtook him as Kat realized that he no longer possessed the Silver Mask; quickly scanning the room, his eyes came to rest upon a familiar object on the counter next to him. Allowing himself a sigh of relief, Kat allowed himself to sink into the bed once more... [i]The others. What happened to the others?![/i] Whipping his legs off the side of the bed, Katsuhito attempted to stand. Tearing the IV from his arm despite the pain, he made his way towards the door of his small medical room. Pushing it open as carefully as he could (though still causing the door to slam loudly), Kat began hobbling towards the reception desk. A nurse approached him immediately, motioning for him to return and demanding that he needed his rest, but Kat pushed her aside and placed both hands on the counter for balance. [b]"Where are the others!? What happened to them?!"[/b] bellowed Katsuhito, in a voice that the whole hospital could probably hear. The receptionist, a dark-haired woman in her mid-30s, shushed him. "Keep your voice down, there are other patients sleeping! Nurse, please take this man back to his room." [b]"No!"[/b] Katsuhito wrestled the nurse away again, pain evident throughout his body. Pushing it to the recesses of his mind, he pounded on the desk with one closed fist. [b]"God dammit, there were others who came in with me! Where are they!? Toji, and Liari -- I must see them. NOW!!!"[/b] [/color] [b]OOC: I decided to leave it at that, since I don't know if Toji would be with us in the hospital, or somewhere else... Anyways, Lachryma Deo Aeternum -- Crucis = Eternity of God's Tears -- Cross/Crucify. I'm going to identify Kat's artifact, the Mask, with 'Tears' since I can't find the latin word for 'Mask' :P[/b][/size]
  2. [size=1][color=gray]I'm probably not going to be very good at this, but I'll give it a shot anyways... [b]Lunai[/b] Both your avatar and sig image say delicate to me, with a hidden / quiet sadness that adds to the beauty of the images. The quote beneath the sig emphasizes that sadness, along with a need...a need to what, I don't know. Like I said, not very good at this :animeswea To sum it up, a tragic beauty. "Bound, but not struggling" -- someone who has accepted the boundaries of her own life, the misconceptions and misunderstandings. Perhaps an analogy to life itself, or the individual in society. I can see how anyone could perceive a single person within society as 'bound.' Struggling would relate to nonconformity maybe, or the need to rebel, whereas not struggling would relate to accepting reality for what it is. My two cents. [/color][/size]
  3. [size=1][color=gray]Beneath the mask, Katsuhito knew only calm. Watching silently as the three Rings, Lai and the mysterious girl with the sword dealt out stinging blows to the creature, Kat heard Koji cry, [b][i]"Everyone! It's down! Attack now!!'[/i][/b] Drawing upon the chilling energy that spread throughout his veins, Katsuhito moved. Speed had always been his strength in average life -- and wearing the Mask, this aspect was no different. With the power of the Silver within him, Kat rushed forward at breakneck speed, time appearing to slow as he did. He could see the monster's flailing form growing larger in his vision as Kat bore down upon him. To the bystanders nearby, it appeared that Katsuhito had materialized from thin air a few steps shy of the creature's left flank. His eyes regarded the thing before him with disdain and ire. [b]"In the name of Silver, let your soul be banished forever into the depths of Hell. Go back from whence you came."[/b] Kat saw the monster's flailing arm coming at him in his peripheral vision, and sidestepped neatly, allowing its claws to cleave the air harmlessly. Raising his booted right foot, Kat brought it crashing down upon the creature's neck with all the force he could muster. Several times he repeated the motion, blood staining his boot. Kat could only hope that this motion, or the actions of the others within the next few seconds, would end the battle once and for all. [/color][/size]
  4. [size=1][color=gray]Katsuhito felt strangely empty, devoid of fear and pain. He was the last one to move into the monster's range, having stood behind the rest as they attacked. Watching carefully, gauging the monster's speed and potential weaknesses, he leaped forward lightly and began running. Sailing beneath the monster's outstreched arm, he planted his fist deep into its side, knocking it off-balance. Avoiding a slash to his head, Kat rolled and kicked upwards, landing a solid blow to the creature's legs. Narrowly avoiding the monster's stomp, Kat leaped backwards and sought to put a bit of distance between himself and his foe. [i]What's going on...? What is all of this? What fate weaves us, and no one else, together?[/i] Katsuhito's thoughts vanished like the stain of breath upon a cold window as his eyes came to rest upon the youth called Toji. Borne upwards by some silvery light, a glittering cross fluttering against his chest, the young man appeared to be in a state of semi-consciousness. Something else caught his eye, and Kat turned to see several others grouped together, each bearing objects that glowed with the same light as Toji. One, Kat recognized as Liari, the girl he had met earlier. As he watched them, a strange sensation began to creep over him -- Kat felt an unseen weight against him, a pressure around his temples and cheekbones. He clutched at his head and dropped to his knees. When the pressure had subsided, Katsuhito raised his hands to his face. Before touching his skin, Kat's hands came into contact with a cold silver surface. Katsuhitp immediately recognized it as an ornate mask, one of his most treasured possessions since he had been little. Where it had come from, he did not know...nor how it had suddenly appeared before him. Cold silver inlaid with black and blue etchings, the mask fit comfortably over his face, the metal lips straightened in a passive line. Mystified but feeling somehow confident at the same time, Katsuhito turned hooded eyes unto Toji once more. [/color] [b]OOC: Hope this is OK, as well. Kat's mask would look something like...well, seen the Kingdom of Heaven previews? Something like the mask that the King wears.[/b][/size]
  5. [size=1][b]OOC: Uh-uh, no way am I letting this one die. It is not it's time. God, I hope the feeling's mutual with everyone else >
  6. [color=gray][size=1][b]"I will go as well,"[/b] said Kojiroh, stepping forward. [b]"My tracking skills are refined enough, and my magic and blades can serve to aid our party if we are ambushed."[/b] [i]More like WHEN we are ambushed,[/i] thought Kojiroh, but he moved to stand alongside Jode nonetheless. If they were to survive this, it would take courage -- something the young student longed to prove that he had. If only for his own satisfaction and self-worth. Running a hand along the hilt of one of the katanas strapped across his hips, Kojiroh nodded solemnly. [b]"However, it is not necessary for all of us to go. I would not like to see -- as I am sure the rest of you would agree -- everyone abandon our school and leave it at the mercy of...whatever we're facing."[/b] Kojiroh decided against giving them a name, simply because there was little information on who or what exactly their opposition would be. [b]"There needs to be a strong regiment of students that remain here, willing to defend this keep at all costs."[/b] [i]Though who would be willing to remain, I know not...[/i]laughed Kojiroh inwardly, knowing of each student's desire for adventure.[/size][/color]
  7. [color=gray][size=1]Kojiroh stumbled into the Headmistress's office, panting heavily as the reverberation of drums continued outside. He had run straight there as soon as the attack began, determined to alert the staff into action. [b]"Headmistress, we--!"[/b] Kojiroh cut off as he caught sight of the Headmistress's body sprawled across her chair, a dagger sticking out of the side of her neck. The black veins and the subject's face made it clear that such a dagger was powerfully poisoned or enchanted, or both -- Kojiroh took a step cautiously into the room and drew one of his katanas. Who knew whether the killer was still in the room? Scanning the small chamber, the young student detected no foreign presence...except, that is, two other students. Kojiroh immediately recognized them. [b]"Cade, Lyaeve! What are you doing here?!"[/b] Kojiroh was not a suspicious soul by nature, but something wasn't right here. As an afterthought, he added, [b]"Are you two OK?"[/b] The battle would have to wait. [/color][/size]
  8. [color=navy][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Raimi Paeisuis [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance: [/b]Raimi is tall, probably standing at an even 6' tall. He's lithe and supple, but not quite so much that he's considered 'thin', with silver-blond hair that falls to his shoulders like a veil. Preferring to wear white, as if to symbolize his faith, Raimi generally dresses in collared shirts, over which he wears a long white overcoat that flows outward at his legs. Across his forehead Raimi has painted a swirling symbol of some sort in black ink, centered above his eyes, which are ice-blue in color. Around his neck, Raimi bears a cross made of silver -- upon closer examination, one can notice that at the center of the cross, there resides an engraved eye and within its pupil, the same symbol that Raimi bears on his forehead. It is thought that Raimi himself created the amulet he wears. [b]Role: [/b]In the house [b]Character Excerpt:[/b] [i]"But what about the men outside, Father?"[/i] chimed one of the young children sitting on the ground before him. [b]"They cannot harm you, young one," [/b]replied Raimi in his silvery voice.[b] "Within this place, we are completely safe from everything."[/b] A little girl, no more than five or six, tugged at the hem of Raimi's white overcoat. [i]"From everything?"[/i] Raimi smiled his quiet smile. [b]"Yes, child. For we are the Chosen Ones -- this power has been given to us, and we must respect it. As must they."[/b] He rose from his seat, towering over the seated children. [b]"But we must remember also, that outside of this house, our gifts will be taken from us. Only within this Sanctum, will our power be free to resonate."[/b] [i]"Why only here, Father?"[/i] asked one of the other children, a sandy-haired, thin youth. [b]"Here..."[/b] Raimi appeared to fall into thought for a moment, and it was then that his silver cross detatched itself from its hanging place about his neck and floated before the children, buoyed by some unseen force. It spun in the air, turning circles and rolls, and the children laughed in delight. Their laughter cut off as the cross froze and seemed to grow in size, the great silver eye with the swirling pupil staring past them, gazing into their souls. And from every direction, Raimi's whisper seemed to come... [b][i]"Here...We are close to God."[/b][/i][/color][/size]
  9. [color=gray][size=1]Katsuhito took his plate from the cafeteria counter and raised an eyebrow at its contents. [i]It doesn't...look edible.[/i] He sighed wearily, remembering what his previous school's food had been like. What did he expect, after all, a gourmet? Food was food, and Kat was hungry. Scanning the cafeteria swiftly, Katsuhito deduced that most of the seats were taken, and the ones that weren't were next to people he didn't know -- and with his luck, were probably being saved. But he didn't care; the people at this school didn't seem overly friendly anyways. Too devoted to their work, perhaps. Kat didn't know. Spotting a location, Kat walked past the lunch tables to a spot along the far wall. Setting his lunch down beside him, the youth placed his back against the brick and leaned back comfortably, eating slowly. [i]Hmm, not as bad as it looks. And I'm more comfortable than I'd be at those tables, no doubt,[/i] he laughed to himself, quirking a quiet smile. Running a hand through his hair, he continued to watch his fellow students. After a short time, Katsuhito noticed the boy whose name he thought was Toji, along with his friends, enter the cafeteria. One of them was the student who had covered for Toji's note-passing, Naota. Kat gave them an offhanded nod, just to show he meant well. Following them was the girl whom Kat had spoken briefly with, also via note -- he remembered her name was Liari. While Toji and his friends looked comfortable enough with their environment, Liari stood out a bit. Perhaps it was the way she carried herself, or her hair (which Kat thought was very pretty). Either way, that was probably what had led to their conversation...since Kat was almost totally sure that he looked like an outsider, too. [/size][/color]
  10. [color=gray][size=1]Though Katsuhito knew that a second note would be a gamble, what with the teacher periodically sweeping the room with a gaze or two. But then again, he felt some sort of connection with the girl, Liari. Apart from the fact that they were both new, of course. Something deeper than that...Katsuhito shook off the feeling and folded another note, aiming carefully. The small piece of paper slid along the ground to halt beneath one of Liari's shoes. She picked it up and opened it. [i]Seems like our instructor has some pretty high expectations for us. No wonder everyone here seems preppy - they're bound to think they're better than the rest just because of the workload they have to handle =P[/i] Liari quirked a smile and scribbled back. [i]You're probably right. You don't seem like that type of person, though.[/i] Katsuhito laughed to himself. [i]I hope not. Well, I'm not really [b]anything[/b], I mean, social-group-wise. I'm just...me. You know my name, Tesujin, but call me Katsuhito. Kat for short. I'm glad I'm not the only one who isn't a prep at this school. [/i][/color][/size] OOC: No problem at all, Paertekarka. ^^ Had to switch off of Garamond, too hard to read the italics =P
  11. [color=gray][font=garamond]Kojiroh laughed.[b] "I take it you emphasize in direct weaponry, then. Make no mistake, I prefer the blade of a sword to the burst of magic -- but respecting both will help you in keeping your guard up against such things."[/b] Noticing that Allison was not taking notes, Kojiroh didn't feel as bad about not writing down the teacher's lecture himself. He could usually pick up the most important points of the speech without needing to write anything down. As the archery teacher stepped forward and gave the assignment for the day, Kojiroh could feel an inkling of doubt beginning to worm its way into his head. Archery had never been his strong point, but he knew his way around enchantments and would try his best. Rising from his seat, he nodded at Allison and took his place alongside the rest of the students. Picking out a single, floating target from among the rest, Kojiroh set out one of the arrows from his quiver. Tapping his magical energy, an aura of light blue sprang up around Kojiroh's body as he began to sketch runes in the air with his hands. Runological magic had always been Kojiroh's strength -- finishing the rune he was scripting, the arrow began to glow a faint blue. Nocking it to his bow, Kojiroh sighted along the shaft and let fly. Missing the target by centimeters, the arrow continued on to pierce a portion of the wall behind, encasing a small portion of it with ice. Grimacing to himself, Kojiroh scripted another rune, more carefully this time. He added a small symbol of wind magic, so that the arrow might fly more straight, and nocked it on his bow once more. This arrow pierced the target and froze it in midair, causing it to fall to the ground and shatter. The instructor, who happened to be passing by, gave Kojiroh his approval, frowning slightly at the portion of the opposite wall still frozen by the student's first arrow. It dissipated as Kojiroh quickly sketched a heat rune and the ice faded with the hiss of steam. [/color][/font] [color=orange][font=garamond]"The rest of the day is yours. Good work, just try to hit your target the first time. Who knows how much time you'll have in the real world to prepare another shot."[/color][/font] [font=garamond][color=gray]Kojiroh nodded and set his bow down, leaning easily against the wall. He would remain until a majority of the students left -- until then, he would watch and see how well the others fared.[/color][/font]
  12. [color=gray][font=garamond]Kojiroh took his leave before the other students were done with breakfast, as usual. He walked the halls of the Guild alone, letting his mind wander absently. Letting his feet guide him where they willed, the blue-haired youth strolled down the stone corridor and out into the sunlight. Turning a corner, he noticed a young woman sitting alone before one of the Guild's fountains. Hesitating for a moment, Kojiroh made a wide circle around the area so as not to disturb the girl. Taking a roundabout route to his next class, magic, Kojiroh whistled an ancient tune softly to himself. Noticing a green flame hovering above the trees nearby, he picked up his pace a little. Passing in between the massive trunks of the forest, Kojiroh breathed in the scent of nature and steeled himself for the lesson to come. Arriving in the glade, Kojiroh noticed the presence of a few other students he hadn't noticed before in his magic class. Following the mass of students towards the class, Kojiroh wondered to himself, [i]What's going on...?[/i][/font][/color]
  13. [color=gray][font=garamond]Kojiroh had been up for several hours already, studying his spellbooks in the silence of his room as dawn broke over the horizon. His ears catching the sound of footsteps, the young student waited for them to pass before poking his head out the door and catching a glimpse of the Headmistress. Closing his book, Kojiroh followed her at a safe distance, in the direction of the mess hall. His blue hair caught a slight breeze, sweeping it across his face as the morning sun warmed him to his bones. Another morning, another day of training. Choosing a seat apart from the rest, near the entrance / exit he had entered from, Kojiroh sat silently during the Headmistress's speech. Glancing at the food on his plate, he ate absently, keeping his eyes on the Headmistress as she spoke. Out of respect, of course -- Kojiroh wished that it was afternoon already so he could pick up his training where he left off. But some things needed to be done, and this was one of them. Plus, training on an empty stomach would do little good. Most of the other students paid Kojiroh little attention, if not simply because he was hard to spot, being the student seated closest to the door.[/font][/color]
  14. [color=gray][font=garamond]Katsuhito was the next to rise. His statement was short and to the point. [b]"Katsuhito Tesujin. Nice to meet you all."[/b] Choosing a seat near the back of the classroom, Katsuhito allowed his eyes to sweep over the students before him. None appeared to be of any particular interest to him -- but then again, when were people ever of any interest to him? Crossing his arms and leaning back absently in his chair, Katsuhito took note of the several other students that introduced themselves in front of the class. Watching silently as they chose their seats, Katsuhito allowed himself a thin smile. [i]This should be an interesting year...[/i][/color][/font]
  15. [color=gray][font=garamond][b]Name:[/b] Amari Kojiroh [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://engbishoujo.tripod.com/pictures/eve/kojiroh.art]Here[/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] Kojiroh is the strong silent type, appearing to be outwardly cold and serious. Once he opens up, however, it is easy to see that Kojiroh cares deeply about the people around him. Considering himself a 'guardian,' the young man does his best to keep his peers safe, while avoiding confrontation whenever possible. Shy and introverted by nature, Kojiroh occasionally has a difficult time interacting with other people -- and thus prefers to act anonymously. However, this anonimity does not always hold true, and Kojiroh has found himself in several awkward situations over his years. A true romantic at heart, Kojiroh has become so used to being alone that he unconsciously seeks solitude and often feels uncomfortable around large groups of people. He believes that no one really understands him, though he often wishes that he could have just a single friend who Kojiroh could really talk to. [b]Area of Strength:[/b] Melee and magic. Kojiroh had learned much about wielding his weapons of choice, the katana, before arriving at the Guild. Since his arrival, Kojiroh has become adept at completementing his melee combat skills with magical spells, whether used to enhance his own attacks, weaken his enemies or assail them directly using damaging bursts of energy. [b]Aura Color:[/b] Sky Blue [b]Preferred Weapon:[/b] Two semi-katanas (there exists no technical name for the type of sword Kojiroh wields), meaning that they are somewhat shorter and lighter than the average samurai katana. He wields both blade-down. [b]How You Came to the Guild:[/b] Kojiroh came to the Guild of his own free will. Having left his parents' village at the age of 16 to go wandering / adventuring, Kojiroh quickly came to realize that he was too inexperienced to be wandering the land alone. Therefore, he sought out the Guild of Beginnings after hearing about it from travelers. [/font][/color]
  16. [color=gray][font=garamond]Katsuhito had been up a few hours before dawn, as usual, either writing absently on a few sheets of lined paper or gazing out over the waking land. He and his mother had just moved into the vicinity, having lived about thirty or so miles north for the last five years. But the times demanded change, and Katsuhito hoped that this new environment might help his mother find refuge from her sorrowful thoughts. As dawn broke, the young man pushed away his writings and rose, pulling on a short gray jacket and rimless sunglasses. His watch read 6:15. [b][i]Time to go, then.[/i][/b] His mother usually slept late, which was fine by Kat's standards -- it had been this way for as far back as he could remember. Chewing absently on a piece of toast, Kat pulled his hair back into a loose ponytail and threw his backpack on. This was his first day of school at Ginsato High; the only factor about the recent move that somewhat troubled Kat. He was only a year from graduation when his mother had decided that a change in location would do them some good. But inside, Kat figured that his mother's happiness was more important than his own personal comfort. Striding easily along the sidewalk, Kat made his way toward the High School. Having mapped out the route he would walk the previous night, he knew exactly where to turn -- Kat had a knack for directions. On the way, he passed by a group of younger students, a mix of guys and girls, and another student who was listening to an MP3 player while walking towards Ginsato. Kat followed at a safe distance, not wishing to intrude but realizing that he and most of the other teens in the area were walking in the same direction. He hung back a little, watching and listening.[/color][/font]
  17. [color=gray][font=garamond][b]Name:[/b] Katsuhito Tesujin [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Role: [/b]Silver Mask [b]Appearance: [/b] [URL=http://www.rpgfan.com/pics/genesis3-p1/art-025.jpg]Here[/URL], minus the sword and cloak-thingy. [b]Personality: [/b]Katsuhito is so calm that he may come off as cold or emotionless at times; but in fact, Katsuhito is a very emotional person. He just doesn't show it. Driven by logic and his own instincts, Katsuhito seems to have trouble making friends, however, due to his quiet and reserved nature. Intellectual and keen, the soon-to-be 18 year old finds little value in his own emotions, and thus is hesitant to display them. Like most teens of his age, Katsuhito is not without angst, desire, anger, and other such emotions that make one human. But instead of coping with them, Katsuhito is happy to repress and ignore them -- something only an individual with an extremely strong will would be capable of. [b]Bio:[/b] There's not much to say about Katsuhito's past. His father was a politician, constantly traveling, and his mother remained a homemaker to take care of Katsuhito. Katsuhito's mother, almost constantly distraught by her husband's leavetakings, paid little heed to her son -- she merely served as a provider until Katsuhito was old enough to fend for himself. It is said that Katsuhito inherited his quiet nature from his mother, and his stoicism from her lack thereof. Katsuhito never wished to see himself that way, so torn apart from the inside. When he was fourteen, Katsuhito began attending Ginsato High School, having achieved the highest marks in his previous academy. Independent and reserved, Katsuhito had few friends because he made no effort to go out of his way to make them. Deep down, he was afraid that people would judge him by his family -- a father that showed no devotion to his spouse or his son, a mother brokenhearted and tearful -- and deem him weak, or overdramatic. Therefore, he pushed away all those who tried to become close to him, preferring solitude and tranquility where he could be at peace with the world around him. He disguised this desire by masking it with his studies, though school always came naturally to him. Like all teens, Katsuhito experienced love, though not directly. As in, he was more of a person who would [i]pine[/i], long for something he thought he could never have. And because he was too silent, or too confident in his own failure, Katsuhito never learned whether such feelings were reciprocated. Such experiences only made Katsuhito more stoic, determined to be the pillar of strength for his crumbling family, emotionless and unwavering. However, events may come to pass in the near future that may challenge Katsuhito's iron will... [/color][/font]
  18. [color=gray][font=garamond][b]Odin's Guard Sign-Up[/b] [b]Name: [/b]Rijen Aldune Miraki [b]Stage Name:[/b] (None) [b]Code Name: [/b]Testament [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Description: [/b](See Attachment) [b]Personality:[/b] Miraki is a cool and collected individual, prone to overlong hours sitting in silence either reading philosophy, or writing it. His small, confident but never-wavering smile does little to betray Miraki's thoughts or inner emotions. Though he might seem kind at first, Miraki's what many call 'a troubled teen.' Without parents to maintain his behavior, and having grown up in a rather hostile environment as per the care of his uncle for the last eight years, Miraki has evolved a number of strange habits. While his brilliance in school is unparalleled, Miraki prefers to do well only when it suits his needs. Thus, it doesn't look like Miraki, now a senior, will be graduating anytime soon. His 'quirks' include the quiet smile he is constantly wearing; he also likes to twist people's beliefs or opinions around in such a way as to force the speaker to question himself/herself. This amuses Miraki to some extent. Downright whimsical and impulsive, Miraki is hard to control and serves as a counter-assassin merely to prove his superiority over 'lesser beings.' Miraki also appears to possess little or no libido, meaning that he is not physically attracted to either gender. Whether this occured by his choice or by a genetic predisposition is yet unknown. Thus, he harbors no resentment in doing battle against men and women alike. What is Miraki really thinking? Does the personality he once possessed as a child still exist, or is it hidden beneath the tormented shell that has become his life for the past eight years? [b]Training:[/b] Miraki has been a counter-assassin for five and a half years, under the nickname "Testament" (though why Miraki chose this name, no one knows). He performs equally well at long- and short-range combat -- preferring a rifle at long range, Miraki utilizes a weapon of his own design for short-range battles. This weapon is called [i]Hound's Tooth[/i], and it is a close-fitting metal gauntlet that Miraki wears on his right hand. Two long spines of metal extend from the device, making it a powerful cutting weapon. Miraki's peculiar personality carries over into his fighting, which he views as a form of art. Watching Miraki do battle is like watching someone perform intricate dance steps; each of his movements flows into the next, allowing him to bury his opponents quickly under a constant, quick assault. This style of combat makes sense, as Miraki is a sadist and appears to enjoy inflicting pain upon others. [/color][/font]
  19. [font=garamond][color=gray]Covenant III was about to reply when his cellphone, located in the left pocket of his slacks, began to beep. Pulling it out with one hand, he kept the screen partially covered with his jacket while turning the face so Jake could see. [b]{Another time. Looks like we'll be on patrol tomorrow...}[/b] Covenant III trailed off as he continued to read the message that appeared in black text on the screen. Jake craned his head to take a closer look. "Damn, they're starting us on patrol earlier and earlier. Looks like we should split and get as much sleep as we can before the shift starts," frowned Agent 6. Covenant III, already dressed for leavetaking, rose from his seat and flipped the cellphone cover shut. Glancing towards the door, he hesitated a moment. [b]{Thanks...for the offer, I mean.}[/b] Agent 3 gave Jake a nod before vanishing beyond the bar door. Outside in the rain, Covenant III drew his coat closer around him, the rain dampening his hair. Above, the sky grew darker still, unleashing its elements against the wayward world below.[/font][/color]
  20. [font=garamond][color=gray]Covenant III's eyes followed Kana as he departed rather uneventfully, pushing open the door to reveal that the rain had not abated since earlier. The agent sighed quietly to himself. He hated that in-between feeling he always got in situations like this one, where Covenant III seemed to be in limbo somewhere between The Mission and Life Outside Of The Job. Truth be told, Agent 3 wasn't good at...just living, really. Thanks to his job, Covenant III rarely received any free time, but when he did, it was hard to figure out what he should be doing. Being in situations where the job and free time intermingled with each other -- such as this one, at the bar -- only served to discomfort him more. The agent's eyes drifted to the other Agent still present, Jake. [b]{No use worrying about Kiri,}[/b] mused Agent 3, both to himself and to Jake. [b]{Kana's probably right; she's quite capable of taking care of herself.}[/b] "Yeah, I guess you're right," Jake frowned into his glass of Fireice. Covenant III fell silent for a moment, as if considering something. [b]{Jake, what do you...do? In your free time, I mean?}[/b] [i]When you GET free time, of course,[/i] laughed Covenant III in his head. Perhaps the others were just as confused as he. For some reason, he doubted it. [/color][/font]
  21. [b]OOC: I decided to use { } 's to mark when Covenant III speaks, simply because his voice sounds quite different from normal people's.[/b] [font=garamond][color=gray]It was raining outside. The shadowed form of Special Tactics Agent 3 moved through the darkness of the storm, in the undercity of one of Ohmega 7's many rundown establishments, heedless of the shower which spattered harmlessly off his gray overcoat. Heading towards a building whose lights shone brighter than the others around it, Covenant III pushed back the rainhood on his coat enough to read the sign above the door, displaying the words [i]Ice Cold[/i] in neon-blue light. Pushing through the battered door, Agent 3's quick ice-blue eyes took in a bar with scant other occupants, besides himself. But he needed not concern himself with them -- Covenant III only wanted a little relaxation away from the workplace. The Agent did not remove his coat, though it was somewhat damp, since it concealed within the folds of fabric his two [i]Redemption[/i] handguns. Hound's Tooth remained tightly clamped to Covenant III's right arm, beneath his long black gloves to protect it from the rain (not like a little moisture would damage the electrical structure, but one could never be too careful). Shaking out his mane of platinum hair after the removal of the coathood, Agent 3 signaled to the barkeeper with a slight twitch of one hand. The barkeeper, a rather portly man sporting a forked beard and dark beetling brows, stumped over to him. "What'll it be, me good man?" [b]{Fireice}[/b], said Covenant III with a slight twist of his mouth. [b]{As always}[/b] "Fireice it is," grinned the barkeeper, displayed several missing teeth. "A drink to warm ye' to your bones!" He laughed at his own good humor, turning his back to Covenant III to fill one of the bar glasses with a viscous red liquid. Sliding the drink into Agent 3's waiting hand, the barkeeper ambled off to continue his self-amusement elsewhere. However, in passing by the television, he grumbled to himself and switched the channel, revealing the middle of a news broadcast. Covenant III's mind filtered the words, identifying the key points of the newscaster's monologue. [i]Another street racing incident...two dead, three hospitalized...authorities looking into the situation...no suspects apprehended yet...[/i] Sipping the liquid idly, the former Ethan Dregmadon let his thoughts wander. It seemed like so many years ago that he had joined STU -- in fact, it might have been just that. Covenant III could not remember the exact date at which he began his traning. Since his parents had been murdered and his brother imprisoned for life, Covenant III had strayed from any emotional connections, fearing that he would have to repeat the long nights spent mourning his mother, father and brother. Reality would come in the form of self-inflicted physical scars, and psychological wounds that refused to heal, granting him a deep, silent monotone and the eyes of Death. Covenant III remembered an incident once, when a convict had accused him of assult after he was cuffed..."Look at his eyes!" the man had raved. "Death walks behind those eyes!" Of course, it was found later that the man had a serious mental illness, so his credibility was limited... His thoughts continued to flow, turning to the current mission and a fellow Agent, Kiri. Covenant III had only been given the bare bones of her assignment, told that he would be fully informed 'when it was necessary.' Nevertheless, she had always seemed like a nice person to him; meaning that she didn't laugh at him the way a few of the other Agent Cadets had when they were applying for positions in STU. They had called him 'robot,' and a host of other things that Covenant III didn't really care for, but never Kiri. No, she had more respect for him than that, or at least he liked to think so. Her undercover mission was highly dangerous, and in some ways Covenant III wished that he could have gone instead. But, as usual, the STU Command Chain had other ideas. So deep in his thoughts was Agent 3 that he failed to hear the bar door open once more, revealing Agent 1, the leader of STU. Covenant III never had problems with Agent 1 the way Kiri did, perhaps because Covenant III was fine with playing the role of the subordinate, since Agent 1 and Agent 3 happened to be in agreement most of the time regarding decisions in the field. Hearing Agent 1's footsteps behind him, Covenant III made a quick about-face on his barstool and faced his superior, nodding his head once in greeting. [b]{Kana.}[/b] Outside, the rain continued. [/color][/font]
  22. [color=gray][font=garamond][b][u]Agent Sign-Up[/u][/b] [b]Real Name:[/b] Ethan Dregmadon (Now goes by Covenant III) [b]Code Name:[/b] Agent 3 (A3) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] Two fusion-based handguns called [i]Redemption[/i], capable of firing light armor-piercing bullets encased in a fusion shell (specifically designed to pierce hovercar hulls). While the firing rate does not compare to a submachine gun, wielding two at once allows Covenant III to alternate firing, creating the illusion of a faster firing rate. Aside from this, the [i]Redemption[/i] are not too dissimilar to the standard handgun. In addition to this, Covenant III wields a new close range, pulse-based weapon called [i]Hound's Tooth[/i]. This device attaches to Covenant III's right arm and is capable of generating powerful pulses of energy at very short range. Due to the nature of this weapon, Covenant III uses [i]Hound's Tooth[/i] to augment his hand-to-hand training, and will only use it when a target enters melee range. Most of the time, Covenant III prefers to physically strike his target with a punch and releasing the pulse of energy at the same time, generally sending the target several yards backwards. Both weapons can be seen in [URL=http://www.gamespot.com/psp/rpg/finalfantasyviiadventchildren/screens.html?page=30]this picture[/URL] [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://www.geocities.com/wolfmagikx/Zechs_Wild_Turkey.jpg]Here[/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] Covenant III may seem cold and distant at times, but that's only because he tries hard not to form close emotional connections with anyone around him. His focus is first and foremost his mission -- which is why Covenant seems to have trouble making friends. Always placing the task given to him in Special Tactics before everything else (including his own survival), Covenant has a hard time getting along with others who do not share this view. His temper varies depending on the situation -- when he does snap, however, he usually does so in solitude and thus none have been injured because of this (except the wounds he inflicts upon himself, that is). Oddly enough, Covenant seems most comfortable around Kiri, the only female officer in the Special Tactics Unit. Perhaps it was her no-nonsense attitude around Agent 1, whom Covenant personally had no quarrel with -- but he could see why others didn't like him. Her calm and cool demeanor matched Covenant's coldness, making them an efficient, albeit interesting, mix of personalities. [b]Why are you here?[/b] Ethan's father and mother were both lawyers, and over time, both quickly came to realize the dangers posed by drag racing. Ethan's older brother, Vincent, was a racer -- though his parents did their best to keep this under wraps, for the sake of their reputation. Vincent also had a drug habit, and was generally unresponsive to his parents' attempt to steer him away from the path of danger. This failed, however, when Vincent was apprehended by the police and brought to trial on the account of vehicular manslaughter, thanks to a previous race. Ethan's parents now faced a heartrending decision. Would one accept the case and defend Vincent at the cost of his/her reputation? Or leave him to the mercy of the courts and disown him as a son? After pondering this in sorrowful silence for several days, the Dregmadons turned their backs on their eldest son. Ethan, who was only ten at the time, was unable to comprehend such a situation, and as if feeling guilty for the loss of one son, his parents gradually became more and more considerate of Ethan and his feelings. But it was only a year later when both parents were murdered by members of the Lightning Panthers, the gang that Vincent was a part of. Ethan was sent to a foster family, and the murderers were never apprehended. On that day, Ethan vowed to end the drag gangs' reign of terror, leading to his enrollment in the military academy and eventually Special Tactics. He took the name Covenant III after entering Special Tactics, in order to shed the burden of his parents and his brother. Adding the number "III" on the end of his name was a gesture of remembrance for Covenant's dead mother, father and brother -- whom he had sworn to avenge by whatever means possible. Thus, only a select few other Special Tactics members know of Covenant's connection with the murdered Dregmadon lawyers and a convicted criminal by the name of Vincent Dregmadon. [/color][/font]
  23. [color=navy][font=garamond]Katsuhito frowned absently and fingered the longsword sheathed at his side. He hated the training weapons that the Swordplay teacher made them use...Weaponry was a little more free in the types and styles allowed, but Swordplay was much more...constrained. Katsuhito wondered if they were blunting the skills he possessed with his own version of the longsword, the [i]Heavenshatter[/i]. Then again, he was pretty good with the basic longsword too, it was just so...boring. While two students stepped out of the line and assumed sparring positions in the circle, Katsuhito chatted absently with a fellow classmate. "Pretty dull today, eh?" Gonshiro glanced at the two in the circle. "Yeah...If only Hachiro-sensei would let us use combat magic at the same time..." Katsuhito nudged him. "You know that won't happen. This week is for 'conventional swordplay.' None of that magical stuff." Gonshiro looked unconvinced. "Still, though. If this class is supposed to hone our combat skills, we should use all of the resources available to us during a battle. After all, [i]I[/i] would use magic in conjunction with the sword if I ever got in a fight." "Try telling that to Hachiro-sensei," laughed Katsuhito. "Point taken..." Gonshiro looked thoughtful. "What are you going to do for lunch today?" Katsuhito pondered this for a moment. "Not sure. You?" "Heading over to the girls' wing," smirked Gonshiro. "Care to join me?" "Perhaps..." Katsuhito fell silent, and didn't speak much after that. [/color][/font]
  24. [color=navy][font=garamond][b]OOC: All right, here I go....If there's anything wrong with this post, amgoddess/SilverCyclone, feel free to PM me.[/b] IC: Kadaj and Gray approached the human camp at a casual pace, so as not to appear threatening. Tyiar continued to hold his disguise as a raven with lighter feathers, and [i]Geo-Crucify[/i] remained safely in its sheath across Kadaj's lower back. The soldiers, numbering in the tens of thousands, sat on the ground in small groups, polishing their weapons or resting before the upcoming battle. Compared to the other legions, the humans appeared to be the most...relaxed...about the situation. Something tugged at Kadaj's memory. Such an attitude, and some of the faces amongst the regiment, seemed all too familiar. As Kadaj began to move through their ranks towards the commander's tent, his fears were confirmed. "Kadaj? Kadaj!" A soldier appeared on his left. "Damn, it's been awhile!" Kadaj did not stop walking. "It has, Corthax. It has." Yet another soldier popped from the masses, this time on his right. He was old and grizzled, but his single eye glowed with warrior's fire. "Yarr, boy, are you cummin back? Commander don't like desert-yers, y'know?" "I need to speak with him," said Kadaj flatly, without meeting the man's gaze. "Is he still in the tent, Valkier?" "That he be, son, that he be. But..." Kadaj stepped up his pace, leaving Valkier behind. Gray followed. Casting aside the tent flap, both Elementals were confronted with a scene of splendour. The human commander had wasted no scrap of decadent material in making sure that the interior of his tent looked like a palace. Tapestries and golden wall hangings adorned every visible space -- in fact, the walls were so covered that it was impossible to see any of the tent's red fabric. But Kadaj's eyes were blind to the beauty of the commander's tent. His eyes were locked onto the commander himself. The commander was a big man, and when he rose to his feet, he stood a full head taller than Kadaj. Clad in silver full-plate with a long red cloak and cape of rank, the commander's green eyes and short brown hair gave the illusion of youth...but Kadaj knew that he was over fifty years of age. Perhaps he had elvish blood in his veins. [color=royalblue]"You...you have a familiar look about you..."[/color] mused the commander, ignoring the fact that the two Elementals had entered unannounced. [color=royalblue]""I was told to expect you, if you're wondering why I haven't had my soldiers throw you out."[/color] [i]Ahh, that explains it...[/i] spoke Kadaj in his head. [i]"Let me do the talking,"[/i] he whispered to Gray. [i]"I know these people.[/i] Here he turned back to face the commander. "I see that you have received a promotion. You were 'Captain' Hale, last I served under you," said Kadaj with a slight twist of his mouth. [color=royalblue]"Yesss..."[/color] mused Commander Hale. [color=royalblue]"I remember you. Kadaj, right? You deserted several years ago..."[/color] "My time had since past," spat Kadaj impatiently. "I have more important matters to discuss with you. You must pull your army back from this area, under pain of death." [color=royalblue]"Oh?"[/color] Hale's dark eyebrows rose. [color=royalblue]"Have the other armies been told the same?"[/color] "Yes, that they have. We are facing an enemy whose power is far beyond ours. The only chance of suvival is to retreat and regroup -- else there will be no battle. There will be a [i]massacre.[/i]" Kadaj waved one hand towards the wall of darkness beyond the tent walls. "You've seen it, and so have the others. It is an omen of death. Your men will not follow you into that." [color=royalblue]"You speak some sense..."[/color] frowned the King. He was king, after all, but the soldiers who knew him continued to refer to him as 'Commander,' apparently. [color=royalblue]"Very well,"[/color] he sighed at last. [color=royalblue]"I never had a chance to speak to my troops before we reached this location, either. It would do well to have a little more time. But only if the others are pulling back as well -- I will not have my regiment turn tail and flee while the dwarves, lizard-men and elves battle for Mir's safety."[/color] The human pride still ran strong in the veins of the king. "Of course," nodded Kadaj smoothly. "If you take a look outside, you will see that they are indeed moving away from this position." [color=royalblue]"Indeed." [/color]The king strode past Kadaj towards the tent's doorway. [color=royalblue]"Then we will depart as well."[/color] He vanished from sight through the tent exist. Kadaj let out a long sigh. [i]"That wasn't too bad..."[/i] he said silently to Gray.[/color][/font]
  25. [color=navy][font=garamond][b]A change from what I'm used to, but what with the holiday spirit circling the 'Boards...I'm in![/b] [b]Name:[/b] Katsuhito Takagushi [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] (See Attatchment) Katsuhito is tall for his age, standing at 5'10'' and weighing in at 159 lbs. While he may seem thin, what body weight he possesses is muscle, developed from overtraining at St. Irvine?s Institute for Magical Sports and Weaponry. He has long, dark blue/gray hair that extends past his waist, though Katsuhito commonly keeps it in a loose ponytail. When not in his school clothes, he wears a white leg-robe and sleeveless shirt. [b]Personality:[/b] Katsuhito seems to have two totally contradicting personalities -- that of the warrior, and that of the dreamer. When he was sent to St. Irvine's by his parents, it was both their wish and his to become a powerful mage-warrior. This ambition, in addition to his parents' pressuring, eventually led Katsuhito to focus almost entirely on the training aspect of the school -- and ignoring the social side. Thus, he became reserved and distant from the other students, devoting himself to long hours of studying spellbooks and combat techniques in the confinements of his dorm room. Katsuhito did not give much thought to this type of life, simply because he had known no other. The young man picked up on the magical arts quickly, and trained often with the sword. However, such a life allowed no room for Katsuhito's mind to wander. Thus, he often found himself occasionally sitting and staring up at the stars, or feeling the wind in his hair. Such quiet, serene instances led Katsuhito to question the path that his parents had chosen for him. Yet instead of rebelling, Katsuhito developed a way to include both his desires and his parents' intentions in his schooling. He did enjoy combat training, but in between classes, Katsuhito could often be found sitting under a tree and writing, or venturing off on an exploration into the surrounding environment. He loved the outdoors. Socially, Katsuhito became more friendly and approachable, gaining friends with his sharp wit and keen sense of humor. Though he still sees himself as an outsider, Katsuhito is able to be comfortable amidst a large group of people, even if he doesn't know them. As of late, his friends have pushed him into going to a few local parties -- not exactly Katsuhito's thing, but he was a good sport and went along. Deep inside, Katsuhito is sensitive and emotional, but doesn't often let this side of himself show. He prefers the stoicism of the swordsman's expression. [b]Extra Notes:[/b] Katsuhito is prone to disappearing suddenly, only to reapper when class starts. Thus, he is often hard to locate on the school campus. Also, he seems to be a different person when sparring or taking swordsman classes; cold, emotionless and focused as opposed to his witty social personality. This is due to the material he has derived from several years of studying military tactics and the art of the sword -- on the battlefield, hesitation leads to death, and emotion leads to errors in judgement. [b]Love:[/b] Katsuhito isn't big on the idea...only because he's never considered it. There was one incident, however, that reminds Katsuhito of the word 'love.' It so happened that when he was running an errand for one of the school officials (to the girl's school), Katsuhito bumped into a girl carrying several books in a hallway. Due to his luck, the books scattered and Katsuhito was left looking like an idiot. He hurridly aided the girl in retrieving her books, mumbling excuses non-stop, when Katsuhito's eyes met hers. She had the softest brown eyes, flowing dark chestnut hair...and then the girl gave him such a piercing gaze that he turned and immediately continued on towards his destination. Ever since that day, though Katsuhito seems quite sure that the girl never looked at him twice...he often catches himself humming snatches of the song "Send Me An Angel." [/color][/font]
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